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'■■.' nn immense prnrtteo, cxtenrllní trmrgb a ■ ; f yr;i,, hu .,: ■ - r' iu tíitH tinití t í . , i : - í 1 i'iny tuonaad casca ol ! ■ i-c d ,-;;■■.■ peculiar ■ aiQiixu [ huvu buen ouab!c1 I ■ : ■■'.; moit ■ andan eeabh; im-ilicineïiiat ini'ettncirnH a! oiu prest: nt'i by fttl cías of ai.-cacs with ; i I ti ve ccrtaínly and exac'ni'fB. -■■-. e ':.; ■ i ■ iiml h-pcclflc compound, I . '■.ve aaiu I it r. Picrce's Favorito Frcscription. he term. hmvevor. N hut a fecMecXTfi?Vioo o? y uiobï iit.-tt i i1 i u.ij:'i'( ;.:i n'.. :' : : .- ■. .. ie1 ' ■ i h !■: ti and wi - ! : i ■ ' Ái a i-lustf ■ ve . I btivu whilo wit lésiii ' ita positivo reIt - n 1 hfi It! ■'. ■ ,i ; :! (: ■ itixi Í i".:,!! I. ÍO til.' ■■ para e nrjzíu un f w imm, hingicit it ont ha . ■ cIlitiHX !j oroi uíiiff.goTii (ny i '1 leal ea ■■■ O;i its mc-lídus po-Uive, i Por thlu ( - oJ disvases, íiüri one tluit, will ur ;i:t i iiin.:-;ail un lêitllcircum■ ■ s nel Icindly nn ! iu La riñon v vvlth the 1 iv i which fovern tho feinule Byftem. T aiu wiUtna to ítftkü my rcpúlaíiüii :i pbyHmn. Nny, even nioru, w) C0nndcttt atn t thal II wil not dUtippoint i 'i,' im-t f un ittousol'a t m:Jc Invaltd lady v;io employa it for ttny of tho b [menta Por wlnch I retommond it, xhat. I oiler umt MI it nnder A S'OrA'lVU CiUARAiSTKE. lf a b'üicficial ciVcct ís jtot expericuced by tho timo two-thlifU oftfae contenta f tiie bot tl e are ucj, í wíll. on return (jf tho bot tic, two-thinls ut' tho medidnb haviruz buen takim ógcurdiug to directions, uut the ciso being one for wlnch I fecommend U, protnptly reftiud tha money pala ftr it. liad I not l Til iñost p rfect oonñdflñicu Ín its virtueel conhl not offi r It as I dO t:mlrr these comlitione; hut havlng witiiesiietl ita truly miruculoua cure in thousiinds of casce, B jfrel war run lo 4 and perfecUy tafo in rfsking bilh my rí-putatioil and my money mi lis ïïcrits, 'J'lie folio v in.í are among1 those dipcfic." ín ivhlch my Favorito Vrcscriiition haa worked enres- as íi by mic aud with a ccitainty never before nttaim-il by any ni ( Icine; Leu( orrhcea, Exceeive Flowing, Pain lul Monthly Fotiodi, Sup'in"-io:]s wlwn (rom nnn&tnrái causes, Irreijulacitjes, Weak Back, ProlapsuB, or fn ling of the Uu-rus, Anteverniun and RctrovcrBion, Bearlag Do#ii Benatlocei, Intcnial Ileat, Nervoud Depress on, DebUity, DespondeBcy, Th rea tened Mica'iiao, Ciñóme Congertion, Inflaiaoiatloa and ÜJceration of the Uteriid Impoteney, Barrenncss, or üterility, Pcraale Wwknces, and very ín.uiy otner clironic d sea sos íncldeotto woman not ment'nm -d hurc. in wíiich, as vrll n- iu the cases which I have nientioned, my Favorite Proícription vorks cures- tlic iiun - vol oí Xo worlch Thií medicine I do not extol as a cure-all, but it fldmirably ftilfilla a sinffleUeu oï porpa, beinga Ilot perfe t spci .ic íq all clir ihic dteeaëce of the sexual BViteni of woman. It will not dieappolet, nor will it 'lo liurni in ny etate or condltlon. It wiü bo foaml íuraluable in di?easo8Jncident to preei aní'v. iiiid c.iu h: taken In moderate do? es wita itví'-ci Kifotr while i i th&t Btate. Indeed, it ia a MolHörs JijíIjí, and fo pri'parep the Bystem for parturitioi) tliat it renders cíifld-labor ca9y, I have reneivel tho henrtfelt praiae fmm ntuulreda of mofwra for thc hicstimaole beiicílU th ii coiiferred, I oíTer my Favorito Prepcrrjition to the Lnilics Of AnrjiiCü with the sinrenty oí m nonest heart, an:l for their best ffeifare. Tho?e who delire fnitbcr information on these pwbjecte can obtain it iu my Tuhatise on Ohroxic 1isea?E3 op tiie GeneuÁtive and Urinary Oroans. fent .secura f rom observation unon receipt of two po?tago ítamps. It trente minutely on those difeneed peculiar to Femalc?, and gtves much valuable dvicc in regará to thcir management. I)K. PIDUCË'S FAVOitITE PílF. RCnïPTHlN ÏS Sttibn B5V Ai, I, F I HST ELASS]DZLl7&iGf$'ff9 at $1.Ü per bottlo. llauufactured at the Chemical Laboratory of . 21, V, FlUltCJl, M. !., Vrap'r - BUFFALO. n! T. Vincífar Bitlcrs are not a vtle F.incy Drinlí, made of Poor Runt, Vhiskcy, Proof Spii'its and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiccel, and sweetened to picase tiie taste, cnlled Tonics," ' Appetizers," " Restoiers," &c, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a trua Medicine, made froni the native roota and heibs o f California, free froitl al! Alcohol ic Sti ni n lauta. They are tiie Great lüood Puvifier and a Life-giving Principie, a Perfect Renovator and I n vigora tor of tiie System, cairving off all poisonouc matter and restoring the blood lo a healthycondition, enrichinc it, refreshing and nyijroratirig both mind and body. Thev are easy of administratfoii, prompt in tlieir act ion, certainiii their results, siife and reliable in all forma of disease. }o Pcrson eau Uke (hese Itittera according to direct ion s, and rema in long unweT), jirovided llieir bones are not destioyed by mineral poison oroiher means, and the vital organs v.asted bevond tlie poiut of repair. Dyspepsm or Iiilrcs1ion. Headaciw, Pain in the Shouldera, Conghs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Snur Ei uci.itions of the Stomacli, liad Taste in the Montli, lïiüous Altaclis, Palpitation of the Heart, ïnfismmation of il ie I.ungs, Pain in il ie regiotis of the Kidneys, and a. hundied Otlier pamfu! symptoms, are the oQsprtogs of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no equal, and o:ic bottle wilt prove a betier guarantec of its merits tlian a lengt hy adveiiisement. I'Vu' lcnialo ('oia))l;t int s, ui yonng or old, marvietl or single at the dawn of womanliood. or the turn of life, tliese Tonic Bitters display so decided au infiuence that a marked iinprovement Í5 soon porceptibU, For Inflnmmniory nnel Clironic IV.ieuinatism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indieslion, I11IÍOIW, Remittent and ínterin il tent Fe vers, Siseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, ihese Bitters have been most successful. Snelt Diseases are eau sed by Vitiated I'lood, wh-ch is gener.illy produccd by derangeraent of ilie Ditieslive Oigans. Til ey i re ;iGei(le Pnvp;aüvc ns wcll us n Tonlc, possessing also the peculi-ii' nierit of acling as a powerful agent ui relievine Congestión or Inflara mation of ilie Liver and Visceral Organs, and in Bilroua Diseases. Por Skin Discnscs, Eruptiorw, Tetter, SaltRheum, l'lotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustulës, Boits, Carlumcles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Soie (yes, EryBipelaa, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorationsof the Skin, Huniora and Diseasea of the Skin, of whalever name or nature, are lilerally du up and c.inicd out of the sy.stem n a fchort time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will cunvince the most iuciedulous of tliüir curativa cfTects. Cita use the Villnfctl Blood whenever you find its impuriiies bursting ihrotigh llieskin in Ptinfiles, Kruplioiis, or Sores ; clennse it when you fuul it obBtrucled and sluggisli in the veins ; cleanse it when it ia foul ; your fee tinga will teil you when. Keep thc bluod pure, and ilie liealih of the system will folio w. Grntcful 1 liotis-.iiKls prnclaim Vintígai; P.ittkrs tlie most wonde rful Invïgorant tliat ever susUiined the sinkinff system. c Pin, Tni5c, and oiïicr AVornis. lurking in the system of so ui any thousajids, are eíTcclunlly cstroyed and removed. Says a dtstinguished pliysiologist : Thereisacarcelyan individual tipon the faceoftlie earth whosc body isexempt from the presence of worm, It is not npou tlie licahliy eiements ofthe bodythat worms exis!, bnt npon the diseased huniors and sliniy deposits ihiit breed these living monsters of disease. No syslem of Medicine, no venniftiges, no anlhehninitíes, will free the sysietn from worma lü:e these Bitter. lïlcciinnii'.a! Disensos. Persons engnged in P. lints and Minerale, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Minos, ,ts they advance in life, will be subiect tö p.ualvsis uf the Boweís, To guard against iliis take a dose of Wai.kbr's Viniigak Bitters once or twico a week. aa a Preventiva, BiltotMf Remittent, mu Inlcrmli iont Pcvcrs, which are so prevalen t in the vallcys of our great nvers throtichont the United States, especiaüy those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cinnberlaiid, Ai'Kíinsas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande; Peaví, Alabaina, Mobile. Savannali, Koanoke, James, and inany others, with their vast tributaríes, througlioiri: our en ti re country dming the Summer and Autitnin, and remarkably so d uring seasons of unusunl heat and dryness, are invnríably accompanied by e xt en si ve derangeinents ofthe stom ach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always moreor less obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the itomach, and great torpor of the bowels, betng clogged up wiih viüated accmnulaüons. ïn iheir treatment, a ptirgative, excriing a powerful inlluence npon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no caihartic for thc purpose equal to Dr. J. Walkkk's Vinega Bttters, ns they will sneedlly remove the dark-coluied viacid matter wiih which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stiintilating the secretions of tlie liver, and gencrally restoring the lieakhy fiiuciioiis of the di.nesiive organs. Scrofuln, or Ivin's Kvil, AVliite Swelnns, Ulcera, Krysipelas, S wel led Neck, Goiter, Scrofutous liiflammations, Indolent In (la mm aliona. Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Kniptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc, etc. In these, as in all otlier constitutional Diseases, Wai.kbr's Vinbgar Iïitturs have shown their great curative powers in tha most obstinate and iutractable cases. Dr. Walkor'a California VincgnrlHtters act on all these cases in a similar manner. Uypurifying the Blood they remove the cause, aud bv-resolving away the efi'ects of llie indainmaüon (the tubercular deposits) the affected paris ïeceive health, and a perniauent cure is cffectcd. Tiic iroper1ïes of Dr. Wat.KR8 Vinhgar Bitters are Aperient, Diaphorelic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Dimetic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Sudorific, Aherative, and Anti-lïihous. Tho Apcvicnt and mild Laxativa ]iroperties of Diï. WrfLKEu's Vinhgah BiTTBRS are tlie best safeguard in all cases of eniptions and inalïgnant fevers, their balsamic, healing, and soothrng proporties protect the humora of the fauces. Their Seclaiive properties allay pava in the nervoua system, stomnch, and bowels, eithei' from inlSamm.uion, wind, coüc, ernmps, etc. Their Counter-Irritant influence extends throughotit the system. Their Dimetic properties act on the Rideys, correctüig and regulaling tlie ilow of urine. Tlieir Anti-lïilious properties stimulate the liver, in the secretion of bile, and its discharges through the biliary ducts, and are superior to all remedia! agente, for the cure of Bilious Fevcr, Fevcr nnd As;ue, etc. Foriify tlio body niiiust disenso by pnri(ying all its fluida with Vinbgar Bitters. No epidemie can take hol tl of a system thttS foicarmed. The liver, the stomach, the bowels, the Uidncys, and the nerves are rendered disease-proof by this greiit iuvigorantt Iircctlofi. - Take of the Tïitters on poin to bed at night from a half to ono and one-half wine-gla.sfull. Eat good nourishing food, such as beef steak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed of purely veget' able ingredients, and contain no spirit. J. WALKER, Prop'r. It. II. McOONAÏ,D&, CO., Drogvists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal.. and cor. of Washington andCharlton Sts., New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. X X HURRY UP ! PAKTÏKS wishinir Wftll Paper, Clotb and Paper Sh&dei, Hollands, Window Fixturee, Ooids, Taesfils, &c, all New Stvles, at Satisfactorj Prices, by J. 11. AVebster &. Co., B jok 6toref near the BxpreaBOffl.oe. X M


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