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fL B. GIDLEY, Snccessor to COLGJiOVE 4 SON. ■WËMk Hk DRUIiGIOT Al) üiliï IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, tïo. 12 E. HÜRON STREET, DEALER IN [ÍU 'GS, BEDIf ISES, SlRt.IC.lL ISTRI'Ï1ESTS, . PIRE WIKKS ÏW LIQIORS, (FOR MEMOAL PURPOSKS ONLY.) Fancy Gooils, Pertumcry, PAINXS, OII.S, V AU ISIIKS, ;l. ASS Al PÏITY, PBYSICIAIS' PBESCRIPTIOSS Carefully compoundecl at all honra. [ PSOPOïE NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOFÜRNISH AS QOOD AN ARTICLE. E. B. GIDLEV. 13G"tf nn i nni nni Au ! nul au ! j O. O. i VVlnnfirstL. COLBY hung bis sign Dl 0. 0. D.-At. So. 19, And offered Groceries clieap for cash, Sume people snid, " he's fooucd to go to smash. A.nd old-timu Grere wouïd faintly smilr, Prophueying 'C. O. D. will last bul little wnile. la HXty days we'H run linu oif the truck. And cali our wandering oustomerB back." The oroakera Bftid and thouijlit it true, MHeU urelyfHii bef ore the year is Nev ! You cm't sell Groceriei in tliin town And jet yout pity in greenbacks down; Where dry pood merohenta on efvi y street 'ltfc iilkbtuad sjvÜds, habff out chickuns to eat; Where toide is mixed in everv plnoe, At the ííhiik' eonuter you buy botter orlaoe ; Where oredit nnd luss o hand in hmtd. Mr. 0. O. D. but a slim chance will atand." Let propheta and oro.ikers hnve their Hay, L. COLBYsella G R tCERIKS mly íurltEAÜY FAY: And BflUa so ohtHp i'or dnily cnsh He feaiti i o dangei of a sxaafth. And to hia pütrons all, and buáinen r;tndB, TUp greetiDg of the season he oxU-nds, To young and oíd, a glad New Year, With hoats of friendo and lot& of cheer ! í.íive Itim a oaU, and from hip store Vuui tablw spiemi wit li good thingi more. At that pliice you will ahvays tind Frwh new Grooeriea ol bent quality nnd kind- FverytWnff oeedfwl for good cbeer at home You eau buy ;U, his counter wltenever you come. The du y areno sliort this bitter wld winter, Tomention detaili would weary the printer. Jiut nek if yon chooee fn ;utythinc' e.itable, You gei. itat (íftcfe, in qualit;. un'ueatable! Forinifiiïry men who nro wenry and cold, He hasOysten hftt, Oystera that must besold - Oystera piek led, ' "■ tc sfew, and oyntcr fry, li Oyeters finy otlier way you ciiooe to tiy. He will serve uj ( tystera at ;my hour of day, And tlie beat of oigun to smok on yourVay. A dísh of hot Oystere will do you rauch good. And cheer you while scdliug your grain or wood. And with ensh in hnnd Iny in a s'ore Of ('oltVc, Ton, Sugar, lour nnd inany more, Of all thinga fubstantial fordaily use, Nor treat iüe's Brood tfrng with abuse; ('roekery and Gbissware and Fraits to put In them, Xuts, Kawins, anti Candy. for cbildreit who wint]iem. And ye whoar bleMsed with their beautiful faces, Willflnd[2i) the best of au pfn é, To troy a tritie, to bring n siinle or rihgihg; lnugh, Tour pleasure. than theirs. will he greater by half Tlien aó not fOTget to cali on Mr (..'. O. P., And buy of hirn your i'ruits, pjutar, aud Tea Thouph the big (J) A may frtll frnin ifa plnce, The 0. O. I). - store is st ilion the race. And does not intend to Hy from the' reunie TUI cronkera of eviltalk themselrefllioarse, Grocerieu cas beaold for ready iy. And Cr3jL,1ciy haslearned the way : Sold five timéa moré than he expeeted- Ry 0. O. D. from loss proirpu-;!. And the secret he is rot afraid to teir - Keep the best of all thintr- with pricés low- be ifood natured, give ffood mensura, And you art bound to Bell I 29! 29! 29! L.C.RISDON'S Ij AUVERTI3EMENT. Now is the time Kf buy PARLOBADBATINfl' STOYES. 1 I will scll them Rt COST until further notice. ! So. 31 S. Maiu 8t, Ann Arbor. Jl TAMKS McMAHON', Justicc of the Peace, Office in new block, North of Court House Money collcoted aml promptly piiid orer. INSXJriAN"CIL; AGENT. Trhimph, tweti, T2T.Ins .11 Nortli Missouri, " .-f5,ílT.!il niboruia, " 35U,ÜOU.UO BKAI, KSTATK. I have 3" acres of laad H rf n rrsilo from the city imits, finely loc-ltcc! foT fruit or garden rjtirposes. Also 10 aereo. A!3o 10 seros, with h"iise aud !nrn,nt)d a Hvel utream of water ruiming throngh tbe barn yard. 00 acres, a mileont. 1 will eeil aiiy or all the atove cher.p, or excl.aage fnrdtyproperfy. JAMK8 BcJtAHOI.


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Michigan Argus