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Au ! ju! IJ ! j O. 3, 13. I Wh'-n flrstï.. COLBY hung ïiissign Ot O. O. D.- At Xo.-.Ü, A aá oítered Gioeeiies chenp for cisli, Some peoplesoid, " ht-' bound to go to smash." And okl-time (jiocers would faintly HnÜP, Prophesyiug "CO. O. will lust but linio while. In Bixty daya wc'U run hnn olf the truck , And cali uur wandeling culomera back." The cronlcers snid and thouglit it trrf "He'll surely tuit bi.'fure ihe yf-ar is New! Yon cim't s."ll (iroceries in tliia town And get youv pay in tf reen back. s down; Wheredry goorl merchante on every street With silks. and wtins, hang out oMcketia to eat; Where tntdeis mixed in every pluce, At the fifme counter you buy butter or luce ; Wlier ti edil and lo9 g-o hand in hand Mr. C. O. D. but a slim chance ivill ülund." Let prop hot a and oroakf r have tlioir snr, L. CüLBVsirUsUKUCJiKllLlioHlyïorKEADYrAY. And sella so che tip for dtvfl) oncb ftrs ■ o dnnger of u smash. And to hin ptitrona uil, and btuincu fnends, The greetiDg of the tensón ha extends, Tü young nul oíd, a glad New Y var, Witli hosts of Monda and lotfc of clieer ! Give him a cali, and from nis siorO Your tftblfla spre;d with ood thiagf more. At thut place you will ilways iind Fresh nt-w Groceries oí beat qimlity nndkinct - Fverythinfr necdfal for good cheer ut homo i'ou can buy at bis counter whenever you euiay. The days are so short thia bitter eolá winter, 'l'u ni-iíiioií '.k-tails would weary the printer. But ask ï you choose fr ftoytliing e ttable, You gat it at onci, in quality unbeatable ! Forlmniïry men who are weary and eotd, Ho hu Oystera hot, Oysters th:it must be sold - Oysteiu pickled, Oyster stew, and oyster fry, Or Oysters any other way you choose to try. He will serve up Oysl era ut any iiour of dny, And the bst of eigiura te sraoke on your way. A dish of hot Oystera will do you mueh good. And chcer you while selling your gruin or wood. And with cash in hand Iny in a store Of Coffee, Tea, Bogar, Flour and many more, Of all thinps substítntíal for daily use, Nor treut Hfe'l pood things with abuse ; Trockery and Qtasawur and Fruita to put in them, Nuts, ltuirrins, and Candy, for childrcn wlio winthein. And yc who are blesseci with their beautiful fucea Will find [201 th boat of all plaee, To buy t trine, to bring a sinile or rining lnugh, Your pleasure, th.m thelta, will be greater by half- Then do not forget to cnll on Mr. C. O. "D., And buy of him your Fruita, tíugar, and Tea. Thotigh the big ( a may fall frnm ifs place, The C. O. D. ZV store is still on the race. And does not intend to fly from the conree Till eroakers of evil tnlkthemselveshourse. Groceries oam be soïd for ready pny. And C7oX1oy haaioMined tho way : Sold flve times more than he expecíed- By C. O. D. fiom lost: protectod. And the secret he is not afraid to teil - Keep the best of ;ill things- with priceslow - be good natured. giva fjood raeüsure, And you are bound to scll t 29! 29! 29! JJESIRABLE EEAL ESTAÏE S J Ui E I The ubscriber, on account of ül health .offers hie 33 ACRES In the Corporation for aale. This ground aüjoins the Umversit) Observatory on the e3t, oppositt side of the atleet. It hus n most excellent SPRING!' On tho northeast corner- formerly supplied the Eail road tanks with water. ITS ADVAWTAGES Are as f ollows : For city pnrposes the Iluron Eiver mennaers the same some 30 to Í0 rods, and is part of the best "Váter PoTver On the Eiver in this vicinity, and the elevation on the northenst corner is sufliciently high and amj.le to siip ply the city neceasities for waler and fire purposts' THE WESTERN PORTION On the road is vory nppropriate and snitable for a Public Cuy Cemetery. The city has no such gTOnadl now but must huvesoon, and whalcver g'ounds the city does not care to use, oan be sold at Ml advantage so much so.that the cost of the Water tt'orks (iromidE and c emetery, would be nierely nominal. If the ciU does not want the same, ibe grounda would be inval'uable for FEÜ1TS, LARGE & SMALL There being aome 100 tree" now in beai ing Vegetables and Pasturage, And alijo for MiLKsupply,BLOODED STOCK, Worsesj Slieep. And nther animáis nlways in preat want by mnny in the city and it vicinity. As city luts adióisingthe northwest corner of this land are now sellin frore thrcehuiidied to three hundred nnd fiity dollars ■ilicsolunds would or could be eold in a short time to i good advantage and lo niuch proiit to Uie purchasers LIBEEAL TIIEsIIE Will be piven or tlic sanie will be exchanged for Mor chiiutable gouds or Drugs and Medicines, at cast TRACY W. ROOT. Ann Arbor, Jan. 31.18T3. UW QECOND A ÍN N ü A JL DiSTRIiüïiON. 75,730 Frerpinms, Iïanging in vnlue irnm $10 TO 5,000 GIVEN A WAY! ÏO TUE Sl'DSCKIBEES O1T OÜR FIRESIDE FRIEND Every Subscribor is surc of ono premium arfy way, and aiso has an equal chance of rueeiviBg a CASI3 Premium, or ;i PIANO, OKGAN, WATCH, SEW1NG MACHINE, &c, &c. FIRST GRAND CASH PREMIUM OUR FIRESIDE FRIKND - Bight Pafres. Latp. Size. lllustratfd, the Family VY'eeklv.isir. its THÍ UI i VOLUME and has altained the LAEGE8T CIKCU LAT1ON of any paper published in the West. ïtiBuccess SNABLëB the proniiel ors to furaish TH1BEST, JIOST DEHIRAULK AND MOST USEFUI ORTOTNAL READING MATTER IN GREAT VAHTETY, that Tnoney can buy, and to mnke it a HOME VEEKLY suited to the wants of everj family. Subscriptiou prico, $3 per y ear of 5i' iiuiiibera. Tlio Elocnnt CUromo "CUTE," Size 10x20 inches, lfi colors. Acknowledged bv all t be tho UANDSOMEST and .viüsT YaLUABLI premium picture in America. EVERY SUHSGBIBBit is presentcd with Ihis Chromo at the tiin of suhscriliin. fno waiting) and also iüilmvus i NUMDERED CERTIFÍCATE ENTI'lXlNO ïu; IOLDEK TO A SHARE ia the distribution o $25.0 0 in cash and other premium. Tllli DIBTHIBUTIOX ÏAKES FLACS on tl serond Tucfday in Juuc noxt. 'Jhi Cbromo and fci titicatee sent on receipt of pnce. BPEC1MEÏ COl'IBt. PKK.MIUM LIST, &tt, GIV1NG FUI.l PARTICTTLAR8 sent free ai:y ad.lresa. ATTÍNT Kither local or oaovMaing 11 jVVI Jjil X lo every town. ïjïiro casll VV A IV'I'VII ff Ilnrt tltc b"!it out 1! illllJjli fit. Kendatonix-forti'ims. Addrcss OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND, 14l8m6 Chicago, Hl. EAL ESTAÏE FOB SALR THE VOLNEY CHAPÍN illiMSSTEAD, Near the north eaet corner of the Court IIon?( quare. This pjoperty will be snid at rensonabli jiicL-s, in lots suitable for a refiideuce. or fur buei ïeas purposes. Also lots on Milier Avenue east oï 'onis' green house. Also a Farm of 1G0 Acres, Well watcred and fenced, with good orcbnrd acd dr bnlldlDn, withinamile of the Court House íl t.J.jhns, Michigan, andseveral hundred acres o) and oak timbered lands in Saginaw County. li h '_Tiin. Intuiré of B. W. CHKEVlH,or HITmS CA. CHAPÍN.


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Michigan Argus