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One of the butchers of Norwich, Ct., has imported a quantity of aalt as it is quarried, for the use of his horsos. It looks to the unmineralogical eye, like a mass of iron-stained quartz crystals, and a lump of it can be thrown into a horse's manger, and suffered to reinain until the horse consumes it, and it will not waste by dissolviug from atmospheric or other danipness. Immediately, a gilí, as second or for DM Room. Inquire dt COOK'S HOTEL. Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS Wright E. Mills and Clarisia E. Atillb, of the township of Manchester, cuunt) ot' Washtenaw, and State oí Michigan, on the íitteeuth day of lJeeember, A. 1). 1871, executed a mortgage to Charle J. Howell, of the city of New York, to secme the payinent oí ceitan principal and interest nioney therein mentioned, whu-h monguee was reeorded in the office ol Keyister of Deeds in the county of Wushtenaw and State ol Michigan, ou the eighth day ol January, A. 1), 187'_ at i o'el.-ck P. M. in Libtír 48, page i: And whereas, default has been made i'or muie than twenty day ÍS the puyment ot au instalmcnt of said interest money wiiicli became due on the tirst day ot January, A. L. 1878, by reason whereof and pursuant to the term oi sniu xuortgage, said ïnortgiigee electa that so niuch ol said principal as remanís unpaid with all arrearages of interest thereon shall become due and payableimmediately: And whereas tlieu u daimco tobe due and anpaid at, the date of thw notiee thtí u ot the thousand six hundred and forty-uine dollars and ninety-two cents tor principal and interest, also flfty dollars as a reason able solicitor orattorney fee therefot in addition to all otber lei;al custs, as often as any prooeedings is taken to foredose taid mortgage either ly virtne of the above powöT of eale in chancery or in any other manni i movidsd by law, and no snit or proeeedings haviug been institnted either in law or equity to recover the iaine or any part thereof; Notice theretore is bereby given, that on Saturday, the sixtb day oí UeoMbber next, at two o'elock in the atterno"n of $nid áay,ac the south door of the Court : House, in the city ot Ann Arbor fthat the building in wliich liie Circuit t ourt tor the county of Waahtenaw, andBtate aloresaid ík held,) and by virtue of the power ot sale containedin saïd mortgaga, T shall sel! at public auction to the highest bidder the premisea dewribed ineaidmort gae, to satisfy the amount of [uim.ipul and interest elaimedto bo due, with tlie atturney's tec of lift y dol lars and charges of eale to-wit : All iliime oertain pieces or pareéis of land situated in the townahip of Muñchester, county of Washtenaw, and Btate oi Michigan afoieaaia, known, bousded and deBcribec! as iollows, to wit : Being the east half of the norih etist quarter, and the northeasi q aar ter uf the noutheast (juarter, of section nuuiber tturty-'ne fexeeptIng one and a half aoieaof thfl last abore deeonbed piece ot land1; also the northenst quarter of the Southwest quarter of section number thirty-two, the east half of the southeast quarter of section numb. r thiiry, (80) (excepting sixty acres from the north end of the last ahove described piece of land); also all that part of the west half of the northwest quarter of sección number thirty-two which lies south of the center of the highway above mentioned, and also fiom the westside of the northeast "quarter of the Routhwest quarter ofsaid section, the two last parcela of bind on section thirty-two oontftining fortysix and a half acres of land, and bing th same land deeded by Oliver Nickols and hiswifp to Oem-ge Ü. Matthews in the spring of 1869, all in Lownship number four south oí' range mimber three east, and contalning in uil two hundred and acres of land. September lOth, 1873. John N'. Gotï, CHARLES J. H0WE1 1-, Attovney for Mortgagee. Mortg-agee. Estáte of Gottfrey Millar, S" 'T ATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waslitenaw, sí . At asenionof the Probate Court for thp Countj of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, ,on Wednesday, the fourteenth daj of May, in the year one thousand eiyht hundred and .sevent y-three. Present, Noah W. Cheevor, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of fiottfrey Miller, deceased. On readinfr and ftling the petition, duly verlned, ol John O. Miller, prayiug that an administrator may be appointed on the estáte of said deceased. Thereuj)on it is orderod, that Moruluy, tlie sixth day ol üi'tober uext, at ten o'elock in the forenoon be aasigned for the hearing of aaid petition, and that the heiwat law of aaiddeceaBed, and allothei peritonsiuterested in suid estáte, are renuiredtojipp. ai a1 n sesión oi aaid Court, then to he holden t the Probate Ottiee ín thf City of Anu Arbor, ftJfd show oaQBe, ii any tbere be, why the pruyer of the pptitioner should not beprantod: And it is furthei ordered.that said petitioner glve notice to the persons mterfsted in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, nd the tiearinsr thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publisbed in the Michigan Argsu, a newspaper,printed and eireulatinp in aaicl coimty, three succesèive weeks "SffiSÍiSÍÍ" Ü' '""hTbaMJ.BEAKES, J443 Judge oí Probate 1 ' - ■■■■■■■B F ALL si:. BACH k ABEL We invite the attention of the public to our extensiva STOCK OF NOW IN STORE. Our recent parchases in the Eastern markets enable us to cffer oce of the Largeat and Most Complete ASSORTMENTS itst Ttïis -viciisrxT"5r. !5iP We buy large)y from Manufacturera and Importeis, and " exclusively foi cash," and will make prices as low as any heuse in Michigan. IÏACH & ABEL. rpHi: MOST ATTRACTIVE SÜBSCEIPTION I BOOK PUBLISHB1) THIS YEAE. i isr s jba. roh -OFTHE CASTAWAYS: A Itomuntie Xarrative of the Loss of Captain Gmnt of the Brig " BriUnniiv," and of the Adventure ofhis Childrec and Friends in his Discovery and Rescue. Bmbmoiiig the IJociipliuu of ti Yoyage Round tho World. By JULES VERNE, Author oí' " Twenty Thonsand Leagues umltr il e Sea, etc. po Fine .-nijrai iniis: (30 Pares. Price $3.50. A gents Wfvntecl. Kor desrriptive circu'ar, ternit., territory, etc, address ,l. B. LIPPINCOTT & ('O.. PublisberB) IJiiiladelpriin: A NEW INVENTI0N.ïS3kkkSlTwYERS, PHYSiniANS, OLKRQYMEN, KÜITORS, ACCOUNTANTS, MiOROHANTS, professional and business men; protecting and keepinu In alphabetical order all letters, blll, receipts and other documenta daily accumulatlng In the general routine of business free frum diift, and away froni the observatitm of the curious. In this email cabinet 3.0ÍI0 letters can be filed ano kept always at hand for ready refere-nce. It is made of black walnut, is quite ornamental. The same Cabinet can be used on the denk or hung to the Wall. Send for au Iüustrated Price List and Circular. Addreoi, CARLOS A. COOK, Chicago, Ilk. Cfaancery Order. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. Fouith Judicial Circuit In Chancery Buit pending in tho Circuit Couit for the County of Wasfitenaw, in Chancery, at Ann Albor en the' sixth day of September, A. D. 1873. Louina Dilloi ooroplfiiuant, vb. Henry inllon deferidant Divorce. It appejiring by aifidavit on n'e m said cause that the snid delondaiit, Henry Dillen, is a resident of tl, is HUte ; tli;it psooeaa te lus ppearancfl has been Jnly lamed and that the ome conld not be Kerved liy reason of liis oonlinnttd absence from his plïiee of resMenoe, on nmtion of O. A, Cntehetti BOlicitor for said complaintint, it is ordered that snid defendant c.iuse his appearance to bc entered in sniil cause, withln three months from the date of this order; and in defiiult thereof that the bill of oomplaint nled tberein be hiken as oonfessed nnünsi him. Anil it is turther ordered that in case of said defendunt'a Bppearancti he cause his answer to the iinnt'8 bill of eoinplaint to oe flled and a copy thereof tobe served on the complainant's so licitor withln twenty duys attfr Keivice upon him of a copy of the said billand anoticeof this order, and in default thereof that said hill be laken as oonfeawd by him, the said defendnnt. And it is further or(l.nrttbat wit). in twenty daygfrom this date, the cornplüinant cntise this ortler to be piiblished in the Michigan Argus a newapapei publwhwd in snid county, and that the publimtion thereof be oontinued om-e in ench week for six suecessive weeks thereafter ; or that she nu a oopí theof to be períooally aerved on said defendant, at lenst twenty doys befo the time ahove preaeribêd tor his appearance. S.,,„.mber 0,1873. y LAWRENCE. Circuit CV. uit OoxnmiHdonflr, Waahtenftw County Michigan. Ü V Cbitchett, Solieitor for Complaiuant. 1443w(i MtflHttuy CENTRAL RÁÍtRQAt). BTTHStEB TIME TABTB. Viwwngt'i trtttna now leave the seveml itatinn M OOINO WEBI. IjLJjIIjLJ A. M. A. M. P. M.p. M.p. M p v )etroit, leave, 7 op 9 40 1 40 4 05 5 40 ín ir Vpsilanti, 8 2S 10 46 2 55 S 86 7 lo n ■ AnnArhor, S Mil 00 3 IC 5 55 7 46 11 L textor, 9 20 3 40, 6 25 9 Ín -1 hehea, , 9 40 4 00 8 30 GrasuLake, '10 07! 4;):, 9 00 A M ackson, 10 40 12 15 s 06 9 u uo' Calamazoo, 2 08 2 55 8 20 12 M _ Ohicago arrive, _ 8 15 8 00 6 30 S ol (iniNfi RAKT. i i lili 1 1 A. M. A. M.! I'. M. p. K, Chicago, leave, 5 00 9 00 i 15 9 Un P. M. A. M. A. M Kalamazoo, 11 U 2 03 5 00 ; 2 15 P. M. A. M. Jackaon, 2 30 4 1.1 S 00 12 30, 4 4S ürass Lake, 2 f6 ! S 32 Chelsea, S 24 ' 8 68S i U M Dexter, 3 40 9 20 1 i AnnArbor, 4 05 5 19 9 50 155 6 IKI 6 Í5 Ypsilanti, 4 25 5 86 10 05 2 17 6 20 7 20 Detroit, arrive, 5 50 6 40 11 20 3 30 7 25 8 4J The Atlantic and Pacific Express run between Jackson and Nile on the Air Line. Dated, May 26. 1873 Deteoit7hillsdale & indi' ANA EAII.ROAD OPINO WE8T. -1873- OOISO F.AST. stations. Mixed. Mail. I statiok. Mail. Mi A. M. P. M. Detroit, ilep... 4:06 1 a. M. p. v. Ypsilanti 7:25 5:40 ! Bankers fcSO 2-41) Saline S:30 C:ló Hillsdale 6:44 Mr. Bridgewatcr . . 9:06 6:33 Manchester.... K-.42 6:5r Manchester.... 9:48 6:55 Brid(?ewater . . 9:"[. ;;(;-, P.M. ! Saline 9-25 8:16 Hillsdale 1:111 8:48 Ypeilanti Iomiii a ii'. Banker. .. 1:30 S:UQ i Detroit U;S8 Trains run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKER, Sup't, Yprilnnti. wagnéeT " Tlu One-Piiced Clothier ! Hfis recently enlarged his store and has just reeived mi d otfei'M to the public the largt-st stock oi MENS', YOUTHS', AXD BOYS' Iïetul y-Made Fall and Winter CLOTHING! Ever brought within the T'ownty of Wnshteaaw.These joods were boupht {pr cash, and will be auld at the lowest posible cash prioe. AT WAGNBHfi. Also coustuntly on hand a fine line of Foreign and D.meatic Cloths, Cassimeres and Vegtinpi All in great variety, whioh will be made up to or.ler and warranted to fli. AT WAGNER'S. A complete and large stock of Gents' Furnishing (ïoo:s of eyery deseription, lower than ever. AT WAOXER'Si. TRUNKS AXD V ALISES of various styles ud makea. AT WA0NEK8. GOOD PAPER 0OLLAB8 only S cta. per box. WIL WAGNEE. ■il South Main St., Ann Arbov. BUSINESS COLLEGE! Bank Block, Anii Arbor, - Michigan. Stmlents enn enter any time alter Anu. 3W Cali and examine facilities tor study at our ïrj [ilciis;iiit aml newly t'urnished rooms. lUltf TRËMAIN & COLK. GROCERS AND PROVISIÓN DEALERS ! No. 30 East HurGn Street. A full line of Groeerïes lionstantly nn hfind and f'1' salecheiip, iucludiuy Etagiuv, Ttt&s, Öpica, tke. Country Produce Bougrht and sold. Bring in your Butter, Eg?H, Posltry, Fruits, &e. IV. H. VOIiK hu establisliprt his ÜOal office t tlif store of TKBMAIN & (JU1.E, where all orders will be promptly attended to. Níl8 TAMKS McMAHON, Justlce of the Peace. Office in new block, North of Court Houw Money eollected ind prompt] y puid over. INSTTRATsTCE AGENT. Triumph. Met, tTH-MI 1] Nortn Mtnarl, " '45,41;. 'i HlbernU, " '"1.!" "" RKAL K8TATK. I have 8' acres "f land '4 oí a mile from thecltj imite, flnely locatod Air frnit or garden pnrpoiea Also 4u acres. Also 10 acres, with h'iise and bain, and a llvrl atream of water runninsr thrtmgh the barn yard. tiü acres, a mlle onL. 1 will sell auy or all the ibove cheap, or exchanj;e for ei tv property. 174 JAMES McMAHON. r WELLING HOUSES FOE SALE Alargennd very well huilt bríck boiue. wilh two or more lotw. Two lare fnvtaed houses. Aleo a g"OJ sízcil brick house and frumed ; and a ennill r-irue house on h goodlot in tended forftdding n front i or iilt1 on fir tarms and n rensonable credit. Also other buildings, lots, and property. ltIONi:V VA.TEI --So many wibhlng 1 orrmo miiuoy upplj to mo that l eau rèadily obtain or tenders goód sutisfaclury investments at ten pe' # ent. Interest. E. W. MOR(iANAnn Arbor, Amil 2P, lS7,i. 1433U A Rare Chance TO LET. A largo and modern new Oroeerv ?tore ín Pucho Block, Petro t strcet. t'nci' nhtecily the bent locado u in that part of he city tor naid hoiincM. A e"i lnrire cellar und new bnrn ttnohed to the prcmisiaThe rent is JBOO yearly. to bc taken in grocories lm' mv famin uso. . Al a fine new Meat Mark.t, all complete, joininR my blo k, with moeru impr vementa, marble tftt lf &c , lare new smoke house, lare brick cistern aud celi'ir new bnrn lint] all rendy f"r use, with thrft lamilv rooms above. Store rente lor f -'M) yearly ; tkin in ment for my l'amily nse. Also a small store iu ray bl.;ck, houses, rooms, ■■" ,,( Fl)R SALE- Three pooi! large rarriape or farm hnraes, oue flne new carriage, hugglcs, wagons, larmtajgh. A.8o three tg, , R B[r(,H0Z.


Old News
Michigan Argus