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Hie CaSh Dry Ooods House O F ClMÉPSl offer all the novelties of the Eastcrn aud Eüropean markets r'OR SPBIK6 AKD St'MlER AY1AÏ ! We invite special attention to our BLACK ALPACAS A1ND PURE MOHAIRS, Which ar quality and cheapness can not ij turpassed in the city. Come and see our DRESS GOODS, STRIPE SILKS, percales; GRENADINES, MOURNING GOODS, LAMA LACE POINTS AND JACKETS, PAISLEY AND STRIPE SHAWLS, LACE AND SILK TIES & SCARFS, PARASOLS, &e, The flnest stock of Hosiery in tlie City. Ladies if yon wish the Best KID GLOVE in the market buy a pair of the ''CAMILLE SEAMLESS." We have thom in all the now shades and Opera Tints, in tvf o, three and fonr botton. 1" Our stock is new, and wo sell tor cash and gire bottom prices. C. H. MILLEN & SON. H23tf r)ODGE'S PATENT REAPER & MOWER SELF-RAKE! J. A. POLHEMUS Has aarain receiyefl his iisual supply of tho ftbor Celebraled Machines, whieh heia prepared to furnifch to eTery farmer in Washteuaw or Jackson Countiei wh o want A FIRST CLASS MACHINE. Heisalso preparrd to furnish all extras fortm Dodpe Machine. Also, 11 extras requiivd to lepaii tho old HALL MACHINES. Offlco at the LIVEEY STA-BIE OF J. A. POLHEMUS & SON, Cor. Tl.iin and Cathcrinc Streets, "Where mny be found the most extensivo outfit o) Horses and Carriages In the titj, connoeted irtth whkh a UACK, BUS AND RAGGAGE WAGOI XjIKTB, Ready to flll orders at all times. Special attei.tion given to iamiahing HORSES A! ( AltiillCI.S FO% Fl E!Uli. Ann Arbor, May 23, 1873. UÜTtf êxtrFoffïï SECOND ANNUAL DÏSTRIBUTION. the cite " elegwixt I I! mi:i Mi A SHARE H THE WSTBIBl'Tionf of $73 riti-Tinns noi n( to $41,00. GIVEN A WA Y ! To every oubscriber oí tliat Tppular Weekly OOR FIRESIDE FRIEND Chromos re delivercd at once. The distributioj will POSITIVELY tiiko place on the TWENTIETH DA V OF AUUUöT, EIUHÏEEN HUNDKÜÜ ANV 8EVENTT-THREB. . . OVii CIIBOMU ' CTTE" is 10x00 mches in MWi acknowlcdtíed ta be tha rinest and handiomeBt pBtai ever :iven with aay paper. OVK FIRBUIDE FRIEND ís nn eight pnge ïUvsliit.-.l fmiilv umi htovy weelilym lts Bind J"!!f' hae now ovei 8 KVENÏY-FIVJS TH0U8AND BVBSCEIBER8, nd rapidly inomtsing, whwh insVJí the suias8,!f. the preseit diatribution. TIio I'ublisHLTsof Ovir FiresHe Prwnd Wvé 8nt to Hsuositr' Ihis yearover 8EVKNTT TIK. U8AND copies oí tbe abromo "Cute" anS uro shippiog hundred cvery ïny. StTHSPRlPTION P1OCE, THREJS Ü0LLARS Pt!H VIO A 1, hloS gives the Butaerlbrtf F" rT-TWQ nnABar of ÖM best Family Weekly, tM ■hromo fn ly I ■;,:..(■,!. an(! a numbereO 3ERTIKICATEentit3InSthBhoiaerto oné 'a"'i he diatributidn of prc.ríitmis for 187f). SU BSOKg the i.;;, nt su : cn.l i'.'rcct to the Fublisher. 3PB LUEN OuPIEti, purtieulars, ete., sent Irce. AlXJiíil 10 ding. Large cash pay and hSIV A VHPVn eral premiums for grntüng P t AJ 1 XiH clahs, The twst ontflt. Send at üce for'f erms and partículars. Address WATERS & CO., Pulre, Cluoajo.


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