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Fire At Grand Rapids

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The followiag aoooauí of the jcreat fin p' ''tau'l li;i)iii-, Sauday aftvrnoon is fïoiu Uw (iiauct Rápida üemtycrut of d y moruiug : Suudttj, ubuuL 1 a'ulouk ?. m., O. H Keyes, üostlor i!. Bridge Streol Ho:iv !):irn, disflv'hired stiviw, betweei tlir hote) and the bain. to ba ou fire, ttmd jinmi-iiiiiir'.v p.ivt (.. tlarm. Doepite the ofifurl Hj ,„ ,ie gronnd tljG flauiM Owiamnnioated witli the bm buildiaji, i'ii'i befoifl tfao Sn eoginacould reüch tlio spiji dtc bain was wiapped in a fierjr i 'm; long dry, hot weáthej had retldorod tha buildings in tliis localiiy drj ui h tiiulor-büx, and before (hu dujiartmuni ■oiilii get fairly to work the il tmos b;ni juiApsd Kunt strest and vrere rapi-1! v spieading in a uortlioast direction, ;iidi",l ly a biisk southwest wind, Filtren Minutes íter the alarm pounded. buist iït'ty buildings woic on üre, and the Huüi's were taking larga and raptd l.-.ips u.p K.iut aml Ottawa stroeta un th(i w.'.-t ;md Baatingsttreetou Ihu ewtt. Thiok v.iliim 13 uf sinoko filled tbc air, rom out of wiuil.i shoot at 1-üliid Jm-ks of Hamos, luriil, red ; tiicu t)i wind wouli whirl burning boards aud aliiuglus liuudruds of feo t, ouriviii (lio flamea tai bt'yon.l ikv reacli of Umi steauiers. it Nuumod iiiiijoasibiü to oheck the flood ot fit o that poui-cd througli alleya aud strüctf, diiving iroiWe it all wlio sought t stay it pi'ogresi nud lsavitlg the engiaeü behind, eSeotiWly burriny; tboir ttttempta to get ahead of the flameg, Along Ottüwa aud Ionia itruots, as l'.ir nortli as Trtylor streel, peoplo weru busy paokiug and moving thüir household go ils. Tlw w.itur works of C. C. Comtooli, undei the dircctiou oí Messrs. (' ildsmith aud lvjukle, wt-ns brought iutu pl:ty, aml hose run down Kont aud Ottawa streut s, thcough which water was fnoni upon Uiüldiuga aud lumber piles. Tir; ii.-w ihe exünguialior tooli up ita p laitios ;i!k:i. ot' che ñames, and to the Huis ut Ileiuy Spring and others, wlio uiyi il m tillarle, i duo thi-crudit if gtoppiug thu liro aA Tro ,viri((ifi; strtiüt. This m -w Sta machine wrorked wondere, aud th..--i' .,]■■. r.uiiig U dia bravo and feuritss woi-k. Ibö hair on the heuse druwiug it wasbiftgt-J, the uiv-u's cluthiug tooruhMt so noar tlid tUuyfiglittha floujea bwli gavo out, aud the inun dUpateliod fur more, i.ui, usperiaiused gmat diiüculty iu ci'jtaiiüag a tsupply -drug stores being olo#ed and fcho buíint-ss p,-t oí' the city dos:[iei, a itd Wituliuig Uit lire. Miyur i4i.;.;, aljc-niicu, Chitíf oi' l'oliuo iml ï-n u umi fireiftBH, with coats vft and uit;.s blauktjned, wöi everywhere diioeting, woiknig and advising. Tolegjunaa were seat by the Mnyor to tlharlotti, K ilatn.i.mi, (.and ïiaven, MnsUc-,,11 lariia. Tfao luns bding : bttfucd ow t!ii Dairöit & Milwaukeo iiu no tinswur o.ild be reoeived. Örand il iv-n una úluskogon responded wifch ojigiuaa, aiiii EalsirtHïoo, baYÍsg uo engiaes, otl'civd t,; m ml U tliu Wte tliat voutd bu ivqaired. Charlotte did nol respemdi prdbably owiug to nut gettiag 1 ti-u'iii;'.1!). A livr u'oiucii il seemed as ti (Lur portíon of the wty ffoaj Bridge stteat on the matit to tha uorkhern limits was doomed. 'l'u ■ wind still held io the Buutliwo-t and was gaining in force. The lire wa sa hot t!jut it öouid nat ba nyproiiotod froia the uurtli bü enougfa for water to do rnuch goud. TiLo ft iinea hui reaehed loniu Street on tiie_ east ; tftat patt oi' tliu citv lyiryg ou (im brow of Ihe hills was m rtüiDr. Tito fire atraok in just north of Heury Breciudr's oa ioiiiu stroet, uud biimed arerythiug oloaa lo Trowbridgo street Thu Louji aad ladder ooml:my, lutving ia gatting to the noithwurd'ot tlie Hrn.'comuienced to do work ihattold, Baildiugaweretoradpwn ; Indduf3 rere placed so as to áfifoTd moans reaehinj; n,i,s to pinctj wet Lla-iketa orto wit; down witli biickets of water. Christ'a breweiy and milt house wuru uow in limiet, and il. waa hu impüssiUiïiy lo reach thetn, ;.;- thoy were surrounded by bunung building. Thu Btreets were clogged wiUi houeehold goods, liuttiing fon oes imd flming wrecks of buildings. Meauwhilo the hydraulio woiks iroiu Conistock's kept drenched vith water the luwber yards and buiWings otrth of Trowbridgu et reet. Paus ere fu-rnished to all iroin Cumstouk's p;i! vv.jiks, and impromptu firo brigades urganiz!. AU worked düsparatbly, and, wndei the leadeAhip of h tuyr cool heads, ■ - "i-1 ntroduccd into ;i purtin of tiio exoited thiong, au'J gcod rosdl .1. At :Uul uloven o'clock, tho wind ];ving hauloa to the west, the flamea were g...t under control, aud Úioae. ón Ottawa luni tonui streets, nofUi ui' Trowbridgtj httLot, btúathed easier, and bega n to congratulate each othor ou thuir escapo. X„ fllrther icar is feit coucoruiog thü spread ui' the fire. It is an inipossibility now tu asoertuin thO loss or ainouut ihsuréd, As nuar as c;m be Qitnuated ubout twonly-iive acres of grouud has buin brnuecl over, destroying nearty two hundred dwellinga and buildings. ITie easb los ia variously cstiuiated at tVoiu Uiree to iive liundrcd tliousruid dollars. It is imporéible at this time tt got at the origin of tho fire, tlia tíuth of tho mauy rumora of Uves lust or horses burued to déaHi. All eorte of Btorics are ulloat, t-ach coatradicling the t.thür. Four men are reportcd k?lled tlnotj womcn ind six ohildwn burjjed to tr:ith, und tiny amount of horses burued. We eould truco tho rumors of loss of life )" a reüuble source in one in.stati.-e only, that ufan oíd lady on Ottawa streel. Aa we see tliinys at this writíug especial credit is due Mayor Peiroo, Chicf Bngiueer Shields and Chifif Moran fur their coolness, guod judgment, aud prompt and decideU action.


Old News
Michigan Argus