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I Household Panacea and I mnl I illlllK 111 Ih the best remedy in tlie worid for tlie following eomplaintfe, viz. : Crnmps in the Tjimbsnnd Stomuch, laiu in the Stomach, Bowels, or Side, RliPumnlim in aïl its forms. BiliousColie, Neuralgi, Cholera, Dysentery, Colds, FieBhWonnds,RiirnH,Sore'I'hroiit, Spinal ComplainU, Bpraioa and Bruine, Chills and Ff ver. For Infernal and External use. Its operntion is not only to relieve the patiënt, but entirej y removes the cause of the compluint, It penetrates muí pervadea the whole systran, reitoring he:ilthy aetion to ull its parta, and quiekening the bluod. Tlie HoiiNrliold Paliaren i purely Vegetable and AIl-Healing. Prepared by curtís & BROWN. Ko. 21 fi Fullun Street, New York. For sale by all druggi.sts. 143ÖJ 1 Centaur I.iniiiKin. There is no pain which the Centaur Linimen will ncit relieve, no swelling it will not subdue and no laiiH'uess which it will not cure. This is strong langunge, ljut it is true. Where the pnrts are not gone, its effects are marvelous. Il lias produoed more eures of rhcumatism, neuralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, sjiraina, swollings, cakertbreasts, scalds, buras, salt-rheum, ear-ache, &G.f upon the human trame, and of strains, spavins, galls, Sec., apon animáis in one year than have all other pretended remedies sinee the world begnn. Cripplea tlirow their crutehes, the lame walk, poisonous bites are renduivd harmlefis and the wouiuled are healed without a sear. 11 is rui humtüg: The recipe is puhlished around each bottle. It is selling a% no article ever before sold, and it sells beeause it does jtut what it pretends to do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer if they will not use Centaur Liniment. 'More than 1,000 certificates of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs, chronic-rheumatism, gout, running tumors, &c, have been received. We will smid a circular containing certificates, the recipe, &c, gratis, to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yellow paper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for spavin or sweeuied horses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-ow7ners - this liniment is worth your attention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment. Price 00 ets., large bottles il. J. B. Rose & Co., ",'! Broadway, New York. Castoriais more than a substitute for Castor Dil, It is the only safe article in existence whirh is certain to assimilate the food, regúlate he bowels, cure wind-colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine mr ah'ohol, and is pleasant to take. Cliildrcn ïced not cry and motherB may rest. - 1431m6 Ch lid reto fien Look Palu nul Mck From no other HUW thau having wornis in the stomach. BROWN'S VEHMTFUGE OOMFIT8 Will deatroy Worme witfaont injury tnthe ehild.being perfectlv WIITTK, and freefrom all eoloringor other njnrious iagredienta usually used in worm preparu(TltTIS & BROWN,ProprietoIS, No. iíl5 Futton Street, New Vork. S-ilil bit Druggists and Chemists and dealer in Mediiiicí at TwKNiv-KivK Cents a Box. MíWyl Heyoiitl tlie ITHssissippi. - Tlioiisanáe nave already gone, and thousands more are turning their yes towards new homes in the fertile West. To lióse going to Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Tttth, Wyoming-, Nevada, Oregon or California, we ecommend a oheitp, safe, quifik ttnd direct route, via St. Louis, over the Missouri Paciflo Railroad. which una its Une Day (loaches and Pullman Sleepers from t. Louis to principal points in the West without hang. We believe that the Missouri Pacific Bailoud has the best track and the finest and safest quipment of any line westof the Mississippi, and it onnections with roads further West are prompt and eliable. The Texas couneotion of this road is now ompleted, and passengere are otfered a Hrst-elass, allail route from Bt. Louis to Texas, either over the bfissouri, Kansas & Texas R. R., via Sedalia, or over he Atlantic & Pacifle B. R., via Vinita. For maps, '.me tables, information as to rates, routes, &c, we eter our readers to I, (J. Wheeler, Northern Passenger Agent, V2. Lloyd street, Butfalo, N. Y., or E. A. ''ord, General Passenger Agont, Kt. Louis, Mo. Questions will be cheerfuUy and xiromfttly answered! Emiffration liirniii I Clieap Farms il SoHiti-urM VI issuuri !- The Atlantic & 'aeiflc Railroad Company offers 1,200,000 acres of and in Central and Southwest Missouri, at from $3 o $1 2 per acre, on seven years' time, with f ree transortation from St. Loals to all purehasprs. Climate, oil, timber, mineral wealth, schools, churohes and aw-abiilini; society invite emigrants from all points 0 this land of fruit and Üowers. For particular, ddress A. Tuck, Land f'onniiissioncr, St. Louis, HsBuuri. 1417 1 inr i Yearh' Kxperieucc i au Old Ifune Tl rs. % iiislt.w-. Soothin S) ruit is the iresciiption of one of the best Female Phyhicians ud Nurses in the United States, and has been used or thirty yeara with never failing safety and success y millions of motliera and children, from the feeble nfant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidiy of the stomach, relieves wind OoUo, regulates the jowels and gives rest, healtli and comfort to mother nd chili!. We believe it to be the Iiest and Suretft iemedy in the World in ftll cases of DYSENTERY n.l 1)VAR1ïH(KA IN CHILDRKN.whetheritarises rom Tetithiiif1 or from any other cause. Full direi;ions tor uhing will accompany each bottle. None lenuine unlesa the fjic-simile of Ct'RTLS & PERKINSisonthe outside wrapper. Sold by all Mediine Dealers. 143(iyl The NEW BUCKEYES AND THE SUPERIOR GRAIN DRILLS As season is near at hand for Drilling, I will cali the attention of harinera to these Drills. They are oth rigged with attcch mente for ihanging hoes from straight line to dg zag al most instantaneonsly to obviate the difHeuHy of clogging in Soddy or Stony ground and with tho improved toicê fced. JACKSON WAGONS, Salt, and Water Linie ahvays on uuid. M. ROKERS. P. M. I want each and every man tliat owea me Isoe Iftst Bpriüffand last Bummer to uuare up at nc,e. 1440inil. PEING BULLETIN ! e j. mnii. HATTER! Hun turncrt bit hark upon Winter and opined his stock ot SPRING GOODS! Iiuludin:; uil llic Iftteel tylee ui Hats and Caps ! O E N T S ' FURNISHINÖ GOODS, &c. Whiofa must be ioïd. GOOD GOODS ANO LOW PRICES 1h the word to paas tilong the line. 7 Buntta Vlain St„, Aiiii Aibm HU U 15. GIDLET, MJm 8$Cor to COLGHOVE & SON. DRLIililST Al MIST IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HÜRON STREET DEALER IN RI ;$, Ml l.lilMs. SIIM1U tl, NSTKIJMEITg, PUKE Hi:s H l.iqi OKS, CFOH MKPICAL PÜRPOSES ONLY.) Fancy (íoods, Pertumery, PAIÏS, Oll-S, mniMiis, GUM AND PUTTV, PHYSICIA1VS' PIE8CIIPTION8 farefnlly compouuded at all honra. PKOPOSE NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHO FURNISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE E. II. ;lltl.i:v. BOOKS. BOOKS. " J. R. WEBSTER & CO. NEW BOOK STORE 1SEAR THE " EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AND CALL. BOOKS. h H I L.C.mSDOIM'S ADVERTI3EMENT. Now is thc time to buy PAIUAIR & HBAT1NG ] STOVES. ; I will sell them ut OOST mitil further notice. No. 31 S. Main St, Aun Vibor. BTU OFFER. 8ECOND ANNUAL DISTRIBU TION. THE CHKO.UO " CITE " KI.F.CiAMI.Ï I liHIII AM 1 SHAKE l THE IIM Hllil i n of s; to i'iti'.nn ns ,iioiTi; to $41,000. (Ï1VEN AWAY! To vety üBsoriter of that TopulHi Weekly OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND Chroraos ure delivered at once. The distribution will POK1TIVELY take plnoe on the TWEXT1ETH OAY OF AUHlsl', EIGHTBEN HUNDUh.1) AND 8EVENTY-THBEÉ. OUKOHROMO "CUTE" is 16x20 nehes in ize, acknowledged to be the tincsi and handaoraest pioture ever. "iveii witta any paper. Oll: FLUIMDE PltlKNTHs nn elht page illustrated tttmily and wtory weekly in ita third volume, hu 11..W over SEVENTY-F1VK TH0U8AND SUBBGBIBERB, and rapidlv inoreasing, wlii(;li Inaurei the uccess of the present distribution. The PubHahevrt ot Our Piresidi Friend have sent to its subscriber thi yearover SEVENTY THC Ufe AND copies of the rliroino "(Jute" nd are whiiping lmndreds every day. BTJB8CBIPTION PHICE, TUREE DOlvLA 11 I'EU YEAR, which givm the subscribel-K FIFTY-ÏWll numbers of (he best Family Weekly, the chromo "CUTE" tinely framed, ünd a numbered CERTIFÍCATE ntitling the holder to one shure in the diitribution of premiums for 1873. SUBSl'KIBE now with the agent or send direct to the Publishcr. SPECIMEN C'PIES, partioulurs, ele., sent free. A f 1OIPW In every town, at home or trnv7.Xr-Jxl 1 fling. Large cash puy and libr i V'rllVll eral premiums for jfettim? up TíAlllrlí duba. The best outfit. Send at once for Terms and particulars. Addresa WATEP.S & CO., I'ubs, Chicago. BACH & ABEL. We have now in store and are receiving our usual large stek of New Spring Goods, boujjht for cash, and will be placed on sale at as low prices as any house in Michigan BACH & ABEL. A large assortment of'fashionaMe dress goods in the new shades. BLACK SBLKS! A SDecialty. We nave them direct trom the Lyon'a manufactory agents, and can warrant tliem made of pure stock . BACH & ABEL. FIFTY PIECES OF THE MARY STliAftT'S BLACK ALPACA ! i nd cali special attention to the 45e, AOc, and 7óc qualitles. These Alpacas are nuuiufactured ly Alex. T. Stuart Si. Co , and Wttfiout doubt excel in textnre and fínish any ever hroulit to litis country. BACH & ABEL. From the miporterst, dierct, a stock of Ta Me Ltncns, Napkins, _DAMASK TOWELS.&C. BACH & ABEL A PULL LINE OF Brown and Bleached Cottons, Ticiinrs, Deniim, Cottonadei, &c These goods we buy by the package, getting di.seounts, and can make low prices. BACH & ABEL. We desire to cali especial attention to onr stock of FllENCH AND KNGLISn CASS1MERËS, And SUITING8, the largest and best assortment in the city. BACH & ABEL. A FULL LINE OF SHADES IN THE STEWART ALEXMDRE KID GLOVES In both one and two buttons. This Glove has been rocently improved, and is now conceded to be the best in use. BACH & ABEL. UTRAVKU ! F rom the subboriber aboot thp ftrst of May ;t three year old DUEHAM HKlFER-ied and white. Had ji rope on !ier ]ioi-ns, oud was neoustomed to suele herselí. A liberal reward will be given for Information wliicli will secure lier return. Ann Arlior, Aug. '2S, 187S. Hllti J. W. LAWSON. lOR SALE ON LONG CREDIT ! Ann Arbor City IiQts, with ffotd tille, and well locutil lor reaideuccs or businesH. Also several MoitgMgea tor tmle. Inquireof B. W. MOüGAN. l3mS NEW SPRING ENK The Largest, Most Elegant, and mueh the cheapest Stock of first-class superTb DRESS GOODS Black and Colors Ever Exhibited in this mafket is at MACK & SCHMID'S ! I When flrst L. COLBY hung his sign üi C. O. L.- At No. , And offered (iroceriea cheap for cash, Sorae people said, " he's bound to go to smash." And old-time (rocera would faintly amilt1, Propheaying "CO. D. will last but little while. In sixty days we'll run lum off the track, And cali our waudering customera back." The croakera snid and thought it true, "He'll aurely tail before the year ia New I You cttn't sell Groceries in thia town And get your pay in greenbacka down ; Wherc dry gooda merchante on every street Wnh ailkb and satina, hang out chickens to ent ; Where trade ia mixed in every place, At the same counter you buy butter orlace ; Where credit and loss go hand in hand. Mr. 0. O. U. but a alim chance will stand." Let propheta and croakers have their say, (L.COLBYsellsöROCERIESonlyfoiREADTPAY, Andaellssocheap for dailycash He feurs no danger of a smash. And to hia patrons all, and buainesa friends, The greeting of the seaaon he extenda, To young and oíd, a glad New Year, With hoats of frienda and lote of cheer ! Oive him a cali, and from his atore Your tableB spread with good thinga more. At that place you will alwaya flnd Fresh new Oroceriea ot best quality and kind- Fverything needful for good cheer at home You can buy at his counter whenever you come. The days are so ahort thia bitter cold winter, 'l'o mention detaila would wenry the printer. But ak if you choose fdr anything entable, You get it at once, in quality unbeatable ! For hungry men who are weary and cold, He has üystera hot, üyater that muat be sold - Oyaters pickled, Oyater stew, and oyster fry, Or Oysters any other way you choose to try. He will serve up Oysters at any hour of day, And the beat of cigara to amoke on your way. A diah of hot Oysters will do you mueh good, And cheer you while selling your grain or wood. And with cash in hand lay in a store Oí (,'oö'ee, Tea, Sugar, Flour and many more, Of all things ubatuntial for daily use, Nor treat life'a good things with abuse ; Crockoiy and Qlaasware and Fruita to put in them, NutB, Kaiains, and Candy, for children who win them. And ye who are blessed with their beautiful facea. Will nd [2;l] the beat of all places, To buy a trine, to bring a amile or ringing laugh, Your pleasure, than theirs, will be greater by huif Then do not forget to cali on Mr. O. O. D And buy of him your Fruits, Sugar, and Tea. Though the big (jq may fall from its place, The U. O. IJ. y atore ia still on the race And doea not intend to tty from the cour.itTill croakers of evil talk themaelves hoarse Groceries can be sold-for ready pay. And Ij. Oolby has learned the way : Sold flve times more than he expected- By C. O. D. from losa proteeted. And the secret he is not afraid to teil - Keep the beat of uil thinga- with pricea low- be eood natured, give good meaauie, And you are bound to aell ! 29! 29! 29! . JK „The world is full of JP Children crying lor AVP-fl McLAIN'S ♦ A Caüdied Castor Oil. BBI i. 'H Itisdeliclons.effectiveand H KA J Hr harinlt'ss. The repulsive H KlL H L taste and smell of the Cas■VB tor Oil isentirely overfonie vft wm lts cathartic powers are V %-i XjU_'mi ïrlce 25 its. .■oTïitiiliiTril ' McLAIN'S VEBHIFUGE BONBONS are elpgant and pffective. They resemble Cream lionlmiis Ki-pl h i-oiifectioners' shops. Children lovo tiieiu aug cry lor toem. Prlce 2ö cents per loi. A P TTmHöF"MANN's AvtUÜí.hp Pilis These Pilis do not contaín Quiiiine or Minerals. They are sugar-coated. JPricegSO ets. per Jtox. Irr. McMann, Gardner, Xll., says : "I have taken thein mysclf and given them to iny wife and children. Tliey have cured them and many others who have usod them." They are made to cure Fever and Ague at once. Dumb Aguc and Ague Kever are enred gpeedily. They are simple, harniless, and lways relfable. Directious iu four lauKuuires ■ uupauy tlicm. K. W. EI.US & CO., are the Agent. 1420yl MRS. H. J. HILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office and Itcsidene.e No. 88 Ann Street, corner of Ingalh, Ann Arhor, Mkh. Kir Office hours- 8 to 10 a m., and ! to 4 r. M.-a Referencia- Pnor. Paoee, Prof. U31yl TRADING ASSOCIATION Are now riving their SPRING STOCK OF NEW DRESS GOODS We ave the largest stook of FIRST-CLASS CAfflfF! I1ST THE CIX5T. ENGLISH BODY BRUSSEL AT $2.00 PER YARD ! Tapestry Brussel, Super Extra Lowell and Hartford, also Medium Super, WHICH WE WILL SELL YERY CHEAP FJR CASH! Norel anl elegant additions to our Dress Goods Stock ARE NOW BEING OPBNED. The backwftrdness of the season has eaused a very large decline iliuine the last fifteen days in the price of Dress Fabrics, which will enable uu to give to our customers a protit of '20 to 25 per cent. E very Lady should inspect tliem ! A handsomer line of Dreas Goods was nevor brcuglit to Aun Albor thau are now opening, at extreruely low prices for cash, which will place these choice goods within the reaoli oí all who may favor us with a cali. t& We ave very thiinkful for the past favors and hope to continue theBame, as we shall nmke it to the advantagt of those who favor us with a cali. G. W. HAYS, Supt. ■RIJKE WHITE LEAD. LEAD. # % WAKRA.VÏUD % M fL SÏBICTLY V % I PURE WHITE1 1 V - LF.AD. ƒ VIEILLt MONTAGNE FKENCH WHITE ZINC Parlor Snow White ZincCRISTAL PA LACE WHITE LEAÜ. Permanent Green For Blinda, &c. WHITE LEAD ! In Colors for Outside and lnsule Paint ing, Varnishes, Oils, Colors, Brushes &c, &c. ÏRON - CLAD MIXEIIAL PAINT! Manufactured from pure Iron Ore, far superior to those made of Cluy, Botten Stone, Dirt, &c. Our Pure Brand of WHITE LEAD we offer to the public with the poaitive aasurance of absolute purtty. As muchof the White Lead sold as pure is ndulteratod from 20 to 90 per cent., Connumera will conBult their interest by giving us a cali. . H. W. A CO., BriifjrUts, Aan Aitimit, Mich. Corner opposite Savings Bank. Hlüm6 T)UT YOUE MONEY WI1EEE IT WILL 'DO THE MOST GOOD A. A. TEERY IJ AS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS! IN THE LATËST BTYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES TO IK F V CO M I'ETITIOA, AI.SO, A FDLL LINK (iF GENTS' FÜRNISHING GOODS 5" ('all htfort iin-chamiig. 15 South Main Street. _FJ TLÜUK AND FEED STORE. HENRY WASCH, (Successor to Ueo. Laubengayer,) At 14 West I.iberty Street, will keepconstunt ly on hand 11 full stock of Flour, Men 1, Oats, Oom, MillFeed,&c. All onli'rs promptly fllled at the lowest Qftdl priet-a. Cash pnid for Oüi-n and Oats. i415y 1


Old News
Michigan Argus