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Appointment Of Prof. Hilgard

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The Regents of the University deeided to fill the chair of Geology, Zoology, and Botany, vacatod by Dr. WinohblIi, with a man of eiperionce and established reputation in hia deparé ment of scionce. They have flnally lieeu so fortúnate aa to secure the services of Prof. Eugene W. Hilgard, Ph. D., who will assurae the duties of his ofiice at the beginniog of the iiext academie yeari Dr. HiloaiïD, though bom in Germany, came to this countiy in early ohildhood. He rcturncd to Germany tor his university educafion, and ara.luatod Doctor of Philosophy at Heidelberg, ufter purpuing special studies in geology, chomistry and philology. He also Btudied ut the School of Mines at Freiburg. Immediutely on his return home he was at' tached to the Mississippi State Geological Survey, of which he soon took entire charge. In a short time he was elected professor in the State University of Mississippi, and in these two onieea has Leen laboring for nearly eighteen yaoift, The oiganization and management of the Agricultural College, which was attaohed to the Uni ■rersity as the recipiënt of the land gfant mad by the United States in 1852, were raainly in his hanis. His coutribations to the scientific jouraals hava given hiin the highest reputation uniong scicntiSc men, u-s an observfir and investigator, both in goology and in chemistry. He has for soma time baan a mem'oer of the Xational Academy of ticieoce. The Smithsouian ïstitutiou has latoly publisbed a volume trom lus pen on the Geoloay of Lowcr Loaisia . the Salt Ialands in Texas, vrhich Prof. Hk.vp.y sdyg adds to the reputation of American scieuce. 'J, haa had marked success aa a college teocher, and is representad to be a man of largo cxecutive and prabtical abiiities. Dr. Hiloard has been in town a few days, and has left a most pleasant personal ioipression on those of our citizons who haro met hint. o are glad to vvelconle 'mm to our Umversify and( our city, and believe that his scientific learning and skill will prove of great service to ths whoie State. Dr. Hir.aAttD is a brother of Prof. J. Mf. Hilgaed, of the U. S. Coast Survey. We lot the Ypsilanti Senlinel give the foliowig account of a recent heroical and wonderful xhibition of tlie effects of a TJuiversity training upon at least a fraction of the studente who it is upposed are being oducated to discharge the duies of citiíens t " On Friday night last an outrageous raid was nado upon the studente of the Normal school, at ;he dismission of the Lyceum, .and several of ;icm severely handled. " The assailants are suplí bo a party of studente iroin the Uni■ r i ;v, Borde sixty or seventy strong, whose deign it was to carry at least the entire Normal Senior clas to the University and 'pump thain.' the plan íailed, with a single exception : one Tormal boy ouly being subjectod to the outrage. ne who escapcdgive Kis experience : lï?, was luietly going home whin he was confionted by ;h'reo pörsons niaskedj who deuianded if he was i Normal student ; being answered in the aftirmative, tliey at once seized him and a lively scufile ook place, in which his clothes were torn, ratel mashed, and Lc beaten. Finding liiinself overpowered and thhlIÚTlg his er.emy a band il burglafs, he cried murder; hearing the houses n tiio vicinity begiiming to open, his assailants ei't him aud ned. Two students wére less forunate, as they were captured and drivon witli violence toward Ann Arbor. After getting aboüt half way the captors concluded that one of them, being 'orlly an Academie,' might return, and releaaed him. The ' Normal ' was carried ;o the University grouhds, 'pumped' and otherwise maltreated, compelled to make a speech, &c, until hd couiil just gain the eárly roorniiií; ;rain by running, and was told to gct,' whion ie just did, and that was all. Of courso great ndignation is feit in regard to this outrage.- We say 'outrage' bocause it is nonsense to taik of these acta as tlic natural or allowable freaks of studente. At the rate of demoralizatioii vfiiieh tías marked the University íor a ycar or two past - in tact since the admission of girU-the people will need to squelch the whole thing in year or two more and begin anciv. It is nonsense to say that such doings caunot be stopped. The University is notdependeut on the etudents ; and the people who y.iy the taxes will demand soon that the disorderly be punished, if it involves the temporary suspension of the Institutiou.' ' Our cotemporary is not at all tao severo and thls muthod of rriakiug " Class History " is anytiiing bui creditable to young men supposed to have bruin enough to warrant development and culture at a University, as the actors will thernselves think when thcy come to1 be men. - This and other performances of the last tvro weeks reSect discredit upon tho Tiniveráity ane: the large body of orderly Class-Day is ove'r aritl the next exciling fhing on the programrne is the first annual meeting o: tlic Horst BreedSr1 Associatioil, eet down fcr Wednesday, Thursday and Friday néxt. Indi cations are that a largo number of horses of re puted speed and bottom will be entered anc conlest for tha liberal premiuitrs ofrered.' . ... Tfi " Tho Great St. James Minstrel and Variety Combination " are billed for the Opera House this èvoninR. Tlioy claim to be a "gïoriou óongreiss of artista ! the stars of the proíession.' Vat of it ?