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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. V B. COLÉ. Dcalor Ut Conl. Offloe w'thFsti-H A i:ixr, ovi r limi & fona' Store, r , poortb nnd ar in pïlHVl'S TH4TCHES, Attornev nnd :■- i' [jaw, Na. ö K.iat Hurun Sfreet, .,Kv. Mioh. 1386 .■V (L■ üEIXEBAlk SPBISGS. V [ i-ris -Ii!' -I ) . Supjrlntnndent Office ', mlldini', cnraerMjnn iuii'. FMtfiurou Streets. WjKS & WOSOG.N, ÏO ohth Mnin ctroöi, Aiii Ar aft Hlcö-, wilolesale nd rut.tü dealersiu )'"v O Is. Oar ts ait;l Lirocerlce. I35ttf il VCX & SCMTtlD, Denier in Dry Öoodfc. il ,;.,! s, Crockerj' &c. No. 64 -oiuh Main ir ï. JTACKSOJÏ, succcs?or to C B V P.rter. Ufflce corner i iln :uil rinros strects. otcr iho store of R. VV. liilis & f"o , Aun Arbur, y(iCh. nosthctU's-ulmiinsUTcii if reqairrd. 'A j. ji5ÏXS:v, Dealer in Hat and fnps, i'j i?ar8. Straw ílrtoda Gents' FarofsRliig OoocIb, je. No 7 3ont!iM;iin treet, inn Arbor Alich. ÍTItEllLAND & WHEBOÏV, Life and ij pr'liis:!r;uiC'' u'i:uí8. aiíd deiiersiti Koal Esínte j.Jcenn H:irr)ii Street BC1I AB33I., Dealers lu HrT Sooda GroCfrius, ic cSc.Nt) -6 South Main .-treet. Aun trbor. StiAVfSWH fc SJ1V, Oroccr, Provisión ana CrtrtaÜSsiwi Merchante, and dealer? in Water li Lani Piaster, and Piaster Paris. No. le East Hurón street aa tsailElTI, Wholesale and Iíetaü Dealer 3. ie liM-ly íie lothing. Dlotha, Cassitnefejí Vütiiiü Funiisliinií God8. No. 'J South Siín Street. Wíl. W'AíiíiKIt, Dealer lo R ':idy MarieClotíii". ! ithM Cisiimere Vestinss. Hats.Caps, Tranks "'arpet li.igs, &c 21 íouth Main streel. rULlIííítF, & I"SSKE, Booksellera and SUII liaan Mílicil Law and Oollcge "xt Book, Sth ni Rii HiwelHneoas Books. No. 3 North Main ïtreet. öreory ïjlock. Añil Arbor. VTUAH W OHEEVEK, - ATTORNET AT LAW ! Ji lth B. W, Morgan, East side ofCoart House j(aite. 1331 CHARLE M. WOODKIFF, Attoroey at Law and SOLiaiTOR IN CH&NCEEY. Office., Arcade Blod-, Ypsilanti, Mkh. -.. r Collectinns made and promptly retfntted. AH legal busiucsa faithfuíly attended to. 14;8 íiROC K E K Y ÖI.ASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & P Donnelly Hit'iint-irc i!.ir:;n -stock if -ocker), Glaswarc, hitëd Wr?, Tntlery GroGtrics, ic, 4c. all tobe oliatoniisnallv low prires No. 11 Kast Hurón S(reot,Ann Arhor. TOIIJÍ G. GALL, DBALBR ITSf PRESH AND SALT MEATS, HUB, SXUSAOKS,, Or.lirmnlicitca and promntly fllled wtth ttaebest omu In the marfcet. 3'. Kast Washington stroet inn rbor, Sapt. l'-th, 1869. lSSMf M ARK SE Y, Q% ' Jlann'actnrer of ëKSïl Carria, Bnggies, Wagons, S0SLRI'}HS, of evary styta. ra de of the best Bttertal, a-M w uTiintefl. Repatrías dono prompt lyind piicea reaaanable. Detroit tivet, uear J4, K Dep.t, Aiin .Vrbor, 410!. U84yl. JJE.C. A. LEtTEK COXTIMCES TO PUT ÜP AND FILL Phyician Precripíi)! , At ail hour, :U.No. I Grogirv Block. ü A. LEITEH & CO Km Arbor.De. 2d 1871. I8S4 [)R.Ü. B. POKTEB, DENTIST. Ollco in ths Síiviagí B:ink riiock. Aun Albor. 411 üperatiins on the Nntural Tcsth Perfi)imd with Care. J!í3tJRPA33ED PACILITIES AJÍD SXPBRIENCE M% AaÏÏPiciAL TEETil, ro aiVE !?ach ivftivmuAt, 'lture$ of tkc proper siie, ukape ,iolorjirmncgs and itat'ir%l 'tpression 1244 pillTIUS wNhtng Wall P.ipcr, Fhad8 1 ■liUiaU, Winliv Plrtnr, Co-ris, Tunela, 4tc , U MewStvle t Hitlsfactorj P i-es. b} J. K. Wehstnr A: l'o., ö') !í Sc irw, nar t'ie iSipieae Oiüce. W. A. L0VEJ0Y, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both flNECÜTAND MOKIXG TOBACCO, SuuíF, Pipes, &c., AT NO. 7 EIST IIUROX 8TEEET, feto the Expr c Office, jJ4r jtvfÜ ABBOR, JIICH. tWELLING HOÜSES FOK SALE , A hri? nd vcry -well huilt bri-lc home, with two („T'w Two Urge framíd houses:. AlsoiBoo F" Orick house nnd tr.imed hons ;■ ; anrl a i-raall pme house on i good lot intendcd foraddingrafroot " wio on fair terras and r raasonnble oredit. other buildings, Vots, snd property. ■EY WASTEOSo many wishing to P"ï appl; to iné thnt l cnn readlly obtaii á. '"■' l-"'od natisfactui-y investmenta at teu per W. interest. „ i W.TIOKUAN. Aïbor; April 23, 1373. U231Í


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