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fÉöiSEg SfcofSf kW CöUNTY. ] JJtpyjwj rcURï PBPyitm t5SfiS1 "ifflgU wjüjpPj prPÍOTAñY(PlJBÜC! j 5EMERAL IIU -!l ijl J k-J H coa V EYANCER LL OUK ABSTRACT JBÖOKS! Ah partiatl; Indicated above, ure aow posted to dato. They at otee, in b condensad or posted form, nhow the nrlcual eUa.o aiw iüi ne w oqaíbs vf Inntnnce, tuoh as AUDITOR GOESAL'S DEEDS, Known as Tux-Tttlos, v, liicli re yery numerous in'Uiis Cuunty, Decrees, Contracis, Deeds ! WILLS, 3eC!, Alsr, noff au well :is all of the old andi6hrgd MoTtg-affee as fur back as 1824- whleh me lesiona. Persons takiatitle or morteaffei and liens -will remember tliat Tax-Tltlen and other aoUntcral mnltets are not fotiml in theus-ml mode of search by Indexen at the Register's oBico. The books or libers in the Registert ottlec hare beeome nuraerounanl voluminuus thiit lony time in necemarily roouired eyon to nmko a, hasty and unreliablfl search. With onrfacilities we say to the public tlmt we can show t.hom tillo and Title Ilistory, makc Ih-lmLs, Mortíyrtíres, Assinments, Disottargef , &cM a coirocüy, tjuicker and in better atyle thaü any oiher oüico iu thg Count e have MONEY TO LOAN ! On Bond and Mortgagc en long time. REAL ESTÁTE SoM or exchanged. HOUSES TO RENT, 33 acres opposite tlie Übaeryntc4t}' for alc in lois toeuiit purchueerg. ROOT & LEITER, Real Estáte Agenta, No. 1. Gregory Block, Tract W. 1. and opposite the rottoíBce. A. Ijiter. i uotf i% t - H E R s H }i& EJËLSeulnLlJF val ' Cfooil for Mma.- InClammation of all kind, Diphthwia, Wonnila, Bruises. Burns, Spiaius. Rheu. matism, Soro Throat. Swolling of the Glandu, In, üammation of tho Ej-cs, Brokrn Breast, J?rost Ktcf, Cbilblains, Piles, Bee Stings, and all Sores. Bood for Beat.- Fresh Wotmde, Gans, Poll Evil, SpraioB, Bruisos. Cracked llceis, Eing Bone, Wind Galis, Spavins, Sweenoy, Fonuder, Laraeness, Sand Crack, Scratchc-s, or Greasc, Maiige. Ilorsa Listemper. Tbl trnly wonflcrfnl Iilnlment wa öiscovOTod by IIOMJEU ANDK1ÍS0N, A.M., late Proiessorof Chemiitry and Matliematics in the Clinton Liberal Institntc, of Oneida Comitv. N. Y. In experíjnenting for the purpose of making Prnssic Acid. by üniting the independent nseous bodies of which it i componed, a reeidimm was left, which, on being applied to lirniües and inflamed parts, by the student of the Institute, was found to possen the remarkaWe property of cooling down and carrying oft' the infiammaiion and soreness at once, and restoring the parta to soundness uil UealtU in a few houre without puin or irritaliou. It Is not a hratliiE Llniment, bnt acta by its pccnliar Bpecific or chemical qualitics in disfiolving and scfttteiing the eoreness and iriftammation of the injnred part. By s free application, the red eurface eoon becomes cool, moist and natural , and ïa restored to natural health without euppuration or destruction. As a Mnlmodl for Horse FIpsIi, fortho cure of all tlu: ailmenty natucd above, wc challenge the worid to tind ita etuial. Price 95 &, 50 cents per bottle. D. EA3JS0M, SON k 00., Fropr's, BUÏTALO, N. Y. Se cotice ln local colunia. m ■ THE GREAT ALTKRATIVE AND ?5Si- BL00D PUHIFIEH. W B Itisnotaquacknostrnm. The ■ JJg ■Ingredicntsare published on each I pF M bottle ofmodicino. Itisusedand ■recommended byPhyaicians ITH wherever i t has been introduced. B 4feH It will positivelvcure HSCROFULA y A lyran,-.' hindred discutí, RITEILVA. Y a i's.u, white swelling, JmgeMGOUT, GOITRE. BH0NCI1Im HUMTIS NERV0U8 ' DEBILITY, ■ jk JtIArCnjIL. r GONSUMPTION Tg r. land aU diseasea arising from an H ÏPHinipnro condition of the Iilood, KimBSHsend fcr our Küsaiialis Almanac, WOT'n which yon ivill f'md certiiicatea Si W from reliable and truat-worthy jS HPby3ician3, Ministers of the GoaW' BLJBpe'i Bll others. BMn Dr. R. Wilson ('air, oí Balti9 more, says he has used it in cases of H Scrofula and other diseases with inucl Hj HHHsAtisfaction. la " Br. T. C. PngU, of EaltimoTtrcHcommcnds it to all persons sufferiöjy BrihHHËfl with rïiseased Blood, sayingitis supesS rior to anv prepara tion he has ever used i2] ÍÍ;.' I ltcv. Dnbney Bail, of the BltiH Hfl more M. E. Conference South, says I VR he has beea 60 much bonetittc-d by H itsusOjthathecheerfullyrcicqmmenda jisj ;■ I it to allhisirind9 and acuaintnnces, B Cravcn & Co., Draggists, at Gor5 2; H flonsvillo, Va., say it never haa failed ■HHB to cive satisfaction. k tB Sam'l G. McKadden, MurfreefV B fl boro', Tennessee, says itcureii him of mgÊBgmM Rheumatism when alielse failed. THEROSADALISIJf CONNECTION WITH OtTR ■will cnreChills and Fevcr, Liver Complaint.Dyspepsia, etc. Weguarantee Bosadai.ts superior to all other Blood Puriüeis. Sena for Descriptir Circulu or Almanac. AddreM, CLEMENTS t CO., 5 S. Commeree St., liaüimore, Ml, SsoiaBiber to ftsk your Brugcist Tor Rosadalis. 1 AMEs"McMA'110N, Justicc of the Peace, Office in new block, North of Court Houae Money collccted and promptly paid over. INSTJJlATSrCJK AGENT. Trinmph, asset, $727.003.11 North Missouri, " 845,Í17.91 Iliburnia, " 35u,oO.OÜ REAL K8TATK. Ihve90 acre "f lnd 'i of a mile from the city mit, fluely locatüd for fruit or garden purposee. Also 40 aeree. Alflo 10 acres, with hoiioe and barn,and a livel sJroara of waterrunning through the barn yard. flO aerea, a mile out. 1 will sell any or all the above cheap, or exchaute for city proptirty. 1H JAMES McMAnON. A Rare Chance TO LET. Alargo and modern nev re n Bacho Blockruetro t Strt-et. tJndtmbtedly thebest tocatton in thut pari of ihe city for naiil business. A eöód large sellar and new barn atta.eiied to Lhe (remises. The rent ia J80 yearly, to be tnken in grocerie for my fainily uie. Als-i a line new Meat Market, all complnte, joiuing my nlork, wilh modern impmvements, marbtfi tal Le &c.,large new smoke honse, :.-u ■ ernaad ceUnr, aew barn and all ready for use, with three fmiijy rooan ahove. Store rtnts for S5" yearly ; taken in ineftt for my faraily use. Also a aniall store in my bleek, honsee, rooms, Ac to let. FüllSALE Thres gnod Urge" carriage or farm" hones, one line new carriage, bugiea, wagons, tarming teols. Also three good cowh :40tf Inquire of L. R. BUCHOZ


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