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The Corner Stone Laid

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The corner stone of the new Capítol of thu State of Michigan was laiii on Thursduy ot' last woúk. It was a calendar ilay tor thu (State and a big day for LauBÍng. The peopla responded to the invitation of ie coinuiittee and made a pilgrimage to .unsing trom all parts of the State, reminding us of what is so ïreqaently releated by the eulögiatic writer up of some political niass meeting " They came as tlio winds coine when fore ' are nsnded, The came as the winds como hen navios aro straiuled," and they filled Lansing's broad streets and avenues and vacant lots, and foraged at her hotels, restaurants, private residences, church-dining halls, and corner ginger-bread stands. Trains came in from all directions, with long linos of crowded coaches, platforms filled, and passungers on the top; and estimates of tho gatheriug in from 3ö,()()0 to 50,000. To cut the thing short : the procession was formtd or commenccd forming at about 12 o'clock, and after marching and counter-marching, up one streetand down inotber, and then reversing the order, it eached the front of tho grand stand - or is near as the solid masses would parmit - it say 3 1-2 o'clock. " It was two miles ong," " an hour in passing a given point," ' bristled with guns and bayonets," and 'brilliant with the regalia and banners :f the Knights Templar." ïhcse stock jhrases are borrowed for this occasion 3nly. It was constructed of ttn volun;eer cotnpanies and three companies of cadets; twenty-one Cummanderies of Knights - about 1200 swords, the grand odge of Masons, grand encampnient and todges of Odd Fellows, andcivic dignitaries; and twenty brass bands uuited in blowing Hail Columbia as it passed through Washington avenue aml by the Governor'a stand.


Old News
Michigan Argus