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WHITE ] ]?U RE LIADLEA O, f "t WAUUA.V12 C) J STKÍCÜI.Y W y VIEXLLE MONTAGNE FI1ENCH WHITE ZINC Parlor Snow White ', CRYSTAL PALACK Wl-líTE LEA i?. Permanent Green c For Blintls, &c. n WHITE LEAD ! í ín Colora for Outside and Inside l'aintiug-, J Varnishes, Oils, Colors, Brushes l ftc, ka. RON - CL4D MINERAL PAÍiT ! Manufaotüred fleom pure Iron Ore. fur superior to those made oí Cioy, Rotíc-n Síono, Dirt, Uc. Our Turo Brand of WIITTK LEAD we offer ío the public with the pO3itive assuntnee of o.hsohUe. purñy. As nmch of the White Load uold as puro is adultera ted frotn 20 to 90 per eent.4 ConHumera wül consult theii' interest by giving us a c;i'l. K. W. KJLL.AS & CO., Ornssls, . Ama Ahbok, Itch. i Corner opposiíe fiavings Bank, 141 Qm 6 -áWflg mr : ■ 'The world ís fuii of -'Bk K Children crying for , M ;m& Canütef Sor Oil. ■-■ WÊt x !"jgn Itisrtclipions.cflectivoand ■ ■ÍT'' :■■ . H ' ; " Hr harBÜe88. Tlie ropuistve l JiBBvL fla ■& tasteand siticll nf tno CasV8bW torOil isentirely nvorcome . fYHW lts cathartls aio _ YMmJm not impairell. Priuu 25 cts, - „„„.„.JMIP veemifuge'botbons are elegant and effective. They resemlile Creain Bonbons kept In cönfftCüonefs' shops. Children love tiieiu arnl cry for tüem. Prico 'ó cents per box. AllUlXHop Pilis Tlicsc Pilis do not contatn Quininc or Míncrals, Thcy are Kigar-coated. lárice, t0 cis. per Jïox. l)r. JILcMannf Gardner, 11. t Baya : 4t I have taken tlieui myaelf and glven them to my wlfo ai:d children. They haVecured tbem and inany others wíio liave uscdthom.'" They are niaile to cure Fever aiul Agüe at once. Dmnb Af?ue a mi Agüe Fevera are cured speedily. They are simple, harmless, and alwnys reliable. Birections in four lanuages ac conipany tliem. lí. W. ELL1S & CO., Hie tbe AprenU. WSOyi IIEAIj ESTAFE FOK SALE. X THE VOLNkY CHAPlfl ÖUMS8TEAD, Near tW nortfi enst cornev oftbe Cuuri Ilouec po", u-p Thls pjopcrty will be sr.l-t at ïeasormblt pricesln lots suimble for a reftdence. of forbusl nesspurposes. Alsolots on Miller Aventieeast of Toms'roen horise. Alsna Fiirm of 100 Aeres, Weil wttersfl nml fsnced, Ith poort orrtarcl and fair baiidliifcs withinamHe of the Coart in St JuhD, Michigan, unds"VBriil hnndred acres 01 piiie and oak timbored laiïde in Saginaw County Mi'hipan. Inüviiro of 6. W. CHKKVER.or UlTmr, O A CHAPÍN. D WELLING HOÜSES FOR SALE A larga and wry well hiiili brick house, withtwc : e lote. Two larffe frutaed housi 8. Also n p-om brick house nucl frnmed hons-; ndn amal : oiwe on b goodlot. (atended foradáing diront for sale on fairterma and n i-eosomable crtxlit. Also olirv buildings, loti, and property. 91OKET WANTED-Po nuniy wishfaw o borrow mi ney appb tomethnt I can readily obtmn ■ ■.■ rno'l satist'iictory inwstraents at ícd peí ceut. intei est. E. TV. MORtiAX. Ann Krhnr, Aprii 23, 1S73; I42SU


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