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ENOCII MOBtíAN'S SO' R AP OL T O Is a suhst ilute for Soap for all Kousebolcl purposes, except washinff dot bes. SAP OLI Ö for elennini? your House wül save the Ltibor oí One oleaner. Oive it a trial. SAP O ïj I O for Windows is bet ter thanWhitingor W;iut. No remo ourtjiins anti carpeta. SAPO LÍ O cieans Pnint and Wood, in faot tlie eníire houao, betterthiin Soap. Noálopping, BttveH labor. You ean'l aliord to be without it. 8 AP OLTO íbr Scourñi? Knives is ltter and deftner ttmu_Bíitl Brick. W'ill not scrutch. Ö A POLIO is better tlmn Sop and S;nid í'or .lisliiiif? Tinwiire. Brightena without soratohing. S AP OLIO Pi'lishea lii'HHs iind Hopper utenails bett6ï than Acid or Oiland Hutten Btone. SAPOLIO for Wnahing Pishes and GlAsware is invaluHble. Cheaper than Boap. SAPOLIO removes Stains froD Marblè Mantels, Tables and Statuary, tïoiu Haxd-flniahed Walls, and fiom Chinu und Porcelöin SAPOLIO removes Stuiue and GrpiiMe from Carpeta and other woven fabjics. Tbere i na ane nrticle known tliat will da no nimiy kinclN l work aiui do it ao well u Sapoliu. 'l'ry il. HAND SAPOLIO a new and wonderf ully effëotive Toilet Soup, hai-ing' no eqitiu in tliis country or abroad. HAND S A. I3 O L I O ns an art iele for the Bath, " reaohes the foundation " of all dirt, opens the ñores and givea a healthy ttetios find brilliiint tint to the skin. HAND S Ji. JP O L I O Cleanses and lieniitifies tlip skin, instautly rmiiüviiig' ny ilain pi lilcmisli trom both hand and face. HANÜ SAPOLIO ia without a rival in the world for c uring or prevent ing roughnen and chttppmg ot eitfaer hands or face. HAND S A. F O L I O removes T:u, Pitoh, Iron or í nk Btains aud Groase; lor workera in Machine Shops, Mino, iV:., ís lïivülmthle. For m;tkiiiL the Skin White and Koft, and iviiig to it it " bloom of beauty, il is unsni]);i!ssed bj miy CoTnetic fenown, HAiI) S A. F O Xj I O costs from 10 to I1 cents pt-i (;ike. nul evevy Body sliould haveit. Yoo wiil likf it. DOS'T PAU, TO TltV THKSK R0OD8 ltn t of your ïiKrt-lian t ii' lir Iuïs it or u-ill procure il lor ui. It' nul, lln-ii write for tir l'ani il; 1 il. " All ihuul Siiliuliu," Illld it i i l l hv Ifllitilcil fret-. KNOCII I(HiU!'S NOiS. SS Park Place, T. Y, ür IOS Water Streit, Otereland, Oliio. A Chance for Bargains ! Fornaleiit a i?reHt burKiiin, 100 ACBliS OF CHOICE LAND, lyiug 1 H miles f rom the city of Umin. 1(K) ucres under improvement, with t?o(nl iirohiird, burn nnil shed, and h eomtortiiblc houde. Terras of paymt-Tit ftotil 12,000 to $2,500 down; bttlunce "n [uiig hime. Also 90 ACHEK, nbout 2 á miles fiorn August, Ealamazoo County, aU improvedi with uuoil laiililing. Term extiemdy low. AIho 40 ACRKS iibout eiirlit milesfvoin Hasünys. AUo 80 ACRES on aection 8 iu the town of Eazelton, Sbiawawc Cotmty, bont 12 miles from ConiDiia. Well timbered. For terms BkddreM tbe anderslgned. i:. It. POND. Aim Arbor, April 2, 1873. TAMKS MoMAHON, Justice of the Peace, Office in new block, North of Court House Money collected and promptly paid ovei . iNSURA-isrcii; agucjStt. Triumph, aseéis, $7-27.903 11 North Mi8Suri, " 45,417. !U Hibcrnia, " 35O,ouu.oo RKAL ÏÏÖTATE. I have 80 acres f land V of a míle from the city imlts, finely located for fruit or garden puipoees. Also 40 acres. Also 10 acres, with houee and barn,and a livel stream of waterrunninithnugh the baru yard. BOacrei, n mlleout. I wlll iell any or all the above cheap, or exchanee for city property. 1S74 JAMES McMAHON. S S SVeWO Or Tastricss-Coater', Com' ntratrdU Root and Herbal Ju f cc, AntlBillov c:ranuies. tic; ' í-3'f.::.:. ilAM QÜTBABTlCf tr Jluli'-i in Parvo Physic O Thfi novnlty of modern Metttcal, Chemlctil nud Phaniiaci'iiLical Öcicüce, No liuu ui' fiiiy louter takinti tin: lavge, repnltivo and Baiist-ou? pilN, coraposed of cfteup, crade, and b-nlfty iiiirdiciii.-', Vvhpn wo eau by a care lul applicatlou of chenilcal acience, extract all the catliartie and otbur medici aal proporties from the most ainl tierbs, and concéntrate thvín Intü a minute Gran11 ie, scareely lar sor tliau a uinütard Nccd, t luit can be peadUy PwalowqKl by thoeol the most sensitivo ptoimichs and luuuiyiiH laftcd. Eachlitllc Fnrffali vo Vol Jet ropn M-nt. ui a moet coacentrateJ forin, a- innch catUaitic power as Is embodied in any of the largo pillü fciuul lor sale in the dru shops. From tbt'ir wotwltM lül caIhartic pow-M-, ín pre)ortlon lo tln-ir i.(% puopla who havt; bot trled tnena are ftpt io uppotpê tnat they are haivli ör dratic in efft'ct, bui íiic1i ii not at, all the cbm, Die different active nwiliclnal principlesof which thcy aro componed ('iiiyr to harmonlzed and motiitied, one by the udiers, as te produce a mot KCitrrliliiff and iliorii ii c h, yct Keiiil) and Kiiidly opcruliug1 utliurtlc $500 Rowarrt i ix'reliy oíTi-nnl hr the proprfetor of these lVIk-ts. to any èhemlbt who, upon analysl, wll find i;i kfocm tnyCaloiticlor ocher forma of mercury or any ntoor ii)4rj poUon. iBriim éwttrelr vegetable, no partic r care in reqalred wliile utng Lkom. '- licy ou - rate without disturbaiice to tho cuuítitiitlou. díet, or occnpatlon. Forjan ihíícc, llcadctrlK', 4 Oiini i ;i li on, I in pit re Hl o i?, I í i it in tho IShoulder, TlglitnoN ot' die Chestf Iizzleas Sour lructatioua of the stotniu h, II a -.1 ia íe i :i in out h, Ril i o tl atI;i(K-. lain lll rctfion of KidncyMy Internat Fover, Btioated ircliiiü abo ut Stoma oh, KiimU ot Blood to Ilcad, IliU CoJored I riiic, 1 iihm' labi 1 ï ty und (clooni} lorohod i n sn, take Dr Plerce'a Plcamaiit Purgativo Pcllet. Ju explauation of the remedial power i' my Purgativiï Pellcsoverpo great avaricty of dicases, ïwishtosay tbat tlioir action upon tlio aniitial öcoiioiiiy ! imivorsalj notii lilaiï.1 or tlfteue n a]tiut tluir anative i ni í r . Age does not impair thon ; their ooating and bclng enciosed in glas bottles pt!erve thelr virtues uniinpaired for any Jength of tiiiu1, in any cliniate, eo tUat they are alway? tresh and reliable, which vh not the cae wlth the tbund in lln ding stores, p; Ê np in cheap wood or papte-loard boxes. Recollect tbat for all dUeacs wherc a LaxutlTC AJteratlve or Purirntivc Is Indlcated. these little Pellets wil! prve-tlus mual iicrl'vci futilac(iou to all who u-' ti :!■■ i. Tï#y uro -ll liy nll Piitorprfkfgig Druffffífci i a: ó eolito a botllc. Do not allov.' finy dfMu'ist t i ilnro '"'i to tnko Biiythihu f'-r tluit i u hviy k v 1 usl bs good as ín. lclii' i' Qii r i - pahet) a tarsret proflt OU tiuu wbieh hu r ■.■'!:. 1 1' youi driïiift cannot wiply iln::.i. o !C5 een s and recetve tlfin by ntnrn mtiil f'oni n. v, i'iL'iici:, m. i , itu ',} DITFFALO, N. V. Vineffar Bitters are not a vile Fancy Drink, made of Poot Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please the taste, called "Tonics," " Appetizers," " Restorers," &c, that lead the tippler on lo drunkenness and ruin, but are a truc Medicine, made from the native ronts and herts of California, free from alt Alcohol ie Stimulants. They are the Great Blood Purifier and a Life-giving Principie, a Perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying oiT all poisonous matter and restpring the blood to a healthy condition, enriching it, refreshing and invigorating both mind and body, They are easy of administration, prompt in their action, ceitain in the ir results, safe and reliable in all forms of disease. Xo INisnii cait take tlicse Bitters according to direciions, and remain long tinwell, provided rKcir booe-. „r not d,estrovpH Viv mineral noison urotljer means, and tlic vttal orgaus wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or Indigestión. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs,Tightness of the Chest, Dizzines?, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, ïlad Taste in the Mouth, Bilions Attacka, Palpitation of tlie Heart. Inflammntion of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a luindred other painfu! symptoms, are the oflsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no eqnal, and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. For l-'t-mnl CompIaintSf in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence tliat a marked improvement is soon l'or Iniln imnalory and Chronic IWeumat is m and Gout, Dyspepsiaor Indigestión, Bilious, Rem i t tent and Internnttent Fe vers, Diseases of the lïlnod, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have been most Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated lïlood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. TIn j are o, Gcntle Purgati vc as well as a TojiíCj possessing also the peculiar merit of act ing as a powerful agent in relieving Congestión or Inflammatinn of the Liver and Visceral Orgíins, and in Bilious Diseases. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, SaltRheum, Hlotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carhuncles, worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas. Itch, Scurfs, Discoloratlonsof the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carrïed out of the system Ín a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vltlated Blooil wheneyer you find its impurities bursting tlirough the skin Ín Pimples, Kruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it wlien it is fout ; your feelings will teil you when. Keep the blood pure. and the health of the system will follow. Grateful I honsands proclaim Vinegar Bittrrs the most wonderful Invigoraut that ever sustained tlie sinking system. lin. Tape, and otlier Worma, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Says a distinguished physiol ogist: Thereisscarcely an individual upon the face of the earth whose Ijody isexempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon tlie diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelinitiitics, will free the system from worms like these Bitters. niechanical Diseases. Persons engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, will lie subject to paralvsis of the Bowels. To guard against this ta'ke a dose oWalker's Vinkgar Bitters once or twice a week. as a Preventive. ■{Minus, ld uiitt ni, and Intermittent Ptvers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivera throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland. Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Peari, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and man y others, with their vast tributarles, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusoal heat and dryness, are invariably accornpanied by extensive derangements of the stomacli and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are akvaysmoreor less obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stom&ch, and great torpor of the bowels, being cingged up wíth vitiated accumulationíí. Tn their treatment, a purgativa, exerting a powerful infltience upon these vanous organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walkek's Vinrgar Iïittiïrs, as they will speedüy remove the dark-coiored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stiinulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring ttie healthy functions of the digestive organs. Scrofuln, or liins's Kvil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysi pelas, Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofuknis liiflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, Wai.krk's Vinrgar Bitters have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters act on all these cases iu a similar marnier. Uy purifying the Blood tliey remove tlie cause, and by resolving away the effect s of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the affected parts receíve health, and a permanent cure is effected. Tlte properties of Dr. Wai.kbr's Vinegar Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminativa, Nutritious, Laxative, Dturetic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant. Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Iïilious. THe Apcrieiit. and mild Laxative properties of Du. Walkrk's Vinhgar Bitters are the best safe%nu.rd in all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect the humors of the fauces. Thetr Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either froin inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc. The ir Counter-Irritant influence extends throughout the system. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kidneys, correctïng and regulating the flow of urine. Their Anti-Bilious properties stimulate the liver, in the secretion of bile, and lts discharges through the biÜaryducts, and are superior to all remedial agents, for the cure oí Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, etc. Fortify tlie loily ngaiiist (linease by pnrifying all its fluids with Vinkgak Bitters. No epidemie can take hold of a system thus forearmed. The liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves are reudered disease-proof by this great invigorant. Oirections - Take of the Bitters on going to bed at ni-ht from a half to ona and one-half wi n e-g laas ful 1. Kat good nourishing food, such as beef steak, muttnn chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-dnor exercise. Tliey are composed of purely vegetable ingredients, and contain no spirit. J. WALKER, Prop'r. R.H. McDON ALD &. CO., Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal., and cor. of Washington andCharlton Sts., New Vork. SOLD BY ALL DRUGG1STS AND DEALERS. x x HURRY UP ! Alt Tl IOS wlihlag Wall Paper, Cloth x and Paper Shadcs. Hollands, Window Fixture, Coids, Taxsels. Ac, all New Styles, at Satisfactorj Pricos. by J. lt. Webster k Co., B ok -torc, Dear the KipreisOfHce. X X WASHTENAW COUNTY. l t253535 mSi Bffl OS OB9 EBB nowrypubÏÏc LU 1 EN ERAL ICU [i - i JlHCONVEYANCER LJL !!SBf f ANN ARBOR fTTÏffI "l fewrt lfrllí I1M M '.C." JTt ' Mm4 "i ■ rrp VSP HHHIlV VN tüü L t ..: . ! : 'l(li OüR ABSTRACT BOOKS! A.8 piirü;illv iudicatect above, u-e now poeted to du te. i'ln y ;it once, in ;i condensed or postad fonn, show the orlgnal ohatn and ttUnewohaiosof title. Instance, BUOh UB AUDITOR UENERATAS ÜEEDS, Kfiown ns T(ix-Tü It's, wkn-h aro vcry nutnerous in iiiif Oounty, Decrees, Contracts, Deeds ! WILLS, ScG, Als, now as well aa all of the oíd nmlischarged MortgagM n f fár bark :s 1824 whieh ure legionf. PepHdns takïüg fcitle or mortffaffea anii lieTis will remeinljer tlmt Tax-Tiilrs mul other óollatcritl muiters are not found in the uh.uiI mode of s'-arch by Indexen at the llefirister'ii ottief. 'Itie b(Mks or lioen in the Rerister's ofliöe have becomoso numcruus and voluminous thut long" time is nrconifliilj required even to muke ii hfirtly and uureliable neurch. With our t'aeilitlea we say fco the public tlmt we can show them title and Title Uistovy, Deeds, Mortgagea, Asinmonts, T)isoh;iivi?s,-p., ne oorröetly, quicker and in hfttcr [r thau au y other office in the ('ounty. We have MONSY TO LOAN ! On Rond and Mortgagorn long: time. REAT ESTÁTE Soldorexchaöfed. HOITSEfi TO REKT. 88 arree opposite the Obsoi v:ttoiy tor siüe in lots tosuit iurROOT & LEITER, ücül Bátate Agenta, N'o. 1. Ovcory Block, Tkacv W. Root, and oppoaite the Pofctottiee. UhaklkbA. Leiteb. Hlitf 'DERMADOR Cood lor JTIan.- Inflammation of all kinds, Diphtheria, Womirts, Bruipcs. Burns, Sprains. lihcumatism. Soro Throat. Swclling of the Glands, In. flammation of the Ejes. Broken Breaet, Frost Bites, Chilblains, Piles, Bec Stings, and all Sores. (Jood for Beat.- Presh Wonnds, Galls, Poll Evil, Sprains, Brutees. C'racked Heels, Ring Bone, Wind Galls. Spavins, Sweeney, Fminder, Lameness. Pand Cracks, Scratches, or Orease, Mango, Horse Distempcr. Tlii trnly woinlorlïi! l.í n iniont was aiBCOvered by HOMKR ANDEKSON, A.M., late Professor of Chemistry and MathematicR in the Clinton Liberal Instituto, of Oneida County, N. Y. ín experimenting for the purpose of making Prnif ie Acid. by uniting the independent gaseous bodietof which it ia composed, a resuluum Was left, which, on bein apviu,. t. i.iuUoH ana iTinjimi ri, viy tii nt?iint9 of the Instituto, was found to possess the remarkable property of cooling down and carrying off the iullammation and soreness at once, and restoring the parts toeoundness and healtli iii t few hours without pain or irritaüon. It is nol a tieatliig Ijliiiiiirnt, hut acts l)y its peculiar speeino or chemical qualities in disoolviug and seftttering the soreness and inftammation of the injnred part. ííy a free application, the red Hurfacc soon becomefl cöol,moist and natural, and is restored to natural health without 6uppuration or destruction. As a E.iniiii. ni for Horse Fleshiforthe rnre of aU the ailnients named above, we challenge the woriü to tind it eijual. Price 25 & 50 cents per bottle. D. RANSOM, SON & CO,, Propr's, BUFFALO, S. Y. St-e notice in local column. f II THE GREAT ALTTRATIVH AN'D argAj BLÜOD PUKIFIKE. H It Ï3Dotaquack nostrnra. Tiie I flA I ingrodioQis ure publislied -n each l y J bottle o fmeiiicine. Itisuseluad ■B recomm en ded b v Phyuiciuus FH wherever it bus been iuiiJ .eed, K Mij It will positively cuie HsceoFOLfi IA WmJ hindred diseasea, VIIEUMABï.V, WHITE SWELLING, Ui;': GOITRE, BRONCniirlïV. NEUVOUS DEBILITr, % JkIXCU'lE.T CUSSl'itl'TiON B I Bnd al] diseases ai'ising t'rom an U H jrupurr condition ot' the Blood, YLjmegBi ■'"' !l r ourRoSADALis Almanac, ■ in which you will tind certifícate? llllr1: reliable and trust-worthy V Bpiiysiciaris, Ministers of the Gos■ pel, and others. nOBB Dr. II. Wil -on Carr, ni' BaltiH mare, says lro has used it in cases of H Sero fula and other diseases with much H satis iaction. WB " Dr. ï. '. Pugh, of Baltimore, rc__Hcotnmends it to all persons sufferinff HfMd with diseased Blood, saying it is supe■H H i;ior to any prepara tiori líe hawever used H S I Hev. Babney Ball, of theBaltiI DB move M. E. Conference South, say3 I he has been so inuch benefitted Dy ■f HH tsuse,thathecheerfullyrecommënds EQSB itto allhis friends and acquaintances. gr H raven & Co., Druggists, at GorI ta ■ aonsville, Va., say it never has failed L_B to cive satisfaction. Bl Sam'l tJ. íltl'ndden, Murírees■F" J boro', Tennessee, says itcured him of fl Rheumatism when al 1 else l'ailed. THEEOiADALISIN C0NÍ4ECTIQNWITH0UH will cure Chills and Fever, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia etc. We guarantee Robadai-Is superior to all other Blood l'uriflers. Seud for Descriptive Circular or Almsnac. Addiess, CLEMENTS & CO., 5 S. Commerce St., Baltimore, Ui. Eemember to ask your Druggist forRosADAt-n. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, A perfect hair dressing1- not a dye ■ nor a restorative, but a dressing, elegant f" -t-"H ttn' eeo nomioal. a STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE is eooling to the acalp, imparts a deliffhtful sense of vitality ' und süftuens Ut HSP" the hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, swt.tly perfumea and limpid. rendéis the huirsupIilfund ■- - ilreuscB it in any H"- H dcHircJ STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, entirely vegetable oil, prevent that drynesa of sciilp W h i o h i n causeo dandrutf p1--.- 1 to auoumulate. " J""""1 i. STEARNS' GOCO-OLEINE nontains in unelarge bottle more oil and more perfume - - . than any other li a i r dresaing in marltet, and I I besides ia sulti tweiity-flve per cent. less than moat otliera. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE brifilitonfll)londehair,darkensaub f-m urn hair, renders UistrouH brown and black - hair, lessens the harshness of coarsiï Imir. STEARNS' COCO-OLÏINE Ití MADE ONLÏ BY FKEDEEIOK STEAENS, - CHEMIST, ; DKTKOIT, MICH. f Rold cverywhere. Be sure and get the Genuiiu Coco-Oleine. Let no one palm oíf onyou a bottle of woine clifMp and worthlffn iraitation of 'ocol. in.. There are more than twenty counterfeit of it now sold, put up a mar like the geuuine uu the makerd dare uud tvadu tlie law. T IVE ÖEESE FEATHJÍRS PIBSTQTJALITT , Conel 1 on hand aud for saleby BA CE Sr ABEL. ARGUS BULLETIN ! WANTED 2000 NEW SUBSCRIBERS AVANTED. More Morchants and Business men, who knowing their own nterests will advertipe in the Arous. GET YOÜR BILL-HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS, At the Arg;us Office. GET YOUR BALL, CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, At the Argus Office. OET YOUR LAW BLANKS, LAW BR1EFS, LAW RECORD 5, PROGRAMMEE AT THE AROUS OFFIC . New Type, Best Presses, Good Wo 'kim ïi. AND REASONABLE HM CES! HT A WOED TO THE WISE. SX-1860-x ÍS PUREF.Y A V" T.7ABUS PREPABATIOÏÏ, comL po ■díimplyuíwc l-knownROOT8, HERBS id FR UIT 5, combine d witli oth( r prupertics, hich i ttieir natuo aie Cftütarflo, Aperient, N;i.itioiis. Dturetlf, AJteratlv anl Anti-IUlüou. The vholei i pr ne ved iu a exifficif-ut qttanttty of spirit t;ni ■ . t_A L C VNiíi tu Jtuep tktm ia auy 'timatc, wbiu-u makestbe FLáMTATION Bitters ju. o f let"pbïo TonifM mrl Catharti ut .11'-! rtj id. 'i 'ii'-y are inteuded atrictly as a ïenserancö Bitters nh tobeuBed aa a medicine, aud alwdya according j" ú irfeotioits. ie., are the uheet-ancbor of ti a fcettla and debili■ l. 'J'hey aetupon a dlteásed Uver, aud stiimilato .-n ': a cl f:iee that a healthy atin in at once ai t bout. As a remedy to wbi.b Wiimtn ■ - : :■■ ui. prbjertit ia supertridiiw everyother .tr.üinit. (.1 b t pring ai til Sum dowr Tonic ie" h ve 110 tqual. They are o. n;ill and geotla urgativv i-i woli as Toiiic. Tiiey Ptuify rlie }ïlood. .iiey ure ai-plendid Apjietiser. lht-v Uüüie tbü weak rtoii; Ihey puriiy aul Í&Tlp:onUe. 'J bty cure japcj -ia. Constlpstion and H' adsrhe 'i h y actas (rjj ■ ■■ iuii.1 speciof: ot uiftonli't s wbi h i ndeiniiua .uy ..rcngUiaud break dowat bei Liltual spii'itt e ot, 53 Park Place. lew lork. ; Hathüirön Only 50 Cents per Bottle. Xt prometes the GÏIO1VTH, PRr.SKIïVES the COLOR, and inervases ílic Vigor and BEAUTV of tho ïl AI it. OVKTl ThIRTT TEARfl AGO LtON'S KaTHAIROIT TOB the Hair wiia tirst piiuiel ia the 1 by l'rut'esaor H. Tboraas Lyun, a gradúate of rrineetoii College. The name is derivel froni tho Groek, " Kathho," sig1nlfyinffto cfOMM, pur.;);, rejucenate,, ar restore, The favor i t hfis roei vod , and t he popu lari t y '. t b n 3 obtained, ia nprowdented nncl iucredible. It increasea the Ükowth and ISkai'ty of Iho IIatr. 3t is a delightful dressiiifi. ]t cr.uho a :í luii'lruíf. It prevenís thí Hair from tunniifí gi'ny. 3tleep3 the betid cool, and gïves the hair n rich, soft, plossy appearuuee. Itis tba BAMK Ín ClUANTlTY 1111,1 QOAIJTT ílSltVO lOVd :i UCABTERof a ('emíiuv Afo,A!nl issoldbyiill DriíggjatBaad Country Stores at only l-'ifty Cents íloítle. KWnan's Glory is fler Hair. LYON'S ATHAIRON THE BABCOCK HOOK & LADDER TRUCKS Kquipped with B;iboook Fire üxtingniahers, Exten Biou tiud Soaüuff Ladders, Grappling Huoks uu Chaina, Buoketa, LftnteriiB, Pike Polea, l'ike Axea Ar?., ifcc, weiííhiny lesn than 1,000 ïbs.; easÜy handled hHiidsomely anished, asd fford the neatefit proteo tioD ut less expenso tlmn any truck in the market Juat wli at every Fire Department wants. The Buboock Fiic Enginea and Fire Extinguishers we shtíAi valuable property all over the country. Send for their reird, R.T. BARMil, Gen.Allt, 11S Woodwurd Ave., Detroit Mamifiictnrer of Iron, Copper and lirnsy Wirc Wlre Oloth, Boltlng Cloth, Ban Mili Stones, Brooiu Wire and Twine, ('opper Weather Vanea, Win Connt i' Ralltng, Wlre Pccciog and DruttmentaJ Wirt; Work. UlOyrl OUT YOT7E MOXEY WIIEREITWILL DO THE MOST OOOXD A. A. TERSY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS! IN THE LATE8T 8TYLE8. QUALITY AND PRIOE8 TO DK F Y CO M I E TITIO IV, AI.SO, A PÜLL LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Ï3F Cali heore pwchasivff. IS Sotti liam Street. iJg ""-"-" I II ■ .11.11-1 (ohlsiiiiíh's Bryant & Stralton BU3INES UNIVERSITY. Buainempnetisalb tauplri afterUx aennlinc bvue ystem. Book and businem pnpera re written up rrom trnctioní oriifinutins fcom rtoitig buslnesj withthevHrionsBu-iTiMHHoiiM, Offlcw, Boaid oi irnde, BnDkH, &o., i-oini--tf-l wiih tli.. iiiititnliun. 1 lp,-,.-,.,,,i „K „ ,.,,., , „viDiffiill particular. AddrcMj. II. (olukmith, Presirlent, Detroit, Mi,-li. W. P. HBAMPS & CO., PlmiT Meixíhants 03 vooiititgix:i: nthi;kt, Corner Shelby. lil'l J:OIT, MICH Choíce Ryeand Minnesotn Flours tor Baker.' uea pecialty. Ríe Brick, all lliHpes and itera, from .Jersey and Ohioclay. Fouudry Fadnga and Suppliea. A.. IC. SABIN, Flo";.r & Grain Com. Merchant AT WATER STBEST . iBetween Grkwold mil Bhelby,) DETHOIT. lar Liberal avdanoea made upon consignmeBfai. "ïa JOHN ii. vi:mi.i,i. a vo. I'O.MMISHION MKJ'.rHANI's IN Flour, (írain, Pork & Seed 0F9IOK am VAHFlltrsi: Ñus. :m, :2, ;"4 and 66 Woodbrídire Street West, DETROIT, M10H. Bí?" Liberal advuncea made upan cODsignments. iA BOILER WORKS All kinds of Boiler mul Sheet Iron Work dono to order. All Boilers tevted previona 10 lcavmn the shops. OomiH'tciit men kept tt do repttiTS. TubM tuki'ii out)pierced. and reaet. OM botien and tubes bÓught or tüken m exchange. J. Se T. IVTcOri-KCrOR, 83 Aluattr Streel, til T Kuil'. Tliroat and Lhiiíí Iiistitute Foi the cure ot" Cfttarrli. Throat DieHea, As(hm;i, Brenchitia and 'onsmnption. Nu. 1 ASIM.WVAiJ-TKlIHACK, MACOMB AVE. If poBeible c;ill persontflly tor n exaiLinatlofk, otherwisfí tiend tor cintilai . Addresfl W. Qiltom Wü.i.iams, !L !)., l'rop'r. Tl T l [ Business C'ollege, I Olí iniIT I College Journal, MOTüfí Bo -1""" 1IJ.UJ 11U I! (Business Prai-tice. "TUI, lli;sr' Por Journal ffivtoï full information dí' College, Hookwund Bnnneea Praotice. Addiess 1KA MATHEW, Detroit, Mich. Marble, Marbleized Slate AD IKOiV IHA.WTIES, All leading stylee and pattems. With evt-ry variely ■ ! .nmum'iitnl ;ind iliiin cnamoled GRATK8. A-ient fof " Sfring. patent tirt'-pliic";-,.'1 Stnd foi deaeriptive oirciilar. I". A. BiLLINÖM, 2íl Woodbri.Ve Bt., Detroit. Mortgage Sale. DKFAUI.T Inning been mude in rlie cinidkion ui ii leriniii fnortgaRe itiftite Hnd exenatf tl bj Klijuh V. Morpttn ana l.uvy W. s., bis wite, of Aun Arboi City, Michigan, .u Persia L. Tuttlft nt ieneu, New York, ön tenfh dayof December In the year of out Luiil üiie th'tuui(l eighi hnnn'n'd and sixty-nine, md recoided in the ttegiater's i ïfttev, Wtjshtemiw County, Mi.-hiu.iu. on the tt-ntli day of Decomber, A. l). 186, at S o rlurk 1'. AL. &t BaU u'ay, in liber 41 of mort gties, on ■'■j, íind t luit i hri'c is now cbiiuied fco be due irpon saM mottRage md bond iteeompim intr sane thia -iuu of -vcuteen byudred and eventv dolliii auu thirty-foui cents, mIho ;t ieisonable aolicitor'a 01 ;itt omey'a Pee slionld mbj? proceedngg W laken to torecloae mió mortae; nucí no proceediugB in law or in etjulty hnvtng been liad to reoorer taiö sum of mmey or an pait thereof: N'nw, tiieipfoiL', potice is hereby given taal b virtue ot fi powet of saie in BHÏd uxirtetige tontained, 1 shall ell at public Haetion lo the liiyliest bidder, on the tiiu-t mli day i N overo bei nrxt. at 'i u'clock 1'. M. oi ■Miid Jiiy, ai the front duorof theCouit Boupe,to the eity of a mi Arbor, oouoty Btor8iiid (ht belnfi the place of holding the (Üicuit Cuurts fioi s;iid oountyj all ihose parotiU of taud known ;tinl dertcribed as luts Xo. six, Beven, t-ilit. nlne, ten &nd elevf n, md Loto No, nifieteen, twenty, twenty-one, i utíii t y I wo, t weit ty-t Uree and twenty-t'oiii in bloek Hvtr south in l'aiiiit.' fOUT rast. and o. .six, svcn, rihi, Fourteeu, áfteen, sixteen, seventeen, sihtemi and nineteen in block ftve soul h in rangre flve cast in the rity vt Ann Arbor, ir; the Btftte oi Micliigan. Axumat Loth, 1873 PERSIS L.TTTTTLE, Mortgagee. tToHV N. (to'i't, Atiui nt' tui Mortfmpee. u:ïii In Chauuery. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Föurth Judicial Circuit, lu 'haneery. Snit pending iu llie Circuit Court for the county of WasMenaw, in Chanoery, at Ann Albor, tlit.s twenty-sixth day of August, a. d. 1873, wherein -arah Jane MÜoa i complatoani; andOeorge Miles is 1 etend int. It aattefactorily nppeai ing 5y attidavit thnt the said deïtndaiit. Geotfre Miles, is a resideni ot this State; tluit procesa for bis appeiirance has been duly issiied, and thai the same could not b served by reason of his absence trom, or eonccaJiueiit wit liin, the Stnte : On raotian of Cramer & Öranger, oücitori" for comprulñññt, it is uröered that the said deiendnnt, Geoxw Miles, appeui and answer tlie bill of eoanplaint tik-d in uid oauae, withiQ tliree moxfctha trom the date ot' this order; and in det'auit thereoí that tl e said hiil be takru as confessed I the aaid defenditnt. And it is further ordered tita this ordei be pabliahed within twenty daya nfter dn tn the Mf hünn Argut oewspapei printed in sa county. ind that said publicution be oontiziaed in sai paper once in ech week for bix weeks in sueceesion ; or that the said eompl1na t canse iioopy of this order to be peixmally eived on the said defendfint, Geoi-ge Miles, at leasi twenty days leiore the time above prwcribed for hie ttppemauce. Aun Albor, August 28, 187S. J. F. I.AWRENOE, One of tho ('ii-onit ('ourt ('omniisMtoners Wnahtenaw ( 'ouniy, Miehiyaa, Cbameii & Gbangeb, Policitora for Complataaat. I44$w6 Chiincery Order. TATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuí lo ('hnneery Snit pending in the Circuit Oom tbr the County of Wnshtenaw, in Chancery, nt Au Albor on ttie sixth day of September, a. i. 1873 Lonisa Dillon comploiuant, s. Henry inllon defen luut, Divorce. It iippeiirinsf by aöidaviton tile in taj cause thut the Bflla defenaant, Henry Dillon. is resident of this State ; process tor nis appearanc ms been duly issued and that the sime could not be servèd by reaon of Mfi continned absence from In pli)o of residente, on mntioo of . A. Critchett iolicitor for pnid complainant, it is ordered tha aaid defendant cause liis appoarance to be entere( n said aause, within tlire0 months from the date o this order; and in detault tlieit'of that the bilí o omjihiint flled thtiein be taken as confessed ttfjiiins kim. And it. is fiuthr ordered that in case of sau lefendtmt's nppearuBce. lie cause his ansverto th omplaiDant's bill of oonipluint to ue ftled and ; opy thereof tobe served on the ooxapiaiBanfa #o icitur withln twenty daya alter service upou Iiim o oopy of the said bill aud noticeof this order, aix n defaiiH thereof that snid biU be laken as opofeasw y bina, the said defendant. And it is furthev or ered tnat within twenty days from thje date, th omplainaiit cause this order to be pubUabed in tlu tichigan Arpug, s neTrspnperpublishea in said county nd that the publioation thereof be 'ontiuued ouc n eaoh week for si; snoeeseive weeke thereafter r that she i'unse a tpy theof to be penon,ally servet n said defendant, at leasi twcnty days befbve tin imt' RDore preaoribed tor lii appearauce, September (, 187.5. J. F. LAWRK1ÏCE, Oircuil Court CommisaiQner, Waahtenan County Miohlgan, O. A. CiiiTL'HKTT, Solícito for CompUinant. Utów6 OPE1NX3 BULLETIN ! I. J. JIÏKII. HATTER! TTus turned hls back upon Winter und oponed liis Btock ot SPRING GÜODS! tsdnding al] Eh lateul rtylet of Hats and Caps ! O E X T S ' FURNISMKG (JOODS, &c. whicli maal be ao!d. GOÖDG00DSANDLOWPRICES ]s the word tO paai aloog ih line. 7 Suuth Vla in t., A mi A ibor T WELLING HO USES tuR SALE A large íind very whII built briok house with two or more lots. Two larve framed houses. Also a ffood lised brick house and framed house; and a naai] rnrae house ou a noodlot, ín tended forádding a front. or sale on fair tetms and a reasouable oredlt. Alsoother buildings, lots, and propL'rty. nONüV WAITISll -í-'o many wihhing to orrow mnney vpplj to me that I on readily pbtain or Ir-wffs good satísfaotory invesLiuents at ten per ent. interest. E. W. MORGAN. Ann Arbor, Aüril 23. 1873. 14SSlf Mortgage ale. WHKREAS James I;. st.]fe and m , of the townrinp or Manche, .? Scl, Whten.w ,and StutSof )],! „"iï' ' dayot Jnly.ii, the year of 'out I ',i , f'teenth Wht hnndred and reventy, executSi a ""n„ Charlea .). BoweU, oí t),r. ,,., x ,' , M;„,„i New York to secure Úk paym'nt "'" ri?dpal .„„I interes! money ,',,,, ' " " ter oí Deed in said oounty, on the i, ti. ut,A D. 1870, at 2 o-doek P.M 1 ,', '',' y "' '1;'f'f''lf', on pafe 301 , rt ;ífly' lelanJl h., Wen made formo' e tl,„u tl, , " hepayment ot au in.stalliuentot uid intereJ -l whicl, beeame due on the flfteenth diyöf ; m by reakon whersot and puwuant to i ?.', " ot sid mortage said mortgagee hereby ule ' ,i "(" mioh of wiï principal a., ïnpaldf íth Vfi irrearaiesof tateiest thereon, shaU becomed? ' payableimmediately nd herons there U , "' obedueandunpaidon8aidmortgBet Í, '"A hiHnot.oe.thesum of tw., tbousnd ,i„ , '",''■ and fortyiight dollar tor principal i taïf also J attorney' fee of forly dollars s hr, H '' pioceedinff.JH! taken tofure.;lo aid morS j io uit orpraeeeding having been in.tituted eiH nlawor equity to recover the same ()1 anv , f thereof: líotioe is therefore hereby siv,„ tU'"' the flfteenth day of N ovember next ,'a lock ?n tT i!term,on at tl.t front door of the Coort Hm. ïi thentyof Ann Afhor, oounly kforetaid Mliat 1,,., he buüdtog in which the Circuit Coun for - ,i S tyis held), and byvinue of the powet ol .; . ' " talnedin aaid mortgage, [ shall nel) at public tothehigheat bidder ïhe premisea deseribed n mortijatre to aatisfy the amount of piimii„l ',Z terest ahovedaimedasdue, with the ohaw and uttorney's fee of forty dollar : AH piecea or pwcels of l„„d sitúate! n the t.un-Vi, Manche.tCT, county of Washtenaw. „„ '. " Michigan, knoro, bonnded and desoñbed as i to wit : Bemg the northeast quarter of the soul inarterof section numbn foui f4;, aU the west, ,uarter of the .ontheaat qnaner of sajd '' ,; number tour fexcept the lighta and privilege mnf edtothe Miclugan Bouthern and Northern iK Railroad Company), alao the uontheast onart. ' northeast quarter of aaid H,t„„, nun.ho ,!, (lutha followinfr desejibed land towit: beo easterly ten chaina and fourteen links rrom the weat oornerof the eaat half „f the „orll, „„ northweat quarter of eection number tl, e,, tlP northerly twenty-flve chains, thence , cham, thejee nntherly t.nty-ftve „l,,,,,!; thence weaterly four chaina and fonr links plane of besinning the last description contain h ten aerea, the whole of the above d arnounting to one hundred and flíty aerea; al til snutheaat ter of the Mmtheaat Quartei of hm seotion numher four U), exeept foni-twn acres hm tofore deeded to Laman Stevens, all in townshrn f.nir wuthof rnnge number tbreeenat, is said '„„,,.,„, Waahtenaw. ■ Dated, Auiruat 15. 1873. ( 11 Alil.KS .T. HOWEt.I,, M(,i! John N. Oott, Atty . for the Mortgagee, Mortgage Silc. WHEREA8 John (Jlair und Kliza Clair of tlie city of Ann Arbor, County oí Washtei 8Ute of Michigan, on the ttnth öaj Oi Juiy Ul ■ ; year of our Lord oue thousaud eight httndred ai seventy-one, exeeuted a iu Chai Howell.of the city ot New York, to secure the tot ment oi eertain piineipal and interest money ill.'n in nieirtioned, which mortgage waa reooided in th office ot the Regitt-r oi' ].-,,} In :: Vïislittnaw, on the tventy-aeventh day oi ,iuh a 1). 171, it 5:2ö oYloek in the aittrnoon oí aaid dav in liber 44 of mortgages on page 742; aad, w] default has been mado tor more than thirty tho paymeni of au inatallmentoi aaid interest monev which l'fcaiiie ttiui on liii-1 dy oí January A ' 1h;;í; by reafttm whereul and pursuant to the tenu ofsaid mortgHge, said mortgageehereby electa that muoh of Baid principal ;is remaina aniiaid with aliar reniageeof interest thereon, éhall become di payable Immediately ; and, wliereaa, there is to lic dut and unpaid ou ,-,-,iiii mortgHge at the date oí ibis notk'e two tnousand fewo bundrecl and I . ihree dollars and thirty foor cents, tor princi] interest money, alao un attorner'a fee oi ritt y dollniv should any prooeeding be taken to foiecli mortgane, and no suit oi pioooedinga hnving i gtituted eitberin law or equity to recuvei the ■ any pan thereoi; Notioe ie thereioithat oo the fifteenth Aaj of Novena bei next, o'clock in the afteinoon ol that day, at the hoi ot' the Oourt House, jn the city of Afin ! couuty, [tht being the builüins in wbicli tin i Court for said County of Hasntenuw i li, , by vntueoi thepowerof sale contfiined in eage I símil peü at public auotion to Üi dei, premises deacribed in Baid inórtngc . i ihe aiuount ot principal artdinterejt nbovi as due, wtth the ahanrea of snob saie and u ney's fep of fifty dollars : All tbone eeitniD pii parcela of laad sitante and beiogin the Cotmti ..' tVtwhteiiAW nul State of Miohigan, and desoii t'ollows to wit: being a par) of lot oumbei bluck numbertwo f2) noith of Huron nu tri bei fotu f4j east, In the city f Ann Ai f StAte Hforeflaia, described na foilows to wil mexuñag on tbe aoutb line of said lot thirty-oi and neven inche.s eaet of the BOUth-wtat cornei .: said lot, runnrng theuce eaut on the soutïi said lot twelve feet and tive incbea. thenc parallel with the east line of unid lol sevei thence west parallel with tlu í-outli Une of smd lot twelve feet and rive inches, tbence runoíng aouth parallel with the west of Baid lot .. v.-n roda, ti the place of bpinnin ; Also lors No. fl), two f2), tjhreeO?, fuur (4j aad five in bloek "C,1 by and Page's addition to the city of Ann Arbor, w uordinfi to the reeórded platihereof. August ut, 18:;;. UHARLE8 J. llox-'Morl John X. Gott. Attoniey forMortgagw Mortgage Sale. WHKREAS Wright K. Mills aud Clariaia L Sillín, of the townshrp or Manchet ter, oouot] of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, ontlieüí' teeuth du y of December, A. 1). L871, exe mortgága to Charles J. Huwell, of the eitj Vork, to seouve thepayment oí ceitam principal and interest money mentioned, whieh m was reoorded in the ónice oi Register ui 1' the county of Waahtenaw and :nijc oj Mi ou the eighth day of Jnmiary, A. l), 1872, al P. M. in 1, i2; Ami where&s, ■ has heen antao for more tii:iii twenty days inthi püyment of n instalment of said hiten st mom beoame due on the fint dy oí Januar) , A. ! by reaaon whereof and pnrsuRtit to the term! mortgage, said moitgngee ftlecta that bo much ol atö piincipul aa reniiüns ucpaid with all anv i interest theveonshall become due and paj ab dnitely: And wbereae there is chuxbeu to ht due and unpaid at tho düle of this notice the su thoiiHiind six hundrud and dollars and uinety-two cents for principal ana lut ■ dollars 'is ;i reasonsble solioitor orattorney fet therefor in addition to all other legal CoutB, fta ny prooeediogs ïstnkeuto Soreclose either by virtue of the above power oí sale m cíian cery or in any other marnier piovided by lam no snit oi prooeodinga having been iestituted ei bei in luw or equity to recover the aam e or any part thereof; Notice therefure ia hereby given, Saturday, the eixth day Of December sext, al tfl o'clock in the aitei-mxu of said day, at the soutJ door of the Court House, in the city ot A nu Arbor fthat the building in whioh the Circuit tourt for the county of Washtenaw, und State aloiewtid D hcll,) nnd by virtue ot' the power oí sale contaiiudin said mort g ft ge, I slmll sell at public inction to the hig-hest bidder the premisos desrribed h said mort' g-iie, to sntisfy the amount, of principal and int) rwt elaimed to be JTie, with tee of nl lars and charges of sale to-wit: All those cvrtain pieces or pareéis of land sitiiated in the township of Alunche.ster, county of WastiicriHw, and Rtate -i Michigan afoicsaid, known, bounded and di as follows, to wit: Beiiif? tibe east half of the enst quarter, und the northeast qimitfr of thesoutheawt quarter, of Ht'Clion number thxrtv-"ne ( ing one and a half üciesot the lust above di pieee ot land?; alao the northeist quarter ol tï southwest quiirter of section number thiri: ï fitst half of tlie southenst quarter of eeetion ui thirty, 3") (exoeptlng aixty aerea trom thenorthend of the last above described piece of liiud): abwU that ptirt of the west half of the northweat of seotion nuniler thirty-two which lies aoutli center of the hiffhwsy above mentioned, ai fi om the west side of the northeast quarter of thi BOUtbwest quaxter of said section, the two last par■els of land on section thirty-tu o containró six and a half acres of land, and bing the Btun leeded by Oliver Nickols and his wife to George UIatthews m the spring of lStïil, al] in Lownship innner four south of range mini her three east, and BW aining in all two hundred and twenty-flve acwa oi and. September lOth, 1X7S. John N. Goit, CHARLES J. H0WE1 I Attorncy for Mortgagee. Morí Mortgage Bale. DEFAULT hfiving buen made in the oonditionsd a eert ui n mui 'tL'iiyi' oxecuted on the second d ■ ' November, A. D., 1K(Ï, by Elijah W, Morgau aad juey W. H, Morgan, bis wife, ofrAnn Arbor, Micbi'au, Co EdwaidL. Boyden, a's administrado] aanC. Goodale, late of Washtenaweounty, di ml John Henley, of said ooofity, and recorded il-1 ame doy in the óiitco of tlie Register of D he cuunty oí' Waahtenaw, Michigttn, in Libei 41 nl nortgftges, on page 378, :ind tlie undiyided half (I aid mortgage wam duly assiuved by snid Edv !oj len, adininiöLiutui oí the estáte ui' Noim:ui C. foodale, decoased, to Amanda M. K. Gtodttle, whid aid ubsi'iinu-nt btmrsdate the fifth duy of Nol 870, and is KOOTded In said Begiater's office, iii Libf' umbertwo oi Assinments of Horiages, i i 4( ; UpOO wliit-h lunrtgiige theie Is ohuiiu-d to t tlie date of tliis notiee, fwo thousand two hundred nd sixiy-iunr déllaM und seveuty oeota, for pi i nd interest, and alao a reasoiiüble attoruey1 loviilfd in sitid iDortape liotild proceedinga 1 aken to foreclose the same, and noprocedings harini eentakenat luw or in equity to recover the ai ue or imy part thereof ; TherefoK notice is iven tlmt tiy viitue of tlie power of sale eontaii ad mortgage. and pursuaot to the statute insucl ise niadt) and provided, on Saturday the Ütteentl' ayof November, A. D., 1873, at ten o'clock reuoon of that day, at the south, or front door (d leCourt House, in the city of Ann ArOor, tbatbe ng t)ie place where the ( iicnit Court tor the i o Waahtenav is held, there wijl besold to the hightst )idder tin premises described in aaid mortgage, iuch as raay be nnommiry to satisfy the amount c ue a utoresttid, and interest and oost nnd expenwj Iowed by law, tor the advertisement and Bala ■ jremises, exeepting the sonth half of lot niunUi fiy i block nuiuber three south in range three i ie ciiy of Ann Arbor, Michigan, wlneh haa been '■ ■ eaaed f rom said murtgageby a release executed 1(y ohn Henley and Amanda m. P. (ioodale to I . Moi'ííun ond dated the llth dayof August, 1373iat part oí thepreniisin desciibed in said mOJ bich wil! be soid at the time and place aforesaia ñX escribed as follows, to wit : Ah thone pareéis oj and known and deheiiln-d as lotfl number one Tlt two, and the south nine feet in width of lot numl1 tlirce in block number two north, in range mimi' hr.-f BftSt, nnd also Iota number four and the BOrtB üalf of lot numborfive, in block nnmber three sonth. n range three east, in the city of Aun Arbor, Michl Dated August 20, 1873. JOHN HBNLEY, Mor" AMANDA M. F. ÖOOD Assifnee of an undivided half ot said Mortiï8' IX. R. Pbazeb, Att'y for Mortgagee and Assignt14401(1. Estato of Gottfrey Miller. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County ut Washii n:n -: At a sesnion of the Probate Court tor the Cour.ty of Vashtonaw, holden nt the Probate Office, in ' ' city of Ann Arbor, .on Wednesday, the fom day of May, in the year ons thousand eight hundrw and seventy-three. Present, Nuah W. ('heever, Jndire of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Gottfrey Miller. deceased. . On readinff and fllinfr the petition, duly venlie'l. "' John (J. Miller, praying that an ndmimstrator m-i) be appointed on the estáte of said deeeased. Thereuponit ia ordered, that Mondny, the thirfeenl day of üctober next, ut ten o'clock in the forenoM be iissigned for the hearing of said petition, """ that the heirs at law of snid det-eased,aud all otherp1" aonsintarested in aiil estáte, are requiredtoapimiriit' tession of said Court, then tu be holden at the Proost Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show rause, my there be, why the pruyer of the petitioner lot be p-anted : And it is further ordered, thut wjj petitioner aive notice to the persons interested ín sul estáte, oi the pendency of said petition, and the Do" np thereof, by cnuxingr a copy of this ordci ti mWished in the Michigan Arints. a newspaper.piu!"1 and oirculnting in said county, three successh e wee" ■evious to said day of hearinp. (Atrnecopy.) XÜAH W. CHEEEK, 1 U43 Jute of Probate.


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