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Growing Clover Too Coarse

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It is sometinip.s objected to clover tnat it is too conree as í'eed - this being the case where it is grown on BtrOtDg grounH, maling liirge stuik. This can be reinedied by Bowing thick, and thua Ketting a line steuimed croy, also shorter in length, the stalks v.irying truui liftecn to twi ntyiivc incues, acoordingto thequalityof tbe land, the seiison, and whcther piaster has been used, but the point is tosow thick- from ten to twoivc quarts per acre, evrniy BCattered on inellow soil tiud bruabed in if sown with ÍSpiinjí grain. This lonas á close growth, and must be cut Befare it lodges much, and tliis is generally about the time of iluwering. Elso if lodged büdly, and pennitted to reinain for iopav time, it wil! paftially rot and lose s-onie o!' its quality as a foad. But harveeted in time and well cuivd, tUere will be no diterioration of the high value whicta this plant has obtained among our bost dairyuien. Thiee tons per aere inay bu thus realized ; and if the season is a good onc, the amount ui;iy be doobled by two cut tilias; and elover should alvvays lie cut twiop, eaen time atthWoaioniiugpericd. Tlm medium dover is eurlicr and tinei stemmed than the large kiud, and léssa] t to ltidge, and always permita ot' two euttings. On poor land, clover may be grown sucessiully, iiiiiiroving tlm ;nd. But it may b'o raised on the richest ot land with the most gratifying resul b: only get it close so ns to haveit fine eten: - med, and cut in time. - (hio Funnet: MMíRYINO IN SriTE OF CASTE. - The Lidies' Associatiou of Madras claims to havu cft'ected the bezinning of a groat uhango in the despeine sysiem of caste. By the eclucatioii which itgives tayouug low-castu women, it cpnteüda that it fits theiu for bccoming wives to Hfgh-caste ir.en, and that alroady a's a fdct .somir young Hmbmins are "sopleased witlvthv appearance and goodnenseof the educated girls that nuiuy determine to mmry into thfir ranks in spite of their caste, in preferenco to marrying a woman of their own caste wlio is iguoiant,"


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Michigan Argus