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The Goodrich Tragedy

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uieat interest is still manifestad in the caso of Lizzie Lloyd King, alüu Euti Stoddai-a, oharged with the killing .i Charles Goodrich in Brooklyn. Crowds flock to the jail in Rnymond streel ber.butvery few Biroceed in doingso. hbe is as duiul) ; .'■■■■ i tiio muider, öhe -vill not talk except to hur counsel, and for hini shè ia wnting a ful] statement of her case and hor history frotu to tjj, presüiit tinje. 8he is now twenty-six years of .ig0 ; was bom in Plymouth Magsoohusetts, and üved here until sbe was uighteen years of age. Her father's nanja is Isaac King. He is still alive umi th trade of a masón. She has ""' Bist( r nmed A.ugu ita, married and liviuK at Walbridgte, Masaqhusetta. I ,,, fitmily ure in comfortable circumstances. Ho far ae the tragedy ia oooerned, while m in..,(l,,r,n,.ly good spirits, she does not take a vuiy sanguine view of the issue. The ütate frisoij seems to bang over Inr mind Hki: an iiuniense shadow. Aiuong her other pouliarities she is pretonding to vui y religión, ánd is readiag the Bible and Episcopal prayei beok een Btantly. It. is said has she eren iiid llie temerity to attend thn funeral of herviotim, and that she wt upnoar the hoarse UL'llpd tllf! r.ntün Tiio pblioe re stil] ou tbo look-out for Bos-ïoe. Rite Stoddard daclarea that s'ae dóoe not know and has never Beín ! bit, whilc the woman Armstrnng ie positiva that shn saw tífrem together. There is a good deal more iu tliis Goodriob trágcly than hasyet boen given to tha public, and it is added that there is an importíint link still wanting. Ni.w Youic, July 16.- The pólice are still aotively searohing for the Btianiard lioscoe, alleged to ba concerned in the murder of Charlas Goodrich. lt is believüd that Kate 8torldard admitted liusc.oe to the house in Degrand Street, and that the murder was committed ijv' the pair. The pólice say that tbey have all tb e proef réquired to coñvict lioscoe. 'J bas been furnished l)y the confcssion of Kiite Stoddavd. Boscoe Ims uot been seen around auy of his old haurits sinoe thé arrest of lus allcged acoonaplioe, and as he always had plenty of mouey it ÍS believed that he has taken himseli" off to some distant city. Accurate deseripfcions of him have been Mot to the pólice jf all cities m tho United Statos and das Ihe pohoa are in soarch of a. man natued Beach, who boardud witk Lucetto Meyera, and who, she says, was present at tho time Goodrioh and lloscoe had au encounter at Lor liouse.


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