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"so The Story Goes."

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'Twas once upon a summer day- So the story goes- Tha Pranklin'í claughter chanced to stay Wbere the mili stroam Üovrs. And as the rustic bridge she crossed- So the story goes- Over the rail she stooped and lost From out her breast a rose. The stream ran faat, the stream ran strong - So the story goes- And on its waters Lore along The careless maideu's rose. The miller's son stood by the bank- So the story goes- ne stopped the wlieel, aud, ere ít Bank, Caught up the maiden's rose. Then in his cap he placed the fio w er- So the story goes- And boldly to tlie inaiden's bower He hied at daylighfs close. " Is this thy flower, sweetheart f" he cried- So the story goes- The maidea blushecL the maulen sighed, " Oh, give me back my rose." "The fiowors," lie snid, " bo sweet and fair," So the story goes- " "Jwete shaiuc to part- one breast should bear Thyselï and this rod rose." What more tlie youth and inaiden said, 'i'hut Bummer.eve, who knowsf But he kapt the Üuwcr aud wou the inaid - Bo the slory goos. - Ilarpcr s lazar.


Old News
Michigan Argus