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HEFATTTTI MlrtKaP Salo. I SS Si Sil Sa s Fkk,„,;„ k P.Hw.nm, UBI)B1CK SCJlMio, ,,. AttoriwjrforÍMgi A';slf1IeB„„,.,..,.. Mertgag?. Sale, JJI.I'Al I.i having been made in the conai'ion., l acertara mort, a!;,-. ,ia:. .1 !!..■ i-, ri,,,ü„ , r' tí. luukman and bilwc. Kuckman, o tl" , ?„ ? ' íSSsSS naw, Micliii an, ..lj thetwenty-eighth i ,v „i V V 5-583 ■ L5SL 1 SïBi ESSS i hau (ui „f ■ . ",''.; B ''M ■"■■ numtli om. 1 , ,: fin acd north „t tl., 's! I. contuining aboii tes "n ofïu and Veins in townrfrip four ,4, eouth of i,S tJÍJ I. front doo, (south „a, of ■):,. ( ,„„, IIn,,. ihfji t; -.- ncxi.ainc. í i ncffMgagee. $SgL filortgage Sule. Il1' ::i lirai mali n the conditie „f L lJ prtgBe. executcd on the flrst d„y " v , ot, '■ ' ; ! ■'■ Pattee to Kidn.y l á k in' ".! ..,1! office otu'ÏÏ 111 '" 224; wli, m .' f th da oí K„rch, ;. d. iin" simed by the eaid Sidne) ( nlkini. to 1 oteüo ÍhIm Office on ,i., ..:.!, dayol Mrch,A. D. IBM.SbSJ ot ttssignmenla oi . ,„, pttge (7Í : Tbék elMmedtobeduea on said mongage, Mft, dte hereof nve hBnflfed nd fönr doU.ra Ü„Vi eSrhiü three iviiti. (4(M.8S), i. .;■;., „a ahuniev-b líe ,,( Kí.tinnlati n i,ú,mo" ogs ei(lir at lan ■ huvins üeeniuttiiiitfd to teoovu the Bame w í part tlMTcoi : JS'otice fs heieby lim, that t virtüi ol the jiowtr oí ale in wud nu.rtgoge ,.. Bhall,on ruesduy, tbe niuth dy oïSept, ]1-lr' ' doek in the atternoon of that dar e f 1; in .:..-' ei v"'f f AnnAibor, Wiishtensjf County, Michigan .■ , T uiiiirtKe place oj Roïding the Circuit Coun in and ik ■ ïiirbJic auction, lo tlie biglwrt ■ i, Uk prnnuea i.'ocriUd in sak! i oitcniie to B'itisfyhe araonni of Jjrii-cipal ond inttrert nlW elnimed as due, with the ehaiges ot snch Buli ml ■ ■ ;■ nltorney fee oi twentj uve dollars a bUi.uI. ■ siid mortgiige, lo wit : rI!,e weet J alf of tha' toJowuipdei imate m tl e twnhn al Ipilnnii, V. islueiii'w ronnty, Uh:gan, c.mmin. eineon tlie east nnd wCKt quartev line ut section foit' [ij in township ihieas ;i sonth of range itven r;i "-' "' ' ' "''■' ot th0 h'ghway leading ont „f iji villiieot rpsHanti on the eaat slde of the Huioo thence ïunning east along the nai.; twemy-thwe [22] chuiii and eiïhty-eiglit. [Sffl nier oi said quarter seclion; .mi, i thtnee north on the liue ot aij quiirttr Kotion, ihenoR (welve ['S] chHius nnd tllum lij linkn tOHstnkefrom which a icI , :,k tree tes [ld] mi h s in diameter leuning south 80" west ihiiir fSül , ast fortyfoni [44] links; theuce north 84 west' fwentyone (21] chaine nnd thirty-aine f39] links to ' lecento oí the first mentioned hifthvay to a tiilm fiomvhichun ünglis h Cheiry six [6] incfaua in itinrarth sixty-thtee [ia] degrees west, fori a lncust tree tlu ■- [S inchea in üKiiii. ter north 33" west ixty-eight [6?] links; theo center of naid higirtruy, fifi een [IJ chains and nineteen [191 linki of beginning, containing in all thiityand 75-luo o! ;;:i re&erving from the übiiTe tion three [3] nel es from the north end ileedfd i.lnlm Sliller Ly Eber Pattee, also reserriug loti ■cd om; [1], two [2], three [SJ, Jour [4;. sevco : ■'■■ ■'. U'ïi [1QJ, nnd eleven 11), of Pattce'a addition to the city uf Ypuilaiiti Dated, Juue 6th, S73. LuitENZO TABOR. Assignet. OEOr.iiK Ij. Bachman, Att'y for Assinee. Bhëriff's Sale. " STATE OF 1,1 IiAX, Wasiitcninf Countr. a. 11 viitUL oí .in issued out Of uk uuuut thé et-tn i .... U.n-iiu.ii :', in channtrj, and to me uu cc! ca md'di. livered, i gin I mter is compluinaiit in tiill . . „ .m: Vhni.u Jamee llunttr la ounipluiuust ia Close-till n.d Klizitlieth Hiintei i. delendant, fgninst the poods, ii nd tfiitniiiii of Jamen Hunter I Have dus 23rd day ol -Mav, A I). 187, seized i.d laken all tjre right title and intérest Jameá Huiitíi tía' in and to (fie foTlowing deiciïfced lauds io-wit: l."l miuil.i :■ i:., (5]ttBdtvalve 12), in IJni-k four 11 botitli o! Huren street and range uiue iS enst, mtbï city oi Aim Arbor, in the I . ashtfUH- and fitateiii acoi rding to lhe ït-coiikd plat of ■'i))L' Ann A,rbor Land Company's'udditiontotlievillage nowsuid ciiyi of Ann Arbor: Also all ilioi purtion ot the wei hall ot poath-wtet qunrtci! bectipn number twenty-seven f-7, ju townahip i.nm bertwo '-, eouth of i-anae numbei mx fi;. east. bt-ing the towi m ip oi Aon Ajrbor, in aid I guuij ol Washti ntkv, v.;, ;, is bouiitled a u.jii ituw'it: (tn th nm.h by u line runniUB parallel wilh the north line f the wit rUrof the suutli-wret quarKrol snid ecction ■;■. inbor iwenty-kereo (S7J, and at ths distuneo of th ee ':; cliains umi eevwity CïV) links line; 01 rhá sotitli bj the ütddesioti (socalle . oi aid yuauer sfr t.iou; on the fast üy ihe west tïheofa portion of K(iid n,liereiofoTJ eomejidhj smes llci.i ldl intlw office of the Regisier oí Ueeda f said County of ivo te, on page :i2 : ni;d on the w st by thg west Une ot s i I bi etion Tiuml'Or ttraoty-seven : And also apaitoi . '.lioftlie, f BCRtion number twenty-eight and ituigf , cc'imnenciQg in tlie east lin irter Bec;ion,at a pomt t wentyfour(84j . tb) links north of tliesouur ! ast -'C'i in v ut' f-aid gecüou nnmber twenty-èip-Lt C28J, I I ti) Ihc smitl) jic. t ii d. pite ' . atea west, oini ''j) cIiuid . . ke ti the center m' the Gedda which a crooked white cali sixt.íen iui bes in diameter, bears north nevenlytour i west, uine füj links, thence ensterly id ro ld four ■:, c!::.íiir and thïrty-lhiec '33) tie : tbence nerth om' (Ij defïref, we-t oi; saicl aTetion ijne ten (U'j ehuiue and Ino f } ning, containing two f?) e-huncudihs f'.;y-i." acresmore M ei ill of the above deüci rn ■■ beingsitoUelintl .i! Ann Aibi.r, Coim'ty oi' Wnsl:tn.w, È , whirh above deciibcd n Bale af ïuuiic ancuon, ti I the south i o ir of the Court i the mty of Ann Arbor, on the a6th day of I '. 1873, at ton o'clock .,. M. Dilttu, 9th day oi June, A. D b73. II LEMINg, Sheriff. lístate oí' Cornelius Laughlin. ül XiUMllGAV, County of Wahteaw,M. At a session of the Probate Court for the Count f WsshtenaTf, holden it the Probate Office in the Citr Vrui)r, on tituuruuy, bun Plu-..u. u.j ui ui.6, u. om) thomsaud cigl.t hundrad nd se. - . Nü v. :!iocvor, Judgeof rrobate. Ju the taotter óï Uie estáte of o-neluis l-aupldin, VI i-!t3ii !!uii.c. adininistiator ui naid esíes im coun sn : prt êi nta tlmt lie is nnw - o lender hia ïiual ticcouitt us such iidmintrator. Tbereaponitiaordéred, that Thuraday, the tonth . iv of ,hilv next, Bi ten i. Vloek in tlie fcrenuon, ned for examiuing and allowing si'rh acmit, and that the helrs ut la i f bi d dcisédi ad ail other pewoiM intereslíd i . said . re reqnired to appear ut a segsion of nd Oourt, tben to pe holdep at the Probate Office, the City of ' t said county, anfi show 'nythc-rt' be, why I ountboold ' owed: And il is furfher ordered. that said ad■ notii ti intereeted in said account, and the heining eirof, by onusing II DOpy oí' tlns order to be pubhshed printed anti tircuaoossaive weeks jjrevioui . i'f hearing. copy.) ' NOAH VT. CHEETER, Judfla of Probate. Ette of Ellis Bullock. TATE OF MTCHIHAX. mmty f Washtenniv, M. Notioe ii i ■ n by giTentthat by an order of the PioQty of ashtenaw, made oa í rourth day of Jane, A.D. 17;, six months ■ :n that date were allowed for creditore to preaent of Lllis Kullösft, Í e Of said county, deceaeed, and that all ereditors e" ■ cluimB te A I ■ ProbateOflice. intheCityof I n Ai i er, for examinfition and allowancè, on or tfe the tuurt ii day ofDecembei sext, anu that such mis will be h'.'aid before aaid Probatf (' fonrth day of September, and on , I ursday, tle fonrth day of December ntxt, atten luck m tho fosenoon of cachot tliosedaya. )ated, Aim Arbor, June -Ith, A. 1). 1873. KOAH W.C11KKVER, iO6w4 Jndge ol Probate. "1a C9A Pf" dayl Aeents wantedt AH O ty 2U da. oí working j)c")jle. of Mier sex, younc or old. inuke more inonpy at ark for us in their spare moments or all th ne. than at anything else. Particulars i'ree, jdress G. Miuson & Co., l'ortlutd, Maiao,


Old News
Michigan Argus