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Terrible Explosion

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San Francisco, Juno 30. - The follow ing partícula ui' an explosión iu Virginut City, Nev., are jusl received : A terrible explosión of uitro-glycerine and giant powder occurred near the corner oí' Taylor and li streeta, killing 10 persons and wounding many otters. A large number of persons are missing, proba bly buried beneath the debiis. NJTBO-GLYCEBINE THE CAUSE. Tho explosión is supposed to have been caused by six cans of nitro glycerine ex ploding without uuy apparent cause, th( opncussion of that, exploding 50 pound of giant powder, all of which was storec beneath the room of Gou. Van Bokkelin the agent in tlns city (Virginia City) for giant powder. THE Bt'IIDTXC.a BHATTEKED.. Tlie f olio win g buildings were shatterec and partly tlirown to the ground : 'L'Ik Bank of California buildings, the rear o Kennedy & Maloue's grocury, the Doug lus building, used iu thu upper apart ments as a lodging-house, Daly'a Baloon and Arinory Hall. Tl IE LOSS OF LIFE. Tho number of persons lenown to bo killed is 10, aiuong whoni are Maj. Ueu Jacob Von Bokkelin, J. P. Sniith, hard ware merchant, Wm. Davis, clerk with J P. Bmitb, Ben. Mandee, dry goods raer chant, Charles H. Knox, of San Francisco; John Devine, Mvs. Uniily O'Cüniiur, forraerly of the International Hotel, this city ; Ed. Deaue and daugbter, eight y e ars of ge. The body, of Gen. Vati Bokkeliö was found in the corner of his loom. His features were so bruised and caarred as to b liardiy reeogmzabie. J 1'. fcSmith aiid his i'ormor clurk were t'ound iu Taylor sireet, betweun B aud C streeta, about 50 feet from the room occupied by tUeui, botli covered, with debris oí' fallen timber, and v ere not gokten out till moiaing. Soíqb ñrcmen siw Mr. Kuux last night and spoke to him Ho asked ior water and said: "Boys it is no use, yqiï L'iiu't s:ivi; me." His body, witli tbc exeeption of his hcad, was entirely covered by fallen timber and bricks. Jolm Devine was killed by au iron door, whieb. was hurled ti distance of 100 íeet, kE.movím; dik uoDiE3. Alargo numbor ot' working nion are dow engaged in removing dirt aud tiinbor from tbe bodies oí tii remaining M'vi'u 1íowd lo be hom th tbeju, aadsTe working wiíh alino-t. uperKuinan efforts. The buildings in all directions are shaítered. Ihere were many KAKUOW ESCAfES. Sam Doake aud Chas. Higgins wcro thrown í'rotn thAr room in tito Douglfts, buildings, Daly's Exebange, and wi re got out with diiliculty, b.itii being sligbtly injured. D. L. ijlanebaid was thrown trom bis room to another spvoral yards distant, and oscaped with slight injury. GHKAT EXCITEMEM was caused last night by tho screaming of womeri on tho top of tUe Douglaa building, which was at tho time in ñames. They were tínally rescued by Capt. Frank Osbistou, assisted by firemeu. AOTHER EXrLOSIOK took place this morning at 10:30 in the rear of Kennedy ifc Malone's store, but no persons wero injured. The body of Charles Ií. Knox was just taken from the timber, und is horribly ckarred and inangled. TUK CITY IN EXCITEMÈNT. The city is all exoitement; business is suspended, and all the bohools are disinissed. Tho streets aro erowded witli men, womeii and children. Itopes were drawn across the streets as tho walls of building were considerad daugerous. Tho vault of the Bank of California is crackéd in several places. The business is moved to Driscoll & Fritles banking house. It is now understuod that there wil] not bu any celebration on the Fourth of July ; that the inoney colleeted for that puipose will be expended in Vmrying unfoitunate deud, and the remainder distributed araong different families. The fire companies of tin.' city will go into mourning. All tho flags are aow at half-mast. SAVET. Joseph Shfiron, Dan Lyon, Chas. Vangordev and Senator Hobard, who were reportad killed are all sai'e. It is now ascertained that Van Bokkelin had stored beneath hia room six cans of nitro-glycerine; 150 pounds of giant pewder, and 1200 Ibs of rock blustiug powoer. Later - The body of Wo, Luwe hasjuet been takea from the ruina. The lower portlon of his body from bis hips down aro missing. His body Í3 only rtooguiïable liy hia wuii'li. (, IM loWn'R NtoTTHB CAL'S'E. BAST FrAKCISCO, June yO.- Tho offieers of the (iai}t Powdei Company, in this city, say that they liavo ascertained deiïnitely that the terrible disaster at Virginia City was uot oaused by the explosión of giant povvder, but nitro-glycerino with wliieli they think Von Bokkelin and otheri were Kxyeritoeuting at the timo oi tho explosión.


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