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A French Devolution

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Yeksaillek, May 24 - Thedebate upon tho interpollation of the govormnent was rosunied this tnornihg. Tbiers, in aceordance witli the notiöe given yi'sterday by Minister, addrossei the Aasembly, urging defiuite establishment of tho ïtepublic. His utterancea Wère i'eceived with loud cbéera on tho lef t, whüe tliüse on thö right remnined silpiit. Ujion the conclusión ot' Tiiiers speech tho Assembiy took a lecess. Tho Assombly rc-convenod at 2 o'clock this at'ternoon, and R-fter au energettic ipeecjj by üttsiBjer "Puner, Ministor i' tbü Interior, ívjected by a vote of 362 aguinst .'3-J8, the si:ui)le order of the duy próceeding from the Left ad süpported by the govcrntiicvit. An order of the dav propdsed by the Itight doclaring tliat the present i'orm of government was not under discussion, and regrettiug that the reconstruction of the jiinistry did not iit'iiid the conservative guáranteos, was theu adopted by a voze of 3G0 against 314. Upon announcoraent of the result of thu vote, Barognon, a member of the Right, said the gupreme interests of the country required tnt tiie governnteut shuuld not reiniin siiunc. II is romarks wrevo received wiih uqisy protestations by the Left. Wben the tuiuult hai soméwbat Kuhsidtd, B;;rognon resutnéd, and proposed a night sitting of the Assembiy. Dixfaure, Minister of Justiue, ascended the tribune aud declared France would not rcmain a moment without a Goveinment, notwithstíuniiag tilo vote just caat. There exists, he said, a Presidunt, and the Bepublio Ministers would answer for the inaintenunce of order. ïhey would consult with the President and agreo to a nighfc sitting. ïhe Left shouted, " Why will tho government thus set Eurono and uosteiïtv an example of' this monstruus ingratitude 'r' Tho Kight insisted tho governiuent should proinptly comniunicate its decisión to the Assembly. After further debate, which was conducted amidst the greatest exoiteineut, it was decided to havo a night session, and recess was taken until evening. The rosult of the vote otmséd intense excitement, and the streets were crowdod with peoplo eagevly awaiting developoients of the night's eitting. The Asseinbly resumod its session at oight. Dufaure, Minister of Justice, aunounced that the Ministers had tendcred their resignation to Thiors, wlio had iiccepted them. Dufaure then handed to Buffet, President of the Assembly, a mes sage from President Tliiers announcing that he delivera back to the Assemblj the high functions whieh had been conferred upon him. Tho reading of the messagu produced profound sensivtion in tne Chamber. Gen. Changarnier and Duke Do leo moved the Assembly to immediately appoint a suecessor to Thiers. This motion caused terrific uproar. The Left moved that the rosignation of Thiers be not accepted. This motion was rejocted by a vote of 3C8 against 339. The resignation oí' Thiers was then foruially a'coepted. Buffet fruitlessly attompted to eulogizo Thiers. Membors of the Loft endeavored to secure an adjournmorit bef-ra election, but the Itight insisted upon choosing a President imruediatcly. Tho voto was then taken, and it resulted in the eleetion of Marshal MoMahon, who received 390 votes. The Deputies oí' tbe Lwft abstained from voting A coinniittee was appoiiited to wait upon Marshal McMahou, and iaförm him that he liad been elected President of tho Itepublic. The committee was headed by Buffet, who, upon retiring, temporarily handed over the Presideiicy of tho Assembly to üoulard, who was enthusiastioally cheered by the Iiight upon taking his seat. Upon the return of tho com'niittee, M. Beftet resunied tlie chair and announced that Marshal McMahon had uccepted the Presidency of the líopublk:, thuugh not without pain. Buffet also stated that tho Ministers would temporarily remain. The orowds ia tho streets and in front of the Legislative ChninUr incicased as nigbt advaneed, and whi'u the result of the precoedings in tho Assembly was made known, there wero loud sbouts of " Vive le Thiers !" and " Vive lo Rep'iblique !" There was no ittempt at disorder and tho poople quietly dispersed. ■ XATER. Paris, Sunday Evoning. - The chance in tlie Presidency has been accopiplished without the BÜghtest disturbanee. Perfect order prevails throughout Franco. Troops havo been confinad to thuir barracks since yesterday morning, but all is quiét in Paris and there aro no signs of disorder in the departments. The Iladicul journals to-day aro caira in tone, i They recommend prudence and wisdom en tho part of Eepublioans, and urge j peace and strict adherenpa tolaw. Qaijj. betta has issued t manifestó eiilling on '. to respect the luw. Marshal MoManon has sent a comrtj,unic!i.tioo to 7I. Buffet, President of tha Aasembly, acknbwledging tl ootifloation of bis election to tbe Presideiicy, and acoepting the ofEco in tbe followiug terins : I vrill oby tbe vrill of tho Assombly - tlie ciepositoiy of national oovereignty. It is n heavy responsibility, hut with GodV ís i 1 and tlio aevotion of the nrmr, I will continue the vvork of liberatioji t'11 tcrritory and restoring order, aud will maintain truiquillity and tbe piincipleg on which society reata. To thia I ; my word as au honest man fiud a soldier. Xho President has issued a circular to the Proicet of the Departmerjis, pv íhíí that no attank will lio raadè on the lu-vvs and institutinns of the couutiy.


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