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WIS HART 'S .PI NE TREE IAR EDEIIil! NATUllE'S GREAT IIEMEDY FOR TUK iHrcat ajvd lungs. It is rrntilyïng to re to infmm tbft public that Tr L" Q.:. Wfrhnrts rihe Tieo Tar CorgJal, Tor Throat tr.d Lnng DtseflP &, hatj pained nu onvlable reputaron from the Atlsstle lo the f'acifle eoast, and from ■ henee to Bomc o! the iï rat Hca of Buropj, nol t roagh the preea alone, but by perlina thxoughout thu States actimlly benefit e d and cured at hiotco. Whilo hejHibltehea les, o pnyoar repor ter?, he is URftble to supply tlie demnd. It gains ;in(l holde itp rcputar.ion - First. Not by toppisg congh, but by loosentnp ■ui OKstetiug nature to throw off tbe auhealthy matter ecllected about the throftl and broiichial tnbes ohich causes iwitali n. Second. It removes the cnusc ofirritation (whicb produces cough) of the mucons membraae aml bronchbiitnb s, assistB the lun.'s to act anci t'ir woff the tmliealtliy secretïons, and ptirïfies the b]ood'ihird. It Ís freo fr m squllls, lobella, lpecacaud l inm, (( whicb most ihroat inri un remedien are compoaed, wbich uli n eOLta only, and ctlsrgantze he Btomacb. Tt has a sootbiuff effect on the stomch, actB on the livirand kidneys, and lym pathic and n rvoaa n giontt thtis reftcbing to every part of thesystem, andiu t lovIgoratiDgodpar Ifjing uffectsit hns gained artpntatlon whicb. it must huid above uil othors in the caarjeet. KOTICE. THEPINETREETARC0H01AL GREAT AMERICAN DISPEPSIA PILLS. WOKM SUGAR DROPS Bfing undor mv ïmmodi.iatc direction, they shal r.ot loone tfteir curntive qualities by the use ol chcitp aud unpi.ic articlea, HEXRY E. WISHART, 1 BÓHBIKTOR. FREE QF CHARSEi Dr. T . Q W -h:irtv Oíficc far1n s aro opon oi Monday-1, Tnes laya nn Wtídnc%dyB from 9 A. ! to 5 P. M., for consnltafion by ïr, ffm Magee Wlth h m i e issoci it ■'! t-.v i cotinHing pbysïciun of ackiï' wledijed abilüy. Tiiis oppo:tnnity is lio offertd by any otber inttitutlon ta the city. All lettciM must bc addressed to L. a. WMÍAHÍ, M. 1)., Ko. 2)2 TV. Second st., PHILADELPHIA. 1405m6 rS61E7a WIBP' lUUV] f'QMS'l ! LQBWJ kCBM7 fQ OnOtarypublÍcuí1 AMO s= '■-■? f ENERAL Lj L itJLiCONVEYANCER ÜL. JL-, Ss HP IS 'Sj pp i lllllllllllllillllllllll'l'il'l'lMIIIIHIIi ':' ' ! i ll.lll[lilii OÜJ{ ABSTRACT BOOKS! As partjally iadieated above, are now postea to date. Fhey t onco, ín a oondensed or posted form, show tlie i tí;, nal clia n and allncw chaiusuf title. luslanee, saeh na AUDITOR GENERAL'S DÉÉDS, Known as Tax-Tltlos, which are very numeróos in Lhis Cuunty, Decrees, Contracis, Deeds ! Alfu, tiow Lis -woll ns fill of tho old ntidischargod Mortgitjrea as fax back au 1824- whicb are legious. Persons takinj title or mortgafes and li"ii will remember thtit Tax-Titten ani other coil:iter;il muiters are nor fonnd in tin; wna moie of seareb by ïndexea it ihf Begis'er'fl oitíne. The booka or Lioers in the Retpntpr's nliieo have beeomeso aumeroaa and voluinmoua fchnt lony liiuü is neosssarily reqniied tV6H lo make a hnsty and unrelinble search. With nurfncili' t!ea we say to the pub! ie that we cao Bhow Lliem liile mul Title History, make Detda, Mortiea, Aseignrnentn. Discharges, &d as correctly, quickev and in better tyle ihan aiiy other office iu the Coucty. e li;ive MONE7 TO LOAN I On Bond and Mortgage en long time. REAX, ESTÁTE Soldorexehanpod. HOUSES TO BBKT. 3-T aeree opposite the Obaervutory for vale in Iota tosuit purROOT & LEITER, lleal Estiitc Agents, No. 1. Gregory Iïlock, Tracy V. Rott, md opposite the roptolfice. CinitLES A. Leiteh.' UlOtf L'%i üfjifl pt'r davl Agenta wantedl AH $ W 5AV caaa ui' werking jwople, of cithcr sex, younfl or okl, mnkc more moncy at vork i'or us in Ilit-ir Bpape nioincnta or all the time. tlmn at anythiiig díe. l'iirticulars frt-e. Aüdri ü. btinson k Co., Portland, Muiiia


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