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TEN REASONS WHY No Family shouij te without a bottU o W1ÍITTLESEY in the house. I st. - If will relieve the worst rase of B il OU i Cholle or Cholera Morbua in 15 minutes 2d. - It will cure the most obstinate case Dyspepsla and Indigestión iuafc weeks. 3d. - It is the best remedy ín the world f) ] Slck Haadache, as thousands can tcstify, 1 t taken when the iirst symptoms appear. g 4th. - It is the best diurctic ever put befort the public; curing those distressing complaints, Diabetes and Cravel and other Urinary - difflcultles. 6th.- It is a most excellent Emmena KOgUe, and to the Voung Clrls. iniddle agcd Wotnen, and at the Turn Of Life, hu remedy is of incalculable vajue. 0th. - It will remove wind from the bowels, and henee a few drops in some sweetcned water given to a bbe is better than a dozen corciials to Re I eve and make it Sleep. Containing no ïi r) o d y n e . 7th. - It is a sure relief for ndnlts and cbüdieu affected with Worms nnd Pin Worm. T It will bnng away the worms. ! 8th.- It will cure tk Plleianü HemOf" 1 rhodial difficulties. Oth.- It will cure Constlpatlon and keep h the bowels regular. It will also cure the worst case ! ofSummer Co mplalnt and Dysentery. lOth.- It will cure f. our Stomach, , Stlmulate the Llver to healthy action, t Relieve He art-Bu rn and act as a general Regulator of the systcm. 1 When taken dunte the dose with fiugar and 1 Water to a Win e -Cl a ss f u 1 1 and ou have a pleasant tpnic. Whittlesey (Dysyepsia Cure) $1.00 per bottle. ■Yhittlesey Agüe Cure 50c. per buttle. #i Whittlesey jCough Granules 2c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists and warrónted. VUtUecr Prop. lied. Co., Tolodo, 0. FORO - PN'c k DËRMADOR : Ctood for Man.- Inflammation of all kinds, Diphtheria, Wonnds, BruiseB, Bums, Sprains. Kheu. matisrn, Sore Tbroat, bwclling of the Glnmis, In. flainmation nf the E.res, Broken BreaBt, Frost Bitei, Chilblains, Piles, Beo Stings. and all Sores. ood for Beast. -FreBh Wonnds, Gnll, Poll Evil, Sprains, Brnises, Cmcked Heels, Ring Bonp, Wind Galle, Sjíivins, Swcency, Founder, Lamensa, Sand Cracks, öcratches, or Orease, Mangc, llorse Distemper. Thts truly xvnnclorfnl l.lnlinont was aiscovcred by HOMKR ANDER80N, A.M., lato Professor of Cheinietry and Mathematica in the C'linton Liberal tnstltute, of Oncida County, N. Y. In experimenting for the purpoae of making Pruseic Acid. by unitinp the independent gasoous bodiesof which it ia composed, a reeiduum was Ifift, which, on beinir applied to bruises and inflamed parte, by the studonts of the Instituto, was found to possos? the remarkable property of cooling down and carryinï off the infiammation and soreneas at once, and restoring the parta to BOnndnen and health in a faw hours without pain or irritation. It la lint a heating S.liiiíiiriit. bnt acta by its peculiar specific or chemical qualitieB in diseölving and Bcattering the poreness and inflammation of the injured part. liy R free application, the red enrface Boon becomefl cöo',raoist and natural, undis reslored to natural healtli without euppuratiou or destruction . Aa a Mnlmcnt for Horse Flcsb) for the cure of all the ailmentd named abovc, we cballcnge the world to find its ctual. Prico 25 &, 50 cents per bottle. D. EANSOM, SOIT & 00,, Propr's, BOFFALO, N. Y. See notice n local column. OX'SWINEOFTAR álO YEAFS - OF - feS PUBLIC TtLT Has proved Dr. Crook'a _ WINE To have more i. %LUh,i - rit than any Saa&asae (OI, ert-rolteretl tlie public Tt ia rieli In the medicinal nualilM'sof Tar, nH nneqnaled tor Otaeasea of the Throat ana LuilgH, (lerforming tbe most reuiark able cures. Coughs, Colria, Clirontc Couglu. It effeclnally curet tliem aü. Astlima and Bronchiti lias eiired so raany jfS&z, casca it lias been pro%L&$ noimced a pecifie ÍOI these CDmplainls. For pains in Breast, Side úk Back, Gravel or Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jaundice or any Liver Complaint, It lian no cqnal. It is also a superior Tonic, Restores the Appetite, Strcngthens the System, Restores the Weak and Debilitatcd, Canses the Food to Digest, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestión Prevenís Malarions Fevers, Oives tone to your tíysíem. For Scroftila, ScrorT iiIoiih IMsciinck of K theEyes, or Scrofu Ia in any lbrm. Q Any disease or eruption bf2 of tle Skin, disease of the 8Srv J Livpr, Rheiimatism, PimO„a ples,01(l Sorcs,Ulcerfl,Brok&ty -. en-down Constitu t í o n s , gyv Syphilia, or any disease deQ pending on a depra ved convö'wj dition of the blood, try Splp DR.CROOK'S %tïf- SYRDP OF ft POKE ROOT. a0 It han the medicinal prop erty of Pokecorubined with jirJ? apieparation of Iron which y goeH at Once into the blood, Jfl performing the most rapid f and wonderful cures. Ask your Druggist for l)r. Crook' Compound Syrup of Poke Boot - taks and be healad. CAW GUMMER & SHARPENEE. A CXIEAP, implo, ank duniblo -easily nperntedand niiiniQEi Whecl fruuiöxij iiiches lo 12. 1 inch. Price of Machine, $15. Wheels with bovelled, doublé bovelled and round faceframSí3-1í3 to $7.3?, acoordiriR to thiefcnse. EeaVier Maflhwies $7O 5nd SOO, runniïii,' AVïift'is np to ü-1 iuoËei .n dñmeter í'or iliuatrated faTaphletB or Photr-gráphs, addrtn THE TAÏïITE CO., 14131H8 EtroHdibavK, Monoo Eo.,F:


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