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WASHTESAWeOüMTY. NÖtWYiniBUCÏ ÍM!UÍ4Í GENERAL 3 tjJ L jj L.-.-iWiüCOHVLYANCER L-JL J )UR ABSTRACT BÖOKS! i partiatly inaicatcd ahnve, are now postüd to clalc 'hey ut once, in ;i condensed or poted forin, bon he orlgnal chuin and uil new chaina of title. Initanae, uch 8 AUDITOR GENERAL'S DEEDS, Known ;is Tax-Titles, vhii-h are very numerous in tlïis Uounty, Decrees, Gontracis, Deeds ! WILLST ScC, Alan, now na well as all of the oíd anduoharged fortgagei as ftir back íih 1824- wbloh uro lezions. 'srsoostak'ni title or mortHfrei and lfrna wül renember that Tiix-Tüli's and othcr collnteral m:tttera .re not fouud in the u'.ial mo o of searoh by ïndexea ,t the Reyisterd ortio-, TÜe boöka or liiienintbe lejLiterf8 oittoo luno bvcomsoaunievovsiind volum nous tbiit lonir time i BCCfeeBiaftty requived even to n:tke .i hasiy and unreUablo search. with our facilites we say to the public tbat we ean fihoT them title ,nd ïitle History, ranke Deed, MortHíres, Asaignnents, Dischiu-ies, &c, as covreotly, quicker uiut in etter stylfï than imy otlier otfice iu the Couuty. Ve mve IVIONET TO LOAN ! On Bond iad Mortg'tve en Ion? time. REAL ESTÁTE loldorexcbEDged. H0U8BS TO BENT. 33 acres ipposite tho Obüeivutury i'or aule ín los to suit purhasers. ROOT & LEITER, Real Estute Ageuta, No. 1. Greipiry Block, Pbacy "W, Uott, iud opiwaite iho PoHtoüice. 'hables A. Lkiteiï. 141( tf WISHART'S JINE TREE TAR CBRIIii! NATURE'S GR KAT REMEDT FOK. THE THKOAT AND LUNGS. It Is jrrntilying to ns to infurm the public that Dr Q. '. WWiarti Pine Tiee Tar CorgiHl, for Throat md Lurg DisertRes, has jrained an eiivi.-iblo reputation (rom the Atlantic to the Facifle coast, and from [henee to somo o!thefii-et fum lies of Europi, not t ronh thcprfjs alone, but by persons throuphut the States actnally betjt'fitcd and cured ïit hi8 DÍHcc. Whlle he publi-hes lesa, 8O Fllyonr reporter?, he is anableto enpply thedtmand. It gaius inri holdfl ite repntation - rirnt. Not by stopping congh, bot by loosening ïn issietiuf,' nature to throw off the DJlhe'althj matter ccllect. d about t he throat and bronchial tubes vhirh entuses irritmi h . Second. It removes tho cauec? ofirritatioii (which produce coiiah) of the mn'cona membrane and bronchinl tub s. aesiatü tlie Iuiil's to act and t'iruw off the unheiiHhy secretions. and purifies tho blood. Ihird. Itisfrei' fr in s.i'.illls, lobella, ipecac and npinm, ( which most ihroat and Iuiilt terneilioH are jouapusei, wincli iillay wuagh oulr, DBd (Umreuilse ihe stomach. It ha n sootlilni; effect on the stom ch, acts on the livcr and kidnej s, md lyin pathic and uervo-.n reglóos, thus naching to every part of the syetem, and in ts in vigora ti ng and purifyini effuctsit h.-iw gnined a vTpiKiition wbich it must hold above all otbers in the ciariset. NOTICE. THE PINETREE TAR CORDIAL, GREATAMÏR1CAN DISPEPSIA P1LL8. AND WOKM SUGAR DROPS Bein under my Immcdlanto direction, tliey fhal not loose their curative qualitics by the use oí cheap and impure articles, HENRY 11. WISHART, PBOHRIK"! Olt. FREE OF CHARGE. Dr. L. Q O. Wishart's Offlce Parlors are open on Mondayp, 'I nesdnvB and Wednesdays from 0 A. M to 5 P. M., for cou-nltation by Dr. W'm T. Magec. ith hirn are associated two conxulting phyaiciana of ackn'wledged nbility. This opportunity U not offered by any otiier [nstitution in the city. All letter must lx; uridressecl to L. Q. WISHART,. M. D.3 JVo. 232 IV. Recomí St., PHILADELPHIA. rpHE CHEAPKSÏ HOUSE IN THE CITY OF ANN AlUÏOIt! H. COHEN DKAI.EB IN Millinery &c. We Scll for Cash Only. M13tf 33 SOUTH MAIIV STBEET. A Rage Chance TO LET. A!ar"e and modern uew Grocerv tore ín Buchoz Block, Detro t Street. Ondoobtedb thebeat kwatton In that nart of the city lor aaid Imïincss. A rood large cellar and new bartattaehed to the iircraisos. The rent [a Í300 ycarly, lo be taken in groceries for Alïw ftnc now Ment Marker., all complete, joining my block, with modern impr.'vemcnts, marblc table be. larg; ew smoke honse, large brtck cistern ajnl celür, uew barn and uil réad lor naa, with thres fami)y rooihs aboe. Store rf uta fc.r Oiö yearly ; taken iñ mt"i formj mmily nee. Also n small Btore in my block, houses, rooms, c, FOft SALE.- Threa gfod largo carriage or farm horse, one fine uew carriáge, buggiep.-wogoua.iarrrM ing tooi. Ali -three god c.owfc p


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