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A California Story

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The facts narratea berein wera toln us yesteiday by a gentleman who declared ie would vonch for tbeir uuthenticity. A lew days ugo, a niíin dressed in plaiu, Uut ntat clotues, preseuted UilBSeli' ut tlie office of tho cnshiör of the Umted States Bránch Mint, and said be would liko to iuakea drait on the iustUution. 'Does ilic Mint owc you anythingK' uskt'd tho cashier. " A gmall snm, I believe I have on deposit somewbere in the neighborhood of one laindred and sixly ounces of gold dut." " I don't remember having reoeived any sucti smri ivcently." " No; I reckon not, for you soe I don't tbiuk you were bere when I jnudü tbe deposit," and tlie Etianger produeed fioin liis pocket-book a brown, iige-begnnn-il looking piece oí' paper, wbioh be handcd to tlie guntleuiarily cushier. ïhe latter took thu paper and rearl, " lleceived of in 1801, one hundred and six.ty ounues of g'ld dust, etc , etc," BUDt] then UZOlaimA, " Wiiy this bas been here for nilietaen years ! ' " 1 guess it's aboiit that timo. Yon soe I came down fiom tbe mines in ltt.34, lringing witb me nome duel. A little dab 1 depogited bcro, wbile a -rood deal more was gainbled and fookd awi)y - drinking andsioh. Tben I really djn't know what bappened until I fouud inygelf at sea, in the forecastle of' a sbip I was told tliat I bad shipped as a sailor, and rnaybe I did ; at any rute there was no belp'for ït, and I did my duty as wcll as I know liow until I was dñeharged in Australia, wlien 1 wi'iit oil' to the in tluit country, mui have bt'rn trying my luck in iihnost every quartor oí the globe. But times have tlnmgeJ a great deal sitien the thisli days of early Califor nia. I cOuld spiu you an interesting lite yain, but this ís not tho tima or place, so ít the docuroents are all right, I will trouble yon for tho Titile 511111." Án exammauon of tho books rovoalerl th: iact tiiat the nu eb bad been deposited ;uid néver rulled for, tmt was itlwnys kopt in rüinlincss foT tho depoeitor. The man was int'ormed that the (ioveininciit did not pay interest on deposita, but wa ilways rcady to pay the principal. A few minutes moro and the uQui valen of tho dust deposited nineteen yeais het'ore was handed iieross the counter and gatbrred up by the -visitov, who, bidding the caaKíer " good-day," weut on Lis way rejoicing. - Allo Cidiforniaix. Oregon la.iies wear boots, smoke cl.iy pipes, and ride with ft foot on eaoLi sicïe ol the saddie


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