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I JESIRABLE EEAL ESTÁTE FOB S -A. L E I The subscriber, on account of ül health offors h 33 CRE In the corporation for sale. This ground adjoias th Umversít} Obaervatory on the east, oppusite side o the street. It has a most excellent SPRING ! Ün the northeaat corner- f ormerly supplied the Rail road tanks with water. ITS ADVAIMTACES Ate as follows : For city purposes the Huron River meander th same some 30 to 40 roda, and is part of the best Water Power On the River Ín this vicinity, and the elevation on the northeust corner is suffieitntl y high and ampie to sup ply the city necessities for water and fire purpoats THE WESTERN PORTION On the road ia very approprinte and suitable for a Public City Cemetery. The city haa no such grouiid now but must have soon, and whatever grounds th city doen not care to une, can be sold at an advantage so much BO,that the coat of the Water Works groundi and ('einetery, woulö be inerely nominal. If the citj does not want the saine, ihe grounds would be inval uable for FRU1TS, LARGE & SM ALL There being some leo trees now in hearing Vegetables and Pasturage. And alao for MILK supplv,BLOODFD STOCK And other animáis always in great want by many in the city and its vicinity. As city lots adjoiningthe northwest corner of this land are now selling from three hundred to three hundred and flfty dollars these lands would 01 could be sold in a short time to a good adrantage and to much proflt to the purchasers LIBBBAL TIUVTE Will be given or the same will be exchanged for Merchantable gouda or DrugB and Medicinen, at casb prices. TRAOY W. ROOT Aun Arbor, Jan 31 1873. # 1411 pHAMBERS' ENCYOLOPEDIA. A DICTIONAIIT OF Universal Knowledge for the People. EKVISED KDITION. WITH Maps, Plates, and Engraving3. Complete In 10 Vol9t of 832 pages each. lüustrattd with about Four Tkousand Engravings and Forty Maps, together with o Series of f rom Eighty to One Hnudred Elegantly Engraved Plates - illustrative of the Subject of Natural History - now for the FIRST time appearing in the work. PRICB PER VOLUME. Extra Cloth, beveled boards, - - $5 60 Library Sheep, marbled edges, - 6 00 Half Turkey Morocco, - - - 6 50 THIS EDITION 18 SOLD ONLY BT AOENTS. Published by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Fhiladelphia, Pb. 8TLVANU8 WABREN, 189 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, General Agent íor the of Michigan. Bycomparing Chambers' EncyclopaBdia with the New American Cyclopaedia, - the work with which it ie most frequently brought into comparison, it will be found that while the ten volumes of Chambers' contain 83-0 pages, the original nixUen volumes of the New American contain lesB than 12,000 pages. It will ala be found that a page of Chambers' contains full ont-ffth more matter than a page of the New American, making the ten volumes of the former equivalent in amount of printed matter to at least thirteen volumes of the latter, not to mention the nuroerous PlateB fabout 80), Woodcuts (ome 4 000), and Maps (about 40), that are included in this edition of Chambers', and to which the New American poesesses no oorresponding feature. It is conttdently believed that as a popular " Dictionary of Cniversal Knowledge," the work in without an equiilin the English language. 1426y1 = 1 ANHOOD : H OW LOST, M HOW RESTORED. Just published , a new edition of Dr, Culverwt'lPh Celebruted Kssay on the radical cure (without medicine) oí Sfermatokhh(EA or Seminal Weaknesa, Involuntary Seminal LosseB, Impotency, Wental and Physical Incapacity.Impediments to Marri aere, etc , also, Consimption, Epilepsy and Fris, induced by se lf -indulge nee or sexual extravagance. VST" Priee in a sealed envelope nly bíx cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable easay. clearly demonBtr.tes from a thirty yeais' succesBfuJ practice, that the alarraing conaequences of self-abusc may be radically cured without the dangerous use oi internal medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every aufferer, no matter what his condition may by, may cure himseli cheaply. privately and radically. Bi?" This lecture should be in the hands of everj youth and every man in the land. Bent under tteal, in a plain envt-lope.toany address. post-paid, on receipt of six centB, or two post atampe. Address the Publiehers, CHAS. J C KLINE & CO. 1 2T Bowery, New York, Postotfioe Box, 458B. 1436yl TREMAIN & COLÉ, GROCERS AND PROVISIÓN DEALERS ! No. 30 East Hurón Street. A full line of Groceries constantly on hand and for ulüchüíip, including áugars, Teas, tipicea, &c. Country Produce Jought and aold. Bring in your Buttcr, Egga, Poulry, Fruit, Sic. IV. B. :OI-K hu eitablished his C'onl office at the tore oí TBEMAIN & OOLE, whre al] orden will e pruiuptly atteuded tu. 14(8 Or Ttrlr.()oat'i, ('niici ntraU-d, Root and Herbal Julce, AnliBUions Granules. ïHE''mtti,k CIANT" CATHAR11C) or lUultiim la Parvo Physlc. O The novelty of modern Medical, Chcmicnl and Pharmaceutical Science. No nao oí any lonper Uking the large, repulsivo and naiiRcoiis pilK composed of cheap, crude, and bulky Ingrediënt, When we can by a carefnl applicaüon o! chemicul sclénce, extract all tha catnartic and othpr medicinal properties from the most valualile root and herbí, and conceutrate them into a minino Gránale, acarcely lurifer tliau a uiiifetard eed, that can be readily Bwallowcd tiy thone ol the moat sensitivo ptomachs and ftwtidious tastos. Eachlittle Purgative Pcllet represent, in a most concentrated form, as mnch cathartic power as is embodied in any of the lar;c pill found for ale in the drug shops. Frora their wonderful cathartic power. In pronortion to tlioir eize, peopla who have not tried them are apt tb enppoee that they are harsh or drastic In effect, hut such is not at all the case, the different active medicinal principies of which they are composed beinL so harmonized aud modiñed, one by the othera, as te produce a mout searcUlnK and ihor oucb, yet geutly auCL kludly opc rating cathartic. f GOO Remrard is hereby offered hythe proprietor of these Pelleta, to any chemist Who, upon analysis, will find in them any Calomcl or ofher forms of mercury or any other niieral poison. (BoIiik entlrely vegetable, nopartlc.,.ir cara is required while uaiug thum. Thoy opérate without distnrbanco to the constitution, dfet, oroccupalion. For Janudicc, Heudaclie, Couatipatton, Impuro Blood, Palu in the Shoulders, Xlgbtueiis of tne Client, Dlzzlneas. Sour Ernctationa of tne Stoiiiarh, Bad taste In luoutli, iillloui attacks, Patn in reKion of Kldneys, Internal rever, Hluated feelius about Stoniacli, Rusn of Blood to Head, Illgli Colored Urine, Unaoeiability and Oloomy Forcliodlngi, take Dr. Pierce'a Pleasaut Purcative Pellets. In eiplanation of the remedialpower of my Purritive Pellets over so great a variety of diseases, wlshtosay that tlielr actlon pon the animal economy is universal, nota Íland or tiaaue escapino; thelr sana. Ive impresa. Age does not impair them ; their ooating and beiug enclosed in glas bottles preserve their vlrtues unimpaired for any length of time, in any climate, bo that they are always fresh and reliable, which is not the cae withthe pllls fonnd in the drug stores, pnt np in heap wood or paste-board boxes. Kecollect that for all diseases whorc a Laxativo, Altera tive or Purjrati vo ís indicated, thene little Pallet will givc the most perl'uct satislactiou to 11 whousetnem. They are sold by all enterprisfiio; Druggists at 'ia cents a bottle. Do not allow any drngji8t to induce you to take anything ele that te may gay is juat & good as my Pellets becauwe lie makeö a larger Sroflt on that which he recommenda If jout ruggist cannot supply them. euclnpe 25 cent and receive them by return mail from a B. V. eiEltCiS, M. D , Prop'r, BUFFALO, N. Y. No Peraon can talte these Bitters accordlng to directions, and remain long unwell, provided thelr bonea are not destroyed by mineral poison or other meana, and vital orgaus wasted beyond toe polnt of repair. Dyspepsla or Indigestión, Heudaclie. Pain Ín tue Shouldera, Coughs, Tlghtness of the Chest, Dlzzlness, Sonr Eructations of the Stomacb, Bad Taste in the Mouth. Bilious Attacks, Palpitatlon or the Beart, Inftammation of the Langs, Pain in the reglón of the Kldneys, and a hnndred other painfnl symptoms, are the off-sprtngs of Dyspepsla. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of Ita merlta than a lengthy advertlsement. For Female Complalnts, In young or Old, marrled or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the tnrn of llfe, these Tonlc Bitters display so decided an lnfluence tbat lmprovement ia eooa perceptible. For Innninmntor and Chronlc Rheu matlsm and out, Bilious. Remittent and Intermlttent Fevers, Dlseases of the Blood, Liver, Kielneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equaL 8nch Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. They are a gentle Purgativo as wall t Tonlc, possessing the merit of actlng as a powerful agent In reüevlne Congestión or innammatlon of the Liver and visceral Organs, and la Bllioas Diseases. For Skin Diseases, Eruptlons, Tetter, Sal Rheom, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Bolla, Carbuncles, King-worma, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Érysipelas, Itch, Scorfa, Dlscoloratlons of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dng np and carried oat of the system ia a short time by tbe ose oí these Bitters. Orateful Thousands proclaim Vinïoak BrrTIB3 the most wonderful Invlgorant that ever ■ostained the slnklng system. R. H. HcDOIVALD &. CO. Drogglsts and Oen. Agts., San Francisco, Gal., t or. of Washington and Charlton Sta., N.T. BOLD BY ALL DRUGOIsrs & DEALERS. Goldsmith's Bryant & Stratton BUSINESS UNIVERSITY. iïuHiness practically taught af ter the counting house lyatom. Books and business papers are written up 'rom transactions originating from doing business with the varioua Business Honses, Officea, Board of Trade, Banks, &c, connected with the institution. - ?lease send for College Paper .giving full particulars. Address J. H. Goldsmith, President, Detroit, Mioh. W. E. HEAMES & CO., Floirr Merchants 63 WOODBRIDGE STUKUT, Corner Shelbr. DETROIT, MICH. Choice Rye and Minnesota Flours for Bakers' use a speoialty. Fire Bliek, all shapes and sizes, frora Jersey and Ohio olays. Foundry Facings and Supplies. -A.. 3ST. SABIN, Flour & Grain Com. Merchant ATWAIEB STREET, Between Griswold and Shelby,) DETROIT. KF Liberal avdances made upon consignments. "531 JOHN II. HIMII.II & CO. COMMIHBION MEKCHANTS IN Flour, Grain, Pork & Seed OFFICE AND WAREHOUBE Nos. 50, 52, 54 and 56 Woodbridge Street "West, DETROIT, M1CH. 0T Liberal advunce made upon conuignmenti. "ES BOILER WORKS All kinds of Boiler and Sheet Iron Work done to order. All Boilers tested previoua 10 leavinff the hops. Competent men kept to do repnivs. Tubes aken out, pierced. and reset. Old boilers and tubes ought or tuken in exehanü?e. J. Sc T. MoGi-RFCG-OR, 83 Alwater Street, DETHOIT. DETROIT Throat and Lung Institute For the cure of Cntarrh, Throat DiseaBes, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. NO. 4 ASPINWALL TERRACE, MACOMB AVE. If pussible cali peruonally for an exnir.ination, otherwise send for circular. Addreee W. Hii-tom Williams, M. D., Prop'r. H ir l [Business College, il nïïhnTïï Coiiese Journai' V Ui ö vrs" 111 UJ 11 U II l Business Practice. " THE BEST."-For Journal givinpr full inormation of College, Books and Business Fractice. Address IBA MAYHEW, Detroit, Mich. Marble, Marbleized Slate AND IRON 11 A VI'I.KS, All leading styles and patterne. With every variety ot' ornamental and plain enameled GRATES. Apent for " String's patent flre-places." Send for deacriptive circular. P. A. BILLING8, 29 Woodbridge St., Detroit. CAW GUMMER & SHAEPENEE. A CHEAP, simple, ank durable Machine- easily opera ted and running Wheels f rom SxX inches to l x 1 inch. Frice of Machine, $15. Wheels with bevelled, doublé bevelled and round face from $í3_lí3 Ui $7 .3S, accordiug to thickness. Heavier Machines {BT'O and $9O. running WheelH up to 24 niches in diameter. For illustruted Pamphlets or PhotogTaphs, addreas THE TANITE CO., U13m6 Stroudsburg, Monroe Co. , Pa. TyOXICE ! Carne into the premises of tbe subacriber on the 7th day of June last, A BLACK MAKE COLT, about ;wo years old, two white hiud feu, and star in forelead. The owner ia raquested to prove propert y, pay larges, and take aid ooit away. Superior, f, 1871. MU A. C. SOOT. OÜR ABSTRACT BüOKS! As partially indieated above, are now posted to date. They at once, in a condensed or posted form, show the orignal chain and uil new ohaina of title. Inetance, Hiieli uu AUDITOR GENEEAL'S DEEDS, Known aa Tax-Titles, which are vcry numerous in tais County, Decrees, Contraéis, Deeds ! Alao, now as well as all of the old undischarged Mortgages as f ar back as 1 824- which are legions. Persons takin title or mortgagea and liens wül remember that Tax-Titles and other collateral matters are not found in the usaal mode of searoh by Iadexee at the Itegister'B office. The booka or libers in the Register's office have becomeso numerouaand voluminoua that long time is necessarily required even to make a hasty and unreliable search. With ourfacilities we say to the public that we can show them title and Title History, make Deods, Mortgagea, Asaignments, Disohares, &c, as correctly, quicker aud in better stylo than any olher office in the County. We have MONEY TO LOAN ! On Hond and Mortgage en long time. REAL ESTÁTE Soldorexchanged. HOUSES TO RENT. 83 acres oppoaite the Observatory for aale in Iota to auit purohasers. ROOT & LEITEE, Rel Estáte Agenta, No. 1. Gregory Block , Tbaot W. Root, and oppoaite the Postoffice. Ohables A. Leitek. HKitf Dr. ('oi'í Hlve (Cronp) Syrup bas been known and uscd ly the medical profession over 100 yeare, and as a remcdy for Ooldp and Cougha bas an older aud better repütation than any otner Congb medicine ever offered to the public. It is known as the Compound Synip of Squillí. aud a formula niay be foundin every medical dïppentatory. Dr. ICaiiKoin'x Syrnp and Tolu, in addition to the ingrediente for Cox's Hive Syrap, containa Balsam of Tolu, decoction of Sknnk Cabbag Root and Lobelia, a combination that must commend it to everv one as a superior remedv for Croup %%'hoopiiii; Oouehj Aslhmtt) Brom-lilti, Congbs and CoTd, indeed for alt affextionB of the Throat and Langs where a Cough Medicine ii neceesary. Tbla Syrnp Is Carefully Prepared nnder the personal direction of a regular Physician of over twenty yeare' practice, whose eignature is attached to the direction on the bottle. lts taste Is very pleasant and children lik KTery famlly ehould keep it aa a ready remedy tor Cronp, Colas, etc., aincng the children. D. Ransom, Son & Co., Propr's, Buffalo, N. Y. DR. J. R. MILLER'S UNIVERSAL Rf AGNETIC B ALM Thls medicine may witb proprletyba ealled an "Universal Rrniedy," as it ia fast euperseding all others as a general family medicine, ft cures, as if by MAGNETIC INFLUENCK, Keuralgia and all pain. and is therefore very properljr termed " Magnetic Balm." It is purely a vegetable preparation. It has no equal as a remedy for Cholera, Cholera JHorbus, Diarrhaxt, Dyntery, Colie and all Bou'fl tomplaints. lts tlmely use will cure Colds, Croup, Dipktheria, Quinsy, and all Throat affections. W In 11 properly used, Fever and Ague, and other complaints incident to ourwestern and southern climateB, are eaeily broken up. Nerroni Pain, Sick-Headache, and Hhenmatlsm are cured by this medicine when all others har failed. Toothache, Earache, Burns, Chilblains and Bruises are relieved at once by its use. Tbesenulne has D. Ransom & Co.' private Sevenne Stamp on the outside, and Dr. J. ItMlller's Magnetic Balm blown in the bottle. Examine closely, and buy none but the genulne. Kold by all Draggists. Price 25 cents per bottl. O. Rasbom, Som & Co., Propr's, Buffalo, N. T. m ■ THE GKEAT ALTERATIVE AND ■PP BLOOD PUAIl'lEB. f B It isnotaquaok nostrum. The I B ingredientsare published in eucli 11 bottle o f medicine. Itigusedand fl recomm e n d e d b y Pbysicians H whereyer i t has been iutrodjced. B 4B It will positively cure KSCROFÜU W &Rand kindred diseates, RTIEÜMAY M TSM, WB1TE ÍS WELLING, fiJ GOUT, GUITÈE, B RON C III■rZST, NEHVOUS DEBILITY, I m MlNCIPIENT C0NSUMPT10N ■ ■ land aU diseases ariaing from an H PBimpure condition of the Blood, LpM Send for our Rosadalih Almanao, rHin which you will find certificate.9 Ê k H from reliable and truat-worthy V H Physicians, Ministers of the Go■ pel, and others. ■■■ I Pr. It. Wilaon Carr, of HaïtiI M ■more, saya lie has used it in cases of H Scro fula and other diseases with mucii Htatisfaction. JM ' Br. T. C. Pngh, or Baltimore, reBoommends It to all persons suffering HflMflH with diseased Blood, saying it is supem I H riorto anvpreparation hehaseverused I M.v. Dabnry Hnll,.! tho BaltiI M more M. E. Conference South, says ■ he has been 80 znuch benefitted by H itsnse, thathecheerfully recommends Hj H ittoallhisfriends and acquaintances. pZ I Cravem dl Co., Druggists, at GorI ■■ ■ flonsville, Va., say it never bas iailed 1 to give 8atisfactiün. B Som"! C. AlcFadden, MurfreenWB M boro', Tennessee, saj-s itcured hial oï WÊBtR Rheumatism when al 1 else failed. THEKOSADALIS IN CONNECTI0N WITH OTTR wñureChills andFover, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, te. We guarantee Koíadalis superior to all other Blood Purifiers. Send for Descriptivo Circula! or Almanac. Addresi, CLEMENTS & CO., S S. Commerce St., Ba'timore, Mi, Hflliln i to uk your Druggist for Rosadalis. TAMKS McMAHON, Justice of the Peace, Office in ne w block, North of Court House Money collected and promptly paid over. INBXJR.A.NCJE AC3-KKTT. Triamph, assets, $72T.908.11 North Mlss'-nri, " 45,417.91 Hlbcrnia, " 350,000.00 lUCAL ESTÁTE. I have 80 acres of land K of a mile from the city iniits, öuely locatod for í'ruit or garden purpoBes. Also40acros. AIbo 10 acres, with h(uee and barn,and a Hvel stream of water running through the barü yard. 60 acrefe, a mlleont. 1 will solí any or all the above cheap, or exchange for city property. 13T4 JAMES MoMAHON. H- - - HURRY UP ! DAHTIES wiihing Wall Paper, Cloth - and Paper Shades, Hollands Window Fixturee, Coide, Taesela. &c, all New Styles, at Satiflfactorj Prices, by J, R. Wolmtr A' f'o., U ok -imv, nearthe Express Office. X X "POR SALE ON LONG CREDIT ! Ann Arhor CityLots, withgood title, and well loeated tbr reaidences or business. Alao everal Mortifages for sale. Inquire uf E. W. MORGAN. 1432m3 ARGUS BULLETIN ! 2000 NEW SUBSCRIBEKS WANTED. More Merchants and Business men, who knowing their own interests will advertise in the Argtjs. GET YOÜR BILL-HEAD8, I CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS, At the Argus Office. GET YOUR BALL CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, VI8ITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, At the Argiis Office. GET YOUR LAW BLANKS, LAW BEIEFS, LAW RECORDS, PROGRAMMES, AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. New Type, Best Presses, Good Workintn, AND HEASONABLE PRICES ! !W A WOED TO THE WISE. SX-1860-X tü :" -": :-gs Ha, Lfc-!;jb , jy ■ in ii ■itiwMMB Hl IS PtTnnr.V A v nTAtfTÏE rTtEPARATION, comL pofl.'(i9implyuïvro'.I-knownROOT8i HERBS nd FFtUITSi combined with other propertio, rhlcl e ai e Cathartic, Aperient, Nu :ritui ;s ' ■ Iterativa aud Anti-BilÜoua. Thé whole i }■■' ne vi ) in a, eufflcient quantity oí pirit i ron t t C flTffi to kuep tUem la aar aUmate, flrlutuj iau,;oath.a ehtation Bitters one of il"i i o ! destrsble Tnnin and Cathrti ju ihü WütiJ. ÏJwy are inteiulettfictly M ■fa wJWéèwv rtlyywlw nnly to be used as a medicine, and alwaya accordiDg to directionB. Tliey aro thí! Rhcct-anchor of the feeblo and dabilitatt1 il . 1 hey act upon a diseased liver, and stimulata to bit":1 ;. C: i e that a bealthy action is at onca brou; t J? ut. As a reniedy to which Women ixr: t r. . RTibjoctit ia Bttperseding evenrothor Btimiii;. t. ■ ei u ! uring and Summer Ton ie tb . . . j eg á. ïbey are a mild and gentío Puig: l. l& w iJ .a Touic. ïliey Purifytbe Blood. Th(;y a. e a sj . 1 en d i d Appetiser. They luake the weak Btr.'iig. _: I' y purify and invlgorate. Tney cura lyapepPla, t outtipation aud Headatbe. They actaa aspecifio iiiallBpecies oí diflordere wbich undermin the bodily strengUi aud break down the animal spirit. lepot. 53 Park Place. New York.1 _ Kathairon On 50 Cents p&r Bottle. Xt promotel the GROWTJU, PRESERVES tUO COLOR, and lacreases the Vigor and BEAUTY of the II Allí, ■ Oteb Thibty Teabs ago Lton'ö Kathaiïoh Fom the H air was ft rat piaeetl in the market by Professor E. Thomas Lyon, a pradimto of Frincetón CollegeThe name is derivtd f i om tho Greek, "Kathbo," siguifyingto cUan&i, purtfty. rcjuvenatc, or restore. Tno favor it has rece i voö, ana the populan ty it has obtaíned , is unprecedented mul irioredible. It increases th Gbowth and Beauty of ino Hair. It ia a delightful dressing, lo endicüLoa Uandruff. It prevenís th Hair from tiimiiiij i;i;iy. je keepa the headcool.and gves the hair a rich, Kof1, glossy appearance. It is th bame in QüANïiTYaml utalití as ii wasover a Quaktkb of a Century A go, and id sold ly all Druggiste and Country Stores at mly Vlfty Cent per Bottle KI era's Glory is. Ier Hél' LYON'S ATHflIRON THE BABCOCK HOOK & LADDER TRUCKS Kquipped with Bftboook Fire Extinguishers, Extensión and Scaliiig' Laddert, Grappling Hooks and Ohains, Bucküts, Lantems, Pike Poles, Pike Axea, &c, Ac, weighing leas than 1,000 lbs.; eaaily handled, hundsomely fin inbed, and ufford the greatest protection ut less expense than nny truok in the market. JuBt what every Fire Department wants. The Baboock Fire Engines and Fire Extmuibhera are suving vftluable j)roperty all over the eouutry. Send for their record. E. X. IC Alt M .Tl. Gen. Aent, 118 Woodward Ave . Detroit. Manufactnrer of Iron, Copper and Braea Wire Wire Clolh, Bolttng Cloth, Burr Mili Stones, Broom Wire and Twine, Copper VVeather Vanea, Wiie Counter Raüing, Wire Feucing and Ornamental Wire Work. UlQjtl STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, A perfect hair dressing- not a dye m nor a retorative, but a dressing, elegant f" and economical. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE is cooling to the scalp, imparta a delightful senne of vitality and softnesa toHthe liair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, weetly perfumed and limpid, renders the hair oupple and g dressea it in any lH desiml form. mmmÊ STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, entirely vegetable oil, prevents that dryness of ncalp which cauaes dandruff f-í- tu accumulate. "" H STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE contains in one large bottle more oil and more perfume m than any other t i hair dressing hmi? in market, and m besides is sold twenty-ftvp per cent. less than most othera. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE brightens blonde hair, darkensaub hm urn hair, renders lustrous brown and black ■■■ hair, lcseenu the harshness of coarso hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLiINE IS MADE ONLY BT PEEDEKIOK STEAKNS, - OEEMIST, IETROIT, MICH. Q Sold everywhere. Be sure and get the Cienulne Coco-Oleine. Let no one palm off on you a bottle of aome ehtap and tuortktess imitation of CocoOleine. There are more than twenty counterfeitt of it now sold, put up asnear liko the tfenuine as th inakord durw and evade the l;t . CTOEE TO RENT ! Corner of Washington and Main streets. Large, convenient and one of the hest locatioDB in the city. Posseeaion given immediately. i Inquire of HÉNION & 8UMNER, Ann Albor, May 10, 1873. H26tf Estáte of Erastus Koot. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss '■ Ataaesaionof the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at, the Probate Office, in the oity of Ann Arbor, on WedneHday, the twenty-third day of July, in the yer one thousond eight hundred and seventy-threo. PrsMut, N'oah W. C'heever.Judgr'of Prolwte In the matter at the entate of El aslus P.oot, deceased. Ou reading and flliug the petition, duly verifled of Poll Root, prnying that a certain instrument now on flle in this court, piirportinip tobe the last will and testament of snid dttiased, may be admittfd to probate, and that. administrulion of snid estáte may be sranted to her or some other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monduy, the flret lay ot September next, at ten o'clofk n the forenoon, be amigned for the hearing of suid petition, and that the deviset-s, legatces nnd heirs at luw bf nid ileceased, and II (.ther persona interet-d in aid estáte, are required to au(jer ut a ession of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, nnd show cause, if any there be, wliy the prayer of the petitioner should not be prranted. And it i further ordered, that sid petitioner give notice to the persons intorested in said eatate, of' the pendency of .Huid petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thie order to be published in the Michigan Arpia, il newppnper prlnttid and circulatint; in said County, three successive weeks previous to said day of henrinir. (A truc copy.) NOAH W. OHï:EVER, 1 W Judge of Probate. Estáte ot John C. Burkhardt, Senior. TATE Oí' MICHIGAN', County oí l1 At session of the Prubate Court for tbe County of Washteuaw, holden st the Probate Office ín tlie (Jity of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twenty-eijfhth day ol July, in the year one thousand eiffht hundred and seventy-three. I'resent, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate In the mutteroí the estáte of John C. Burkhardt, Senior, deceased. Enianuel Mann, administrator of said estáte, comes into court and represen! a that he is now prepared to render his final account as sueh administrator. Thereupon it is orderecl. that TuBday. the second day of September next, at ten o'clock in the iorenoon, be assigned for exiniimirii; and allowing such account, and that the heirs at law of eaid deceased, and all other pei-sons iuterested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account hould not be allowed: And it in further ordered. that said ndmin istrator give notice to the persons interestod in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof , by causingr a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argut, a newapaper printed and circulatinp: in said County, three successive weeks previoui to said day of hearinjf. (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVEK, 13 Jud(?e of Probóte. Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS James E. Selfe and Eliza Ann Selfe, of the township of Manchester, county of Waahtennw, and State of Miohigan, on the ttfteenth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundrcd and seventy, executed a mortgage to Charles J. Howell, of the city of New York, and State of New York, to aecure the payment of certain principal and interest money therein inentioued, which mortgage waa recorded in the ottice of the Register of Deeds in said county, on the lOth day of Auguat, A. D. 1870, at 2i o'clock P. M. of said day, in liber 43 of mortgages, on page 301 ; and whereas dofault haa been made for more than thirty daya in the payment of an installmentof aaid interest money which beoame due on the flfteenth day of July, A. D. reason whereof and pursuant to the terms of aaid mortgage aaid mortgagee hereby electa that so much of aaid principal as remains unpaid, with all arrearagea of interest thereon, shall become due and payable immediately ; and whereas there is claimed to be due and unpaid on aaid mortgage at the date of this notice, the sum of two thousand nine hundred and forty-eight dollars for principal and interest, also an attorney'a fee of forty dollars should any pioceedings be taken to foreclose siiid mortgage, and no suit or proceedings having been instituted either in law or equity to recover the aame or any part thereof : Notice is therefore hereby given, that on the flfteenth day of November next, at 2 o'clock in the afterpoon, at the front door of the Court House n the city of Ann Arbor, county aforeaaid (that being the building in whioh the Circuit Court for said county is held), and by virtue of the power of sale containediu s;iil mortgage, I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder the premises deacribed in said mortgage to satisfy the amount of principal and interest aboveclaimedasdue, with the oharges 'of sale and attomey's fee of forty dollars : All those certain pieoes or parcela of land situated in the township of Manchester, connty of Waahtenaw, and State of Michigan, known, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Being the northeast quarter of the southeast quurter of aection number four C4j, also the northweat quarter of the southeast quarter of said section number four fexcept the lighta and privileges granted to the Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana RailroadCompnny), also the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said section number four (4) ; also the following deacribed land to wit : beginning eaeterly ten chains and fourteen links from the Southwest corner of the east half of the north part of the northwest quarter of aection number three, thence northerly twenty-flve chuins, Ihence easterly four chains, thence sontherly twenty-five chains, and thenoe weaterly four chains and four links to the place of beginning, the last description containing ten acres, the whole of the above described land amounting to one hundred and fiity acres ; alao the southeast ter of the southeast quarter of said section number four (4), except fourteen acres heretofore deeded to Luman Stevens, all in township four south of range number three east, in said county of Washtenaw. Dated, August 15. 1S73. CHARLES J. HOWELL, Mortgagee. John N. Gott, Atty. for the Mortgagee. 1439td Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage executed on the second day oí November, A. D., 1869, by Elijah W. Morman and Lucy W. S. Morgan, his wife, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, to EdwardL. Boyden, as administrator oí' Norman C. Goodale, late of Washtenaw county, deceased, and John Henley, of said eounty, and recorded the same day in the office of the Register of Deeds, íor I the county of Washtenaw, Michigan, in Liber 41 of mortgages, on page 378, and the undivided half of said mortgage was duly assigned by said Edward L. Boyden, administrator of the estáte of Norman C. Goodale, deceased, to Amanda M. V. Goodale, which said assignment bearsdate the fifth day of November, 1 1870, and ia recorded in said Regit-tei's office, in Liber nuniber two of Aasignnients of Mortgageb, on page 646 ; upon whicb mortgage theie ia claïmed to be due at the date of this notice, two thoueand two hundred and sixty-four dollars and seventy cents, for principal and interest, and also a reasonable attorney's fee provided in said mortgage should proceedings be taken to forecloBe the same, and noprocedings having been taken at law or in equity to recover the amount due or any part thereif ; Therefore notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage. and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, on Saturday the fifteenth day of November, A. D., 1873, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the south, or front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, that being the plaoe where the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw is held, there will be sold to the highest bidder the premiees described in said mortgage, or so muoh as may be necessary to satisfy the amount oo due as aforesaid, and interest and cost and expenses allowed by law, for the advertitement and sale of said premises, excepting the south hall of lot miniber five in block number three south in range three east, in the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, whieh has been released from said mortgage by a release exeeuted by John Henley and Amanda M. F. Goodale to Elijah W. Morgan and dated the Hthday of August, 1873. That part of the premises described in Baid mortgage which will be sold at the time and place aforeaaid are described as follows, to wit : AU those pareéis of land known and deacribed as lots number one and ■ two, and the south nine feet in width of lot number ' three in block number twonorth, in range number three east, and also lots nnmber four and the north half of lot number flve, in block number three south, in range three east, in the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Dated August 20, 1873. JOHN" HÏÏNLEY, Mortgagee. AMANDA M. F. GOODALE, Assignee of an undivided half ot said Mortgage. R. E. Fhazeb, Att'y for Mortgtigee and Assignee. 1440td. ( Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT haring been made in the condition of a certain mortgage made and executed by KJijah W. Morgan and Lucy W. S., his wife, of Aun Arbor City, Michigan, to Persis L. Tuttle, of Geneva, New York, on the tenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, and recorded in the Register's Office, Washtenaw County, Michigan, on the tenth day of December, A. D. 18G9, atoo'clock P. M. of liber 41 of mortgages, on page 45, aiid that there is dow claimed to be due upon Baid mortgage and thtj bond accompanying the same the sum of seventeen hundred and seventy dollars and thirty-four cents, also a reasonable aolicitor's or attorney's fee should Hny proeeedings be taken to foreclose aaid mortgage ; and no proeeedings in law or in equity having been had to recover paid aum of money or any part thereof: Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of a power of sale in said mortgage containedí I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder, ob the Üfteenth day of November next, at 2 o'clock P. M. of said djiy, at the front door of the Court Houee, in the city of Anu Arbor, county afuresiiid (ihat being the place of holding the Circuit Courts for said county) all those parcela of lnnd known and deseribed &a Iota No. six, seven, eight, iiint-, ten and eleven, and lots No. nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three and twenty -four in block Üve south in range four east, and lots No. six, seven, eight, fourtcen, iifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen and nineteen in block flve south in range fi ve enst in the city of Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan. August lóth, 1873 PERRIS L. TUTTLE, Mortgagee. John N. Gott, Attorney for Mortgagee. 1439 A Chance for Bargains ! For sale at a greiit hargain, 160 ACEES OF CHOICE LAND, lying 2 l3 miles f'rom the city of Ionia. 100 aeres untier improvement, with good orehurd, barn and shed, and a eomfortiible house. Termtí of payment- ('rom $2 OOÜ to $2,500 down; balance on long time. Abo 90 ACRES, about ÏX miles from Aucriistii, Kalamuzoo ('ounty, all improved with good buildings. Terms- extremely low. Also 10 ACRKS about eight miles from Hastinga. Alao 80 ACEES on section S in the town of ünzelton, Shiawasse County, iiboutl2 miles froni Corunua. Well timbered. For terms address the undersigned. K. II. l" l. Aun Arbor, April 2, 1873. A Rare Chance TO LET. A large and modern new Grocerv ?tore in Buchón Block, Datro t Street. Undoubtedly thebest locntion in that part of the city for said business. A rood large cellar and new barn attaehed to jhe premises. The rent is $300 yearly, to be taken in groceries for my famil.v use. Also a fine new Meat Market, all complete, joining my block, with modern imprvements, marbh; tahle fcc, large new smoke honae, large brlck cistern and cellar, new barn and all ready for use, with three family rooms above. Store rente for 8-50 yearly ; taken in meat for my family use. Also a small store in my block, houses, rooms, Ac1, to let. FOR SALE.- Three good large carriage or farm horse, one fine new carriage, buggies, wagons, farniing toola. Also three good cows. 1400tf Intjuire of L. R. BÜCHOZ. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the oonditt a morlgae, executed on the first dav of ir u' A. D. 1872, and acknowledged on the twentv tLví1' oí May, a. d. 1872, by Delia Pattee to sYdieï cSi?a which raortgago was recorded n Ihe office oftwï"1' Ster of Deeds for the county of Washtpn ■ atateof Michigan, „„ the 28th LjotTS in llber 48 of mortgages, on page 224 wtairh ' age was, on the 281 h day of Marchfi D i8-?n signed by the said Sidney Calkins to Lorenzo Tv"' which said assignment was recorded in Remit .' Office on the 2th day ol March, a. d. 1873 Z % ' of assignrnents of mortgages, on page iff.' clauned to be due and unpaid on said mortu-ase ,iu date hereof flve hundred and four dollars and V, tinne cents f.504.83), beside an attornev'B f! r' twenty-five dollars ($25), as stipulated in uaid m„! gage, and no proceedings either at law or eZit having been instituted to recover the same nt . J part therof : Notice is hereby given tliat by vi„SI ot the power of salo in smd mortgage contWd? shall, on Tueaday, the ninth day ui hentemlZl d. 1873, at one o'clook in the afternoon of that V1 at the front door of the Court House in the cüTli Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan (that ui ïnj; the place oi holding the Circuit Court in and f said county), sell at public auction, to the hiahï'ï bidder, the premises escribed in said r ortciiif , satisfy Ihe amount of principal and interest 11 claimed as due, with the charges ot such eale 2 alo an attorney fee of dollars as stiimi. ted m said mortgage, to wit : The west half o! tu followmg described land sitúate in the townshin i ypsilanti, Washtenaw County, Miehipon. conim cing on the east nnd west quartei line ot aection f [4] in township three [3] south of rang seven n east, in the center of the highway leading out nf ikj villageof Ypsilanti on the east side of the Hur Hiver ; thence lunning eat along the said qnrt„ line twenty-three [23] chains and eighty-eislit rut, links to the southeast corner of said quarter sectitrom thence north on the line ot said quatt„ section, thenee twelve [12] chains and flfteen ilv Hnks to a stake from which a red iak tree ten Ho inches in diameter leaning south 80' west thlrty '0' links, and a red oik thirteen [13] inches in dramètpi east forty four [44] links ; thence north 84" west twenty-one [21] chains and thirty-nine [ü9] linkn to the center of the firat mentioned highway to a slake from which an English Cherry six [6] inches in diam eter leans north sixty-tbree [63] degrees west forti three [43] links, and a locust tree three [3] inches u diameter north 33 west sixty-elght [6] links ; thee south mne [9] degrees west, along the center of saij highway, flfteen [15] chains and nineteen (191 link. -1 t,place of be5lnninf. containing in all thirty and (5-100 of an acre of land, reserving from the abo description three [S] acies from the north end derded toJohnMlller by Eber I'attee, also reserrine lob numbered one [1], two [2J, three [3], tour m scvm [7], eieht [], nine [9], ten [10], and eleven [ir 2 Pattee's addition to the city of Ypsilanti Dated, June 6th, 1873. LORENZO TABOR, Assignee Geoüoe T,. Bachman, Att'y for Assignee. Mortgage Sale. V,THEIiEAS John Clair and Eliza Clair of ths T T city of Aan Arbor, Couuty ol Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the tenlh day of July, ir, th year of our Lord one thouannd eight hundred and seventy-one, executed a moi tghge to Charle J HoweU, of the city of New York, to secure the pa?' ment of certain principal and interest money tliére! in mentioned, which mortg-age was recordcd in the office of the Register of Deeds in said County of Washtenaw, on the twenty-seventh day of Julv A D. 1S71, at 5:'2b o'clook in the afternoon of said d'av' mliber44of niortgages on page 742; and. whereai' default has been ruade lor more than thirty dayi m the payment of an installment of said interest m'onev which became due on the first day of January A ' 1873; byreason whereot and pursuant to the tema' of said mortgage, said mortgagee hereby elects thatso muoh of said principal as remains unpaid with all ar rearages of interest thereon, sliall btcomo due and payable Immediately ; and, whereas, there is claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortguge at the date of this notlce two thousand two hundred and twenttthree dollars and thirty four cents, for principal and interest money, also an attorney's fee ot lifty dollars should any proceeding be taken to foreclose said mortgage, and no suit or pioeeedings having been in stituted eitherin law or equity to recover the sameor any part thereof; Notice is therefore hereby siren that on the flfteenth day'of November next at ; twu o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the fiont door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, (that being the building in which the Circuit Court for aid County of M ashfenaw is held), aud by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mort(rage I shull sell at public auction to the highest bidder, the premises described in said mortgage to satiafy ihe amount of principal and interejt abore claimed as due, with the charges of suoh sale and an attorney's fee of tttty dollars : All those certain pieces or pareéis of land sitúate and being in the County ol Wushtcnaw and Ktate of Michigan, ana desciibed a follows to wit : being a part of lot number two in blotk number two C2J north of Huron Street, raiee number four f4) east, in the city i f Ann Arbor, and State aforesaid, described as follows to wit : oommencing on the south iine of said lot thiriy-one feet and seven inches east of the south-west corner of said lot, running thenee east on the south line of said lot twelve feet and üve inches, thenee nurth parallel with the east line of said lot seven roils thenee west parallel with thp south line of said lot twelve feet and nve inches, thenee running south parallel with ihe west line of said lot eevenVods to the place of beginning ; Also lols No. oue fl) two f2}, three f3), four f4j and flve in block ' 0," Ormsby and Page's additiorj to the city of Ann Arbor, according to the recorded plat thereof. August lat, 1873. CHARLES J. HOWELL, jMortgügee. John N. Gott, Attorney for Mortgagee Mortgage Sale. WHEEEAS Williara H. Mallory and Helen M. Mallury, of the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, on the sixteenth day oí September, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two.executeda mortgage to John N. Gott, of the s&me place, to secure the payment of certain principal and interest money therein mentioued, which mortgage was recorded in the office oí the Kegister of Deed in Baid county, on the ninth day of Uctober, a. d. 1872,at43 o'clock p. m., in Libei 49 Of mortgages, on page 299; which said mortgaire was duly assigned on the fifteenth day of Jauuary, a. r. 1873, to Samuel P. Jewett, of the city f Ann Arbor, county of Waahtenaw aioresaid, and reoorded in Liber Xo. 4 of AssignmeDtson theSOthdayoi Juy, a. D. 1873, on page 83, at 3:50 o'clock v. M. of Baid day : And whereas default has betn made for more than thirtydaysin the paymtnt of uu inatallment of aaid interest money which became due on the sixteenth day of March, .878, by reason whereoi, and pureuant to the terms oí said mortgage, aaid mortgagee hereby electa that so much of said principal as remains unpaid with all arrearages of interest thereon shall become due and payable immediately : And whereaa there iselaimed to be due and uupaid on said mortgage at the date of this notice sixteen hundi-ed and thirty-one doliai s and twenty-five centB for principal and interest, alBO an atiorneys fee of flfty dollars should any proeeedings be taken to foreclose said mortgage, and no euit or proceedinga having been instituted either in law or equity to recover the same or any part thereof : Notice is therefore hereby given that on the first day of November next, at two o'clock in the afternoon of stiid day, at the front door of the Court House m the city of Ann Aibor, county aforesaid, (that being the building in which the Circuit Court for said county ia held), and by virtue of the power of ale contained in saia mortgage, I shall sell at public auction to the hignest bidder the premiees described in aaid mortgage to satisfy the amount of principal and interest Eibove claimed as due, with the charges of such tale, and attorney'a fee of fifty dollars, all that certain piece or parcel of land sitúate in the city of Ana Arbor, county aforesaid, known, bounded and deacribed as followa, to wit : Commencing at a point on the north line of Huron atreet, in the city of Ann Arbor aforesaid, eight rods and eighteen inches west 3l the west line of L. Mclntyre's land, and ïunning thence north parallel with said west line of Mclntyre's land twelve rods, thence west parallel with Ëuron atreet to the east line of Mann street, thence ïonth twelve rods to the corner of Mann and Hurón jtreets, thence east to the place of beginnmg. August Ist, 1873. SAMUEL P. JEWETT, Assignee of said Mortgagee. John N. Gott, Attorney for the Assignee of Mortgagee. 1437td Mortgage Sale. OEFAULT having been made in the condition of a eertain mortgage exeeuted'by Edgar M . Gregory and Dorliska N .Gregory of the city of A nn Arbor,County of Waahtenaw, and State of Michigan, to Lyman D. James, of Wüliamsburg, MasBachusette, on the fiftoenth day of June, A. D. 1HÖ4, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, for the County of Washtenaw aforesaid, on the seventeenth dn y oí June, A. D. 1864 at 8% o'clock a, m., in Líber 32 ot Mortgafes, page 422, and that tnere is now i laimed to be due and unpaia on said niortgage iicd noie? accompanyine the same, the sum of ninttttn tliouaand tivehundred dollars and eighty-four cents also the uum of three hundred nd eeventy-tljrre dollars and seventy-one centB paid by saíd mortgagee for insurance upon buildings, as providt d for in aaid mortgage ; also a reasonable attorney's or eolicitor'8 lee for services, should nny piocetumg be taken to foreclope suid mortgflge, ana no proceediuga at law or in equity having been had torecover said aura or any part thereoi'; Now, therefoie motice is hereby given that by virtne of a power of sale in said mortgage contflined, I shall sellatpxib lie auctiou to the highest bidder, on the thirteenth diiy of September next, at two o'clock in theafternoon of said day at the front door (rf the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor in said County ithat being the place of holding the Circuit Courts), all thosecrtain traets or parcele of land known, botmdid and described as follows, to wit: The equal uudivided one-half of the Franklin House property in the city of Ann Arbor in the County of Wa&htennTF and State of Michigan, viz: Commt-ncing at the southeust corner of said blook, and running wrpt eight rods, thence nortb on the wept line of lot number two (2) ninety-five f eet to N. P. Parson's line, thenee east on Parson's south line se vent y eight feet, thenee South eighteen feet, thence east. fifty-í-ix íeet, tlienoe south to the place of beginnirg. And alao lots thiee and four (3 and 4] all in block one north, in range number three east, in the city of Ann Arbor. fexcepting the east eight i'eet wide of the north thirty-seven feet wide of said lot number three, subject to the right of way over the siime.J Dated, June 20, 1873. LYMAN T. .7AMF.S, Wortgagee, John N. Gott, Atty for Real Estáte for Sale. SÏATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of fcbenezer West, incompetent. Notice is hereby given, that in puisuance of au order granted to the undereigr.ed, (iunrdian oí the estule of snid Ebenezer V, est by tl ie Hon. Judge of Probate for the conuty of Washtenaw, on the fifth day of August, a. d. 1873. tbere will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the'county of Washteraw. in snid State, on Wednesday, the twenty-fourth day of September, a. d. 1878, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgrage or otherwiee existing ut the time of sale ! , the following described real estáte, to-wit : That pitee or prcel of land described as follows : commencing at the aoutheast corner of tbe west half of the northeaft quarterof section twenty-one, township two Ö) south of range nix Cöjeast, thence north one degree and twelve (12} minutes west six chaina and twenty-four and one-half liuks to the eoutheast Bide of the Dixboro road, thence on the southeast side of the Dixboro road south fifty-six degrees west to the uortheast corner of a lot of land lately owned by E. LFuller, and now owned by John Lennon, thence at right angles with said road till it internet s the quartersection liue, thence along Baid line to the place of beginning, eontaining one aere and eleven roda of land, be the same more or less. Also that piece or parcel of land beginning on the line between the eat and west halves of the northeant quarter of section twenty-one of township two south of range six efist ; in the center of the highway leading from the city of Ann Arbor to the vülage of Dixboro, and running thence south me degree and ñtteen minutes efleí, along said line six chains and seventy-three links to the southwest corner of the east half of stiid norrheast quarter of section twenty-one, thence east along the east and west quarter líne two C2j chaina ann twenty-seven links, thence north twenty flve degrt-f? west seven chains nnd twenty links to the plsce of beginning, eontaining one acre of land more or lest. in said State. Iated. August öth.A.D. 1873. H39 JAMES J. PARSHAIX, Guardian.


Old News
Michigan Argus