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MUS. H. J. HILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office and Residente No. 88 Ann Street, corner of Ingalls, Ann Arbor, Mich. Kjf Office houra- 8 to 10 a m., and 2 to 4 p. M.3a Referencet - Plior. Saoer, Peof. Palmi t 1431yl 4itA49ftPcr ftT' Agenta wantod 1 All ít IW flW classes of working people, of rith r sex, young or oíd, make utore money at work for us in ttieir spare xaoments or ail tha iline, tliun at anytliiuK else. l'urtiüulars frcc( AdOres O. Siiunon Cou furtlapí, Maia, Uil Cut Illustrates tlia mannor of Uslnz ÏÏTW1', X5R. PIERCE'S Foantaiu Sasul ïnjecto 0R r::: ,, I 'Éll - Á . This instrument i." ospecially dosignod for the pexi'ect&pplicatiou of DR. SAGE'S CATABRH REMEDY. Itiati ■:■ only f'irm of instrument yet invented fithv lO carried tiigh up onl perfectly ■ rta oí' the aliected ■S orea vities oommnnicntiiig I lruiiHiT.tly esist, and fi-om whidi th Ol8chatgegen6ra31yproceeda. Tho M tl herotoioro ha Brisen iBrgelyfroin thoii of applying reine"by nny of of ofieoüng itiiely overcon tion of lliu Sunche. Ju usiüg tlii3 in D"'Üf" íi!í uili is cv 'L'd bX lts ov-'n 'weight (no ig bein? requirei),) up oud noBtril in n ïüll (iuntly flowlog stream to tlio oigiiest pottioa cf the nasal passages, p into and thóroughly cleanaei bÜ the tales and chairibers Ci . flows cüt of lhe opposHe ncstril. 1(3 uso is ploammt and so Biui)ie that i can nnderstand it. Kuil Riüi expilcitdlccttan iiBtrument. When dsc 1 y:u, Uiia Infttrument, Dr. Sagc's Catarrh Ken . 3 ,,f "CoJd i Heud. Syjiiploi. of Cntuj.lï. F.enuont . eojie, disoliarsra fall i, purn?( ui, d -■■■. la othora a dryxieus, ilr-,-v. or iaflamed i ig up i: oba tmaaljw! , i'riüïi alcei'A, ( ■ at ocie tuin] ■■■ aíiu-rb a cea used ■ lia.nied íviti: tln coustitutionsl treatment . ís reeommendvd n t'jo pamphletthat bottie oí' the Ktimedy, is a peí I', ct Bpeciflo fbr tbia loathsome disease, and tlr pro] goud íiiith, SSOO icwaiiT fct a 01 not cure. TlieEemedy is mild and p use!, coi . atroné or . PplaoDs. XheCatarr] ;ti. eo cents, hj :.i I yj (irt,ís(s, or ei WiUbemailodbypro] reeeiptof60oenw K. V. PBEMC;, Sí. r., iiuli I '-UT] Fila N. Y. JJïo Person can talce these Bitters accordtngtodlrectlona, and remaln long unwell. provided their boaes are uot destroyed by mineral poison or ottier means, and vital organs wasted beyoad ttie point of repair. Dyspcpsia or Indigestión, Heacinctie, rain fn the Shoalders, Coughs, Tightness or the Chest, Dizziness, Soar Ernctationá of the Stouiach, Bad Taste iu the Mouth, Iiiüous Áttacks, I'alpitation of the lleavt, lnflammation of the I.urifrs. Pain ia the región of the Kldneye, and a hnndred otlier painlnl symptoms, are the ofl-sprins of Dyspppsia. OnO bottle wil! prove a bet ter guurantee of lis merits tlian a li'iigtliy advertisement. Por Fcniaie l'OiupliiintSf In young or old, married or single, at the rlawu oí womanliood, or the turn of llfe, these ïonic Bitters (inpiay so decided an inilueuce tiiat improveiueiit is soon perceptible. For Inflammntory anl Clironic Rhon niatlsm and Gout, Bilious, Renittent and lulermittent Fevcra, Diseaes of the Blood, Llver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Blttors liave 7io equal. Such Diseasea are caused hy VlOated Blokd. Tlicy are a eiitle Purg;ativc as vell as a Tonic, posse88ing the merit of ar-lint? as a powerful agent in relieving Congestión or Inllammatlon of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and in Bilioua Diseases. l'or Skin Disensos, Ernptions, Tetter, SaltRheam, Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pusiules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyeg, Erysipelas, Iteh, Scurfs, Diseolorations of the Skin, Humors and Dtseases of the Skin ol whatever name or nature, are literally dug tip and carried out of the system ia a short time by the use of these Bitters. Grateful Thousands'proclaim Vinegar Bitters the most wouderful Invigoraut tüat ever sustained the sinking svstem. R. II. ÜIcDONALD &. CO. Drtiggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal.. & cor. of Washington and Charlton 8te., f.Y. BOLÜ BY ALL URUGÖlrS & DEALERS. Goldsmitli's Bryant & Stratton BUSINESS UNIVERSITS". Business praotically tanpht aftor the connting system. Booke froja transactions originating iïom doing I u with the varions Bui Trafle, Ban] , t ■ . . Addrees J. 11. GkiiXaMXTH, President, Detroit, ïlich. W. E. HEAMÉS& CO., Floui Mercharits 63 AVOJtl{Iii,i: STIIKÜT, Corner Shelby. I [T, MICH. Choice Eys and Minnesota Floui sieci;ilty. Fire Brio] sey and Ohio olaya. Foundiy Focings and Supplies, Flonr & Grain Oom. M.erchan ATWAÏER STKEJET, (Betwcen Griswold and Slielby,) DETROIT Oé" Liberal avdanoee made upon consignments. %tJOHIV H. WEIWELI, & CO. O0MH1BBIOS fttEBCHAXTB IS Flour, Grain, Fork & Scec OFFICE AND WABKHOUflE , Noa. 50, 52, 54 and 50 AV'oudbrwyo .Street West, DETROTT, 3SÏH B5P Liberal advances made upon consigrunents. " boileeVorks All kinds of Boüei1 (Uid Sheet Tron "Work done f order. All Bo pievioua to lea shops. Competent men kept i" da repairs, taken out, pieroed, and resei Oíd bilcrs and tube bought or laken in excli;. i J. & T. Mcti-R.TCGrOTl, 83 Atwjitcr Street, DKTUUIT DBTHOIT and Lung Institutc For iho cure of Catarrh, Throat "Dié Astlima, lïroncliilis ar NO. 4 ASPINWALL TER OMB AVE If posible oall i ■ .iuatiim otherwiöö send foi ■ W, Hiltum Williams, M. l., I'rop'r. Tl ff I f Bumesa College, 18 A 1 il !J M i Boofcfceepings J.HJLUJ UU 1 1 l_Business Practice. "THE IlES'r."--Fnr Journal frifing fnll inforination oí l , tice. AddteMÏRA MATHEW, Detroit, Mich. MiirJble, Marbleïzed Slate AND IKOS II AIVTI.ES, All leiiditiiL stylcs and patterx. With evcry varicK of emamental and piala eoais G-ltArVhJ,. Agent for " Btrlng's patent tire-places." Send for descriptivo oircuhir. 1'. A. B1LL1NOS, 29 Woolbridge St., Detroit. gAW OUMMEll & SHARPENEE. A OHEAP, utopie, nuk durable Machine operated aud runniuy Wheela trom ,sx ine)i1 inch. Price of Machine, $15. Wheols with bevelled, rlonble bevellid and round fucefroin $2.18 lo ST'.B.'), aew. ll.'iivi.r Machines $70 and $9O running Whelt up to 24 inohes in oianieter. For üiustrated Pampbl I THE TANITE CO., U13rafl - Stroii roe Co., Pa. TV-OTICE ! Came into the prei rntacribez on tho 7tn aay of June last, A BLAi two yeitrs old, twowhite hind feet, au! liettd. 'J'he owner ím caqueated to ptovu properi chargeB, and tnke aaid ooit uwuy. Superior, Jul 7, 873. I4w6 A. C. ROOï. ■ :' i ' -j GENERAL ll_Jj I 'MCONVEYANCER Bi. SïRACT BÜOKS! re do postea to d.ur i m, Bho-W iusoi tiüe. lnstauoe AUDITOR ÖENEEAL'S DEEDS, y numcroas 'uzity, Dacrees, Gontracts, Deeds ! wills, azo, 1 nndisoherged 1 whloh iro loifíons. .'.:■ 1 li !U wul reler oolluteral muiters iroh by Indexea i r liners in the ■ and t'ohuii■ . en to With ourfiicili■ i ïhow them Htle .-.-i'--r: and in in iheCouaty. We mONBY TO íLQJLlsT ! On Bond and MortgAge en long time. REAL ESTÁTE Soldare ' ■ I. HO SÏÏQ TO 1ÏKNT. $8 acres Obeervatary for uale in Iota to suit purROOT & LEITER, Kenl Estáte Agento, No. 1. Gregory Blook, Trcy "W. I and opposite the Postoifice. ÜHA!;. , 14K tf " wPm IE % of tlxo BIiOOD THE MOST THOÏtOTTGrT riTRTFIKR Oí THE BLOOD TET DISCOVEIiED. ,, CUBES ALL HUMOTtS, FROM A COMMON EKUPTIOX TO TUE WORST ESCRÓFULA. t By its uso Cancera are oured, and Caneerous tumors are disponed without the surgeon's knife- Scroiüla conquered, and Consuuiptiou prcvented and cured. Venereal Bisenscs, Morcnrial and ÏTineral Poisons, and their effects eradlcated, and vigorou healtli and a sound constitation cstablished. Female Weakness and Bisease; Dropsy, general or partial; Swellings. external or internat; and Tumors are reduced aud dispereed in a very ehort time. " Ei-ysipelas, Salt Iïheum, Scald Ilead, and Ferer Sorea are soon removed by this powerful detergeut medicine. Scorbntic DIsoasos, Bandrnff, ficalyor Booga Skin, and Pimples quickly give way, leaving the skin smooth and fair. Chronlc Iiseases, Fovor and Ajue, Di'sordered Liver, DyspepBia, iüu-umatism, NeiTous Affections, General Debility, insliort, all thenumeronl 8 caused by bad blood are conquered, and give fore this most powcrfiü corrector, the Kiny of the Blood. Eacli bottlo contains between forty and fifty ordinary doycs, costing only one dollar. Froiu ouc to tour or five bottles will cuín Salt Eheum, Scald Ilead, Eing Worm, Pimples on the Face, Biles. ordinary Kmptions, etc. From two to ciijiit bottles wilt cnre Scaly Emptions of the Skin, Ulcere, Sores, and Uanker ia the Mouth und Stomac'.!. . etc. From two to ten boules will restore healthy aclion to Ihe Liver aud Spleen, will regúlate the Bowels ar.d Kidneys. From tyo to s'lx bottles will be found effectual iu curiBg Neuralgia, ick-lleadache, tít. Vitua Dance, and From flve to tvelve bottles will cure the W01V! 'Ofula. Frota tliree to twelvc bottles will cnro Severe and obstinate cases of Catarrh, Froiu two to lom' bottles wol cure the worst cases of Piles, and regúlate ('ostive Bowels. From two to ten ' bottles will cure bad cases of Drc Prlcc $ 1 ier bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. Sold Tjy all Druggists. D. RAXSOJ!. SOM & CO., Propr's, Buffalo, . T. See testimoniáis in local column, j M fc"Wi Xif Bn f fflii 1 1 I pUthe GAKASLB B Itisnotaquacknostrnm. The g Sngredirnta are published on each ■ bottlo of medicine. Itisuserland ■recommendedby Physicians Hj wherevcr i t has been introduced. B feE It will poaitivcly cure pySCROFUU V A yBand kindred diseattt' RUEUMAW mm TSM, WMTE SWELLWQ, UmJmGOUT, GOITÈE, BRONCHIñTIS, NEliVOUS DEBILITY, INCIIJIËNT CONSUMPTWN Hand all diseascs ar3ng frora aa JA impuro condition of the Blood, tgmtÊmKSeai for our Almanac, AHia which you will find certifícales Hfrom reliable and trust-worthy W Physicians, Ministers of the Gosejpcl, and others. I Dr. K. Wilson Carr, of Balti , , 9 more, saya foe has used it in cases of ■jScrofuluand otker discases wíth much WL satis faction. JmwM ' Ir. T. C. Piigli, of Baltimore, refBcommends it to all persons suöering BHBH with diseased Blobd, sayingit is supeHB HHriortoanypreparationhe has ever used I llcv. Dubucy 15a)l,of the BaltiH more M. E. Conference South, saya I hH ho has beeu so much benefííted ay 9 itsuse, that he cheerí ully recommends t Hm 3 itto allhis friends and acuuaintances. Wim HH Cravtil Co- Druggists, at GorH aonsvillc, Va., say it icver has failed ■m to give satisfaction. ■ H &am'l lí. McFatlden MurfreesW jk boro', Tennessec, Bays itcured him of WBBmmBM ülioumaüsai when all else iailed. THEROóADALIS IN CONNECTION WITH OUK willcureChiUs and Fever, Liver Compiaint, Dyspepsia, etc. We guarantee Kosadalis superior to all other Blood Puvifiers. Senil Jor Doscriptive Circular or Almsnac. Addpe38, CLE1IENTS & CO., 5 S. Commerco St., Baltimore, Mi, Eemember to ask your Druggist forKociDAi.13. "I AMKS McM.AHON, Justice of the Peace, Offioo in ncw blook, North of Court House Money oolleoted :ind pvomptly pnid over. ihststtrance: agknt. Trii-mph, assets, $T2T.9(13.11 North Missouri, " 845,417.91 Hibernia, " 35u,ouü.oo BEAIi KSTATE. I have 80 acres i I mile from the city imfts. Snel? looatod for fralt or garden pnrpoiea. Al i AJso 10 acres, wlth h"nse and tmrn,nnd a livel Btream of water rn. :h the baru yard. - inileout. 1 wlll sel] any or all the above cheap, or exchancc tor city property. JAMES McMAHON. HURRY UP ! pIRTIÜS wi-' 'apef, Cloth Wili'lriw .. all New s' by .J. rt. Webster A Co., B ok -torc, ncar the Ex i X . ■ X OOK SALE ON LONG CREDIT ! ArraArborf : title, and well lo Inqoireuf iuíAÑ. 148Smt ' ARiilS BöLLETIfl ! WANTED 2000 NEW SUBSCRIBEKK "WJVTEÜ. Alore Mercliants and Êusiness raen, who knowing their own intereats will advertise in the Akous. GET YOUR BILL-HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS, At the Argus Office. GET YOTXE BALL CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, At the Argus Office. GET TOUB LAW BLANK8, LAW BEI EPS, LAW RECORDS, PROGRAMMES, AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. New Type, Best Presses, Good Workmen, ANO REASONABLE PRICES ! Í3T A WOED TO TEE WISE. i SE1860-X í { i A 16 X ES ■.TTÊRjSi BI TS PUIÏELY A TKÖETABLH TLPAEATION, com .1 posea simply of ffcll-knoraROOTS, HER BS and FRUITS-, comWncd ttiüi other propertlca1, which in their nature aro Cathartic, Apedcnt, Nu- tritious, Dinretlc, Alterativo and. Anti-Biliious. Thé wholeis preserved Ui a enfficieut quautity of epirift frorn tho DCtAR CVJVK to wp tiitm in any climate, whichmakeeihe plantation Bitters oneof thi most desircble Tonic and l'athartivi in ihe vrorld. Tliey are intended strictly aa a Temporalice Bitters only te be UEed as a medicino, and alfaya accordisg to directions. 1 hey are the sheet-snehor of the feebla and debilitated. They act npon a cliaeased üver, and stimulata to such a d-kiee tijat a healthy actjon is at once brougbt about. As a remedy to which Women ure espciaby subje-ct it iö enporsecting every other Btimulaut. As a Spring and .Slimmer Tonic they liavn no cqual. Thcy are a mild and gentla Purgativo as weli ag Tonio. ÏLey Purify the Blood. Tüey are asplenilid AppetiBer. Tliey niake the wealE Btrong. They puiily and invigorate. They curs Dyspepda, Constipalion anii iicadaclio. They act i a specific-in all species of disorders which undermin th e bodüy e Irengtli and break down the animal epiritfc _Deüot. 63 Park. Place. .New York. "■- ATHAIROH ' Only 50 Cents p&r Bottle' It promotes the GItOWTH, PBESERVES 4 the COLOR, and Increases tile Vigor oud BEAXJT1T oí íh.e IIAIK. 4 Otpb TnrETT Yeatïs aoo TjTon'3 KATnAntos roa the Haib was first piuc-ül ia t!io inaiket by Professor E. Thomas Lj-on, n graduato of I'rinceton College. The name is derived f rom t'110 Groeit, " ICathro," siinitying to cleansc, purify, rejvvenaU, or restore. The favor it bas reccived, and 1 1.0 popularity it has obtained, is unprecedented and incredible. It increasea tha ujbwwxu turn jjKAirrx 01 i:"3lAin. .It 13 a deii?miu dressing, j , i.'andruff. It prevents thi Hair from tiiming gray. Xt kecps the head coo), am pves the hair a rich, puft, ploasy uppearance. It ia thi same in Qdahtih nnd ecALtnr m it waa over a Qua gtBoiaOïHTin ï oldbyallBruggistBaiK Couutry Steres at only Flfty Cents per itatUe KVomas's Gtay is Ir Hair LYON'S i LTHIiSON THE BABCOOK } [T j HOOK & LADDER TRUCKS ttquipped w.i nos nd ft il Chaina Bu i I óiC, O., bandsomelj B tion at lees expense I tin Justwhat every Fire ] cuck Bil valmible propexty all ovi ry. Scnd their record. E. T. BAR1VITW, Gen.AKent, 118 S : Dtrolt Manafacturer of Iron, Copper aml Bra?s Wlre tireCloth, Bolting Cloth, lurr AI] Wire and ' Vanes, Win Connti r R liug, Wiro Fencing and Ornamental Wire Work. iaiuT 9 STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE A perfect hair dressing- not a dye - nor a re Btorative, but a dressing, elegant f-r-n uutl eco nomical. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE la oooling to the scalp, Imparta a delightful sonso o vitaüty .J aad soi'tness to HS-S"" ü0 hair STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, Bweetly perfumed aml linipid, renders tho hair snpp 1 e a n d y dresses it ia auy detiired form. mmm STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, Ontirely vepetsblo oil, prevente tliat diyneas L scal] whieh cauaea dandruil' r _" to accu muíate. s ' I i I r STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE contains in une largo bottle more oil uud more per fume ■ mk taan auy othrr hair drossing -- J in market, and h-"J besidea is old twent-y-ÜTe per cent. less tlian most STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE brightens blonde hair, darkensaub , urn hair renderalustroushrown and biack MNhair, luseens the hftmhnrH) of ooaise halr. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE IS MAPE ONLÏ Bï FEJBDEEIOK STEAENS, - CKCMIST, $ DETROIT, MICH. L Sold everywherc. Be sure and get tho Oemuiiie Coco-Oleine. Let no one pulni offonyou a bottle of eome cheap and worthlesê Imitatíon oí" CocoOleiiic. There are more than twenty counter t'eits of it now sold, put up aa aear Uke thu yenuine as tho makers daré and evado the law. C 1'OlíE TU RENT! Corner of Washing -ts., ti uk ai -■■■■■■ :. tity. teüaion gtven immedi i Etítoüh ■ ■ A mi Albur, Hbj 1' , 1' 3TATB FOB ö _A_ L IE I The rabsorib. . „ he(llth offtrs 3.Ï ACRES tnthi , SPRING!. roail tanks witb ■. US ADVAíyTACES Are ' "Water Power m "ii the itosup t wafer and flre pnrpoots' THÉ WESTERN PORTION ■ and snitat hi i ■ ■ use, oan ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ .'. FRU1TS, LAME & SMALL, There being ,e now in hearing Vegetables tntf Pasturnge, And aïso for M!LKsupply,BLOODED STOCK, Hordes, Slieep, ilwnyBin prcat want by many ir . northwi Una land m Ito three huadred and üü-, clollara roou ■ m ... short tin jood advantnge and tu mach protttto thepiird Will be eiren or the urne wil) be ezchanged for Mer chantablo goodB or Drugs and Medici] pnces. TRACY W, ROOT. Ann Arbor, Jan 31 18T8. 1411 Mortgago Sale. ÏSTHEBEABJamesE. SelfeandFliza Ann Selre vf of the township of Manchi ter, oounty oi Wafchtenaw, and Stateof Michigan, on the nttecnth oayol July.mthe yenr of onr Lord one il. eight hnndrïd and seventy, executed a , - 1. Hov.vll, dl thi State oi New York, to secure t&e papaent oi i principal and interest mqney therein m. ■ ■ '1 m the. office of tle Rerüd oouDty, on the luth day oí August, A. 1). 1870, af i K o'etock P. :I. of said áay !.nJ i i3of ': ''■' P16 801 UI"1 default has been madfe for more than thirty daye ii thepaymentol aninstallm ntol lid inb resl wnicn becnme duo on tho Bfteenth day of Julj-, A. D 1S72 by ïtiiMin wlitrcof und purauant to the torms of said morteage naid mortgagee hereby eleetB that 60 principal as remains unpaid, with all thereon, shall beoome doe and immediately ; and whereas there ie elaimed ■ al dareoi this notioe, the snm of two thousand niño hundred and forty-eijfht dollars for piineipal and ín als0 :" attoi i forty dollars shoald any ■ taken to foredo said mortgage, and pora ituted either nlawor eouity to recover the samo any part - : Notice is therefore hereby given, tïat m th day of X. Tembernej . k in the lor oí the Court House in the buil ■ i the Circuit Courí I r is held), and byvirtoe of tho power n( ile confcained in said mortg Hat public auotion ribed ui said mortfou;'1 tosatisfy i!i, amouut of principal and int'ivi : :.- fluf. witli tl harges of sale and attoinej-'s fee of forty dollars : All tl ■ towBBhrpof Manchester, connta of v, Uirnigan, known, bovnded and described as follows bo ;i : Beingthenortheantquarterof thesoutheast quarter of sootion number four (4), aloo the northwestquarterof tbesouthea! cjuartí i of said section numberfourfe rhtsand privileges grantedtothe Michigan Bbuthern and Northemli Bailrnad Compunyj, also the soathenst iinarter of tho alsothe fouowing describid land tonit: bêginning eaaterly tea chume ml foiirteenlmks fromtli. I uf the nortli part oí the norlhwest quorter of section t, i . thence northeriy twenty-five eliains, thence easter] oham, thenoe sontherly twenty-flve chaii 1 f' ar tothe - !i'r;r. the ln aepoiiption eontainins ■ ■ whola c-i : . ■ m :!nr1:-"' !.--o the lerof the ■ ■i acres hereofoiedei ed to Luman Ptei us, aU hi . outhof range somber threeeast. iu n;ij countvol Dated, Aupiisi 15, i?73. ; HOWELL, Uoitesne. Joitn N. Gou, Atty. forthe Hortgagee. xVlortgage ftale. ["JEFATTIiThaviníf been made in the eondition c icy W.8., hiswife, of Au - L. Tuttle, of Geneva, Neu ■ ■ :lnn reCUlded in tl ■■ . P.M ,in liber 41 .. . .. ■ dredai : fortjr-eigh pente, il ■ ■. ■■ , n law nriii eqnity b ■ r iail ram of money 01 I) ■' biad( r, o . tl ijr, at the front door of the Conit House, in t] 4nnArbor, oounty aforesaid i]t beinirtl Circuit Courtsforanid i i of land known and dl No. tij, seren, eight, nine, I and Iota No. nineteen, twenty, twenty-om twenty-two, twenty-thi-ee and Iwenty-four in bloc sevei eiglit, fourteen, fifreen, sij uur] niDeteen in blocb ftvi the city oí Aun Arbor, ia the State of Miohan .PEB8I8 L.TTTTTLB, Mortgagee. John N. (íott, Attoi ney foi Mortgagee. 1489 Estáte of Erastus Koot. ■■ ' Arbor, on W i . in the yeex om ttiousand eight huni W. OheeVeT,Judgeof Probóte, m the matter of the i rastua Boot On rending and ftling the peütion, dnly veri ■ ' ■■ praying tfcnl a oertain instruourt, pnrporting to be the and ■-i.iiü-iH of aid deceased may be adand ihat administi Hstate may De graated lo her oï Borne other bui opon i', is ordered, thal Mondity, the flrst eptember next, at ten o'olock in I For the hearing of soid . dei mees, li gatees nul heirs al la - , and all other persona interested in iiiid estáte, are reqnired to appcar at i ;esion of said Conrt, then to be hulden at :he Probate Office, in tlio City of Ann ! i there 1 e, why the pn nol ' grnnted. Au orderea, fhai snid p ; r to the s .id petition, and ü , ropyof this order I paper prlnttd and pirotilatín ■ I 'üuuiy, tliret sucoeasive weeks pit i i:is to mud day ot liearing. (A true oopy ) NOAU VT. CHEEVEB, WSfl Judire of Probate. Estáte of -John C. Burkbardt, Senior, „.TATE O F MICB r i. . ( tounty of Wnshtenaw ss 7 -y :' ' '; thè Pvobatel oui1 for the Countj obute Office in the City il A.nnArbor,oa Monday, th Iwentyin the year one thousiiud ebrht hundred - oah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate ate oi fohn ('. Burkhardt, ' rniMiiu'l Mann, tuiminiBi i ito ooun nnd hat heis now prepared to nder his final account as such idmimstrator. I s orde ..'. bhat Taadny, ths dock in the iorenuon, na 11, -ii ftcíiüiir, md : beirs at law of e i icnsed, aud a]I otbj ■ u n Bili,] : ■■■■. I . ,,,i] ol to h dL ni mu Ubor, insaid iunty,i liy thesaid Hcoount should illowe;!: And it is fiirthor or udadtoigivenoticetothi mMa ■ ' udencyofsaid account, nn o be publiahed ■ evions I (íi'v of hearing. (-A trm NOAH W, CHEEVER, Jadge of Probate. Township Drain Notice. Wl!': ntion has been mude to the underiignpd, Drnin Commissioner for t]o Towna rïitch ■ ■ '' ■ fraothii (y-one of snid town1'. ii" I . ■. iil be '.n il e ■. m., for the piirpose of making the ex.-unilination reóuii-ed 'w law Dated, Aug. ütli, 1673. WILLIAM DOTT. l'ownshinof Noithfleld. Mortgage Haie, ? ■ ... "'"'ia id f0t ■ lm, ■rie, uj i tl linkato . ' eter li i ■■ ■"' m ciio. Mortgago Salo. WHEBEAS John Clair and Eliz. flair „f a Arbor, County oí v,] , ' of " 'id one tnousaad eight k!,""1 r-one, exeraf, ■ "Ö " ■.f the city ot New Yurk; to s.'ture th ' ment of certain principal ,„:! interest ra"uJ?i,W .11 nieBtioued. which morfeaRe V,.„ H, tb'1 11. 41 oi mortgageson page ,,rt C ■ '.VtWrtvl?11 í hepoTment ol au ngtaUment of „i interest S " : aiately; and, wberca, tSí fe dílií ;:"""1 : ::-'h" tote." to for col 2 ieithei in !;v. ,„ equity to tecoTer tS 2.Ï ■ th, r, of ; Notice " thoieiorèhcrel S ó'clock in the afteraoon of tliat day, ,t the l,„"ta ouse, ii, the city of Aan ArUr hÏÏ ""ty, be Iniildiig in whicUtWciia [ourtfor .mid Coimty of WaThUnaw h h?Mt3 rage.I Bhall teil al public snoüontothe híhS 'ribed in said mortoïf S ty the uuoiini o and interen itmvcdatart f oh ,„1,. and "Sí Prj8O) tendsituate and beinje in the Cw ï of Michigan, jid deraibá a part of lot numbir two 5 blocknumbcrtwo t2j DOlth ot Hnron Street ü uumber four (4) east, in the eiiy . f Ann Artor 2 State afotesaid, describcd aa follows lo era! on toe south }me of said lot tliirtyon ?5 ai'áfven inch, the .- ,:,i),.„.t8t 'coma s;n.l lot, running il.. , , the sonth lin.ï said lot Iwelve feet and five inehes, ihenceniS parallel with the east line of said lot evcn 5 irallel with the sonth line of saii fei twelve feet and live inches, thence ïunnin soutk parallel with Ihe Wtstlineof snid lot sevtn'rodi u ■ of beginning; Also lols S'o. oce fl) tn ., four C4j and flve in blode 'C"ün :.y and Page'e addition to the city of Ann Arbor u. Bordmg to the reeorded piutthereof August lst, 1S73. CHARLES I. HOWEU, John N. Gott, Attorney for Mortgagee""8'6"' Mortgage Sale. W1"",1'"11'1"" Malloiy and Helen Ï. Tf Mftllory, of the city of Ana Albor, cornil; f Say ot September, on teeuted a murtgage (o JolmX Oitt, of Ule ;nuu piacf, tünecure the payment oí certiii .1 uud interest money tlierein mentiojti - recorded in the offire oí the Register oí 1), isinsaid countv, on the ninth dn i-, A. D. 187Ï, atl', u-clook p. u., m Lila Woi mortgages, oa pase 29 whiehsajd inortan ed OD the liíVenfi ih:y oí Janvlxt, P. Jewett, of tv.u du of oí Irbor, oounty oi nforcsaia.atiireforiei ín Libír Xu. 4of Assigumintson itusmiidavofJiüj, ige 83, at 3:50 o'clcck r. si. oímíI '■';'? '■ ■'' ■ fiíult has betn made lor moi; than thu-tyduya in the paymcat of an iiistallment o! aaid interest money wbicfi became due on tbe ú ■ Hurch, 1878, by reason wlicreof, ani l""lsu""' ■ oí said mortgftge, sid mor' ■ ' i. i priDcip J ifith alJ arrearngts of inieisii ■ i payable immedistd! I lo Le ihie and nopiid llie riate of this notice sixt-m - and tTventy-!ÍT9 also an iiton-i ■y prooeedinga le tak i I mI no euit or pro UicrinlaworequitJ art thereof : Kotit il tost 'lay cf i ■ i the Court House in tbe rif uf Aim .■ on l, [that bemg the ' L'onrt lor said MM ie ol the power of unie contad 1 wil nl pnblic auciion tobi il' i ribed in said .rtimiouDi ut' principal and inteW ' above i, the charji ■ of fifl.y doüins, 11 (mi ia the citv of in . knoi ..... :,m I : ■ :u at a)ioiiit I ■ city oí A I aui] niniiirf f iinj-th pirail ., of .Mcl' ( ■ i . Micnce wist paralW ensi [in oi Mann street, it'i o the corner ol' Miinn and Hut fco lliupiiicc of betiiimng. August lst. BAMCEL P.JEWETT, nee uf aaid Murteaget N Qott, Attorni tho AañgDee of Uortgoyee. liiïw Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT hnvingb u made in the oondit' Edgar M. G'KI iii.ii! f oí AnnArboi,Cw ■ ■ ' ■■ - ■ .11, tol.) . James, of Williamsburg, Massachaiettg, ob ti fifteenth day ofjnne, A. D, 1864, and recordedii Deeds, lor llie ("uiinty ' ild, on tlie seveoteonth : ! 1'iCk A, M., il] Lil ■ ccoüi i , ., tLt' ïnid ;, dulinrs and eiffhty-fonr conti ! od'si v. nty-tln" Biiid inorti ' uuble üituiney'ï w I olicitor'a fee for ger-ioes, :"!,:i! miv jrf i ■: aken tü for : - , ■. ■■ ■ t-'s ,-ú law or in equity having bceu had toreiO'1 m or iiiy juirt tliereol; Xow, therefon Iverthsl byvirr:' f hiiowt ■ contnined, 1 slmll n'll ?.l r11' bidder, on the tl;ii I two Orilirk 11 til' ofsaid diiy, at Uie front door oí the Conn OUSC Ï!l tin1 citv of At, ti ti cuM i i.iintv ithst --- - - -- - --- v ■ - - f a KMI ■ imi ■ i ■! ■ 1 - - j hoMinjf Hip lii, uil Courts), i. nown, I-muía ú ■ind di . to uit: Tho equal i . ■i'.y ol Ann Albor in the County "Í Washtenau '"" . viz: Commencing at thf sn:f corner of siiid bkirk, and inning vest rif nortbon the west line of lot iiim''' N. 1'. Parson's liuc, tien uth line seventy eight feet, then souUi ci!imnlu'!, tl; nee eaBt tifty-i-ix , tbenf uth to tlm place of befrinning. And :ilso lots li"1 and f our (3 aad 4] all in blockouenorth, in ïnnge no . in theeity of Ann Artior, fcxeepfingt'' of the north thiity-aeveD ft' ■ i:d lot nnmber three, subject to the r' '-1' way ovei I Dated, JimtïO, I:;3. LYMAN D. JAMES, llortgogfi è John N. Gott, Att'y fot Jlüit:.gee. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WashfeMfl sa. In the matter of the estáte of i petent, lotice is hereby given, llmt á u o ■ mnted to tbc undersigiiM Uunrdian ol the estáte of said Ebenezer H ■ Probate for the eonnty ofWaebteriaw, on the Bfth day of Augast, a. d. J873. the wiil be Bold at public vendue, to the higliesi bitlder, Atthe , theCourt House in the city of Aun Arbor, ii the county oí Wauhtenaw, in saM v, ilie twcniy-iuurth day of Sep - k in tlie forenooa that day (subject to all encumbranccs bv moïtwj oroth to-wit : Thai pitee or ptf. ind desq: bed aa follom ■ : - omimineing at t19 eornex of the m1 half of the northe . Ofl llbhip tWO ( ■ Drth one degi nty-fonï and one-half liiika to the houtl'.onst side of tte 7 is:' boro ïoad, thi-nc on the soutlieit sido nf ; boro road south Üfty-six di [o the north" iv ned by E. In 'W owned bi John Lennon, thei lighl ;m: 1 s with iiidro;ul fili il ■ g said line to the plucs '■j befiinninp1, contmni] ■ und el(?ven i . Also thot ncce ! ' ■ ■ : : oí ■ i.: towimhíp twn south oí' ningesix esj in liu ■ ing írciíi th ■ Ann Albor ío , he iïïnge . to, id tbenoe scmfft one '■■ flftcen minul I] ;u'l seveníy-three lh thesoulliwi t corn ■ ■ of si'id nov' ui -i rio, theucí '. í-t tiloflf . lino íwo ('2) chaina üi1' y th e dc(?T(flí é ■; i.uid inore or lö ü sai ! ■- , Dated, August fith, A. T. l-sr". JAMüS J. l'A!íH.i,i,. Guurdian.


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Michigan Argus