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LJlM.rVIlllWlMBlHHI'l 1111 nv ■ li II ■! ■■ ■■-■ii- W TheCash DryGroods House O F CiMta'Sl, offer all the novelties of the ern and European markets FOR SPRING AND SL1IMER WEAR ! We invite special attention to our BLACK ALPACAS AND PURE MOHAIRS, Which for qualüy: and cheapness can not be turpcmed in the city. Come and see our DEESS ÖOODS, STKIPE SILKB,, PERCALES, GEENADINES, MOUÜNINÖ GOODS, LAMA LACE POTNT& AND JACKETSr PAISLEY AND STEIPE SHAWLS, LACE AND SILK TIES fc SCARÏ'S, PARASOLS, &c. The fïiïest stock of Hosiery in the City. Ladies ff yon wish the Best KID GLOYE in the market buy s pair of the " CAMIL.LE. SEAMLESS," We have tltem ïn all the new slmdes and Opera Tiuts, in two, ttiree and four button3. Êggf0 Our stock is new, and we sell for casb and give botfcom prices. ft. H. KILLEN & SON. 1423tf TjESÏRA-BtB KEAL ESTÁTE ron SALEI The sswibef , on account of ifl cSfers his 33' ACRES In thi ísrporation for sale. Tüls gri)-ofn4 mïjofnirthe Umversit} Observatory on the eiist, Opposite side of the Eitieeï1. I-iy hna a most excelleat SPRING ! On the northeast corner- formerly aupplied the Itail road tanks with water. ITS AÖVAÏMTAGES Are as folloTrs : For city purposes the Tluron Kiver menndera the same some 30 to 40 rods, and ia part of the beat "Watei IPoTveï On the River iri -tfiis vicinïty, ancTthe elevación on tbe northeast ccYitf?r is sntlicientl y high and amjïle to sup ply the citj?iiüt2ssftrcs f&r viater aïxd fire pni-posea THE WESTERN P0KTI0N OtTtfie rcncT very approprinte and suitsble for q ; PtiBHfi City Cemetery . The city has no suöh yround nijwbut must hnvíscóii; and whatever gronnda the 'city doe not care to use, can be sold at an iidvnntuge, so mueh so,that the cost of the Water Works grounds and Cemótery, would be merel y nominal. If the city 1 doea not want the eame, the grounds would be inval, un ble fór PRU1TS, LÉSGE & SMALL, íhcre being aome 100 trees now in bcarifag Tegctablea and Fastur.'tge, And alfo for MIÍ.Ksüpply,BLOODEDSTOCKj ilorses, Sheep, And ofher alwi.ysin grtnt wñnt fiy rtihny ia Uu1 cii y iiiid :'s4 yiiihiti'- . Ab city Ióts ndioitiing1 thè northweat (JbrtjSf of thia ln-ntt nio now selliiig' from tlirec hundro'l to threfl hundred and tifty aollars", thfse tanda wijíiM or con ld be sold in a short time to b good udvantagé and to-mnfrii iJroiit to th; purchaseï Will be given or the same wili be oxchanged for TSeichantnble goodB or Draga nnñ Medicibc, at'íast TRACY W. ROOT. Ánu Albor, Jau 31 1ST3. 1411 #B "Wpw"K Theworld is full of nsf . 4fc Childreu crying íor , sFwá CanaSLSor Oil, jH i áSEttl It 13 delicions.effectlvc and MH Al JBHriianiik'M. The renulsive JH IwvbL Bh K, taste amlsmell of the Cas■HHetBP' tor Oil la pntiruly overeóme ; W W H ímm rts cathartlo iiowers are Ï ijW not iinpaired. i'rice ffi cts. r VEEMIFÜGÊ BONBONS are eleganf and efFective. They réSemble Cream Bonbons kept in confectioners' shops. Childreu lova Uiiu aud cry for UieiiU Prico 25 cents perbox. AlXUlJ.HöpPiUs These Pilis do not contain Quínine or Mínerals. They are sugar-coated. Xvice,SO cts. per Jio.r. lr, HTcMantif Gardner, Ill.f sáys t ""I have taken them mysefï anü giren them to my wife and' cjiildren. They have eurer] t lie m -anü many othera who llave usedihem." Tlioy are mado to cure Fever ana Aguo nt once. Dumb Agüe nnd At?üe Fevera' are cu retí spoedlly. They are Pimple, harmless, and Mwayí rcliable. Dircctlous in four languagea ao-" coiupany them, i lí. W. ELL1S & CO., tire the Agents. 1420yl TOHN FEED. BKOSS, MASITFACTCEEH or CABBIA'G'GS, BICOIES, LOIBER WACOSS, SPIÍÍVÍ. WAüOIVS; CliTTEttS, SLKIÜJIS, íít. All work warrantad of the best material. BepairinfrdOBfl proraptly and re.isonahlv. All work waranted to give perfect eatiataction. 6fl South M-in ftWty 14M


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