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lliirlj ïcar' Kxpcrfencc of au Old Nurse. Itlrs. Winslow's Soothinc Sjnip istlio prescriptlon of ono of tho best Femóle Physician mul .N'iirsesin the l'nitcil States, and has been aie for tliirty yeara wlth nersrfiulüig sufetyand succes by millions of mothers and children, from tlio feeble lnfant of onu wetk okl to the :ulnlt. It eoireota acitli ty of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates llie bowcb, and ifivos rest, hcalth find comfort to motliei and cbild. We believe it to be the lïest and Sures Reraedy in the World in hII oanes of PYSENTEKY and DIABRHtEA IN CHILDRKN, whetherit arises from ToethinR or from any other cause. Ful] direetionH for uning will accompany oaeh bottle. None Genuino unless the facsimile of CURTÍS & PEBKINSisonthe outsido wrupper. Hold by all Medicine Uenlcia. 1436yl Centaur C in. iü ni. There is no riain which tho Geutaur Linimcnt will not relieve, no swelling it will not subdue, and no lameness which it will not euro. This is stroug language, but it is true. Whorc the parts are not gone, its effects are marvelous. It has produced inore cures of rheumatisra, neuralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, cakedireutBf scalds, burns, salt-rhüum, ear-aclie, tfec, upon the human frame, and of strains, spavins, galls, Sec, upon animáis in One year than have all other pretended remedies siuce the workl bogan. Cripples throw away thuir erutches, the ame walk, poisonous bites are renderod harniess and the wounded are heaisd without a scar. 't is no humbug. The recipe is published around each bottle. It is sclling as no article ever beore sold, and it sells because it dous just what t iretends to do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelliug desei-ve to suffer f they will not use Centaur Liiiiinent. More han 1,000 certificates of remarkable cures, inluding frozen limbs, chronic-rheumatism, gout, unning tumors, cfec, have been receivcd. Wo will send u circular containing certificates, the ecipe, &c, gratis, to any one requestiug it. Une bottle of tho yellow paper Centaur Linimeut s wortli one hundreil dollars for sjiavin or sweeued hoFBes and mules, or for screw-worni in sheep. btock-owners - this liuimeut is wortli your at;ention. No family should be without Centaur jinimont. Price 50 ets., large bottles $1. J. 13. Robe & Co., 53 Broadway, New York. Castoeia Í3 more tlian a substituto for Castor )'ú. It is the oiily safe aríicle in existence whieh is certaiu to assimilate the food, regúlate he bowels, cure wind-colic and produce natural leep. It contains neither minerals, morphine lor alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children necd not cry and mothers may rest. - 1431m6 The Honseliold Panacea and Family Llniment s tlie best remedy in the world for the following ompIainU., viz. : Crampfl in the Lhnbsand Stomach, ain in the Stomach, líowels, or Sido, Rheunintism m 11 its fornis. Bilious Colic, Neuralgia , Cholera, Dysenry, Colds, Fresh Wounds,Bunis, tíore'Throat, Spiual omplninta, Bprams and BroisüS, Chills and Fever. Tor Intern al aud Extern hI use. Its oporution is not only to relieve the patiënt, but ntirely reuioves the euuse of tlie complaint, It penerut's and pervades the wbole wystpm, restoring icíiltliy action lo all itö parts, and quickening the )luod. 'l'nv Household l'auacea is purely Vegeable und All-licaliny. Prepared by 0UBTI9 & BKOWN, Ko.,215 Fulton Street, New York. For sule by all druggists. USÖyl Ilnyond tlie iTïïssissïppï.- Thousands have Ircady gone, and thousands more aro turning their yes towards new homes in the fertile West. To ïose going to IQuouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Ttnh, Wyomisg, Nevada, Oregon or California, we reeommtmd a eheap, sale, quick and direct route, via St. Louis, over the Missouri Pacific Eailroad, which runs its fine Day Coaches and Pullman Sleepers frora St. Louis to principal pointe in the West without change, Webelieve that the Missouri Pacific Kailioad has the beat truck and the iinest and suf est equipment of any line west of tho MissdSBippi, and its conni'ctions with roads fnrther Weet are prompt and reliable. The Texus conneotion of this road is now completed, and pauengera are oflbred a tirst-chiss, allrail route fïom St. Louis to Texao, eithei over the Missouri, Kansiis ut Texas R. R., ï''f Sedaliit, or over the Atlantic & Pocilio R. It., via Vinita. For maps, time tables, ïnformaiion ad to rates, routes, &c, wc refer our readers to I. Q. Wheeler, Northern Passenger Agent, 7-i Lloyd Btreet, Buifalo, N. T., or Ë, A. Pord, General Pasaengei Agant, St. Iouis, Mo. Qucslivts witi bt cheerfuttn and prouiptly anstvered! EmiLrra.tiou Turnin ! Cheup Farms in SoutU-wcst ]TIishouri !- The Atlantic & Paoiflfi Uoilroad Compaiiy oifers 1.200,000 acres of land in Central and Southwest Missouri, at frora $3 to $1 -2 per nore, on Beren yenrs' time, with free transportation trom St. Louis to all purehatsers. Climate, soil, timber, ïnmerul wealto, seliools, churrhes and [HT-abidimr society invite emigrants from all pointe to this land of fruits and ilowers. For partioolars, address A. Tuck, Laud Commis&ioner j bt. Louis, Missouri. 1417 Fire at Portland. Boston, Aug 9. - A special from Portland, Maine, at 2 P. II., says a large fire is mging ou the Galte's wharf. The steanier Diligo has been burned to the water's edge. The boston boats and the steamer Chase are in great dangor. The sheds of the New York steamers are all burned. FU1X DETAILS OF THE FIRE. Portland, Me., Aug. 9. -The fire whichj occurrod here to-day, and fur a time caused such alarm, originated in the New York freight shed close to the steamer Dirigo, and the boat was alraost instantly in flaines. In half au hour she would have been discharged. A large amount of freight in the storehouse was destroyed. The Dirigo cost $100,000 in 1866 ; partially insured. The firo came across the Atlantic doek into the Boston freight shod so suddenly thaj; meu on the lower part of tho wharf had to jurup overboard, as well as tliose on board the steamer. The doek was full of swinirners for a time, but were all picked up by small boats. Twenty-five thousand dollars' insurance is reported on the steamer Montreal which was valued at $180,000. The elovator had about 40,000 bushels of corn aud oats. It was built strongly of wood shoathed witli iron, and with its contents was worth probably The steamer Carlotta was worth about $50,000. The stori house on the Atlantic wharf had a lurgo amount of sugar, fresb. canned goods aud nierchandise, which was discharged by the Dalmouth tliis morning, though considerable oi her freight had been taken away. There was also a large amouut of flour in barrels for her return cargo to Halifax. The Montreal had just discharged. Her city freight was irlostly removed, but a large portion of her country freight is destroyed. There was a considerable amount of stores and baggage in the sheds, which is all burned ; also, a portion of a cargo of coal just discharged from a bark which hauled clear, though her foremast got on fire. The steamer whioh took fire drifted with the curren t and burnt to the water's edge. The flaines were then confined to the Galt and Atlantic docks, which are a mass of smouldering ruins. Nollie McCarthy, employed on the steamer Dirigo, was the woman drowned. The stewardess of the sanie vessol and daughter aro missing. THE LOSSES. But a very uncertain estímate can be made of the loss at present. The steamer Montreal was worth $140,000 ; insured for $25,000. The Dirigo was worth $100,000; insured for $65,000. -The Carlotta was worth $50,000 ; insured for $20,000. The elevator was owned by tho Portland Grain Warehouse Company, which is coutrolled by Sir Alexander Galt, of Montreal, and was pi-obubly worth $100,000; supposed tobe iusured. It was leased to the Grand Trunk Eailway Company, and contained 40,000 bushels of corn and oats, valued at $25,000 ; iusured for $5,000, and it inay be more. All the buildings on Galt's wharf wero owned by the grain company or Mr. Galt, and leased to the Grand Trunk Railway, who undcrlet them to the Maine Steamship Company. Loss not great ; insurance unknown. Tho buildings ou tho Atlantic wharf wero not valuable. Loss ou Boston freight not ascertained ; insurance f9,000. The Steam. Packet Company lost 1,000 tons of coal valuod at $7,000 ; insured for ó,000. Tho company also loso 100 corda of wood. The Halifax freight shed contained among other merchandise 100 hogsheads of sugar and a lot of canned goods for Canada. Also, 1,000 barrels of tíour for Halifax. The wharves aro badly burnod and will probably cost a heavy sum for repairs. The total loss may be i'uirly estimated at $600,000. It is related that a Frenchman took lodgings in Paris receutly, one of the eonditions being that he ehould bo oalled every njorning and told what dny of the week it was, what. was the coudition of the ■tfeat.her, and. tinder what foria of ginernment he lived. J3JVOCM JVIORGAWS SONS' S ABOLIÓ Ia ft aubstitute for Soap for all Ilouseliold purpose, except washing elothcs. fox cleaning your House wil] save the lubor of onc ülenner. GHve it a Iriitl, SAP O LI O for Windows ia bcttor than "VVhU ing or Water. No removing1 curtains and carpeta. " 8 A. F O L I O" oloans Viiint and Wood, in fnct the entire house, better tban Soap. No slopping. Wavcs labor. You can't ulford to bc without it. 8APOLIO for Bcouriüf? Knives is Letter and oleaner than lïath Brick. "Will not seratuh. S J. JP O Ta I O ie better Ihan Boap and Sand for polisbiog Tinwiivo. liriyhteua without ecratchicg. TapolíF Polishes Brasa md Cop&ér atensUe better thüii .Ackï or Oilaud Kutten Stone. for Wushing1 Bishea and Giaasw&re isiuvaluable. Cheaper than Soap. removes Stains fron Marblo Mantels, Tablet and títatuary, froin Hard-íinislitíd Walls, and f rom China and l'urcclaiu SAP O LIO removos Stains and Orease from Carpets and other woven fabiies. There is nu onc urticle known tliat wrill do io mail) kiiidN of uork iml du it au well h Siipolio. 'l'n il. HAND S -A. DP O Ui I O a new and wonderfully effeetivo Toilet Soap, no equaï iu this country or abro ad. HAND S A. F Ö Ta X O as an article for the Bath, "i-eachcs tlie fouudation " of all dirt, opens the pores and givt a healthy action and briUiant tint to the skin. HAND SAPOLIO Cieonaea and Beniitifies the Skin, instanth remoring any Maiii or bleiuiöli from botli banda and tnee. HAND 3 JP O LIO is without a rival in -the world fo curing or preveining roughness und ehappiug of either hands or face. HAND S I3 O Xj I O removes Tar, Pitch, Iron or Ink Shiins and Orease; for workers in Machine Shops, Mines, &c, is ïnvaluable. For making the Skin White and üot't, and giring to it a " bloom of beauty," it ia unaurpassed by ány Cosmetie known. HAiND SA. ]P O Xj I O costs from 10 to 15 cents per cake, and ovury body should huve it. You wiil like it. DON'T FAIL TOTRY THESE GOODS Ittiy it of yoiir mercliaiit if lie laas t or tcHI procure it i'ur you. il' not, then vrrite ïor ur l'aiiiptilct, fc All iboitt SuiioliO)'9 uud it uill bc malled KNOCH MORGAN'8 SOJNS, 28 Farlc Plaoe, N". Y. ]L B. GIDLEY, Encceseor to COLGUOVE & SON. DRUGGIST AND ÉI1ST IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, Na 12 E. HURON STREET DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, SIKUICAL nSTRl!tlETS, PIRE WIHB8 Al LIQIOR8, (FOR MEDICAL PDRPOSES ONLY.) Fancy Goods, Pertumery, PAINXS, OU,, vah.visiiks, ;r,Ass AND FÜTTÏ, PHYSICIASS' PBESGBIPTIOKS Carefally compounded at all hours. PBOPOSE NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHO FÜRNISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE, E. IS. III.HY. lSGTtf PHAMBERS' ENCYCLOriEDIA. A DICTIONAItY OF Universal Knowledge for thl People. rtïGVISKD EDIÏION. WITH Maps, Platos, and Engravings. Complete In 10 Vols. of S32 pages oacli. Uurtrated with abonf, Four ThoutCtnd Evgravings and Fort y Maps y tugeiher with a iSeries of f rom Eighty to One Ilmuhed Ehgantly En ffraved Plattt - ühutroHw of the Subji'cts of Natural IliMunj - now for the fikst TIME appear ing m the iv'trk. PRICE PER VOLUME. Sxtra Cloth, bevoled boards, - - $" 50 ibrary Shcep, marbled edges, - fi 00 lalt" Turkey lloiocco, - - G 50 This Editiox is Sold only by Agents. Published by J. B. UPPDTCOTT & CO.( Pbiladelpliiai Pa. SYTA'ANUS WARREN, 189 Woodwiird Avenue, Jetruit, ütiüerul Agcut lor the Stottf oí Michigan. Byeomparing Chambers' Encyclopmdia with the STew American Cyolopeedia,- the worlc with which it s most frpquently brought into coniparison, it will ü f ound that while the ten volume.s nf Chamber1 contain 830 pagea, the original sisiaen volumen oí tho New American contaiu leas tlmn 12,000 pages. It will alsi bö foimd thnt u pura of Chanibers' contains fü onc-fifth moro matter than a paje of the New American, making the ten volumes of the former equivalent in umount of print ed matter to at leaHt hirteen volumes of the latter, not to mention the numcrtnis Platen (abüut 80), "Woodcuts (aome 4 000), and Mttps (nliout 40), tluit are included in this edition of Chambei'H, and to which the Kow American posbpssos no ooirespondina feature It i oonfldently )clit)ved thiit as a populftT Dicttonahy of Univkr'íal Knowledge," the work ia without au equal in the English lañguage. 1 426y] -SCS W ANHOOD: HOWLOSï, 3r HOW RESTORED. Just publishod, a iiow edition of Dr. Culverwell's Jclebru.1el ï-ssiy on the radical curt without medicine) ot Si-eumatoiuihiea or Seminal WtíHkness, Involuntury Seminal Lossee, Impotency, Mental andPhysioal Ineapaeity, Impedimento to MarriaííC', etc., Uso, CONBUHPTION, Epilei'sy mil I'irs, induced by HU-indillgeaofl or sexual extravugance. QT Price iu a sealod envelope ouly six centH. The ct-lt'brated author, in tbifl admirable essay, iiluiirly demonstr.'itt's i'roni n tinrty yeais' siitiOeuful pracüge, that the alarmlng ooiiHequenoea rif seLf-tbuse may'Wradieully curedwitbout the dungeroua uso oí Intenta! medicino or tho applieatiou of the knil'e; puinting out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by mean of which every sufferer, no matter whiit bis condition muy be, may uure himseli oheaply. priviitely and radical!). T Tbislecíure ehould bo ín the banda of everj youth and evory man in the land. Kent. lindel malí in a plaio envelope, toanyaddreBB. post-paid, (Ai reoeipt of bíx oents, or two potst stampa. Addre&stlie IublisJn ■i.-f CHAS. ,T. C. KLINE&CO.. I 2T Bowery, Níw York, Eototñce li-.x, 1 ïRO. II. COHEN'S Advertisement. BAIfiAINS ! BABfiAINS ! As I intend to give up the Dry Goods trade, I sliall offer my whole stook cluding DRE8S GOODS. SHAWLS, BLANKEÏS, CALICOS, O-HSJ-GKEÏ-A-IMIS, STR1PES, TICKINGS, DENIAS, Cassimers, Table Linens, FLANNKLS, NAPKINS, ÍÓWIL& i Lace Curtains, Etc., Etc., i AT LESS THAN 3STTETW -SrOIRlK: COST, In order to dispose of the whole Stock with all possible dispatcli. Remember this is no Humbug Sale, so ! cali early and secure your bargains at 33 South Main St. rODGE'S PATENT REAPER & MOWER AND SELF-EAKE! J. A. POLHEMUS Has again received hin usual supply of the above Celebrated Machines, whicli ho ia prepared to furnisjh to every farmer ïu Waahteuuw ur Jackaon Couutios who want A FIRST CLASS MACHINE. He ie als1 prepared to furnish all extras for toe Dodge Machine. Also, all extra required to repuii the oíd ÜALL MACHINKÖ. Office at the LIVERY 8TABLE OF J. A. POLHEMUS & SON, Cor. Main and Catherlnc Streets, "Wheio may be found the most exteneive outflts of Horses and Carriages Ia the city, connccted with which ia a HACK, BUS AND BAGGAGE WAGON XjIJSTE, Iteady to flll orders ut all times. Special attention giveu to f úiuishing HORSES AND ARRHGES FOR FOERALS. Ann Albor, May 23, 1873. 1427tf VN TIME ! Wm. Wacnek Had openod u largo atock of SPBSMÍ & SÜMMER C3-OOIDS, Incluaing new and FASHIONABLESTYLES FOB COATS, PANTS, and VBSTS, Whicb he will manufacture in tlie beet aud lutest atylo, aud VVarranted Fits and Work. Alao kt-ops a good stock of RBABÏ-HASB CLOTBING AND Gents' FÏÏENISHIEG Goods. "Which will be sold cheap. OALL AND SEE THEM. No.21 South Main Street,- EaetSldet WII.HAJI WAilin. Ann Hú-vr. May Ut, 1ST3. 14CI BACH & ABEL. We have now in store and are receiving our usual large stook of New Spring Goods, bought I for cash, and wlll be placed on sale at as low prices as any house in Michigan. BACH & ABEL. A large assortment of fashionable dress goods in the new shades. BLACK SILKS2 A specialty. We have them direct from the Lyon'ö niannfactory agents, and can warrant tbem made of pure stock. BACH & ABEL. FIFTY PIECES OF THE - MARY STÜART'S BLACK ALPACA ! And cali special attention to the 4öc, 5Oc, and 75c qualities. These Alpacas are mannfactured foy Alex. T. Stuart & Co , and without doubt excel in texture and finish aity ever bron glit to this country. BACH & ABEL. I'rom the tniporteis, dieict, a lavge stock of TaMe Linens, ïïapkins, DAMASK TOWELS.&C. BACH & ABEL A FULL LINE OF Brown and Bleached Gottons, TicHigs, Denims, Cottonades, cLc. These goods we buy by the package, gettxng discounts, and can inake low prices. BACF & ABEL. We dosire to cali especial attention to our stock of FRENC1I AND EN0L1SB CASS1MERÏÏS, And SUITING8, the largest and best assortniant in the city. BACH & ABEL. A FULL LINE OP SHADES Ilf THE STEWART ALEXMDRE KID GLOVES In both one and two buttons. This GIüvu lias been recently improved, and is now conceded to be the best in use. BACH & ABEL. A Rare Chance TO LET. A largc and modern now Qrocery Store in Bnchor. Block, Detro t Street. Undoubtedly thebest location iu that part of ihe city for said business. A cood large cellar and new barn attaehed to the premisos. The reut is $300 yearly, to be taken in groceries for my famliv use. Also a tlueaew Mrat Markrt, aH complete, joining mi blo-k, with modern imir"vemunts, raarble tabl& Aclarge new smoke honae, large brick cistern and cellar, new barn and all ready tor use, with three íamily rooras above. Store rírits for $250 jearly ; takm in raent for my family use. Also a small atore in my block, honses, roome, &c, to let. FOR SALE.- Three (rnod lore carriage ot farm h'íree", one fine new carriapo, buief, wagons, íarniínc. t). Affi tbree good r-v ñ WDOtf InquireufL. R. BU'.'HOZ. ISTEW SPRING GDODS The Largest, Most Elegant, and much the cheapest Stock of flrst-class supcrl) DRESS GOÜ Black and Colors Ever Exhibited in this market is at MACK&SCHMID'S! on i nni nni hu ! h u ■ lij ! i I When ürst L,. COLB V hung hia sign Ot C. O. D.- At No. -, And ofïered Grocerxes chei for cash, Some people said, ' he's bouud to go to smash." And old-time G rocéis would faintly smilt', Prophesying "CO. D. will lust hut little while. In sixty days we'll run hun ott' the track. And cali our wandering oustomers buck." The croakers said and thought it true, "He'll surely f ail before the year is New 1 You can't sell Groceries in this town And get your pay in greenbaeks down ; Where dry goods merchante on every street With aükh and satins, hang out chiekens to eat ; Where trade is mixed in every place, At the same eouutor you buy biitter or lace ; Where credit and loss go hand in hand. Mr. (J. O. D. but a slim chance will stand." Let prophets and croakers have their say, - 1-. COLB Ysells OROCERIES only for IÍEADY TAY, Andsells so cheap fop duily cash Ile fears no danger of a smash. And to his patrona all, and business friends, The greeting of the scason he extends, To young and oíd, a glad New Year, With hoöts of friends and lots of cheer ! Give him a cali, and from his store Your tables spread ith good things more. At that place you will ahvjtys iind Fresh new Groceries ol best quality and kind- Kverything ncedful for good cheer at home You can buy at his counter whenever you come. The days are so short this bitter cold winter, To mention details would weary the printer. But aak if you ehoose for anything entable, You get it at once, in quality unbeatable 1 For hungry men who are weary and cold, He has Oysters hot, Oysters that must bc sold - Oysters pickled, Oyster stew, and oyster fry, Or Oysters any other way you choose to try. He will serve up Oyeters at any hour of day, And the beat of cigars to smoke on your way. A lish of hot Oysters will do you mucli good And clieer vou while seJling your gruin or wood. And with p.-ish in hand l.iy in a store Of Coffee, Toa, Sugar, Flour and many more, Of all thlnga substantial for daily use, Nor treat Ufe's good things witli ibuse ; Crockeryand Qlassware and Fruit to put in them, Nuts, Kaisins, and C'andy, for childrcn wlio win them And ye who are blessed with their beautüul faces, Will flnd fS'.ll the best of ,ill places, To buy a triüe, to bring a f müo or ringing laugh, Your pleasure, than theirs, will be neater bv half Then do not forget to oall on Mr. ('. O. ])., " Aud buy of him your l'ruita, Hugwr, and Tea. Though the Ing (JA may fall from ils pluoc,The C. O. D. iJ storeisstillon (lieraee. And dues not intend to iiy ñ-om the eourse TUI croakers of evil tulk themaelves bourse. Groceriee can be sold for ready pay. And Ij. Colby has learnetiths way: Sold five times more tlan he expeeted - Iiy O. O. D. from loss proteeted. And the secret he is not af raid to teilKeep the best of all Uiings- with priees low- be Rood natured, give good measure, And you are bound to sell I 29! 29! 29! A Chance for Bargoins ! For Rale at a great barífain, ICO ACRES OF CnoICE LAND, lyingiJJá ruilen froin the efty-of lonia lUd acres under ímprovemeut, witli good orchard, tara and Bhed, and a tomfortiiblo house. Terms of puvment- from $J,ouu tu $2,500 dowii ; bulance oa lonc time. b AlsoOOACHES. aliout iy, milos frorn Aupustu Kalamazoo Coimty, all improvud, witll KOod buildings. Terius- extremely low. Also 40 ACRES about oight miles from Hastings. Also 80 AORJÍS on section 8 iu the town of Ilazelton, Shiawasse County, ibout 12 miles fiom Corunun Well timbered. For terma addresa the undersigned. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1873. E' B" POIVITOHN FEED. BROSS, MANUFACTUIÍER Or IMKIIIACKK, ltKJÍÜHS, UJIBKR WAtOSS. SP1!1O Hit; OÍS, CIT1EKS, 8LEI6H8, &c. All work witrranted of the best materml. repairin?tione frmptl" ■" ■! ■ i M. Ail worh warrsutsd to give perfect latiiíaction. KVSoulli Mhíu streut. i4i rpnE AJSnST AEBOE TRADING ASSflCIATiaS Are now rcceiving their SPRING STOCK OP NEW DRESS GOODS We ! ave the largest stock of T-CLASS CARPET'NG IJST THE CITY. ENGLISÏÏ BODY BRUSSEL AT $2.00 PER YARD ! Tapestry Brussel, Super Extra Lowell and Hartford, also Medium Super, WHICH WE WIIL SELL YERY CHEAP FOR CASH! Novel an3 elegant additions to our Dress Goods Stock ARE NOW BEING OPENEP. The backwardness of the season has eansed a very large decline during the lost tifteen day in the price of Oress Fabrics, whioh will enable us to give to our custoïnera a protit of '2U to 2ü per cent. Every Lady should inspect them ! A handsomer line of Dress Qoodx wns never brcught to Aun Albor thaii are ïiow opening, at extrfin.'ly low líricos tor oah, which will place these ehoico goods within the reucu ot all who may favor us with a cali. KW We are verv thankful for the past farora and hope to continue the same, as we shall make it to the advantage oí those who íavor us with a cali. G. W. IIAYS, Supt. pUEE WHITE LEAD. LEAD. t WAKKA.VTJE f M ffS STRICTL.YT j' % ( PURE WHITE" 1 _ LÏIAD. ƒ VIEILLE MONTAGNE FRENCH WHITE ZINC Parlor Snow White ZincCRYSTAL PALACE WHITE LEAD. Permanent Green For Blinds, &c. WHITE LElD ! In Colors for Outside and Inside rainting1, Varnishes, Oils, Colors, Brushes IRO1V - CLAD lillÏHAL PAIKT ï Hamifactured from pure Iron Oru, i'ar superior to those made of Clay, Kotten Dirt, fte. Oiir Ture Brand of WHITE LEAD we offer to Ëha public with the positive anroranoe of aJjsoïute purityï As much of the "White Lesd eoid as pure is ndolteratotl from 20 to !)U por cent., Consuméis wil] consult their interest by giving us a cali. - Amü Aruoií, Mich. Corner apposite Savicgs Bank. 14Hm6 "DUT YOUE MONEY WIIERE Iï WÍLL DO THE MOST OOXA. A. TERE Y HAS A FULL STOCX OF HATS AND 0APS2 IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUAL1TY AND PKICES TO D E F Y C O M PE T IÏ1O N , AJ.GOj A FULL LIKE OF GENTS' PÜRNISHIKG GOCDS Uil? Cali lief ore jmrehadug, 15 Sowtó Jan Street. Jgj TpLOÜE AND FEED STÖEE. HENR1T IVSOH, (Succosoorto Gqo. Limbengaycr,) At 1 4 W l,ierty Slrc'el, wil] fceapfon yon h.-in.l .rfuil -twk of Flour, Ml, Ont. C' -. Mili l'"L!,&c. Alindera: (Víiv ,. .-. ast taek pvice. !-''■ ■■'■' . ■ .i


Old News
Michigan Argus