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,TU$ Cut lüustratss tho mannorof ütlng fï Fonntaia Nasal Injecíoí, 'Ipil ■ j !■■ on f ñ Thia instrument, ia ospcciully deaignod for tb perfect ajir.üi'it in nuf DR. S AG E'S CATARRH REMEDY. It.lstho only form of instrument yetinventod vith vhich fluiil uiedii [nu eaa be corriod high v.p and pereMy apptied to 11 j.nrts of the affected nnaal passages, and thorhamherjrorcfivjtieseoin IBnnioating therewith, iu wbicli Bores and ulcera fteqjiently orist, and fi umi. Tho want of raocfsü m trenüng cmarrh horotofore has arisen lnrgcly irnin the; ■ reuiorties to thene carities ajul cöamfieraby ny of the ordinary mei bodl. This obgtaole in the wiiy ot enncüng onree la entirel; . by tlie inyontion of Ihe Dpnche. 3u nslng this iiistrument, tr,e Finid s carried by lts ttwn weii'ht (no snuffinc, forcini or : g requirid.) lip ona nostril in u vi:i v.'ii. ..„,„ to the blgnest portion of the naaal paaaoges, pnsses luto uiid thorougbly oleanse ril the tuina and clmmbcrs oonnectea thtdewlth, nnd flows cut of Ihe opoo.oits nociii!. lts uao ia pleauaut au so el Id pie tüat 6 cliüd cas nnderstand li. Full '"ícxUcltdl:tloiaotoa)va''yoaohintTu. hicnt. Whan used wlth tbis iustrument, Dr. Bago e Catorih Remody enrt-s n cent attacka of Cold In Uie Heud bya-íen ap])licatín8, Symptoma ot tafch. i,, nllmg luto ti i, Hniea T"""1 ■■■■ '■ ■ : imieus, pui: ■ or f'v tion of nasal pansajecs. ringlng lnears,r! linees, hawkiní nnd ooughing tocl. ;:l,,,. 8l..,i5 flora ulcera vohse alta n ú, naiwl twang, offenniva breath. impalred or totil doprivation of sense of emelJ nu tasío, ir.idncM,m Qtal il pi esaion loas vi appetlte, ludisi Bton.onlargd tonsil, llckhiis 6 m Bymutonia aii i' ir", ' ■"■'''■' s Rí5""' -l;'=, aud accompa.iiodwlth tho constitutíonal treatment -which s reoommen],-.d in tho pampbjpttbat wrapa each bottle oí tbe Romedy, is a peri'cct siiocilic for this loatUsoinii di8i'.at8 , and the proprietor offors, in good iaith, $5OO iv.iirt fur a caso be cannot cute. Tho í is mild aud pleasant to mtalning no strong or caustic drugs or i. J heCatuiTh Iíemedy issold at 50 wnta mil bemaUod by proprietor on rSiipt oí 60 ceuta xi. v. eufincE, m. d., 8ole Proprietor I ','J. E". Y. No Pe ra on cm tako íhcsc Bftíers accordlng to dlrectlons, and remaiii ongunwell provkled theif bones are not dcstroyert by minera! poison or other mean, md vitai orgaus wasied bevoud tho point of repair. Dyspopsí.i or Indtgetion, Headache, rain tatué 8houlders, Coughs, Tightness of tlie Chest, gtóziness. Sour Ernctatlons oí thc Stomach Batí Tasto in the Month, Blltoua Áttacltl, Palpltatlón of tho Ileari, taflammation of the Lnngs, Pain In the región of thc KidncyB, and a hnndrerl other painful Byinptoms, are the off-springa of Dyspepsla. Ono bouio will prove a better ííiuirantéc cr i inerits tlian a Iengthy advertlseini Por Fcmiilv C'nplintE, ín vonne or oíd marriefl or single, at the dawn or womanfiood or tho turn of life, these Tonic liittera dlgplar so decided an iiiüiience tliat lmproveiuent ia sooa For Inflninmittorj' am! Clironic Rhcn. matism and Goiu, Biiious. Kemitteut and Intermltteut rever?. Discases of lie Blood Uver Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no équal Bnch Diseases are cíáused hy Vitlated Hlood. They are a geutlc Purgativa ai well n a Tonic, possessing the niurit of actine as a powerful ageni in relieving Cunpestion or Inflamïnation of ihe Uver aud Visceral Orgaus, and in Büions Diseases. For Skin DIscnscs, Eruptions, Tctter 8altRhenm, Blotolios, Spots, Pimples, Piistwles Bolla Carbnncles, Rlng-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes Erj'sipelag. Itch, Scarft, Discolorations of the Skin! Humors and Diseases of thc bkin of whalever name nr Dfttnre, are ïteraUy riug p and carried out of tire systan i,i a Bhort Unie i).v tne ase of these Grateful Thonsamis proclaim Vinegar BitTER3 the most wonderful luvigorant that ever sustained the gtnSlne system K. II. .UcDO.ALO &, rO. nrnggisH ind Oen. Agta., San Francisco Cal i! :or. of Washington and Cimriton Sts N' Y SOLD BY ALL DKCGGÜSra & DEALEKa. r N TIME! lías opeued a íarge stock Of SPRINB & SUMMER C3-OO3DS, IncluJing new and FASIIIONABLESTÏLES - - ron - OOATS, VBSTB, WLichhe will manufacture in (ho best and Iatest style, and Warranted Fits and Work. AIso kceps a good stock of BBADMUDB (MH1(Í AND Gents' FURNISHING Goodg. Whieh wlU be sold chcap. OALL AND RKE THEM. No.ül South Main Street,- EastSide: WI1,I .lAiUjWACiNl'.JR. Ann irbor, May Iet, 181! i r.i A Chance Cor Borgains ! For sale at a frroat bargain, 160 ACRES W CHOICE l.A.N1 1). 1 - i 1 1 : ■ Jii jini. . in.!,, the city of louia. loó aeres ander impiorement, with sfood orchrd, bara and slicd, a conifortnUu hoosa. Terms of nftvmont- bon (2.00U to Í2.50U down; balance cu lunu time. b Al ACRES, almut 2VÍ miles from August, Kaluranzoe ('ounty, all inijirovcd, with good LuilUmgs. Terms- extlciuely low. Also 40 ACfiTCS about eight miles from HastingB. Airo SO ACRES on section 8 iu tJie town of IJazclton, , ShmwaMe Oounty, about 12 miles from Coruoun. WeU timbered. For torms adilresa he naienigned. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1873. IDEAL ESTÁTE FOE SALE, THE VOLNEY CHAPÍN IlüMESTEAD, Near the north cast corner ofthe ConrtHoufe square This pjoperly wUl be aiild at rcasuiiuhle prjcee, m lots eoltable for a renldence, or forbntl. Deeg parpóse Also lote on Miller Avonueeat ul loniB'üreen house. Also a Farm of 1G0 Acres, Won wntcrod ni.rl Ibnced, with good orcliard and WrbaUdlngj. witiiin amile olthe l.ourt Unoeeln i 5t.JohPB.Mi:. I oak timbered lauda in Sagtnaw Cowuty, i Intuiré of 141 m O, A. CHAPIH.


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