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I ■ í TEU REASONS WHY Ne Family shculd be wttktut a otile of WHITTLX , t Acuse., ' - ïtwili relieve the worst case of BiliOUf Cholle 01 Cholera Morb us in 15 minuten Kd. - It wül cure the 1 mate case iDyspepsla an J I n d i g e e t i o n in a A weeks. p & ' - Tt is the best remedy in the workl frl SicK Headache as thousands can testify, J taken when the first íymptoms appear. , 4t":'It 's tle "' diuretic 'ver put lx-forí the public; cunng thosc dÍMrcssing coniplaiins, Diabetes and Grave I andotlier Urinary d i ffíou Itlos. 5th.- It s a most ejtcellfnt Ümmena" Bogue, and to the VoutlK Clrls. raiddlc aged Women, and at the Turn of Lfe, thia remedy is of incalculable valué. th. - It wül remove wind from the bowels,and henee a few drops in some f.veetencd v.alt;r piven to a babe is better than a dozen cordials td Kelieve and mnke ítSleepá Contain'"S no ano dyne. 7th.- It is a snre relief for adnlts and children affected with Worm 3 and Pin Worms. u uill bring away tlie worms. 8rh.- Itwill cure the P I 6 8 and Kemorrhodial difficulties. 9 th.- Itwill cure Constlpatlon and keep the bowcls regular. It wül Iso cure ;le worst case ofSummer Complalnt.nid Dysentery. lOth. - It will cure Cour Stomacti, Stlmulate the tlver to healthy action. Re Ijeve He a rt-Bu rn and act aa a cenciil Regulator of (he systern. Wlien taken diliite the dose with Silgar and Water to a Win e-Clasa fu I I and ycu have a pie r.q.-i nt tonic. WhittlesJV (Dysyepsia Cure) $i.oo per hotLle. Whitt esey Agüe Cure 50c. per botlle. . . Whittlesey Cough Gramiles =,c. per botdü. ■ bold by all druggists and Warrantec!. Wliittlcspy Prop. ïlna. Co., Toli do, O. wmSw Dr. Coi's HJvc (Croup) Symp has beeD Enown and used by the medical profeBsion over 100 3'care, and as a remedy for CoWs and Cmihs has an older and better rqmtütinn tbnn iiiiy otlier Cough! medicine evor offereS to the public. It is ltnown as me Ooinponnd Syrnp of Sonfile, and a fonnula may be found in evory medical rjlspensatory. , r. .ÍEaiiRom'a Hlve Syrnp and Toln, ín addition to thu Ineredlenta for Cox's Ilive Syrup contains Balsam of Toln, decocüon ol BkankCabbage Koot and Lobelia, a combinaiion that must coninien'd '■iJ? c7P1'y "110 lls a Pul11'"'"1 romudv for Eronp, }rt iiooplnff Cousli, .iRiIinm, Bronchitis, Concha and Colda, Indeed tor all affectiona of thu Throat and Lnya wlicre a Congh Jledicine ia neerspary. Xhi Syrnp Is Carefully Prepared nndcr the personal direction of ;i regular l'hyïician of over twenty years' practice, whose eignaturu ia attariu'd to the directiona on the bolüo. lts taste Is very plcasant and cliiidrcn lika Evcry family chonld keep itns a rcady remedy for Cronp, lokis, etc., among the children. I). Kan-som, So: & Co., Prcspr's, Bnflalo, N. Y. DR. J. F?. KÏILLER'S BL AGNETIC B ALM. Tliis medicine mayiritli proprleiy be called au " Universal liurdj," us it 13 fast euperseding al] othersttsa genera) fiimilv medicine It cures, os if bj MAGNËTIC INFLUBNUE, Neuralgia aml all pain. and is tberefore very properly termcd "Magnetic Bilin." It Ia pnrely a vegetable proparation. It hi-.s no co.n:il as a r mecfy for Eholcrat Chvlem Rlvrhti-Q. lïian jirrtt , Dy3entirn, (lic md all BotcH iomplahtfs. lts tlmcly 11 so will cnre Coltl?, Croup, Diphtheria. Quinsy, and :1 Throotaffa ilons. Whin properïy ned, Fevcr and Aene, and oilier compjaints Incident toourwcetern and Èouthern climates, aro casilv brokenuo. Ncrvous l'nii), Sick-Beadache, and EhemnatiBtn are cnreil by this mcdicirj' when all otliprs hava failed. Toothache, Earnche, Biirns, Cliilblains and Bniiises are relleved at once by its uee. The Kciiniiio lias JD. lïülisom & Co. 's privite Hevcime Stamp 011 thn outeidc, mui Dr. J.B Miller's Magnettc Balm blown in the botile. Eianilue closely, and bny none but the gemine. f'ld by all Dmggists. l'ricu 25 cents por botüs. J}. Kanbom, Son & Co., Trcpr's, Bufliüo, N. Y. vk 10 Y E ARS PU3LSC 1-JY $%í??f Hm pioved L'L Dr. Croot's To lui ve more É.jwmJ..:W -erf Uuwn any tiiJar prepara ion everoíibrcd lis i; public. Tt is riel in tbe ssst'dk'inaJ QïïïlSiSivsoi'Tiï.;", aivi imeqiialeii t ataenaes oí' the Throat nisd iJliiííS, perforiuiüg iLe uaost reuiurií ahle cures. C'ouglss, Col--I, CïjroiïSc Conglig, It effectnnlly cims them all. A&Uinua and aíronchiíiac Has tiireti sn mnnv ■:" , cosea il hns been pronunnced a specifió iol these complaiuts. 'or paias iu Ereasí, Síde a. Back, Gravel or KMney Bisease, Diseases oi' the ürinary Ovgans, Jaiüidko or any Livor Coiüplaint, It has noequnl. It is alKo a superior Tonic, Restores the Appetite, Strengthens tlio System, licsiores the Weak and Debilitaicd, Causes tlie Food to Digcst, liüiiiovcs Dyspepsia and Indigestión! Prevenís ;,íalarioiis Feyers, Wives tono to yoiir tiystexn. Por Sfionsla, Scrof. JL iloHs Wisouses of .V ; Eyes, or ScrofuJi la iii suiy Ibrm. ' A,"y '. ease or eruption „"V'-sr ' tiie Skin, diseaae of the t : J Liver, Rheuremtism, Pi!nIrgS ples,Old Sore,Ulcers,Brok. O?oi. en-iluwn Constitu t ons, E. C Syphilis, ,ny disease Jegj&íS ih'ikIíiií,' on adepraved conSYRÜP OF % POKE ROOT. fy lt ll!1t!ie medicinal propEyiM crty of Pokecombiped with Hjf aPreparat;on oflronwhieh goes at once into tlic bloo y"i perforiuing tlio most rapid and wonderful cures. Ask your Drwggist ,dr pr. Crook'a oomnound Syinp of Poke Eoot- take it and be healed. gAW GUilMER & SHAEPEJiiaa, ACHEAP, Kimplo, ank durable Mnohino-easily operail;dumlr,ii.,i,L: Wlieela IVomSx-; inohesta lis X lllcii. Frice of Machine, $15. with bevello.1, doublé bovell ,1 nd round i.ía tu er. a - MadimeeftT'OÏndSSO.rB Vvbeele r ,,, ,; lmeter. Forillutratd Pamphleti ot Photogrnpfaa, address THïï TAHITE CO., 1 1 to' Stxoudïbuib', IXonroo Co. , Pft;


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