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CiRI9. _ Circulara. __ Bill-Hcads. _ Lotter-Hcads. _ ShippuiK Taó'8_ Priuted at the Akous office. _In the best style and cheap. _Don't order elsewhere before calling. _. Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. Tho philosopher's stone : Advertise - in the Anocs. The Court House square croquet ground 1,8 been spoiled : by filliug up the frog-pond. __ jj B. Colé has formed a partnership with vr Tkestain, grocer at 30 East Hurón Street. The Presbyterian Sunday School picuic-ed . y,e grove opposite the Fair grounds on jfednesday aíternoon. „Prof. Fbieze and family arrived at Boston feral Liverpool, on Tuesday, by steamer Olym" pU3 of the Cunard line. _ The Manchester Enterprise says that James J0SOLD8, of that village, has purchased 150,0 He. of wool tliis season. _Hon. B. F. Geangee has formed a law mrtnership with D. Ceamer, Esq., under the Jame of Ceamee & Gbaxgeb. _T. J. Sheab, oí Ypsilanti, has patented a Bed Bottom," a much nceded invention, there g being more than a thousand existing patente. _ David Hennino, one of the most active business men of this city and the apple man of the Northwest, is soon to remove to Chicago. Sorry- Bev. Richaed Coedley, of Lawrence, Kansas, will preach in the Presbyterian Church m sunday uext, at the usual hour for morning lerrice. - The law firm of McReynolds, Haeeikan 4 HaMII-TOíí has been dissolved, and Mr. Mcjïetsolds has associated himself with J. Q. A. Sessioxs, Esa. _-Dr. Chase has sold his stock in the A. A. P nd P. Co. to the other stockholders, as we learn from the auswer to Beal's bil!, and retired from business. - In the Circuit Court on Monday the time to lettte a bilí of exceptions in tho case of Williasí YiS ycles, convicted of forgery and uttering forged papers, was extended to August 25th. - The Ypsilanti itemizer for the Free Press puts the total wool purchasès of our neighboring cityaf'less than 60,000 lbs." Which is owing to the hmited circulation of the Commercial. - A picnic and shooting match is to be given st Relief Park on Tuesday next, August 12th, under the auspices oí the Schuetzenbund. Thère will be prizes and music and dancing, etc. - The Ann Arbor Schuetzenbund has purchased ten acres of land adjoining the city, and touthwest of Relief Park, for $1,600. One half i to be sold and the other five acres fitted up for spark. - Ecv. Roswell D. Paekee, of Manhattan, Kansas, a gradúate of the University, class of 1854, and son-in-law of Deacon Loben Mills, preached at the Cougregationa! Church on Suntlay last. - The answer in the Beal-Chase injunction uit was filed on Tuesday afternoon, and notice givenof another motion to dissolve : to be heard to-morrow. We have uo space for an abstract this week. - The Circuit Court met in adjourned term on Jlonday last, at 10 o'clock A. M. ; but owing to the ill health of Judge Crane an order was stered diseharging the jurors and an adjournment made sine die. - The list of patents issued for tho week endiig July 30th, iucludes one to Don J. Mozaet, of this city, for " Escape ments for Watches." Mr. Mozaet has received the official document and, besides, is confident that he has a " good thing." - Eddie Rogees, of the Sixth'ward, a young larl agcd about 12 years, died of lock-jaw on Sunday morning. The exciting cause was a twig inn into his cheek by falling from a cherry tree, followed by a cold taken while bathing in the river very soon after the accident. - Isaac X. Demmos, M. A., instructor in mathematics in the University durring the las year, has been appointed principal of the High School, nee Prof. Winchell resigned. Prof. Dejímox fjraduated at the University in 1868, nd is considered a very excellent scholar in Greelt and Latüi, and is also an experienced teacher. - The residence of Prof. J. R. Sage, on William street, was successfully burglared on Thureday night of last week. The entrance was effected by cutting the slats of a blind and then raising a vindow already partially open. A gold watch valued at ?6ó and f22 in money were the missing articles next moming. The thief has not yet been cadturcd. - C. F. Kimball, of the Pontiac Gazette and Secretary of the State Agricultural Society, visited our city on Wednesday, accompanied by Hon. W. J. Baxtee, of the Executive Committee, and called upon such of our manufacturen as their limited time would permit, in the interest of the coming State Fair. They secured number of pledges to exhibit, and we are incliued to think Ann Arbor "will inake a fair ihow. It is designe 1 to make the manuiacturing department superior to that of any former State Fair. - Mr. Chaeles H. Lemmon, Township Clerk of Lima, writes us as follows, tóuching the report that he has declared the dog law unconstitutional: "I issued ten licenses up to June 2Sth, then was gravely infonned that the law was talked of but not passed. I made inquiries of Beveral that should have known, but could leam nothing definite. I then wrote to Atty.Oeneral Ball, and pending his answer I suspended business. I am now issuing licenses on pplication. Please correct and oblige." Two dollars invested in the Abous would have saved Clerk Lexmon both trouble and notoriety. At the regular meeting of the Common Countu held on Monday evening Jast, all expendi tures from the general fuud or general stree' lund, except necessary bridge repairs, were proMbited until further order, and all bilis against "&id funds were requested to be presented at au early day, or immediately. Au ordinance was also passed prohibitinf ■■Wk drivers and runners and porters entering toe depot or Crossing the track at the Centra "epot, eicept in Btormy weather, on the arriva traius, unless requested by a passenger. "ill were allowed payable as follows : from pMeral fund, 432-31 ; from street f und, $26.75 from 3d ward fund, 8311.50 ; 5th ward, 10.38 6a ward, $3. "hree street Iamps were ordered in tbe Secon wd aud one in the First, and sundry petition ere received and referred. The Anu Arbor District Conference, com P05 of traveliug and local preachers, exhort ta district stewards, and Sunday school super Wtcndcnts, will te held at the M. E. Church i 8 city, commencing on Tuesday next, at 1 clock a. m. The session "will continue, tw J" nd the meetings will be open to the public , AH the claims presented to the South fr" Claims Commission, sitting at Wash ngton have now been numbered an( gistered, and their number is found t T.e .22.295, and the aggregate amoun 6on"'el t0 be sometninS in excess of $56 "hen a crowd of jayhawkers started aistnrbanoe in a Texas church, the othe ay, the preacher raised up a shetgun anc d: " William Dello, sit down, or I'l ?e it painful for you." William sa own, and became as quiet a a anib.


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