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Detroit Live Stock Market

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Michigan Centhal ïakim, Moudny, June 2. The receiyts at these yards from the vánout pointe in the State for tho week and tach month of this year were as follows : _ ' ,. . Cattle. Hojrs. Shfcp V eek emlini .Ttlnp 5 2(rj ; 39 fit .Mvuthut' Jnnum-y 1,915 8 IS.7;! Miztli of Fehjuaiy l,;s)8 6 ims 1] 30" Muutli of Mnrch }, .,8 8 ,02 I 67J Month of Apiil .1 ' 4 ?.;! 5.n7 Jlunlh of llny 1,0 9 3,480 731 Stock received for trauslupmcnt: ... , .. . lattle. Uogs. Sheep. M et-k enriingr -luce S JOH 4,48" Month of April 5,7110 3 ñ9 3"0 Month of May ,6,(M 14,775 1B2 TolI... 19,748 18,04 02 CATTI.E. There was an extraordinary inflas of State and Northweaterp, cattle, glutting the marketThe supply far exceeded the demanil, opeoing with a fair home inquiry, but the absence of promiuent operators left two-thirds of the Iota unsold at night.. These were agaiu otfered, but holders were finally compelletl to seud thcm to to pastjires or mako arranements for their keeping till next market. This action rcresulted in the pnces beinL ahout seventy-five cents off on the hundred lbs. There wero innnerous lots of C'Ilicago cattle of extra quality, hut only a few in each lot were btfught, and those by city butchers. State cattle representcd evcry grade and quality some very ohoice, hut in a ratio of oue to live. Stockers were not in activo demand, and those wlio held lots were ohliged to ship Eastward or sell at a sacrifice. Milch cowa were not in deraand, holders seeking other markets foT their disposal. L]on tlio wiiole the rnarket waa tlie worst of the season. We quote : onuice to extra. avBragwg 1,000 to 1,200 lb?., in pood flesh and build 4 75@6 0( (Jomuion to choica, averaging 1,000 to 1,200 tfcs , in medium flesh and build.. . . 3 75(55 Of Stuckeis, iivnniiiiij; 8U0 ta l,flK lbs . ;-; Wght cattle, 600 to SOO lbs 2 . HOGS. There was a manifest intfisposition on the part of buyera to participato in the market. Lots tbat wuuld have brought a fair prufit threo weeks ago dragged heavily in holder's Iiands Rliipping Eastward from the NortbWBet continúes active, and this may account in part for the depression that novr rules the market. The lots presented from the State are mostly store hogs, and bring the best prices We quote : Lots suitaWe for pnckers }4 25(5 00 hota inerliinn migjlt 4 20(a4 (0 Lots suiüüle for sturo ) 4 05(3)5 00 6HEEP. There was no improvemont in the market. A few lots of sheared sliecp wera in the pens, but of a very poor quality. Lots sold were by the head at about the following rates : Fino pruilen ibesrad 54 50(015 00 ■Vediuin frades sheared 3 b(aA 00


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