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nat ooi gqi nú ! nú l nul O. O. 13Wlvn Hrt T,. COLBT hniig hisdgn Oí ;. O. D.- At, And oi ■ ■■ cainj Romepeop!efrid; "hs bodndto go to smash." Anil old-tino uioocrí WO mili1, f'i-onh"ymjf "CO. O. -- i tttlewhiUh Tn sixty '■'il run h ■ e rcK, And cali om touide-ring oostotuers b_ok.H ought if true, "Hè'H uurety tail ■■ ir is NTewf 5 ou chii'I s 11 ',ii' " own ■ 1 VOni ]:y in G [V Til ■ 'ií merohaatfl on tree ■ - Wïth silks aud satins, hang oul c) i to eat ', Wiicio trad e is mixed in ■ counter y uu lm y btltter or l&ee ; VUereciedit and losago brtud ín 'n nl Mr. C. ). D. but Uslim Clmnce will st mi" Lt prophets and ero;tk ts have their say, L. COLBYa ;Us GR KUlKSonlyforRKADYPA." Aai tonis natrons all, and business rienda, L'h ■ j! n s, I' i . r u ; i : ; iiini nul, a glad ew Year Witli lïostsof frk'nda aiid tüit. ui o-ter! Cffve liim n cali) rend trom lii store '-'(■■ i i . more. ■ At th i p] G ypu wiUnlwayg iinl 1 l-'jv-h n iv Utcfcérifa oi b 'si qn ilfty tmdkinfl- i i rryiiiiiiii ij -i-.if'il fci f?ood cheer nt home ïou C;in by at hi cnunter w ■ na e. 'i"i rliiys -i e bo ihoft.tbii. bltti col i winter, To 'vi I i ju áeUiila won ld wvn v the ptirttet, Hut aslï l" yon croóse fut anytliing e it ible, Vou gtít itíit Ortee, in qu tlity unbentuble! Forhunaiy mtji who nre weaiy andcold, f He h;is (iy-ifis hot. OysWs tlinl musí beso! - 1 1 ■■-' ■ ■ - - 1 iï1 -í'r-.v, itnd oyster í'ry, ■ a ■ !■ u tij j ou to try. I sarvp 'in Oysters al ünyhburof riuy, . V 1 ! ' 1 ■ Í ■ . ,,;',[ M .-ÜJ-ilii' f T I YO'ir WRV. A rli-li of hot Uy.-ítera wil] do ycu mueh 1 AihI chcer you whle solliuy vouv giain or woo3. And vttli casli in hand lay in a store Of Coïce, Tea, Sugar, Flouy tind raany more, Of uil i !■:!■;■; subetniiti l fordaily ute, Nor t i-i ti h'fti's goed (iriaga with nbustv; r'rockev; iii.l öl lssw tro md Cruita to put. in tbem, ' Nut, fctt.iriins. :ui. ' Jaïidy t'or ohilrlreïi wkf win tbeix Atiíi ye ■ beüutiftll faced, ■; Wflï fftid ;: !■ lii ■ best nf all pliiocs, '!'o bu y i iriUf, to bring a smile or rinfng Iaugh, l Voui1 pi istire. 'b in th ive, will dp rita er by balf - J Th n do tiot forpfi t to ent] on Mr C. O, D And buy of hiin your Frtlitö, Silbar, and To;i. ', Thstntáf lbo big f)f m;tv f:l]i frona tts plice, C. o. l. ZV store is still oa tuevace, And does r.oi intend to ily froin the cour ie Til! cronkers of cvil talk tliems ilvea hoai'&e. frroc. 'virs can be sold for ready pny, j Awd TJ Z? y 't y Utta leni ned tbe way : Rolf] ílve fimos move _li in he (■:.i)ec:ed- e By C. Q. D. from loss üfofecfed. - And tlie seciet bj h not t f raid to t-Il - Keep the best at uil Lhiags- witb prices low- be goo n-iruj'c(i. ivcyiio'l memmre, A:wl you a bound u seïl ! 3)0K3. BOOKS. J. Tí. WEHSTER & CO. NEW I100K SrOIiE NER THE " EXPRSSS OFFI E." LOiS TO 0U l IJiTEJlESÏ ASI) C ALL. _'__ " , . " For Scroftila, Sorofj_ iiion.s DiseaseÉ of k the Eyes, or Scrofti,!♦ la at sisiy foriu. 5 ff' aitt mmiw [ir eiuption s ö_ of the Sk ti, dBeae of tlie tL Liver, Rlienmwtism, Pim- ples,Oid Si-es,Ulrers.Broken-doívii Constitu t i on 8, 8 Sypliili?, or iiny diseasedeic pending on adepraved con1 ïjJIa diüon of Ilie blood, try @3)1 DR.CROOK'S EHy SYEDP OF : 1 POKE ROOT. M$it c'r'y ' i'okecombined' with jj apreparation of'lron wliicli Uy goea al once into tlie blofd, jf periorniing tlie most rapid f and wonderful curea. Ask your Druggist for Dr. Crook's iTomponnd Syrup of Poke Boot- take 1 and be heaíed. L.C.RI8DCWS AOVERTISEMENT. j ! ' I I , Now íb the time to buy ' mm i EVMG STOYES. I Will sell tïteffl at COS!' uiitii furtW ïiutieo. !Yo. 31 S. Main St, Ann Arbor. i ■ ! QECOND '- O AWNUA1; O! STRiBUTION 75,730 _?x_iniumsf lïiTDgfng1 ín vnlue trom SK) TO $.5,000 ; GIVEN A WAY! TO THE STTBPrBTBEBfl OF OOB FIRES1DE FRIENE I Evcry Stibsoriber is snre of one premium any way 1 andalsohaa ui vqu-.ú chance of reeeiving a CASI Prtaiura, óra PIANO OlíUAN, WATCH, 8EW ING MACHINE, &c, 4'(r. FIRST GRAND CASH PREMIUM Si5fOOO 0UR FIRESIDE FEIEND .- Eight Pages, Lrg. Size. Hlu-liati'd,the Family Weekly.isin itsTHIET VOLUME uid hasattoined t lie LARGES'l' t'IiicU. 1. i ki. i ; :::., pansr pubHabed is tnc West, lis suenoss ENT ABLUÍ the proprietorí to furnish THÏ BESf, HOS'f DRÍ3IE VBLB AND M03T USErui liElGINAL ftBADINQ MATTER IX (il!i:.'l VAItl K'I'V, th.-it nionfy can buy, nnd tü mike it 8 EOME Vi:iilCl,Y siiifi'd to tile wmts of t-verj fiimity. Subseriptiín prlcef $3 per yeiir of fiit nunibers, M"li.e 331c_axxt Chronio Sizü Uíx20 inelies. 16 colors. Acknowlet!f?cl by ni] io 1 (Ate II Mi.-,nKs'f tnd uOS'i' VaU ABL1 premium pír.ture in Ameriot. EVER.T SUtí8CR] lililí is presentid with this Chromu (it the tmic of Riibvcrihine. fiio wottlng), nnd lsn reeeÍYW n NUMBBKED CERTIFÍCATE ENTIJ LINO THE HOLPEK TO A BHAEE in the distnbuüon oí $25,0 O in Cftsh and other premium. TH8 DI8TRIBUTION TAKES PLACE on the h( nmd Tutyda J' in June noxt. The ('hiviiu titir.urs sent on IMiipt rf pTICO SPEC1MEK COPIES. PREMIUM LI8T, Sta., 0IV1NG FULL PABT1CTTLA BS seni ttef any oddre. i tf" íír10 Eithrr local or canvassing in f AH 1 Lll ft. Sendatonoeforterma. Addiesa OVR FIKESUHC ÏU'E.Xl), 1418m(i !;o,lU. ■filíí fift r1""1 f'y' Airnis wantod I All )J III vv tiassea of wurking peoplc, of eithor sex, young vr oM. make more moiiey nt work for U9 in thcir spare nioinonts or all tlie timp. tlian at anytbing clwe. Partioulara free Addross ti. Süiiaon & Co., l'urtland, Jluiue


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