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_ Circulare. _ BiH-Heads. 2. ctter-Heads. _Shippmg Tags.. ... _ rriuteil at tha Argüs office. _In the best style and cheap. 1. Don't order elsewhcre beiure calling. ü&itisfactioil guaranteed in every respect. "ïhe philosoplier's stone : Advertise- in rtj AitODS. -Congressman Waldbos was in towu yes'er_Quitea number of oar oitizens are rusti„tingatWhitooreLake. _ _j}owis the time to subscribe and pay for tll7iKaü8. lts columns are plethoric with read!_ The business dullness in the hardware line Irtu, been slightly revived by a deniand ior iag The Ann Arbor Turn Verein celebrated its annivsrsary at ïuruer l'ark yesterday _ prof. FKSBK was to sail from Liverpool on the 24 yesterday, by the Cuuard steamer Olympus for Boston. _ The masons, under the direction of Aid. no, are doing a first-class job in stuocoing thu i- ralla nf Univeusitv Hall. _ On Sunday aiternoon last Mrs. H. BowEK ,lpjd and feil on the back steps of her resigno?, V.resking her right oiikle. _ The Rev. Mr. Beecher, of Jackson. will reach in the Congregationol Church of this city on Sunday, rnorlüug and evening. _ A postal card to each customer purchasing tïenty-flve cents worth of goods : that's the preaium()ff9red by au enterprisiug Saline firm. _Thè wool clip is about all marketeJ, and He parchases of our dealer aggregates about 325,000 lbs. 40 cents per lb. is still being given- Mr. C. H. Wines, living uear Chelsea, has tompleted lus wheat harvest, and put the erop it 25 bushsls an acre, with the berry of very fine quality_"01d Probabilities' " weather reports and preclictions are now daily posted in the postoficeof this city: but generally "a day after the fair." That dog law published in the Arotts for Uit week goes mto effect on the 3Oth inst., Tuesasyoext. And after that sausage timber will ie plenty. _A letter from J. Jtt. w heeleb, r.sq., uuieu D.-esden, May 27th, says that he will sail from Bramen, with his family, " homeward bound," oathel2thof August. - Ten city bïed coflrs were dri ven out of a wheat-field in the southera portiou of the city i lew days ago : and two of them were reported bélonging to an aldermán. - Those cows of the aklermen and poor widows having failed to erop down the weeds in the jtreets men are noff at work with scythes. The coks should be flned for a nelect dL duty. - Our subscribers along the line of the Detroit, Hillsdale and Indiana Railroad, should jote the new time table in another column, which went into effect on Sunday last. -We had overlooked the fact that the Courier, also, iudorses the ante-natal tlieory ; in fact should not have discovered jt had not the Tfsilanti Sentinel "gone for that heathen Chinee." - If there is u't an ovdinance requiring lot owners and houseiiolders to mow the weeds in the itreets in front of their premises there ought tobe: that is if ordinances are worth more than wkste paper. - Aloxzo D. Davis, working the Eber VTaiiE farm adjoining tliis city, claims to have taken the first grist of new wheat to Swathel's ei. 11. He saya that the quality is excellent and couuts on twenty-five bushels to the acre. - The forest of poles and Btaging will soon be removed from the main hall or audience toom of the new University building, when visitore wiU get a better view of the beautiful fresoomg which Mr. Fassett, of this city, lias been dom. -Yolney M. Spaulcing, of thLs city, a gradúate of the cla5s of 73, has accepted the position of principal of the Battle Creek High School ; and E. V. Schbeeb, of this city, late teacher at Manchester, takes charge of the Howell school. - R. L. Godfeey, of the town of Pittsfield, advises usthat some drunken teamsters run over cow in front of his premises on Thuraday evening oflast week, breaking a leg and compelïing Mm to beef her. He was unable to learn their ñames. - We need hardly say that the best of weathet has prevailed since our last report; and we e glad to say that in consequence the wheat erop is nearly all gathered in and in fine conáition. No grown or shrunken wheat is the word pasied along the lines. - The man Eisexhabt, convicted in Justice MiSLï's court on the 8th inst., on sharge of Ksault and battery upon his wiie, and sentenced tofifteen days in, was brou glit out and up on Monday of this week, charged with ttireatÉDÍng hi wife's Ufe, convicted, and sent to the Hou of Correctiou for one year. - Geove Saundees, of Pittsfield, takes the Amïs, and taking the Abqus knows where to Kil hU wool, and so instead of marketing it at Tpeiianti - his usual place of business - he toought it to this city a few days ago, and sold ittoBiCH& Abel: 230 fleeces, 1,336 lira., 40 ntsapound. It was a fine lot of wool and put up in good order. - Miss ËjtMA L. Hcbbard, who graduated w the Law Department of. the Uiiiversity last Hwch, has accepted the position of assistant in the Fitchburg (Mass.,) high school. "Itich causes ari ungallaut itemiztjr in the Dettuit Tribune to propound : " Was it not using 1 lrg gun to briug dowu small game to grad'" 't a law school to become an assistant teacher?" . We are pleased to learn that the Mineral Bpriags House is being liberally patromzed " by Jrangere sé'êVing rest, recreation and health. Aon Arbor is just the place to come to for that pwpose, and gobd áccofnmodations are offered lt the Mineral Sprtngs House. The waters are Ithful and invigorating, ïiéther taken inmally or applied externally, and for the. latter Parpóse the verv hathintr fanilitipa ar '?fred. This latter fact is also being found' out i oiir citizens, many of whom seem inclmed to make frequent visits, coming away refresheii 11 rejuvenated. The Board of Health has sprveií a nntio! upoti MïikdebStewaet, of the Fifth W'ard, re 4 inng him to clean his mili pond once every tek, aud as much oftener as the Board may diJf. up to the first day of October next ; and llthe filth be buried under ground. Tle Board has alsc' ordéred I. N. Hall to reo'e hii barn in the rear oi Lovejoy'b store on Won 8treet, has caused tile abatement of sevJ Privy naisance inJ the same block. and is ?" sspools and privies generally. This work t' cleaPing Droitiptly and thoroughly done and u city need notfÖi therivages of cholera. inÍ"' D'AlM'"I4I' of Kalamazoo, the earnest j. ?wgtic fo'óader and promoter of thé ' Prison libraty visited our city on Montaftcrnon last, and laid her cause before' a VJ number of ladies convened in thVlecturé a of the PreíSyterian Chnrch. Sbe íelated y touching incidents of prison life, and irapr aed in'interesting her hearers in betatf of Ubrary. We have no doubt taat in oeWeí?ce she wül ene of thtm dys reap a liberal of boots.


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Michigan Argus