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BUSINE33 DIRECTOR] Iï II COLÉ. Derier In OorO. Office wH1iFel-u ]V. "v. w '! n & foiib' Store, C r , poortt) ■■iiirt Hurón St. '] ' r,sel„r ut Law, No. 5 EilSt Hurun Street, ',-;„ AAor, Micb. 1L_ .x bb mxEHAi si-unes. X : v.irrla Hilo. M !.■ Bupjrlntnndent. Office ibulldlnï. corner Mann and WÈst lluro Street. WWES & WOBDEJf, 20 -'outh Main atreet, Auu r.or, Mioh-, Wholesale ud retail dealrsin Ury Goods, Carpeti uid roceries. 1 Í.1 t f ,TCK & sfcHWI, Dealers In Dry Goot! . fHtírricS,OrooktJV&C. No. 54 touth Mam Street. , hTjACKSON, DentiRt. successor to C. B. . i'„rtrr üfflco corner Main and doroDctraeU, „er the "t,.re ,.r K. W. Ellia 4 Co , Aun Arbor, i'cfc. inetheUc admlnhtercd if reqaired. ,, i JOItX.SU. Deftlet In Hat and Caps, K. f,Ks. stuw (Jood. Qrnta1 Knniiahing Goods. Jj No T Sonth Main MMiet. Ann Arbor, Mich. ñrlTHEItLAIlO A WBEWsJ Life and S ïlielnTarance Asente, and dealere.u Keal lístate. Jiticc on Hurón Street ÍTÍCH & ABEL, Dealere in rry Gond GroBcerS,tc &c..No O f outh Main street, Ann irbor. _ rTTToN & SON, Grocers, Provisión i anfl Smrai"ion Merchants, and dealers in Water jraé u"d P" ter, aud Piaeler Paris. Ho. IC East Hnionstreft. ;, itWDBEITI, Wholesale and Ketail Dealer risthiin.andOisnt's FurnUliingOoudB. No..aboritli M.iill Street. Uï Olotb. Ca9iioere. V.-stiiv.'s. Hats.Caps, f"nkïföarpei Bags, &c 21 Poot foln.ttMt. pILXOBE & ÍFI8KE, Bpotell and stnïch ■] ud aiscellaneott Books. No. I NU Main Itrwt.Gregorj Block.Ann Arbor. ATOAU W.OUEEVKK, AÏTORNEY AT LAW ! 31,,e with E. W. Morgan, Eust side of Court House 64a .re. Cil A R LKS M. VVOOÜR U FF, Attorney at La,w and S0L13ITOB, IN CHANCEKY. Office, Arcade Bhck, )V.,;, M'u-h. OoIleetfoM made and prompÜJ remrttoi. All lega! busíneia faithfully attendcdto. 1426 MüOCKEKY GLA8SWAEE & GïtOCEBIES, J. fe Donnellv Rateo Wre.O.tlry Grone, &c, ie. all tob ""'Ktni-S ..AnnArl.or. n,8tf .1 . A I'. U"EM,Y. TÖIÏN gTgALL, FRESH A1ÍÜ SALT MEATS, r, ll, .CSAGBB. ■■.. OricrMolicitert.'UKiprotnptly ill! wlth thehest MatoithMrket. M Bsl WMtóngtoBitr-e Ann .tlior, S -pt. lth. 1SCJ. U'8-tf NAEKSEY, Q&$& Manu'üCtarer af i i-- Cinïa'OT, B-iggies, Wagons, lNDSLSli:H nf --i' ■.-.-'■■ -1 ■■■ madeof the bo( ■ttria(, an! w.irrantetl. R.-palrln .doira p.-umpt lytmt pricc Dfltro -tivt. m-ar K tt Duu t, Ana 4.root icli. l3My1 jR O. A. LEtTEIi coanmjB8 to vut up and pill Physicians Jfrescripticms, At all hours, at .Vü. 1 liregory lilnck. C A.LKITEIÏ CO Ann Arbor.Dec. ttí 1871. ':i:'-i . jR.O.J}. P'OBl'Bil, DENTIST. Office in the Saviugó B;mk ülock, Anu Albor. All Operations on the Natural Teeth Perfoimfid with Care. CJII3URPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPBRIBNCE SïTTlto ABTIFÜU TEETÜ, TO OIVE KACH (N'IIIVII'UAI., Ventures of the propr.r titr., kape,coior.firmnetsina natural etprttíion. 1244 KURRY UP ! : TJAHTIKS wUMog Wall Pniier, Phidei , r Hollands, Wiinlow PlxtorM. Co-de, Tinsel, St5 , üll Sw Styles. t rtattsfactorj i Prlce, bj .1. II. Webster A; Co., Dook St"ri-,near tlie H.pics6 Oflicc. ; ' - x W. A. L0VEJ0Y, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Btruff, Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST 1IUR0X STBEET, feext to tlic Express Office, , AMV ARBOK, MICIC. f TTiWELLING nOUSES TOE SALE JL larq; and Tery weU buill bfiok ïiouso. "with two nj more lo:8. Two larfd framed hovisos. Al%ïzaii Vtii'k house and Enimeél houa ; ftnda wmali f Mt bbuse on a good lot. intended tor adding afrout, f or aalO on fair torms and :l rsasonable cri 'lit. Alw other building, lot-', and property. BtOjÖSY WlMi;O nniTiy wihhinï? to borro: o&ney appll " me that I o:m readl) ■ for ïen&rj good satïafactory iavestments at teu per oêöt.hrteree. E. W. MORííAN". Ana Albor, April 3, 1S73. ' H231Í


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