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Unlversiiy oí Michigan -Class ol 1848. Tho class of 1S48 will hold theür first reunión at Cook's Hotel in the city of Aun Arbor, 011 Tnesday íveping, June 24th, at 9 oViock p. M. ïhis being the 25tli annivorsary of the class it is hope! that as miny of tho nrriTlg metnbers will be present as possiblo. W. G. KANSOM, Sec. XO Kili Patato Ungs. X.tsp 1hc Fuie r.-iiia Ureen. Í3ew;'re of low priced mixtuies. Wt 11 notlilligi offer doiLiiig but thc " jü Suieuj Pure T.iris Gi'cn." it. W, ELLIS & CO. iKtNu. - Conluui' Lininient. Thcrc is ño Jiairí wbicb the Centaur Liniment will not relieve, no swelling it will not subdue, aua no luiíieiiíjss which it will not cure. This is stroug laiiguase, but it is true. Where the p:u-ts are :ot gone, its uífoets are marvoious. It has produced more cures of rheuiriatisni, neurtllgil, lock-jáiv, fialsy, sprains, swellings, cakedbre2tsj,scalds, burns, ealt-rheum, ear-ache, &c, upou tbe human frame, and of stvains, upaviu, galla, (ce, típoii animáis in one year than have a.l other pretended remedies since the world began. Oippies throw away their crutchos, the li ín j walk, poisoiioiís tntes are rendered harmless anJ tne wounded ale1 ïieakd without asear. It is no humbug. Thc recip 'i publúhed aroirad i ach boit.e. It is solling as no afiele ever tx for Bjid, ud it sells because it doí just what it pretendí to do. who now suffer froai riioumatisüi, i)ttin or swelling deserví to suffer ii thev will not use Centaur Lmimeut. More thau l.U'JO certiticates of rcmarkable cures, including frozen limbs, chruinc-rlu'umatism, gout, running tumors, ke., have been received. We will send a c r;ular contamina ccrtihcate, the recipe, tfcc. gratis, to any one requeátmg íti Une botUe ot the ycllow wrapper Centaur I.iniment is worth une huudred dolían for ejiavined or sweeniect horses and mulea, or for sCrCW'Wontl itl fíltíCp. Stoek-ownere - ihis lininicnt is worth youf attention No fainily should b williüut Centaur Liuiínent. I'rice ü cts., large bcrttles SI. J. B. SOSE í: t'o., í:i Broadway, líew York. CasïOkia is more titan á svtitátituie for Castor Oil. It is the only safe article in existeuce vrhich is certain to assimilate the íood, regúlate the bowels, euro wiiid-colic and produce natural sleep. It coiiUiins neither iniuerals, morphiue or alcohol, and is pleasout to take. Children ueed not and mothera may rest. Au Einfncnl Scicütiïic ilim exi'aim why 1'rot. ", AífiíKiisaN's Dbbmjudob" act8o niuc.i more promptly than other iifiplitittions in euribg sO --■ paris, us fbltows : Tlie ueaal itpplio.ititns, tueh as püwtara vnil poultices, con&ne tbö hertt, i-o it eteapan ffith iliiliculty, iind tlie cuio mul be slo. Tu.' D.'rmiilor nata in direct oppoaitio i to ni! a ich appliontions - it kseps the kiu moist, and instealof oonfining it coiuiuctij the oö, and rcdutes tüe idflttmm ition imiiif diately. Bee futvertiaemtmt in ahother col imn. Oils ror ilai ■liiiiiT.v. Veimv.?oii btmd Virgttb Koek Oil, Pure Lard oil, Pur Golden Oil, in faot all lubrica ing iln mied nnd witt Bell tiicm for cash ns luw urn tiiey can be bouslit. ïry o. It. W. ELLLS &C0. Kagrnu's Llniinent. Tl. o jriortt cinc, tor Spl'iünï), Brulan, Stiains Etheuiniitum, HwelllogSi L;iinencsö Au. Thous; nds nfbottlei iwil in Waiihtwiaw ( ounty with i;crfec .ati ti.cliun. Tiy oue bottlo. Price 60 eeats. li. W. Ei,Hft it CO1120wj Rcyond the ZtfHsisftippi- Thoastnto htfve tilrendy gane t and thousitada more are t.:rning their eyea t'w inls new boipaa in the feitile Vv_'st; Tö thooegofog lo Missouri, Kansaa, Nebrssfca, Colorado. Utah, Wyomiog, N erada, Otwuii or CaliWrnifi, we recommend t ctie;tp, tfe, quifk and direct route. Ha Sr. Lóala QVer the Missouri PftcUfc Ruilroivl. which rutui if.ï :"ii ■ I) ■-) tc'i"s and PnUrao BleejMnv fiom "ít. Louia to principal ioints in Ilie West vnímut cfitttge. We beliovfi tht the Missouri l'.-icific Uniltod hai tl be1 trnek a!cl the ftnest hnd snfeii m pi pn'.ïi? i t' any liu" wesl of tira MiwRsippi. and in nn rvions wit Ji io;us furtíier West Mie pinmpt f ntl r-iiilii- The Ft' x f is couiho' ion of this rond is rmw completcxliHBd piwn9rs.i"PoffeiBda ftrsi olass tii.iil route iru'ii fcit. üouia to Texnu. pitheï over tli UCiMuari, Kunrti & L'esaa 11. H.t erfd ffedatia, or over the ittantic fr PneiHe U. K., eiii Víttíut. For Bnps, lime tob) -s, mtormu'ion i to rat s routen, &?., We ipfer our vüaders to t '. WTheelcr Xorthem Pamkd■_' -r Agent.. 7 Lloyd Btivet, lïntfalo, X. Y., or E. A Kui'1. General Paawwfer Agant, Bt. Louis. Mo (ut&Uom will bt ahetrultjf and promptly answered! jfcmMntattan Tuniine! CUcap tarín in Naiitn-wext lissouri !- The Atbrnt & Pticlflc iUilumd Compiny offer 1. 1:00,00 ores üt nn t m Oatrnl an l Boathweet Missouri, at froin ?3 (j -i' p ir Bcrê, rn itfreti year tim wttfa tree trinKï-ntiii .tí frnin St. Liii' to 'l pirchiispr. "limí(Te. o'l, 'iírt1if r. mncr-tl we?i th tchoolfl (öiuffhe iinfl lw ui'- (society invite (mir-.iTits f'om nll pointu to this land oí frm's ml fiowurs. For particulars iiif'i'" a A. Tuekj hand CommibKioner, bt. Lorna, A GENTS WANTEP FOB BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL FARMERS! Thptrt hoik pubHehed nn the lïorse nnd the Eow IJlmml irm . m -w naaempidly by Agente POK ■ F.R & COATKS. PBl [íeirhs. PhilarU-lpliia, Pa TÖHS ITSEÏ). B.ROBS; SlAMTfACTCftíí OF E1bbaci:s. ftu;;íF,s i.ottif.r wagons, 8PBISG WiíiOTS ClTTÉÍlS, All work w.irtiintoil 6f the Vic=,f material. Ropair' inp done prfmptly aoiI rcison.-ibly. All work wsr' rant"d to fth' piïfeit saUífeotio. M Sonth Mni i etre-t 1433


Old News
Michigan Argus