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Ypsilanti Items

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On Wednosday evening, tho 21st inst., Mt. David A. Wise found tho dsad body oL (in iuiant, nppnrently ust boni, lying at tho foot of tho bank of tho rivcr, in tho rear of his dwqlliiig liouso on llurou strcet. Blood was also discovcred in tho water-closet noar liy. At an inquest ln'Ul to-day the foüowing facts and cireuu:staiioee were brought to light: Mrs. Maegaiiet Simi'SON, a widow about 'A' ycara old, camo to Ypsü&nti about tweh-c weeks ago; boarded at the Ypsüanti Houso for sovcn weeks, and the remaining fivo weeks has been in tho cmploy of Mr. AVise. On Tuosday evening or WedncsJay morning slio went out, in lier night-clothes, to ;he water-closot, whoro slio was dolivcrod of the child. Sho undoubtedly throw it from tho top of tho bank, intending to throw it into tho rivor, jut it teil short about a foot. yho was up at 5 o'olock this morning, had hor üros built aud ireakfoat ready, aud has been icorking lian! vJl Idij. Tho only ground for suspioion at first igalnat her was that sho had cleanod out tho c'o.íet. Hor under-clothing was found about loon, quito bloody, and when sho heanl this sho onf4séd to giring birth to the child, but denied knowinff it at the lime, or throwing it down tliO jank. Slic is under arrest tor infanticide. - Mr. Boutelt., living on a i'ann uear tho city, lias a tame uñid, or a wild (ame, fox squirrel. It has never been captured but comes up 'egularly from the woods to bc tcd. A day or WO since it was seen with two other squirrels, rying hard to induce them to como to tho houso with him, but he lackod sullicient persuasive jovvèrs so to do. - The body of Mr. Eli Ely, of whose drownng mention was made last week, was found by constable DbaXS and otliers on Thursday eveïinf, May I6th. - Suminons ha3 boon serve 1 upon Joe. MiETix, the high mogul of the "rumuiios" of (his city, returnable May 2Sth. And tlius tho fuu oininencös. - Somo niscfiJs overhauled Mr. R. W. Davis hoe store on Monday evening last, but, for a vonder, were apprehended and made to suffer. Tho Coldwater llcpublican has changad hands, W. J. Bowes & Co., ivho have putiliahed it for fix years, being sueceeded by A. J. Aldbich & Co. Mr. Aldiíicii is a gradúate of tho Litcrary : VirlinemVof tho University, class of 1866, and mounts the editorial tripod under very favorable circumst anees. We vv'elcomt; liiin to the i'r:nnmty, and irish him that success that his scholarsliip and enterprise deserves and will be suro to coïnamud. We have more thari nti ordinary interest in looking ovor the columns of Ooldwateï papers. Their local items and even the names of many of their advertisers havo a sort of attraction for us, and carry us back to days when ivo were d- 1 and jour and publisher in that same town years bciore it put on city íúrs. J. A. PoLiir,Mirs is again in the field v.-ith a stork of Dodgc's Reaper and Jlowcr aud SulfKaker. As hayiug and harvest can not be many inonths distant will do well to note this Aunouucement.


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