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fines„ t'iroulars. , k. ShPlm Tagsprinteit at the Ali&üs office. 'l„ the best rtyle and cheap. "pan't onler elsowhere beíore calling. "Vtisfaetion guaranteed in every respect. The yhüosouher's stone: Advertise- in ""ddjourneJ term of the Circuit Court is hUdoaMonday next. Xl tas sale advertising fer thiü county Jbeen assigned to the Vourier. Vxvt D'Oooe has beeu elected a íneniber of 'iroerican Fhüological Asscviation. Cnrrc fits am' stale vegetables are .,ersborab-shclls. Beware oL them. It on the Chicago Commercial Advertiltr. %' ■ toyesterday noou the Beoorder had ij 116 dog licenses, 18 of them being for fen% ilit: tllat the Townahip Clerk of Lima dtfjared tiic dog Iaw unconstitutional and mes to issue ücensee. _ Sixteen suits against Ypsilanti saloon kcepor linuor seüers have been commenced l'ttfore jas MaSLT, of this city. Xáns 1'ekdon has pürchased the luraber ]of C. ScTHEKi.ANt) S; Co., of this city, real etatc. stook in hand, &c. The " dors " Iaw is now in f orce and it is ftc líaíy of constables and poUce offiects to jet 11 dogs not licensed imd collared. _Col. GEORGE WASHlNGTON GOODHUE, foteilvof this citj1, puts in a claim to Ire the first Binto cross the Canada Southern bridge from frentón to Grosse Isle. - Four "jolly hunters" made a day of it on y.Ji.tsdW) and ided by three dogs bagged tlirtv-three woodcoek. The Courier's " old hontcr" ïs-ill have to try agaiñ. _ the late meeting of the American Phil„lopcal issociation, held at Easton, Pa., Bev. C H. BBfflHA, of this city, was elected a meml,er of the Executive Committee for the ensuing year. - Rev. Eicharb Coedlet, of LawTcncie, Kansas, a Cniversity gradúate, class of 1854, hs been spending several days in our city, reMiring olli acquaiutances and reviving old memories. - Prof. Watboh has been invited to oin ff. Wibe and party in the excursión to Euiope in the Graphic balloon. Weight-y and more congenial business will probably caase him to decline. - One day last week Jake Eitlebüss invesfcdinsome horse medicine and took it himself. He declined an antidote prescribid by a physitian, and determined to die game. But his Bkin for beer furnislied the opportunity for medica! stratcgy, and the emetic giveu with the beer tpecdily tmptied his stomach. Cuibono. -Prof. Joitx D. Parkek, Superintendent of the Kansas State Institution for the Blind, gave 45 a cali on Monday. Mr. PabxeB graduated ttherniversity in 1859, and during his student life was wont to "sling type" in the AEQU8 face. He is lookiug as though his present workwas not wearing upon his constitütion. - Vis. G. Fostek, of this city, attempted niciile un Sundav last by taking mol'phme. ■ .nd about 2 o'clock Ï. M., iu a, coinatose state, ami the discovery of a broken packvtsf morphiiie disclosed the cause of his condition. Bfedicfil aid was promptly summoned, andafter i-everal houra of oontiauous labor, vritli rtomach pump, emetics, walking, rolling, etc., theeffects were worked ofE and liis lit'e 8&ved. - Mr. Fostf.r has been out of health foryears, ■mgmsstsl íepreseion to wbich ía attribubltlie attempt upon his Jifa. On Honda; afternoon last Geohoe Diovan, of this city, became tlioroughly disgusted with Inmself and his siirrouudings, and formed a resoiutiott to " take liimself off." Visiting the drug store of Leiteiï fc ('o. lie invetod in oneíourth ouuco ot' O])ium, all of whioh it is suppiscl h,i speedily put himselï outside of. The eJect being tn slow to suit his mood, ho called atELLis & Co.'s ami procured another quarter oiince, wliich was put up und carefully labeled "poison." Looking at the label, he ramarked "poison- to kill ':" and the clerk replied " yes." When naicelj out of the door he was uoticed to unwrap and bite off the larger portion. Mr. Ellis was notified aud immediately gave the alarm. Sheriff and Polioenian LoveUXD weut for him, and after quite a tussle sennd liira and subjected him to early treatnient It the hands of Dr3. Brkakey and Tomeeov, ïiio liy the use of the most active remedies - sulphate of zinc and the stomach pump - removed the opium deposit before it had become ablorbed and gave him a new lease of life. We understand that he said " it was Dr. Lewiit's fault," the foult being in procuriug háWest on a charge of larceny. At about 6 o'clock P. il. of Tuesday of lnt eek, a serious accident befell Hebbekt E. Fisï, a youns lad about 10 yean oíd, and son oi Kev. L. E. Fisk, of this city. While playing with other chiidren in the grove near the Mineral Springs House, he feil from a swing, a diskoce of sonie ten teet, dislocating the left hip "lid breakmg the thigh bone near the socket. The break was not at first discovered by the attendingsurffeons, and greatly retarded as well as rendcred more difncult the setting of the dislocated joint. Chloroform and ether were given, which did not wholly deaden the pain and rente the little fellow unconscioos under the ong continucd pulling and strain found necessary in frfucing the fracture, which required nearly 48 urs to accomphsh. The patiënt is now reportcd doing as well as could be expected. ho is He ? - The following paragraph is cu( from the Detroit Tribune of Tuesday morning : Yesterday about noon a man, supposed from fapcrs found upon him to be Charles Öax"h of Ann Avbor, was killed betweeu Birmiïifisa and Eoyal Oak by the incoming Haginav press, due heve at 13:30. He was vralkinR "onü the track, and aa usual in such cases-, the fileer frave the customary siííiial and the mai tepped out of harm's woy. The next instan w either stepped or stumbled back again anc K struck by the engiue and fearfully mangled The train was stopped and the unfortunate mal Tls picked up alive, but he died in a shor toe. AWegram was immediately forwarded to Mr hcyli;h, at the Central depot, requesting in "nnatioa concerning the man, who institutec '"quiries, but without succes. One night last week Mrs. Coatks, living nea depot at Chelsea, was wakened by a nois "'dicating that some one was trying to enter th e. Looking out of tho window she 6aw 'nan in the act of oneninc the cellar door. Rh 8ave him warning " to get " by a close sho 'om a revolver, and when he " got " sent au er ball after him. As the first ball fired lii lh window lill it is probable that the woukl-b 'rglar Mcaped with a whole hide. - Lr .iilay Mrs. Depew, residing nea kea, had thirty-flve sheep killed by an ex P'ea train on the M. C. It. B. One Hibam Ki-ke, living near Tpsilanti an fi'ig au Ypsilanti livery rig, carne to grief i 'ir city on Frkliiy afternoon last, at the corne cf Huron and Fourth streets, where he wa mraarily dumpcd and sundry bruisea inflicte Pon himself, with sevcral breaks upon his vc A telegram brought a livery man u ■fa Ypgjlanti to reclaijn his battered establish ent.