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BÏÏSINESS DIREOTOBY. i{.Vi:it GRANüüH. Attoraey J l,:iw, Alm AxbOT, Micli. F'HA'f.V.n. IfAKRIitlJfV A: HAiWIIrOlV Lttorneyaal Law. Omoe No 7 uid 'J .South t:iin rtreet, Aun Ariwr, Mioh. NH. í (H.i:. Dealer in CoU wlthFitcii . &Obast, over Slwson & Sons' Store, Cor., poortfa mu Harón st. I-, j{ i-n-,s TIlATrif UK, Attoraey nnfl 'i Counselor ut I..iw, Ño. 8 Ent Humn Streot, An# Arbor, Micb. 1386 ' ARIIOlt HlMilSAL, SPRINÍ5S. Monis Hale, M. I).. Brawrlntondent. OlHce ia bulldlnz, corner Maiin and wes( Iliinin Street. W I1VES A WORDKX, 20 Sonth Main strest, Ann Arbor, Mlch-, Wholesale and retall da.ü■ inoiU, Carpeta and (Jroi-eric". -ii Y:K SC1IMI1, Iealer iu Dry Goodt yi tírocerles, Ürockery,&c. No. 54 SoutB Main 8twet. r II. JACKW. Dentlst, ineceuor to C. B. W Porter. Office coraer Main and Hurón rtreeta ni'cr the store of R. W. Rliis & Co. Ann Arbor, nesthetlcBaffminiBterccl if required. n J. JOHJfSON, Dealer in Hats and Caps, Vi Pars, Straw Qooda. Gents1 Furnishing flooita, r. No 7 Sonfch Main street, Ann Arbor, Bich. I-I-IIKKI.AM de ta'BFJION, Life ana pirelnurince Asrènts. ftnd déftleraiu Real Estafe. on Hnroo Streel BWÍI & AB1Í1-, Dealers In Dry Goode . Grocerios, Ac &c.,No -i y onth Main Street, Auo Irbor. LAW8OPI A' Grocera, Provisión and Oommission Merchaut, and dealers in Water . „..I.aini PlasU-r, and PlanU'r Paris. No. 18 Enst HuroT; Btreei r H. WA1ÏEK, Dealer in Riidy MaderiothV ing.'-'lotbs Casslmére, VestfneB, Hats, Cape, Tronk, Oarpet Bags, &c 21 íonth Main street. M-OAH W. CIÏEEVEK, 'attoeney at law ! Üilewith E. V. Morgan, Kact sidcofConrt Home Square. 1:iS1 y e. i iitli. KiniiM. -v SueoesBor (o C. C. Jenkin. ,-' N i 1 1 O 1 ! S ( ) X Í d Gus admitiisterod !_., - wlit'n necessary. 1 " OtÜCC OVIT . ƒ R.-i.-h & Abel's V ■uro. ': Xo.2 South Man, pC 3ÍIÍ8. H. J. 1L.ILTON", M. ., PHYSICiAN AND SÜRGEOK, Office and U Nb. 88 .líin Street, corner f fngqttx, Ann Arbor, Micii. SST Office hours-8 to 10 a m., aud 2 to 4 p. M.-Sï 1!, in PBor. Saoeb, Pbof. Palmeh. Uülyl ( M AÜ Lb ■- M. VVOODIi l ! Fl , Attoï Dey at Law and SOLIOITCR IN CHANCEE Y Office, Arcade Blode, Ypsilanti, ilich. C'ollections made and pi'omptly remitted. All leja. busines fuithiully uHendtd to. I43t i'EOCKEKY GLASSWAHE & GROCERIES, J. &, P ronnelly ilavcimtorealiirgestock i rocker), Glassware PlatcdWare.i ntleiy Uroccnea. &c, 4c. all to br soliiat anoBoally luw pricee Sd 12 BiSt Huron Street', Ann Arhór. llJStf JT. A I. DOXSIiLM'. TOHN G. GALL, DBAIiBB I3ST FRESH AND SALT MEATS, LARO, SAl'SAGKS, B., Orderesolicited and promptly illed with thebeat meats in the mnrket. 31 Kast Washingtonstreet Ann Arbor, Sept. Ifith, 1809. 1235tf j &7q. a. leitek . CONTINÚES TO PUT UP AND FII.L Physiciaiis Prescriptions, At all houry, at No. 1 Gi'ugory Block. CA. LEITKU & CO. AnnArbor, Dea. Md 1871, 1354 j)R.O.B. POLÏTER, DENTIST. i itlici' in the Saviugs ISauk Block. Aun Albor. &11 Operations on the Natural Teeth Performed with Care. CTÍ3CTRPASSED FACILITIES AND BXPERIENCE ISÏÏhu 4RTÏFICÏAL TEETB, ;'() CHVE IÍACH TN'DIVII.UAL, ! ntnre.ñ of the proper site, 8hapttr,olor_firmntsiHj'Hti natural ezpretgion 1244 HURRY UP ! pAItTIKS wlühing Wall Paper, fhartc-s - Hollands, Windo.v Pixtarcs, Co'ds, Taseels, &c , all Xew Stjlles. at Satisfactorj bj J. R. tv.hsiir & Co., Book Store, naai theExpiess Oflice. W. A. L0VEJ0Y, TOBAOCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuff, Pipes, fec, AT HO. 7 E.VST HUR0 STREET, Next to the Express Office, m-,tr OSI abuor, mich. $5 tO $20 p,er dft? ' Ap-nt wanTdf An eithfr „ classes of working people. of w ork ( ' y.oun or make more raoney at 52 l?r us in thelr spare moment or all the ïïareM " at nnhlng else. Particulars free wutii o, btlasoa & Co.. Forti'', Mttin


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