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Trial Of Susan B. Anthony

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UANANDAIGüA, . Y., Jnne 1 7. - The oase of Susnn B. Anthony, who w.-s iniii't'Ml tor roting in viohition ot the liiw ut the city of Rocheatef, at the Xowflibfcr ïoiriTitl èlection, was caHd in the Circuit Coiirt of tbc United States, now in sewion in tuis riUagt, to-cla y. Tire de - tfíiilant jx-r-'t;na!ly appeared ii coort, bocomp niftlby Mrs. Ifutil'ia J. Qf(B mul otUer lnilic-, and wiis represíHteá ly her conneil, Hon, Hunry K. SeMrti mul Johi VnnVoorp, of Boch8ter. Bon Bic tin n Crowly, District Atlorncy, rcpresptitK th! Uniiod Stütfs. A jury wils ini])iin ncled with ut difficulty. lt was oonoed(1 tlmt the 1 t' iidiuit wns, on the flth . NoVembiT, 1872, womnti. Afterthe tes tifiionywas all in Jailyr Seldi n addressci the cortrt ;i"(] jury in n exhatmtive ir.ruim'iit. VLa enmioiivted three propositiims First, tbnt the defrndunt was 1iliy entiried to vote at the eleétïon in question ; seconii, it' slü' wis aai loenii;]cil, luit ijcMcviiI thtt he w;is so, rtiir] voti'il in got.ii faith i:i thit bolicf, suuh vuting loes nöt eoitstitote a criminal lindar the stntüTe; lénit, thii'l, thit Hbe did voto in bucM belief and good f iü1i. He s"üd that tlio Iwo first qnestion wt-io for Ilie coort mul' the last was Í ■ tho jniy, unlcsstho coirtï phonld consilcr it go olear that the defemdant ictod in good fitith ms to leave no rjn, stion for the ennsiderution of tliojury. He insistid that the time bad oonse whfirtho civil tmñ politica! rights of won) en f hou ld be placed upon a perfect equality '.Tifh those of men.