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A Nebraska Cow At British Cattle Shows

A Nebraska Cow At British Cattle Shows image
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Two or three yeara ago, J. E. Jones emigrated trom England to Canada, but foünd no farm quito to his rnind till he reached the Big Blue in Nebraska. He was too late to obtain government, land Dear Crete, and so bought an improved farm, to which he added various purchases from the Burlington and Missouri Kiver Hailroad, so that he now has an estáte of L',400 acres. To give friends at home an idea of his new purchase, Mr. J. last year shipped to Liverpool a cow raised on prairie grass and never fed with any other food This creature was exhibited in various British fairs, where she was much adinired, and afterwards brought a round sum when sold tor the benent of the poor in Wrington - the native parish of Mr. Jones. Seeing is believing. Henee every mail brings letters from John Bulls to Mr. Jones, saying that they also are determiued to try their fortunes in the unknown land frorn which he has sent such an Eshcol cluster. Some'have their capital at command, so that they can come at once ; others must wait to sell out a lease or for it to expire, but will send out boys, or friends, to make a beginning. One man asks : " Can farming tools be bought either in Crete or in Neto York f" This inquirer will see more than one car in the freight train which follows him to Crete filled with agrioulturalimplements, and in Nebraska City may inspect a plow factory which all neighboring farmers hold to turn out a better article than is brought into the Stato from any other quarter. Besides, in the last report of the chief of the Washington Bureau of Commerce, it is stated that during 1872 the declared value of the mowers, cultivators, etc, exported from the United States was about a million and a half ($1,547,413.) and that of these tools, $273,7U worth were exported to England. Mr. Jones, however, ad vises his friends to "bring with them one article, namely, a chain harrow. He bids them not to be faint hearted if their capital is small, since they can buy railroad lands for a less sum per acre than their annual rent, or annual outlay for fertilizers, at home, and that on ten years' credit, six per cent interest, uothing of the principal payable for four years, and with a deduction of twenty per cent, as a bounty on prompt tillage if they buy in 1873. Prof. J. D. Butlek.


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