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Homekeeping Versus Housekeeping

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The truest homes are often in kouses not espeeially well kept, wbere the comfort and u.ippiness ot' the inmutes, rather thun the piuserviiüon ot the furniture, is firsi consuited. The object ot' home is to be the center, the poiut of tenderest interest, the pivut on which family lile turns. The first requisito is to muke it attractive, so attractive that none of its inmates shall care to linger long outside its limitSj All legitímate means should be employed to this end, and no effort spaied that can contribute to the purpose. Many houses called homes, kept with waxy neatness by painstakmg, anxious women, are so oppressive in their nicety as to exclude all home-feeling froni their spotless precincts. The very nmo of home is synonymous with personal freedom and relaxation ftom care. But ueither of these can be lelt where such a inania for external cleanlinoss pervades the household as to render everything else subservient thereto. Many housewives, if they see a speek on floor or wall, or even a scrap of thread or bit of paper on the rloor, rush at it, as if it were the seed of pestilence which must be removed on the instant. Their temper depends apon their maintenance of perfect purity and order. If there be any failure on their part, or auy combination of circumstances against them, they fall into a pathetic despair, and can hardly be lifted out. ihey (to not see that cheeriulness is more needful to homo tban all the spotlessness that ever shone. Their disposition to wage war upon uiaculateness of any sort increases until they becoiue slaves of the broom and dust-pan. Neatness is one thing, and a state of perpetual housecleaning quite anolher. Out of this grows by degrees the feeling that certain things and apartments are too good ior daily use. Henee, chairs and eofas arecovered, rooms shut up,save for special occasions, when they are permitted to reveal their violated sacredness in a manner that mars every pretense of hospitality. Nothing should bo bought which is considered too fine for the fullest domestic appropriation. Far better is the plainest ïuriiiture, on which the children can olimb, than satin and damask which must be viewed with reverence. Wherc anything is reserved or secluded, to disguise the tact is oxtremely difficult A chilly air wraps it round, and the repulsion of strangeness is experienced by the most insensible. There are few persons who have not visited houses whero they have been introduced to what is known as the company parlor. They must remember how uncomfortable they were while sitting in it; how they found it almost impossiblo to be at ease, and mainly for the reason that their hustand hostess were not them 8olves at ease. The ohildren were watched with lynx eyes, leust, they should displace or suil something ; so that the eu tertainment of frinds became very mueh like a süciai discipline. ïhey must recali, too, how sweut the fresh air seemed out-ol'-doors, and how they inwardly vowed, in leaving ihat temple ot' torm and fldgetiness, that something more than politeness would be required to incite thein to return. Home is not, a name, nor a forui, nor a rouiine. It is a spirit, a presence, a principie. Material and niethod will not, and cannot miike it. It must get its light and sweetness from those who inhabit it, f rom flowtra nd sunshiue, irom the sj-mpathetic natures wbiob, in their exercise of sympatüy, can lay side the tyruuuy of the brooni and the awful duty of endless scrubbing. - " Hume and Society" Scribner's fur Ücluber.


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