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E i Qottfr ■■ FT ffi? previ. ■■weck, (Atrwoopy.) NÖAh'W. CHEBTSB . JiKlfe of l'rol' ate. Estáte of Eilis Lullork " r, Judie of Pioh.t , ! Jj aaiw and (Hing the peötion, alT yerlcfc „, iun of said Court, th" to be Si 3 rbe Probate Office, in tho City of Ann Artór ' 'Í íl.üw cnuse il a„y there be, why th" rrayc? of ïï4 (Atroecopjr.) KOAH W. CnEKVlT !' ' ■ Judae of Probtt; K?al Estete for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wn,htennw . 7 In the muiter ni the emáte ui Onr„ "' i.!",i ;'--', ■■ :--,rl1M,l,yP1,,r,, th„tln pXS i'ps; fefsffïQH Public reduè, ... the htehesl bidder, at lic d m„. un5 of Waahtenuw, in s::id Hate, on Ui tinVJl dockinthefoienoonoi tha day (subjecMo.n .„ umbranw by nfcrtgmre at olheiw L exüïw.tS imeofthoi t deceiiw 41 tl r. fin „ ■ , tl real estáte, to wil 1. óf')".'" . 1VS,V MhreeintoVn"p,& onth oí ranpe six pst, in wiid State, cont, riíf : cn moreorla. Aleo, pmeel of ímd S oiiyj 1 the quartei 1 ot Imim hésub-diTisioii] ojthonnidBiií?ifL [ y-forr(,a8,theric. v,,.,t t„ s.i,i secüo,, Une VtobW .thenwcouthtweBtv.iomr.-d. fo the pl, ,} , oontoinii g twelve aercspf land. eic'Si rom the ubpretbe fonr ocrea ponveycd l,y de, f m ■ '■■ mi:,T (!:. w Kennedy wUd .íl jXS WILLIAM BTJRKE, Atolnhtiatér, Mortgnge Salo. i FAULThaTing bwen made in theconditionsof ■ ed the second 6f Jyi' u. ïsai), marh. una executed bv HukIi H vmiH L!i ol Miehj: to Jotn .anlKcoldedfntWott(ï btortheCountyui W,shien, siutooi Miehijran.oDtheBeoond day oi Jol, ad' which wid mortgage wan on thí 3d dr ri Son A C 1873,duly a.signed !v Ciarle, k Crai," A : ratoi oi theetuteof ,iui.n Gedd,tq Ham,ah 'nd, and whioh nraignment was rrcoided 1 ,u telÏ7 Office oi ü,, . ounty of W.JhSi.w,L Uber3 ut assiifnmenU of mortgiutes on paso 6 6 in ■lach seid mortgage was on ihe 3 st day o: JaniinT V . 1) ,.;,::, aasigned ),y Hannah Vrwlund of tl Uonr' " me place, and which wï menl wa recorded in tl,e K,gister'a office of tl ■ ounty of Washtenaw, in Bbef 3 of mortmge. on page 607 and which said mortg ge was 011 the Vih day oi March, A. D. 1873, nssned by Henry V e LaadtoChristian Jlack a'nd Fredericí Sel "id Jr imer.t was recorded iü the Kegiiter1! ityof VVaslitenaw, in s of mortpiges o page 668 ; and lier.ns, the is Av, Bi unpoid on Baid mortgage at 'lic date of tliis notice tl', um ai two tiiousand me huadred and Mventy-eisit ■"-1 Jdolla. u:s,,!M oi.and no .nü ofrcS! mg ;,■ law has been instituted to recover the saine or any part ther 01 ; notice is Uen by given taal on sturday. the hlth day of Ju!y, A. IJ. eiBl ttee hundred and seventj three,at twclve icloek nónn ot at duy, at the fl-ont dooi (eonth tíde) ot .heTourt Hoase, ii, the ity of Ann Arbor, Hasbtenaw Couuty Jlichjgan. by Tirtue of the power of eontiuued in 8ald morteage, we shnl] ,ul a( pul lic uctioo, to the highest bidder, the premisos described in widmort. rsiimuoh thercoi asmay be neofiasai-y to etúfy theaniomit due on suiil mortfjage at tlietluteot tlii notice wn'.i interest and the coaï and expenses llowed by law. and alao an attoi ney fee of twenly-fiv lollara ae provided in said mortgage. 'Ihe ïolloVicv is a description of the land and premitts sgiven in to be sold in ponwaaceefa. notiee, to wit: The wet half („) oí thesonth. arter () of jeetJon me (Ij, town three(S) south range flve e Bt, Wafhtenaw ' ounty, Michieaii wiili the appurtenanees öiereunto bel' nging ' ' Dated, Ann Arbor, Darch 27, 187S. Cfllilöi 1AX MACKand FBEDEEICK 81 iIMid, Jr., Feedkiíick PisTonrcs, !(.es. Attorney tor Assignees. 14 Mortgage Sale. - rEPAULT liaviní heen made in. the conditionsof - a certain mottga :c üated the oi February, a. p. 18J2, made and exeeuted bv llnry j.. liuckman and Siln e. Ruckman.ol the toVrnrhrp "1 ManeheBter, Washtenaw iuunty, Micliip.n, to fciederick Schmid, Senior, ol the eitj of Aon Arlor, iforesaid, and ucordcd in the office "t the Kopster of Deeds for tlie couniy ofWorhtenaw, Michigan, va ths tweBty-eighth üay of Febiuary, a. d 1872, in Uu-r 46 oí Uoitgam, c pnpe 262, l,y which deñmlt the power of salo containeï i lortjfage beeiime oporatSvc, nnd no proceedmn ii! lawoi i,;mly httTiBg 1„ ■i-n iii„tiluti'd -to recover u.u üebt aecared by suid mortgage oí any part tl;ercof, and ti,e sum of nine hundïed and Ihlrtyfow dolían and Iwenty-six cents iiu.i4.26) beiag now cliuinec to bc due upou aaid moitgage at the dtt oí tiis Botiee, besidea cokta and expensesof tliisforeclosuie. and also n Attomey'e fee ol tninty-five [.D.OUJ dolían : IHatiee is therefore herehy siven nu moit(?ag will be ioreclosed by n fale of tiio piemlses described in said imm. n pan tnereof, to wit: All the tollowing describid land Miuated in county of WaBhtenaw, State of Micíun, benig the. west half (M of the northwest qonEer(4)ot seetiun seveu (7), contaiolng tbirty cree; also all that psrt of the west bnlf (!-.'.i of the soutteast quarter ('„') uf aection numl'.ir ene (1) lyin? Jouthwe i uf i;i.ï Eiuin ni r.orth cf the Snlino tia-id. cuntainin chüut eiulit acres, all of uid .and being in townehip four 4 eouth cf rnng thrw S) eat, at puWic n-ndue to the hiehest bidder ut tl; rum door 'souiii Bidt of the Court House in the city t AnnArbor, in said county of Wn.-htennw, on Ui wentyeighth dy of Junenext, at neon Dated, Apiü 2,JS;.'i. KKEDEIilCK ECDMir, Ftnior. i'BEDFr.'CK PlSTOElüa, SIorlilEM. Attorney ior Mmtgage. I4:.i T. Mortgage Sale. EFATJLT haring been nüice in the esndifc'oa ... .oi u oetrtta murifrage estcuted by Joscpli W. ' WmtyOi the city of Aun Arlo. Couut) oi Waajitate ot Michignn, on tiic tai ntv-s-ic ■ ml duj oi June, . h. 1867,ioliobert oC'umick, of Ui town bipofAnn rlor.Couiih of Vnshtenuw ufore-.M, and immuoI ntle office of the Henittfr of Dceda f or the ountyofWu liicna- hd(3 state afar Mid, ontte twenty-tod daj Jvue, A. IJ. !;(;. a i oolook P. M. si SftMdaT, fa il Cr ..f ■!: imd tliai Uitreis nowolaimea lo bu ihu nnd aupaid on enid bond and mortrge il:a um ut lour Imndred and forty-one doilnis ni.ü (wraly-Bveoeota, niso un attorney's fee of thirty dallare Bliopld any proceedlngs lo laken to fondme mid morlgnge, and nu proceediiqra in Uiv, t-r in efjuity aanne been hd to recover said gum of rarnu-y nr r.tiy ereof; bow, theiefore notice is hereby m tlwtby viitueal a power of si.le in said morWHi n'in„n ed, i sha ! Ben at public auc ion to the highest ontie thirty-iirat day oi ilay next, attm I . .il. ol uid day, at the tront door of tt UonrtHüuse, in theeityof Ann Arbor, in the CvMüf ui ", aad 3'ate af Mfchiéati; beinK thar piiict wljeie tlw ( ', on Comts are hi-M m eaid cuuniy, certainpieeeaorpaicelsof land Bitiiated io theoity ot Ann Arbof, County of Washten- iiorosmd, bring lots number one (II, two, throo. und jovr, inblock number Bis ;;;, Broten ni u Fnller's additioa ow cil y of Ann Arbor ; nlso a pipoo of land eight rodsüquare, bounded on the wt by Pob t, sonth by thn north Jine of bloei nnmbrt wn and Fuller's addition, on the noilkby ind ttwned by Jrtmea, and i n the eat by tlie party ot the p irt :ni 1 I) miei Crawford ; nlso i pieoe of una lying fcetweea ih( north tut cbiiici of Int mimwtuiuid the north line of block nomber ni L.roun and Fuller'a addition (o tlic Tillaste of Ann .rbor aforeaaid.bckii a triangular pieep oflandlymK bctween Die north line oi lote one and two, block lumber six, browr ,nd Fnllert additioa und tt norih line ol fiüi'l block, Uutt'd, March 6, li-7,i. WII.T.TAM O.KEE, Administrator with the Win .-innexetf lonx N. Gott, of the KsUteof Bobert HcCoimick, Altojney for . dtce;iseJ. Administratov of lortgagee. 1411; L.C.fH$DQRS's A!)VaaTI3EMENJ'. Now ia thc timo to buy PiRLOfi & DBATIiVG STOVES. I will sell thein at COtiT until furthcr notioe. lío. 31' S. Main St, Aun Arbor. ,. S5 ÍO ?2O por llay ' Agent irantcdl All eitlier sex, young or oíd, make more raoney at work í'or us in their epare mon.cnts or a)I tho time, thaii at anythin-; else. l'articulars frfa. AaOíess Q, Süuson & Co., rorUnnd, HaLu


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