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That Trans-Atlantic balloon didn't go ïp. It burst bofore it was filled, the mierial of which it was oonstruoted provHg to be an inferior article and not itrong enough for tho purpose. Wise laya that he protested against it-i Uie, m Lfered to bnlloon it to Europe wliLiiever srovided with a ballooQ fit fur thenn'dor;aking - say of silk ; Donaldson says that SVise is a fault-finder and a ooward ; and the public pronounce it a great and Graphk advertisingdodgo. Ther is ono xmsolatiou the balloonists may derive from the result - their lives were taved by it. As for the? public it is just as ready for the next sunsation as thougli this one had not been so greut h f all uro. Groiit in hunibug. - At a recent sale of blooded (attle - short horns - at Utica, N. Y., the herd of Hon. Samuol Campboll, 111 animaln, brought $380,890. Ten cows and hoifors oftheDuchesa family brought f219,250, an average of $21,700. A singlo cow - the Eighth Dnchess of Geneva, - went ofi at $40,600, to T. Davis, of England ; the Tonth Duchoss of Geneva going to Mr. Borwick, of England, at $35,000; the First DuchüKs of Oneida to Lord Skommerdale, at $30,600 ; tho Tenth Dúchese of Onoida to Mr. Alexander, of Kontucky, at $27,000 - -and a spring calf at that, What say Michigan cattlo breeders te suoh prices? - In the Constitutional Comiuissiou the first potition was reeeived on Moiiday, which petition was a remonstrance against omitting from the reviscd Constitution the words, "but no money hal be appropriated for the paytnent of any religious servioea in either House of the Legislatura." It caine trom Battlo Creek, wheie Mr. Woodhnll is endorsec and sworn by. - The Postmaster at St. Louis is threat ened with removal by Postniaster-Genera Creswell beeause he asstessed . per cenl upon the salaries of his assistants and em ployos. Having used it to dine and win President Grant won't that dignitary b likely to respond to Creswell's demanc " Do you see anything green." - "When a man 's down, kick him fo falling!" Acting upon which maxim the Cleveland Leader declares that. "tb Uepublican party cannot afford to carr; the dead weight of the gang tliat is lo by Cameron snd Butler." Which tli leader was careful not to say before tb. i late Massachusetts Convention. - An engine, tender, baggage car ani one coach were ditched at Stony Creo on the Great Western Railroad oa Tues day evening, crushing the engineer anc burning up the ftreman. Cause an open switch. Supt. Muir immediately orderec the arrest of the brakeinen responsible - Postmaster-Gsneral Creswell threai ens to hurry up the mails bet ween tb. North and Washington. Won't hedo tb same thing between New York and th West 'f It is arare thing to get a New York daily on time. - Bundy and Gunckle, two Ohio Oon gressmen, are reportüd as drawing thei advance pay on the basis of the oíd sala ry, $5,000 a year, proposing to onter up on duty with clean hands. - Reniembering the trite maxi m, "sma favors thankfully received," the Jackso Citistn says that the result in Maine "ex ceods the general expectation."


Old News
Michigan Argus