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The Annual School Meeting

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The animal meeting of School District Xo. One of this city - which includes the whole territory of the city and a strip of the town adjoiningon each 91de- was held on Monilay last pursuant to statute and public notice given. The polls for the election of three Trustees were opened at 10 o'clock A. m. and kept open un til 2 o'clock P. M. At no time, however, was the rush so great that Secretary (iott was nnable to record the names of the electors. Iu tact, but 102 voters put in an appearance, whic would seem to indicate that the abseut l,ö( take very little interest in the schools, or tha they havo the utmost, confiileiue iu the Boan haring them in charge. The 102 voters wlio voluntarily exhibited a interest, or were drummeii qu, voted ;is (o 1 ivs : Por Philip Brn-h, 100 " l'ntnck Douovan, 100 " Aliarles B. Porter, 89 Densmore Cramer, 1 1 " John Shoemaker, 2 " ('liarles Worden, 2 " Alonzo Doty, 2 Thereupon Messrs. Bach, Donovan and Porter were declared elected, each for the tenn of tluve ycars. the nrsiXESS mketixo The regular business meeting was eallej to or der, in aocordance witli tlie ternis of the notiee at 2 o'elock p. M., E. B. Pond, President of the Board in the cliaii, and Jas. B. Gott acting as .Secretar}1. The annual report of the Board was ])resented and read by the Secretary as f olio ws : ANNÜAL REPORT FOR 1873. The Board of Trustees of School District No. 1 ('ïtv of Aun Arbor, submit the íollowing repon for "the school year ending September 1, 1873: RECEIPTS. From 'fax voted to pa y teachers' salaries,. ..11, 100 00 Tax voted to pay fuel, janitors' services, insurance, repairs, and incidentals 5,150 00 Tax voted to pay bonds due Feb. lst, . 1873. 4,000 00 Tax voted to pay interest due on bonds Feb. lst, 1873, 2,640 00 Tax voted to pay bal. due trensurer and claims not audited, 450 00 Primary sohool fund, 1,102 50 Twomill tiix, 3,242 6fi Tuition, S,3Sfl 5Í8 Fine Money, 90 86 Oas for lyceum g oo Dam;ige on seat, 4th ward, 50 Total, 3l,121 3Ü F.XPENDITUKES. Faid teachers' salaries, ... ,fi7,iO3 34 Bonds of district due Feb. Ut, 1873, . . . 4,000 00 Interest due on bonds Feb. lst, 1873,.,. 2,H40 00 Janitors' services, 850 00 Insurance,. 4(4 oo Balance due treasurer, 167 79 Forfuel, includiog pinchases lor cominjr winter, 2.405 40 Furnilure, repairs and incidentals 2,4Ofi 02 For tlne money in treasurer's handH,.. Gfl 00 Uun. i'uud m treu.surer'a bands, ÍS8 81 :u,m 36 The balanoe in treasurer's linnds of (988.81 will be neürly absorbed by accounts outstanditig and utiuudited. Tlie present iudebtednesa uu bonds 8 üs follows : Bandados Pab. lKt,1874, f7,000 00 " " " 1875, 7,(,00 011 " " " " 1871!, ...' 5,000 00 " " " " 1S77, 5 ,01 10 00 " " " " 1S7 6,000 00 Total, ,2!l,00n 00 Which aninunt bears interest trom Fc-b. lst, 1S7Ü, at 8 per cent. Of the above amount this meeting must provide for the pnyment, either by tax or re-issue, of bonds tac $7,000.00 principal and $2,320.00 interest wlnch becomes due Feb. 1, 1874. The Board estímate that the amount required for teachers' salaries and otlier expenses, together with the iudebtedness of the District as above stated, falling due Feb. 1, 1874, will be $31,970.00, and that the receipts from public moneys and tuition will be .$6,500.00, leavin" a balanoe ot 125,470.00. In view ot the fact that $13,000.00 of the city bonded indebtedness becomes due on the first day of February next, the Board recommend that bonds sliall be re-issued for the amount of bonds falling due February 1, 1874, leaving to lie raised by tax, which the Board recommends, tl9.470.00. For particular details in regard to the operation of the Schools duiiiig tlie year, and the present condition of tlie same, your caref ui attontiön is Lnvited to thp able report of tlie Superintendent to tlie board. Schedule " A," made a part of this report, is au rxhibit of the salaries ot teachers for the ooming year. Siliedule " B," also made a port of this report, is an estímate of the probable receipts and expenditurea of the coming year. Schedule " C " shows the names of the teachers employed and the amount of salary paid eaoh of them during the year just closed. The term of oflice of three Trustees, Meesrs. Philip Bach, Charlee B. Porter. and Patriek Donovau, expires witb the cnrrent year, and it is iiu'umbent upon this annual meeting to elect their successors. The annual census just complefed gives the nurhber of children in the district, between the 1 -rescribed afjes of Kve and twenty years, as 2,263. All of which is respectfully subinitted. By order of the Board. K. B. POND, President. Jamks B. Gott, Secretary. Aun Albor, Sept. 1, 1873. The report was on motion accepted, and proeeeding to consider the estimates and recommondations of the Board, thefollowing appropriations were unaimnously made for the ensuing year : 'l'u pay salaries of teachers, 11,000 " " for fuel, janitosB, insurance, and ineidentals, 5,160 " " intérest on bonded debt, 2,320 Total, 18j47o The second item above may be subdividcd for those wishing more detail as fullows , For fuel, $2,000 " janitors, now in service, 860 " assistants- if necessary, _()() " insurance, (j(X) " repairs, furniture, and all incidental, and contingent expenses, 1,600 Total, $."),löo The item for auitors may be fudther subdivided as follows : At ('entra! building, ÏG00 " First waid " ;',o " Second " " 40 " Third " " 40 " Fourth ' " yo " Fiftli " 40 Total, L8,50 A loan ol Í7,ültil was ordered to pay tlie bonds coming due on the lst day of February next, ï:;,."i()(I to be made poyable February lst, 1879 ; and $8,500 February bt, 1880, at a rate of interest not to exceed 8 per cent. Aftel which the meeting adjourned tint din.


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Michigan Argus