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TEN REASOINSS WHY No Family should te luithout a bottlc of II UITTLESEY in tl,e house. 'St.- Itwill relieve the worst case of Bil i OU 1! Cholic ot Cholera Morbos in 15 minuten a.-lt wfll cure the most obstinate case 4 f yspepsi a and Indigestión in a feu weeks. 3t''- I' s the best remcdy in the world fel tICK Heaclache, as thousands can tcstify, Í '"K?" w= the fint symptoms appear. 4th.- It is the best "diuretic ever ptit befor the public; curing those distressing complaints, Diabetes and Cravel and other Urinary dtfiicultles. 5th.- It is a most excellent Emmena88ue, and to the Voung Clrls. middle aged Wpmen, and at thcTurn of Life, this remcdy ls of incalculable valué. et ff - It wifl remove, wind from (he bowels, ana henee á few drops in some sweetened water given to a babe is better than a dozen cordials tó Relieve and make it Sleep. Contaming no a n o d y n e . 7th.- It is a sure relief for adufts atio childreri aflected with Worms and Plh Wurmt. Itwill bnng away the worms. 8th - Itwill cure the PlIoSand Hemorrhodial dilTiculties. 9 th.- Itwill cure Constlpatlon and kceö the bowels regular. It will also cure the worst caso of Su mm er Co m p la Int and DysenterylOth.- It will cure Sour Stomach, Stlmulate the Llver to healthy action. Re lieve He art-Bu rn and act as a general Regulator of the systcm. When taken dilutc the dose with üugarand Water to a Win e-Claes fu 1 1 and you g Pleaaant tpnic. V hitt esey (Dysyepsia Cure) $1.00 per bottle. Whitt esey Agüe Cure 50c. per bottle. Whittlcscy Cough Granules 25c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists and Warra ntefl. Whltllcsey Prop. lied. Co., Tokao, 0, r. Cox's HIvo (Crnnp) Syrnp haa been knmvn and used by Ihc medical profeSBÍon over 100 yeare, and as a remody for Colds and Contrhs has an Oder and better reputation tlian aiiy other Conch medicine ever offerad to the public. It is knqwn aa the Comnomid Syrap1 of Squills. and a formula may be founWh overy medien] dlspoosatOTT. f";- .' HIvo Syrnp and Toln, m addition to tha taenxH!Bta fw Oox's Hive Synm contant Balsam of Toln, decocüon ol SkankCabBBge Koot and Lobclia, a combinalion tliat mnet commcnd r. CT(iryone as a superior remedyfor Croiip, VJ [looping CouaK, Asiiiii,;,. Kioinliiils, oughs and i'oldM, fndeedforallaffections of MOess I-iig3 wliere a Conga Medicine la Xliis Syrup ís Carefnlly Prepared ímaer tlio personal direction of a regular Pfiysician ofover tvvonty years' practico, wlio.-e signaturo' is attached lo the directions onthe bottle. Its tasto Ís very pleasant and children like Every family ehonld kcep itas a ready remedy ror Croup, Colds, etc., among the children. D. Ransom, Sox & Co., Propr's, Buffalo, N. Y. DR. J. R. MILLER'S I UNITEBSAJÜ ; M. AGNET1C B ALM. ! This medicine maywftli pronrlety be called au " Universal iíenietly," as it is ; rast euperecdlng all others o n genera! rnmilymedi! cmc. It cures, as lf by MAQNËTIC INFLÜENOB : Neuralgia and all pain. and is therefore properlr : termed " Magnutic Halm." It is pnrely a vegetable 1 preparation. It bas no cqiial as a irmcdy for Citolera, Cholerti Morlnts. Marrltcea, J)ysentrrif, Colie and all Bowrl omplalnts. lts liiitely use vrill cure Colds, troup, Dipntherl. Qnlnsy, and all ïhroat aflertion?. Wlin properïy ol, Fcver and Agae, and otner complüjnts incident toourwcstcni and somhern cllmates, aro caslly brok én üp. Nervons Pain, Sick-Ueaélaclie, ond Ehenmatism are eured by this medicine %vlun all others havej failed. Toothache, Eareche, Bunis. Cliilbliiins ana Bruises are relieved fit once by itp ut-e. Tlic iieniiijic lias It. Baiisnm & Co. 's private Itevenue Stamp on the outside, and Dr. J. R_ lliller's Magnetlc Halm blown in the bottle. Examine closely, and bny none but the genuine. Sold by all Druggiíts. Trice 35 cents per bottle. D. Eaksom, Sos & Co., Tropr's, Buffalo, N. Y. OK'SWÍNEOFTñflT Í10 YEARS -OF $1 PUBLIC TTáT Has proved lr. Ci'ook's ,. "W L N 22 J;Fo Iiavc niore Aa, - !rit lhssn aiy ( Kimilar propsirs" s&óü2áááiif ion evcroliured the public. i Tt in vicli in tlio medicinal ' qillllUiVSpl'Ts?T, anil imeqiialed lor aireases of t2ie Throsit and liUllgH, perforniiüg the most reniariö able curoit Coughs, Colrts Cliroiisc CougSis. It effectimlly oircs tliem all. Aiüt3tu::i aud ISroiuïiiiiSfe Has cured bo many r #cnses it has been pronouncecl a specilio ibl these complainU. , For pains in Breast, Side ( Hack, Gravel or Kirlney IMsease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jaiuulice or any Liver Complaint, It haa noequal. It is also a superior Tonic, Restores the Appetite, Sircngthens the System, Restores the Weak and Debilitated, Canses the Fool to Digest, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestión, Prevenís Malarions Fevers, Gives tone to yoiir System. QAW EÜMMER & SiJAPfiNEE. A CHEAP, simplo, ank' dur"ble Machine- ensily oporuted uud Wliuelu íroiu 8xj incbjss to l- 1 inch, Price of Machine, $15. Wheels with bcvcUed, douhle bovelled and round fnce trom $2.13 tu $7 .3.5, ncooldlng to tliicknt-ss. lii'iiviui Uuchlma S7O und S9O, runniug Whefiti up to 4 inches in diaineter. ïor illustruted i'umplilets or Photogrnphi, addceas THE TAHITE CO., 1413mj SfKmdvbui'g, ilonroe Co., Pu. PEC1AJL JXOT1CE! AH of the TANITE CO'S goods re directly made by the Co., ut thpirown Factory :iik1 utider tliei'r own Patenta and Pre i It is chc;iicr to ljuy Standard Gooda direofcly frnm well known Manufacturera titan 1o buy of Dealere or ?ct low prioed or poor gtodB. Xïm fullestiufm jn uil with lOim-ry Wliceis anti Vnirry-Grindiii-iUuviiiiicry will be ttirniIiHil by Lliis Cuinpnujr. 1413m: A Rare Chance TO LET. Alarge ana modern new Orocery ftore in Hnchoz Block, uetro t Street Undoubtedú theteat location lo that part oí the city for saiil business. Aaeed lnrge cellar and ncw barn sttnehed tölhe preralsee The reut Ia $3UU yearly, to be taken in grocerles fot rny famiiy use. Alan a Une ncw Ment Mdrftet, all complete, jolnlm ray block, with modem Improvementa, marl ir tab] i fcc, large new smokc house, large briclicretnrn and cellar, new Darn riUdall rendy l'or nsw, wltíi famlly rooms above. Store rciits ibr $50 yearlv ■ tnkeu in moiit for my i'amily usi;. ' Also a nal] stuve iu my block, honses,. rooms, ie to let. FOR3ALE- Three good larga orriaffe or fmm horse, one fine uew carriage, buggiee,waKOB6 larin Ing tooln. ' Albo thiee gooa oowr I'00'! luquireofL. R. BUC1IOZ.


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