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A Modoc War For England

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■ Melbourno telegraphii ' says the London Neu$, " hint ut the probabil;tv of fi i'resh outbreak of war in New Zeatand, and tho jlius assigned for hosti'itios bct-.v'eun tlio Maofies aud oolonists is the murdors reeoutly committud by thu nativa raen. It is to he rfegretted that the province in whioh tho outrages occurred was not named, bcoanse a Vnowleilgo of the locftlity mij ht havo ffüwisked some clew to the sererity and duVaticm which may oharacterizo the contcst, shoulil it happen. But vrhothei the v.'arhko instinct of a vory slightly .vilizwl ïrtce may leful them to eombat, the sétttS'will no-dnbt be able to more thau hold thoir own. 'vhc. eoloiiy hus ïuado such rapid progross of bas shown nch etreugth, bwidea having couciliated a foriuidible Maori element, that no apprelicnsion need bo felt_ reBpeoting tin.' power of the local militia to doal with any insurreotion. It may be reruoniheved that the Bntish Govornnient Bcur-otüi'u aap withdrew tho regular garrisou and lelt tho colonista to their oirn resources. JN'o douftt our ioMiors snooeeded in breaking the Maori power hefore tlio now arran but the gubsequeut exploi tho oolonial levies showud that they were ttble to anoounter and OTercoiue tho üpirit of resistauce still liagering in the ■wilder rogions. Moreover. tho fnendly Maories, v.'lio had fait the advantatjea of setllcd life, have furnished a servioeabla contingent in all abaequent enterprisea. It is probable also that very few leaders of tho old type service- en like WiUiaia. Thompson, Bewi, and Wítmdh Kingi- - and that, at the worst, tho malcontenta aje now Hau-hau lika To Toot!. Tho Máori raeo, deepite all effoits, well and ill-advised, to save it, 13 gradually dying out or becoming Tsconoiled to ííuropean habita. Au insurrection is no loiiger tho oriaidabla thing it was twenty yeare afeo ; nor can it be so perilous lo push an expedí tionury forcé into its nativo fa;tntísscs."


Old News
Michigan Argus