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BAGH & ABEL. Ws have now in store and are receiving our usual large stork of New Spring Goods, boughi for cash, and will be placed on sale at as low prices as any house in Michigan, BACH & ABEL, A large assortment of fashionablt áreas goods iu the new shades. BLACK SILKS! A specialty. We have them direct froin the Lyon's manufactory ageiits. and can warrant them made of' pure stock . BACH & ABEL. FIFÏY PIECES OF THE - ■■■ UIT STLA3T BLACK ALPACAj! a ml en! I special altention to the 45c, .50c, and 75c qualities. These Alpacas areinannfactured Ity Alex. T. Stuart & Co , and without lojibt vxcel in texiure nu tl flnlsli any ever In-ouglit to tJus country. BACH & ABEL. From the importers, direct, a larji stock of Tafole Li neus, Napkins, DAMASK TOWELS.&C. BACH & ABEL A PULL LINE OF Brown and Bleached Cottons, Tickints, Denimt, Cottonades, dbc. Those goods vg buy by the packago, gotting discounts, and can mako low prices. BACH & ABEL. We desire to cali especial attention to our stock of FRENCH AND ENG LIS li CASS1MERES, And SUITINGS, the largost and best . sortinent in the city. BACH & ABEL. A FULL LINE OF SHADES IN THE STEWAHT ALSX4XDRE KID GLOVES In both one and two buttons. This Glove has been reoently improverl, and is now conceded to be the best in use. i BACH & ABEL. pUEE WHITE LEAD. LEA D. & m B WARHAJITED ,Ifc ÍPURE WHITE' 1 IiEAD. VIEILLE MON TAGNE FRENCH WHITE ZINC Parlor Snow White 2inc CRYSTAL PALACE WHITB LEAI). Permanent Green For Blinda, de. "WHITE LPJAD ! In Colors for Outside and Insidc PnintiKf,", Varnishes, Oils, Oolörs,Brushes [ROÏ-dtiD ïiElliL PA11ST! Munuf.icíured from pwre Ivon ()r!, ínr superior to thoBe mude of Olay. Rotten Rtöïïe, Diit, &c. Our Ture 1 h-and nfWHITK LEAD wo offi;r to the public with the posuive assiïfiince of aJ$oltUe pwrity. A ntuchof the White Iad wold s puro is Rdulternfced f rom 20 to 90 pet cent., Coiifiumers will consult Iheir interest by givin'K us a c:i'l, II. V. KLLIS A: CO., DriiUt, Ank Ahboic, Mich. Corner opposito Savinyt Bnnk. Hli)ra6 rvEESS MAKING! TRIED BV FSRE BIT ÏOT COTSIWEP. Sovorcl? dnTiíffíd by smoke, bul tt TH0R0UGH REN0VATI0N ! Have clran-d, rofittert nn(l nvr. n'u iin iv;vly for businufifi. All wisbing KWtug in th DRESSMAKÏNG LINE JlLAO, tvettsxjiXxm Te-oiFSL: For both Lödiesand Gentlemen, will n!eao OftU nt ' Mts. KASTON'S Hoorns, ovor Cha?, cantío atore, 41 Snuth Main treet. HW2 ÏÏIKS. TI. ÏASTO. '


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