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The Massacre Of The Modocs

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The Xew ïork Ternes says of the terrible outrage perpetrated on Monday by the Oregon volunteers : " This uiassacro can hardly fall within the reasoning of Genera] Williams, and these murderers must ba apprehen Jed. and pimished by the civil íiutiiorities of the State where the crime was cominitted. If the perpetratore wore Oregou volunteers Governor Oiover should spare no pains to bring thein to iustice. lie was very anxious the otheiday to have the indicted Modocs tumed over to hiir. for trial, and hisdemand was logical. If he desires to servo the peace and prospenty of his State now let hini show equal anxiety to bring to justico thoso whito assassins, And whilo tho liunt is out for these outlaws General üavis ïnight profitably eraploy sonu: of his leisure moinents in reflecting whether in the present state of feeling, it is entirely sal'e to allow parties of Indian prisoners to bo trausportcd ibout the country without an armed escort, it is plain that if the party which was attaoked had been provided with'even four or five soldiers it would not have beeu molested. Tho nation cannot afford to havo this disgraco reiieated, and we trust General Davis will take proper precaution in the future to guard his prisonera froni the fury of the white savageB." A Methodist preacher "out west" has found eight leading rafmbcrs of hig church, each of whom spenda about $200 a year for tobáceo and $íi3 for the support of the pastor, and cannot afford to take a religious paper. Of courso, a man has a right to pay for his luxuries according to tho valué he sets upon thein, aud we doubt Tery mucli whnther that pastor will have a good time during the rest of his stay with that church. An enraptured Texas editor thns gives his itupressions of the opera : " The croma of vioiets exudea from it as though every note were an odorous pelal whose exquisito pcent is cariied to the finor nerva of the brain upon tho balray air of sound) dying away in melodieus and falls, and swelling with tho riohness of jftstfumed Hfe into Being, mitil the soul i'awrapped in a uiaötle of sensuous delight that inakes it faiut with raptuto."


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