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Homeopathy And The University

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In the ooiumus oí tho Detroit IHuly PuiC ot' April 4th wis a i nítido on 1 1 . o rigiita 'il the hoineopaths to the Universi'y, ia whieh tlo writor says, " an effort is beinj mudo to prejntiof tho f rienda, of the Uuiversity ftgftinst homoopathy." If 4n demónstrate that homeopathy oannot be tuuttt in that institution witliout the totul rtustruction of the modiaal departRmut is piojudicial to lioiiioopathy, then tho charge ie ti-uo, - otherwise it is not ; and t;i:it thij? is truo, no laan familiar "rtrith tho facta oan doubt. Suppose you ihould put a chair of Spiritualism, Morm mism, or Athcism into the theological eeho'.il at Aibion, or any otlior theologioal mstitutioii in the country. It' Senators and Roprosentativus cannot sco that sueh a course would destroy for uscfulness tho noblest institution in our land tho poople oan, and will act ftcoordingly. But Buppose the present medical departinent to ï'omaiu as it io, what would bo tho sonso in paying six professors to teach the Bcienoe of medioine as the exporience of two thousand yoars has dev.eloped it, and then after it had been so taught to emplay and pay out of tho peoples' money two other professors to teil the class that all they hadJeftrned was wrong and all boshf This is a specimen of the lógio oi tho advocates of homoopathy, in and out ot' tho Legislatura, on the subjoot of homeopathy ín the University. The writer says, " an attempt wasmade to make tho Legislature believo that sectarianism had nut found its way into the TTüiversity," and says it was unsuccessful. Doca tho writer object to Pathy bctng tinglit in tho University? If so, then homeopathy cannot be taught there, for thcre is nothing of it but l'alhy. If it is wrong to toaoh one Jfathy tb,en it is doubliua; the wrong to teach two Pathics. ïs"ow it the present medical dopartmont should bo, discontinued on the chargo of teaching I'itthy, theu homeopathy could not take its place - as they hopo to do - bücausj then the medical department of fho University would stand coivokted of ti' telling tho nttrrowest iitul of Pulhy, and nothiug else. But, si', tho facts ato the University does not teach any exclusive dogmas, but the science of inodioine as the expeiience of the ablost men in the world has ievoloped it. And if that experienco had been favorable to hoineopathy then. homeopathy would hava been tatight as the scienco oL medicine ín the University. Eerhaps that is " too thin." And a Toronto theological sohool is instanced as a similar case. " In this school," says the writer, " nono but Episcopalian students can gradúate." Now, sir, thiiis "too thin," for homeopathie and eclectic studeutshavegraduated with every olass in the University för many years ; and on tho day the legislativo oominittee ai Ánn Arbor the regents sigaud the diploma af a homeopathie stmlant who studied within a stoue's cast front where I now write. . Send your Toronto University back to Canada aud try again. Aud tha writer sayp, "it is believed that tb homeopaths are friends of Oie University." This statement tallies badly with the cour-se taken by that clas in the Houso on the passage of the late homeopathie bill. That bill was forced through the House before the committoe of investigation had madotheir report, or the testimouy of the professors, and other ■witnosses, could be published, or the views of the regents on the subject could be laid before the House. Sir, those professors and rpgents are old and true frieuda of this the noblest institution in our i'5t:i1?. Ami -the friends of homeopathy in the House refused to let their stateiii'jnts jilead for the lifeand'honor of the institution u::der their charge. Now, sir, ono friend of the University vxl not gag another friend of tho Uni■vvrsity when matten of vifcal importance are pending. But homeopaths did thus gag tViends of the University; thereforo tli.'y are no friends of the Univorsity, and your belief in their frieudship is not well ïounded. Tho writer eays, "homeopaths have rights that e' euld je respected." Now, sir, the rights 01 uumeopathg havo always lne rights of every other class oï medical Btudents. Homeopathie, eclectic!, and the so-uallod allopathic all f are alika tlicre; they are taught the science of medicine, and no questiona ave asked of their peculiar views of Patines, and whon they n pass the requirod examination they K8B.ne4 tluíií degrees. ïhey are tuwglrt in everyt&iag save Pathy, and that u loliiit troubles homeopathy. l'atky is uot tavfèt, and themfore hóineopathy snot .-■.(.-," a tiiing no longcr to be endureii,." I snppose.r Again ,. says the writer, "■ ever sinx the 1. ïnversity has. beea in tho homeopaths have bita. taxed,." etc.-, etc. ' The people havo too much regard for the rights of tho tax-payers to continue tho ovil," etc , etc. Tliis is the argument on _ which all the speakers and writers maiaiy rest their casu, and wo will briefly examine its bearings on the questioii. Sir,if homeopathy must bo tausht becauso Ijoiseopatlusts are texed then hydropathy, eleetropathy, uroscopy, and oclcciicism must be taught, for they are nll taxed alike- and if Pathy instead of Bcience is to bo taught then allopathy nnd antipathy nuist Ik; tnnght for they pay taxes likewise. If this rcasoning is to be reduced to practice no man can bo tnxed unlesa tlie money is spent to teaoh iiis poeuliai wliims or dogmas. Shall we ftop taxiag Utuh becuuse wo do not . taaeh Mormonism ? or teach Spiritualisui bdcauso we tax Sj)iritualists 'i Put your Jogio iii-operation, und sue if " the people have too ranch regard for the rights of ttín tux-payors to continuo thn evi'l," etc. liet us look at the facts ia the case. Krom M. Toner's statistics, conipiled Ëim data m Üio J.inernal Rcvcnue oiHec ut Waslm: ton, prepared Ijr, retfaest of the American Medical Association, we havo in tho United States 5(1,000 physiciaria. Of this number only 2,9JÓ are homeopaths, 2,857 are ec'leoticsi while there are 89.-219 reguláis and 137 hydropaths- the balance, 4,835, are elaesed as Jüisoellaneoua. Tbe difforence between the hoiHeopaihs and eefeciaa is only 98, and the eeleetics have more colleges and more Standard worlis than the homeopaths in this country. The hydropaths are taniing more water cures, whero pationts M trated, than theru are homeopathia hospital. Yrith the above faets before us can any Senator or Representatie teil why homeopathy íhould bo taught at the expense of tho public, while hydropathy and colecticism are not so taught. T3ut it is claimed that a Urge class of th'oj ptoplo waut homeopathy taught at the expenso of the State. Now it is fair to presumo -that the poople are ftiirly represen fed by the physicians they employ. Tt will be seen that of th.e whole uumber of pbysicians in tho United tutes bnt a siuall fract'on- 3 -ure homeopdth Thên only 3-5ütl s of the ooplo want hoinoopatliy taught at tho expense of the publkj. Not a very largo cías of 'tha people, after all ! Homeopathy was taught in Europe three-fourths of a century ago, and has beeii urging its olaims for reoognitiou ever since; yet not ene of tho governmtnts of the Oíd "Pbrid has ever recognized it as a soienoe.. ïtie nelobrated Andrei, of Paris, years since admitted Rome of the most noted homcopaths into his wardn to try Ihe effieaey of their treatraent, and, after a fair trial, Ivo reports the Academy of Medicino that in tío cuso had the least benefit resulted from their tieatment. ïhe ltussian governmenfc, aftér testing the syslein for a long time, have prohibited the practico in the mjiiro. Tb euch an extent is homeopathy a failure in tho land of its birth that in Kngland and Ireland, in 1856, with a population of 30,000,000, and .HO,(K)O physicians, thero wero only 206 homeopaths- only 1 in 150. In Bürope thn testimony of medical men is agniust homeopathy 149 to 1, and in tho United States 47 to 3 - and all of this after two generations of medical men have como ujjvu the stage of action, and boen edueted since the doctrines of homeoputhy have clairued the attentiou of medical men. Yet not ane of the great lights in the profossion have ever in the least sympathized. witk irs teaohings. No other Ktate in tho Union, or nation in the wholo wido world has ovor recognized homeopathy in any possiblo manncr. Our Legislaturo lat made a precedent in oppoáition to the decisión of tho oivili.ed world, and atteinpted to Ictjulido homeopathy a science, und providtd tor teaching tho absurdity at tíxe piiblio axpe&se. Not only have tho Legislatura rerersed the verdict of tTie civilized world, but they have misrepreseuted fórty sevon fift ie the of the people, They have ropresented L'.9.")5 medical men and misrepresented Í7.04S medical inen in the United States by thoir legislation. It is to be hoped tbat tho courtit will pass npon the jurisdiction of tho Legislatura over the University. lf thoy do not the people must seo to it tbat tnii legislativo tinkering with the University in the interest of hftineopathy be stopped, and the government of tho University left to tlie po )- ples' agents under tho provisions of the eonstitution of tho State, tho Board of


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