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H bbei iroEE the pencil and gran i have nnite I in douig politica! service, and ■:. lii.; last emúpaign were morttoteut tban the wtnghty tirguiue-nts ■!' wi tai m i r re i to tu Lt pi lisi o) )..:. i ica1 ehiueri atid r :iim! marble " v ij] p-jiht a moi-ft] oraclorn a tale." A. tWo-gided Btatuctte of ' rei Ü itler ia reported in reparation, ■■■ bioh the !!■■ ton Trmneripl describ at tbllows: "Heen from ono sidw tho cxjireg■■ ■■r .ici-ms to [.ruiiibirm-y j.cgfslation in ;very tilToalriitíiii ud feniurë. -ii tliu oUier side the uecli is bare, txcept a protèr-Byiunic collar rogtingposely nu ib, Attrtntean sboulders, wfiile from the oijiüt.i of the moutli a atraw protrudoa mui a bnoing wmk paftly oloses the eye, sudh as ono may eeo èxchanged iitnong tïie gons of Belial when oae of theu invites anothei to lunoheon." lt is i to ui prosuinci] that the onc sido will be turuüd toward his auHtors whiiii he d fessen n prohiMtöfy erowd, and copies with totteï side out.ward will graoe tin huadquarturs üf anti-prohibition aseoeiations. - Tho mystery oonneotod with the Goodrich zuurder at Brooklyn, Jsr. Y., has at last beon solved. Uno Lizzio Lloyi King, alitu Kiite Stoddard, for whotn the pólice had been making iueffeotual scaroli ever sinoe the murder, was arrested last week, aud (hu verdict of tho coroner's jury has pronounood hor tho murdurer. watch, pocket book, ring, seals, o., of the murderêd man were found in her possession. Whun first arrested it was given out that sho had confessed to having been tho mistress of Goodrich, that he was about to cast her off, and that she killed him bocause of her love and jeal ousy, butuo such confossion was prodneed beforo the coroner. It is thought that the man ltoscoe was a participant, and tko pólice are agahi in searcli of hiui. - An exchange gays tfrat thu Suprème Court of Florida has decided that lega] advertisements publishcd ia the " patent bowtls" papera - or papers having onc side piinted out of the county iu vvhich tlu-y are or blaimed to be publishod - are insufficient and good for ïiothing. If the Michigan coarta ghonld givo the same oonsf ruetiou to oúrstatuttíswhich ono and all require raortgage sales, sheriff sales, guardián sales, probate orders, etc., tt) be publislK'd in somo paper " priiited and circulating in the county," if any, lame ducks would be a prolilie brood. - A New York Supremo Court- wc say a for we believe that thora aro some tliirty-two Supremo courts ín New York - has struck a severe bloW'at doublé office holding in that State, having decided that a man can nut huid u. uity or county oííiee and a seat in the LegiílaUiK! at (lio gamo timo and draw pay for both, or bróador still that a man can not hold and diaw the salaries of two offices at the same timo. Vv'liich deeission, if affirmod by the Court of Appeaís, wili knoek the bottotn out of sundry Credit Mobilifir office buiding ringsí - At labt tliere is setíous troublo in til? once "liajipy family " of Brigham Young. llis sevénteerith wii'u hus deBörtod hië bed and board, left a vacant room ín his harem, and 'railes no more iiljon her fractibn of tlie prophét, filie has cairied off hér personal efleöts, and Uken lodguge at the' Walker House. níedttatps a wiit oí' replevin, ana me Iraoturo ot Mré. Brigharu threatons a diroroe suit wUi a olaim i'or largo alimoiiy. Tiiu S.tlt L.ko Güiitil;3 onjov tlie caudal pítjtRgitonsly. - A hypercritical or "pernickíty "■ córrespoiidcnt oí' the Ne York Wvrtd jironounc(;s aa íneorfécf tLe torins "for President," " for Göverubr," eto He would havo us wrii o " Lbï th Presidency," "for the GteVe'ítíbrship," "for éenutorsliip," " for Rspresentativeship ;" tliat is to foBow liis íeaSoníng sáoh -would be the i jsult. Life is too short and custom too vrell-established to think of eueh a c'uaiige nieroly to gratify the critio. - i he Nuw York Evehirig Post revive! th story of the boy who wrote to hit fither, " come out to Saugamon County, 111., for mighty mean men gut oíEce liere," and cuggests that with " Subsidy l-'oui." nnd "whisky skin Kallocli " the leadíng candidates for U. S. Senutor, Kansas is now Iho heavcn of mean men seeking office. Not exaotly the language of tho Post, bul its essenco. - An item ia floating around to the üíFeet that the City Counselor of Detroit has given an opinión- officially- that Germán can not be taught in the public schools of that city without forfoiting the primary school fund. Whiehiftrue, provos that ueither braius nor comrrióm sonse, to say uothing of legal acquirenients, are nocessary to a Detroit City Counselor. - Mátt Carponter is credited with saying thut ií Senator Conklin shall docline tho Chiof-Justiceship it will be next oflered to his (Carponter's) collei-.gue, Senator Howo. But if not offured to Ilowe until Conklin declines, ho will have to live beyond the fabled years of Metliusalah. Conklin isn't one of the da clining kind : lie isn't. - During tho first eight days oí' July the balancu iá thé State Tfeasury at Lansing incTSaseain i, lio sum of $46,241.51, leaving a b&lance ori tho 'Jili inst., iSf $809,908.88. Tho pot biinks havo tho tilia snug Httle Inm at L per cmit. unti loan it to the State institutions and uthor ctistomers at tav 7ulO por cent Entorprising that. - The Lansiug Btpublictin ohristons Mrs: Woodhull " Queen of Amerioau Hagü," and tilia in face of thi; faot that she has been indorsed by two convontiona of fipiritualists rocently held in tliis State : 0110 at Charlottu and a second at Battle Crook. . - Th Lnnsing Iiepullkan of the Hth multes n slightly personal lhraibn to exüov. Blair, asi'ollows: "'Had soino of tho pork '- tliat's why Austin Blair kept silunt ou tho back-pay swiudle, when he dcnomiced American politius at Luislie last t'ridaj'." - Lansing claims a population of 8,784, aud prove its elaitn by ínultiplying the nuinbur of naines in tho City lMroctory by four. Direotorj estimatos aro to bo taken, like tho prodicüona of " Old Probubilitk'S," witu Bome groiaa of allovvanoe. - At a tax-pnyers, meeting at Lansing, on FriJay uvening last, (30,000 wero voted to build fivo bridgaa icrosa Urand Kivor, tü bo raisod by taxation iu thvee cqual anuual iuatallments. - Mrs. Walwortli and lier youngest son havo taken up their residonoo at Sing Siug. , - At Jackson the City Council has iiifitiucted the City Áttornoy to defend I all licensed saloon keepers prosecuted for Belling liquor when complaint is not made by tbc city authoriües. A quostionable proceeding that, io èay the teast. - Tbe néw poslm aster at Covington, Ky., is Mrs 8. 8. Purrei!, a wiclow. '"'■'■ uk least torilarkable dcveloji' ■■ mí growing out of the abofition of the franking privilege ík the fact that the vatioüa ili partiuents at Washington huve toado di8cövery thï they ou use the Adstüs Express Compauy oheaper thun the ïuaÜ!., :md the amouut of matter to to le sent by c-x].i,-Sh Is eatimated to roacli $300,000 a yoor. are m,t told, howevr, whothtr or no tite Postmastur General, iu consideraron of this rèltsf to the mails, will cut down the ronuraeration to oon tractors in tho samu amouut. Are they to bo paid the samo as heretoi'ui-'', and if bo wliy is this thus'r1 This iiiinouncenient can onlybo made to oréate public opinión in favor of tlierestoration of tho franking privilegt, for it oertainly can cost no more io transport d; partuient mail matter now than before July lat. The "free mail" had to bo paid for by the di'p.ii tnn ,-iit or byduficioncy appropriation, audcoutractors receive no more bocause each department paya í'or its postal stampa íastaad of using afrauk. ín short they shonld get loss, becaus.; without using tha expres3 each department, to mako an economical showing', wUí cease to lnmber up tho mails with much useless matter, aud will uot stamp oíd clothes or department and bureau elerks. Of the saine character ia unotlier oracular announcement or dolorous complaiut : tliat the oost í'r extra clerk service to weigh and stamp dopartiuont mail matter will inoro than oítVt what is navod by abolisbing th franking privilege. In carrying legitimatü mail matter for the several departments, mail matter which tho government shouldiay í'or, there will of courae be no Baving, only all will not be saddled ou to the Post-offioo Department. The cost will be divided between the departments and the people permittod to know just what it costs each. Weshall also probably liear wlien Conjress meets that rolieving Congressraen and tbeir clerks aud hangers on- political and porsonal, fauaily and busiuosa 'riends - froin the ouarous labors of wiitnX " i'roc, Dje, M. C," instead of aving anything to the dear people wiü buiden them with the salaries of numerous weighing and stamp clerks. Perhaps! but we presume that the people will Ijü willing to bear the burden a little while, long euough at least to try the experiment, hoping to pave a few huadred thousand dollars - we should say millioii8- now paid fo,r useless printing, ind bosides conferring a blessing iipon the tailors,laundry women, etc, at Washngtun. The Supreme Court Las roversed the decisión of the Wayne Circuit in the caseof Eobeuts e. Field (Moses W.), aud ordered a new trial. ïhis dt-eisiou readers it cer.tain that Moses W. Field, Radiea] Congressman eleot, -wül have to pay Peter Roberts the amouut of bounty due bim but collccted and appropriated by tbe said FlELD to bis own usu, together with the large bilis of costs already uia-do. A good diploma to enter Cungress with Tjii; Vree Vrtt says that Detroit is to havo another duily paper. It is to ba published by J. E. feourrs so long coaneoted with tho Tribune, will appear nbout the lst of September, and wiil be of the two cent class. Ir 13 givnn out by authority that the first mortgage boud holdcrs will immediately tuko the necessary steps to foreolose tlieir claims on tho Detroit, Hillsdale and Indiana Kailroad. The farce of tryiug the Modoc prisoners by conrt ïnurtial or nuliliuy coiuuiission has berm ooucluded, but the fiudings of the court have not yet been made public.


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Michigan Argus